Community > Posts By > MetalShadow6

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Fri 04/12/13 07:14 AM
I like DVDs with both on it. I like the Dub over all but like to read the sub while listening to the dub at times.

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Fri 04/12/13 07:09 AM

What would they do if someone were to come to school with a tattoo on their face?

not really an issue, my niece is a model, she had tattoos, but no agents ever saw them

there is make up to cover tattoos,,,,

But want would happen when say a teenager goes to school with a tattoo on the face and if it was of something that was controversial? Would the school then require that student to wear make up? I know one officer would like to do something about the students that have “tear drops” tattooed on their face as it means in some gangs as the number of cops they killed.

yes, I think they could require him to cover it up,,
I wonder what the courts will rule on it.

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Thu 04/11/13 07:14 PM
The Big Bang Theory

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Thu 04/11/13 12:48 PM

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Thu 04/11/13 12:45 PM
Last night they showed the ep to where Amy told Sheldon that Leonard is the nucleus of their social group. Sheldon tried to get new friends to be the center and it didn’t work out. I guess Sheldon does not like to be as alone as he claims.

They also showed the ep where Amy and Sheldon were doing an experiment on gossip. Penny cannot keep a secret and told Raj that Amy said she had sex with Sheldon. Raj was like “did they know what they were doing when they were doing it?”

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Thu 04/11/13 12:36 PM
The local farmers have told me this.
White man stop working in the fields and went after better paying jobs.
Black man stop working in the fields cause they don’t want to work their any more.
Latinos want to work in the fields.

I know it sounds races to some but I’ve seen more Latinos in the field.

Now many have just over stayed the Visa and I really don’t blame them for not going back to their country. Amnesty is not the answer and neither is a mass exodus of the illegal. Some say we should secure the boarder but do we really need to put a fence up through the middle of a town that sits on the US & Canadian border? Is require those people to show idea just to cross to go to work or see a family member?

Immigration policy needs to be reform. I remember hearing that on the form they have questions like “Are you a member of the Nazi party?” Would a member of a Nazi party even answer yes to that question?

Now I do think those that are illegally here need to pay a price. They should have a time period to apply for citizen ship, take classes paid out of their pockets, do some community service work and pay a few fees.

Most of them are just here because the American dream is important to them. I think it was a lady from Greece that is working at the famous wax museum that said, “America does not pressure you to live a certain type of life.” For many, only in American can they work hard and live the life they choose for themselves.

And we do want these hard workers come here. We want to keep the smart one to make new stuff to better our lives. We still need people to pick up trash and for many that is the foot in the door. One of the local plants was one of the best to work for. People would go out there and apply for house keeping just so they can have their foot in the door to work their way up.

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Thu 04/11/13 12:20 PM

Hope it goes viral nationwide.

The Texas Senate passed a bill today that would drug test some welfare applicants and cut off drug users from receiving money. It now goes to the House. The bill passed Wednesday temporarily cuts off benefits to drug users, with a permanent ban after three failed drug tests. Money would still go to an applicant's minor children through a third party.

I agree. I don’t want to government to by force take my money in the form of taxes and give it out through welfare to someone that want to smoke weed. If you want to smoke weed, get a job and buy your own with your money.

Although if the government wants to give money out and let people smoke weed with welfare, I wonder if I can get on welfare and use it to buy movies I want, or things I want to collect?

Government is force and forces us to support things that we don’t believe in. Charity would be better because then we can choose to support the charities that line up with what we believe. To often Government only funds the problems and good intention. We the people can fund results by choosing to support those charities that have results.

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Thu 04/11/13 12:12 PM

What would they do if someone were to come to school with a tattoo on their face?

not really an issue, my niece is a model, she had tattoos, but no agents ever saw them

there is make up to cover tattoos,,,,

But want would happen when say a teenager goes to school with a tattoo on the face and if it was of something that was controversial? Would the school then require that student to wear make up? I know one officer would like to do something about the students that have “tear drops” tattooed on their face as it means in some gangs as the number of cops they killed.

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Thu 04/11/13 09:14 AM
There does seem to be a lot of crimes that involve male adults on male children. However it is the right of the accused to request a withdrawal of their no contest plea and a right to go to trail.

Still I don’t know if the defendants are guilty or the victims are lying. I’m sure many remember the Duke Lacrosse where the girl that was the victim lied about what happen, after destroying those boys’ lives.

It is up to the courts to decide. There is a lot of pressure on prosecutors to get convictions on all people that are accused of a sex crime, regardless if the accused did not do it. It is also bad for the accused, even if they are innocent, if the prosecutor is ambitious wanting to win for political points especially if they want to run for public offices in the future. After all, many that is accused and yet innocent would accept a plea deal for fear if they go to court and be found guilt and receive a harsher sentencing. A plea deal is nothing more then a way for a prosecutor to rap up many wins with little effort by scarring people. It really is not about justice.

I remember seeing a news report years ago where it was found out that a police officer was framing a guy with sexual charges and ruin that guy’s life. The accused man became fearful of being around children, even his own grand children, alone for fear someone else would say something.

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Thu 04/11/13 08:51 AM

Copyright law sucks!...It used to be that an author's copyright expired 50 years after his death, but in the UK, they extended it to 70. This means that Orwell's (Blair's) stuff won't be in the public domain until 2020.

I wonder what little corporate bloodsuckers are profiting from his life's work until 2020?...I kinda doubt that his family is.

I heard a rumour that Greece was holding the copyright on Plato's Republic and using it (along with the Parthenon, Acropolis & the rest of Greece) as security against an IMF loan that they defaulted on.

Now that greece is belly up, I'm expecting to find some bargains on ebay. I can't afford the whole country of course, but I figure if nobody else is interested, I should be able to get Mt. Olympus for a song (the shipping costs are ridiculous though) to use as a conversational paperweight in the office. Failing that, I might try for the copyright on Plato's work...His "Republic" would make a great coffee table book...

To increase the value of it, I think I'll have Amazon destroy all the ebook versions.

I wouldn’t say copyright laws completely sucks. If it were not for copyright and patents, we would not have had many if not all the stuff we have today. Copyrights and patents do keep many from steeling your ideas. After all, why should someone profit from your idea that you worked so hard to see come true.

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Thu 04/11/13 08:40 AM
What would they do if someone were to come to school with a tattoo on their face?

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Wed 04/10/13 02:37 PM

Oh, I wonder how did the great Sheldon not learn Chinese correctly? :tongue:

I think Penny is more trust worthy when she was teaching Sheldon how to act the Howard would be in teaching another language.

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Wed 04/10/13 12:26 PM

Oh, I wonder how did the great Sheldon not learn Chinese correctly? :tongue:

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Wed 04/10/13 12:22 PM
Most places of employment we can choose to work at but the government is making it harder for people to start their own business. Take New York, you can’t go buy a car and start your own cab company without a median that cost in the millions of dollars. This is to keep the little guys out and the rich in control, all thanks to government.

Uber is an up and coming company that works like a cab but you use an app on your phone to reserve on and will tell you want the fair is. The Cab companies are trying to keep this service out of many cities going as far a having rules pass like Uber cannot charge no less then $80 regardless how short the drive is. The guy in charge of Uber said he had to hire a lobbyist just to get a meeting with one city’s council.

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Wed 04/10/13 12:14 PM
I read this a while back and made a copy of it. I need to print it out and pass it out.

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Wed 04/10/13 12:13 PM
This is why I still like buying real books instead of virtual books. Also I hate using anything that someone from another place has more control over it then I do. One reason I have never been a fan of the I-phone. I do have a droid, but I don’t trust Google as well. But would not all those people who bought the book have to be refunded their money since Amazon deleted them?

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Wed 04/10/13 12:08 PM

make enough Laws,and everyone will be a Criminal!
And so easy to be "GUIDED"!

exactly, this is what schools were designed to do from the get go, no matter what they tell you otherwise. They were never about any true education, just about obedience training.

Remember Pink Floyd’s song “Another Brick In The Wall” is what our government wants us to be. Another generic, can easy be replace, no individuality. There will be conflict of interest in to how far a school can go to maintain order and students rights, but only with government run schools. Private schools can place restriction on some of the rights sense you have a choice in join that school. The Government run school, you don’t have a choice to fund it and many don’t have a choice but to go.

The truth is that people are like stones, each one different, each one has a place in the wall of this world.

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Wed 04/10/13 11:55 AM
Edited by MetalShadow6 on Wed 04/10/13 11:57 AM
School are indeed primarily are funded by states and cities. Yet the federal has gotten its hand into how the schools are run but send federal dollars. Here is SC a few years back we had a fight. The feds were try to get our state to take so called stimulus to help but with it came a lot of rules on how the money was to be use including starting certain educational programs that in turn the state will have to keep funding and cannot stop it even if the program does not work or federal dollars will be cut off. In the end, some feel the state cannot survive without the federal dollars, especially the programs they want to keep as a way to buy votes.

Department of education is nothing more then a tool use to try and win votes and give the Federal government an excuse to try and meddle in the school system. It is in reality a waste of the taxpayer dollars.

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Wed 04/10/13 09:01 AM

This news really puzzles me...I thought Americans were for the most part more liberal than us Canadians?
There's kids all over my country with mohawks...some have wildly dyed hair, heck some of the white kids even have dreads! laugh
It's not viewed as 'against the norm', but rather as allowing a child to express him/herself. As long as it's not too 'sexy' or discriminatory, let the children have free rein over their need to explore and express themselves. It's part of growing up and learning about yourself as a person.
Heck...just last week, Will Smith's daughter was in the news for shaving her head, and Jada's response was to defend her daughter.


I thought the kid looked beautiful...and again, was confused as to all the hoopla.
Heck...the politicians should focus on the drugs and guns in schools, and leave their hair alone in my opinion.

americans are liberal, we just dont consider our schools places for political or fashion statements

we have dress codes, like any job environment would, to prepare children for competing in life,,,,,

along with codes for attire , can come regulations about accessories and hairstyles,,,,if it was anyplace but SCHOOL, I would see why people are making such a hoopla about there being such regulations,,,

its life, we really CANT just do and say whatever we want on other peoples dimes,,,,learning some modicum of self discipline is not a bad thing at an earlier age,,,,
yep,and sure helps the State to make Sheep out of them later!laugh

the state must not be the only one who wants sheep , ie , people to step in line with their beliefs and desires,,,

unlike sheep, people have the freedom of movement and action to agree and disagree,, and with the numbers we have,, im sure large FLOCKS of people will consentually and logically just WANT the same things in life, and may want to share the sae type of environment, or culture, or values,,,etc,,,,
The problem is that most people do become sheep for a belief system they want to fallow. It is easier to let someone do all the hard work and all you have to do is fallow and is lead. We have seen that with both Westboro Baptist Church as well as some Wall Street protesters.

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Wed 04/10/13 08:53 AM
Is that fire on your hair?

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