Community > Posts By > ndragon

ndragon's photo
Sat 09/27/08 07:17 AM
My son has had a stomach virus for about a week now and isn't getting over it very quickly. The Doc wants him on a BRAT diet, but he will only do the banana's and nothing else. He really hasn't ate a decent meal in about a week. They said just let it run it's course, but being a single mom with no money coming in isn't helping the situation. I want him better so he's back to my happy little guy. Any secret ideas that I might now have tried.

ndragon's photo
Fri 08/29/08 05:40 PM
hey I actually LIKE to watch football

same here! Football rocks

ndragon's photo
Fri 08/15/08 06:59 PM
don't have any close friends...only family

ndragon's photo
Fri 08/15/08 06:37 PM
i could video tape my familys lives and make my own soap operarofl rofl

ndragon's photo
Fri 08/15/08 06:32 PM

rofl rofl rofl I just got a call from my x-husband's new girlfriend/soon to be wife... she wants my address so they can come talk to me, she has questions regarding our divorce and wants to know my opinion of my x-husband....

All i could do is laugh, (I'm the one that got the divorce) so i told her 1. she's not getting my address 2. there's too many reasons why I got the divorce 3. she's on her own (she's physco) (they are a perfect match) and politely hung up on her...

She keeps calling back

rofl rofl rofl rofl

Just thought i would share the laughter rofl rofl rofl rofl

Crazy b*tches...

Ok I can top that one. My x-hubby is in jail. His wife keep calling me about her 14 yr old BF (even though she says there's nothing going on)and the x-hubbys girlfriend keep calling so I can tell her what he says in letters to me. Even though I don't tell her anything. Nothing in the letters has to do with her. laugh top that rofl

ndragon's photo
Wed 08/13/08 05:31 PM
Any book that involves dragons :) when i get the time.

ndragon's photo
Wed 08/13/08 05:18 PM
Have a very wonderful B-day.

ndragon's photo
Wed 08/13/08 05:14 PM go super model :)

ndragon's photo
Wed 08/13/08 05:12 PM

:smile: What would you think about your significant other doing hard drugs?... but only once in a while? :smile:

In that case, she would not be my significant other....!

agree with this one

ndragon's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:16 PM
I was shocked when told this. I know he's only
2 1/2, but so is my son. Needless tosay that boy can't come over and play anymore. Not here..No where near my son.

The kid also kept telling the babysitter " I put doggy in cooler. Now he's dead." so he totally gets what happened.

ndragon's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:09 PM
At what age do you think kids learn to be nice to other people/animals? Recently a 2 1/2 yr old near my house put a little dog in a cooler and didn't let it out...Suffice to say...not a good ending for the dogs owners. He hits animals with stuff. He's kicked a 1 yr old girl in the stomach for no reason. My son is nothing like this so I have no advice for the lady babysitting this little boy. About all I could say is I wouldn't let him in my house for fear of him hurting the 1 yr old.

ndragon's photo
Tue 08/12/08 04:46 PM
my past is what made who i am. Family influenced most of who I am.

Question # 2 is a little harder. I didn't lie on purpose. I have said that I was ready to be dating again. Now...not so sure. It's kind of a lie.

ndragon's photo
Tue 08/12/08 03:58 PM
It only cost me like $70 to get divorced here. :) lol

ndragon's photo
Tue 08/12/08 03:55 PM
hello and welcome.

ndragon's photo
Tue 08/12/08 03:52 PM
I'm doing good.

ndragon's photo
Tue 08/12/08 03:50 PM
A number cruncher with weekends off, but benefits

ndragon's photo
Tue 08/12/08 03:43 PM
how is everyone tonight?

ndragon's photo
Sun 08/10/08 04:13 PM

No I look at what they have to say on their profile

same here, but I also go with gut feelings sometimes.

ndragon's photo
Sun 08/10/08 04:11 PM
Mine is Yammis....i have no clue why and they have no clue why either. :) It's kinda sad really

ndragon's photo
Sun 08/10/08 04:02 PM
afternoon all. Hope everyones weekend went good.

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