Community > Posts By > brenlee1965

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:44 PM

flowerforyou Indeed there is a TRUE GOD in Heaven and MANY false gods upon the Earth both real and unreal.flowerforyou

There can be no false gods and no true gods when all is god.


Tell that to the people in India that worship a God for every single thing there is!

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:42 PM

They all don't just the insecure and crazy ones has something to do with respect.

If a women is secure with herself and her relationship its no big deal in fact the really good ones will join you but there is a trick to it.Don't make it a secret or dirty and you need to insure that she is respected and needs to know that she is the one who is really doing if for you...

Agree! Who girls don't watch them too (or) hello....PlayGirl.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:40 PM

My puppies are four weeks old now and I was asking a friend of mine if they are too young to feed since the momma seems not to want to let them suck as often. She asked me if they had teeth. While I was trying to pet them they tryed to gnaw off the meat off my fingers. So I tried to pet them with the other hand and they tried to gnaw the meat off those fingers, too.laugh

What did you have on your fingers? Ouch! sad

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:38 PM

There has been a lot of talk about about creation in the past few years. Following is what I believe. I believe there is a creation force. As such I believe there are three options to describe this force.

1) Random chance.
This option makes religion not necessary because there will be no judgment since there isn't anything to do the judging.

2) Intelligent design that is all knowing and all powerful.
This option makes religion not necessary because by the definition of all knowing this entity could tell you at the instant of your birth everything that you are going to do. I don't believe this entity would judge a person for doing everything exactly as it wanted it done and knew it would be done.

3) Intelligent design that is not all knowing and all powerful. This option does leave open the possibility of judgment, but judgment still doesn't seem to likely. Judgment from this entity would be equivalent to someone building a car that had flaws and blaming the car. This option seems to be more likely to involve reincarnation than judgment. The person is flawed in some way and as such needs to be fixed and given another chance.

I don't know which of the three options is true and I also believe there are other possibilities that I haven't considered. Right now I believe the most logical choice is number three, but I hope that anyone that sees flaws in my analysis will respond to the post. I am still, and hope to always be, a seeker of the truth.


You forgot that we have Free Will.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:35 PM

what tv shows did you watch in the eighties? MIAMI VICE....MOONIGHTING....WHOS THE BOSS, GROWING PAINS..ETC

brady bunch,alf,six million dollar man,bionic woman.

Loved the Six Million Dollar man....what a hunk! Whatever happened to him?

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:34 PM

Dukes of Hazzard

Loved the Dukes...OK,maybe just Luke! My son loves the shows, I bought him all of the seasons. Course, now he's into muscle cars.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:32 PM

married and they say they no longer have a romantic relationship with their their husband. They are just together because of the kids. And they date people outside of the marriage. How would you explain to them that it is STILL cheating?? urrgh

No one is really still just together for the kids! Yeah, keep the kids in dysfunction as long as possible and see how screwed up they can be!

Everyone's definition of "cheating" is different, unfortunately.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:30 PM

Never settle.

No one should "settle".....why kiss a bunch of frogs to find Mr way!

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:27 PM

The profiles that interest me, the ones that I email, don't email me back and half of the emails I get I don't want. I don't see anything wrong with me! You all say the same things about what you want in a guy, but when I contact you I get no response! Maybe you women should be more specific!!

What are you saying to them. Your Profile is great. Sound like a decent person. Nice pics. Shouldn't be having problems.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:23 PM

No its not a deal breaker but then again i dont usualy meet someone and say

hi how are you oh and by the way how big is your ****
laugh Ive had a couple of gals on here ask me laugh

rofl did you tell em???rofl
flowerforyou I didnt say anything. noway Hell, I dont go around with a ruler measuring itlaugh

Ha ha..I know all men have measured their penis at one point of their

I agree.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:19 PM
Edited by brenlee1965 on Thu 07/10/08 09:20 PM

:tongue:Would lying about one's penis size be a reason to break up with someone?:tongue:

Would you rather have her just LAUGH or say, "I'm so sorry"...noway Miniture dogs are cute....not mini men....heehee!

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:16 PM
Love....what is love, really? :wink:

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:14 PM
You need to work on YOU. You will attract the same type of people if you change nothing about yourself. Change your profile. Maybe it's something about that, that attracts these type of losers. Be smart about what you are intimidated by smart women.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:04 PM

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:59 PM
I am almost always attracted to the "quiet man" very opposite of myself. Unless you have some common goals, ideals and other things that keep you bonded.....the answer is NO. I tried for 13 years.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:55 PM
I think it may be because it's name is changing. But I am new to this. I have that same problem and the same man comes up as my match and he's always there!

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:47 PM
I would love to go to Scotland and England and see the Castles and hear the men talk.......Gotta love Sean Connery.

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 07:37 PM
I'm here.....

brenlee1965's photo
Thu 07/10/08 07:36 PM
No. Why would anyone ever put you in a position to have to do that! What kind of relationship could you have if someone/anyone were asking you to forsake everything that is part of YOU.

brenlee1965's photo
Sun 07/06/08 08:00 PM

most accurate movie ever made on CHRIST

I agree and it was very well done! Can't say I loved it---like I do other movies. I felt the deep saddness and can't imagine that kind of pain!