Topic: Recent GOP poll - EGADS!
MiddleEarthling's photo
Wed 03/24/10 10:39 AM
With the shrinkage of the GOP base we're seeing what's left and what they believe. These are beliefs of the most delusional people in America exposed in these polls.


Scary new GOP poll

"The poll, which surveyed 2,230 people right at the height of the health-care reform debate, also clearly shows that education is a barrier to extremism. Respondents without a college education are vastly more likely to believe such claims, while Americans with college degrees or better are less easily duped."


NEW YORK – On the heels of health care, a new Harris poll reveals Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist."

To anyone who thinks the end of the health-care vote means a return to civility, wake up.

Obama Derangement Syndrome—pathological hatred of the president posing as patriotism—has infected the Republican Party. Here's new data to prove it:

67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.

The belief that Obama is a “domestic enemy” is widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come.

57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim 45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president" 38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did" Scariest of all, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist." These numbers all come from a brand-new Harris poll, inspired in part by my new book Wingnuts. It demonstrates the cost of the campaign of fear and hate that has been pumped up in the service of hyper-partisanship over the past 15 months. We are playing with dynamite by demonizing our president and dividing the United States in the process. What might be good for ratings is bad for the country.

The full results of the poll, which will be released in greater detail tomorrow, are even more frightening: including news that high percentages of Republicans—and Americans overall—believe that President Obama is "racist," "anti-American" "wants the terrorists to win" and "wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government." The "Hatriot" belief that Obama is a "domestic enemy" as set forth in the Constitution is also widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come. It's the same claim made by Marine Lance Corporal Kody Brittingham in his letter of intent to assassinate the President Obama.

This poll is the latest and most detailed evidence of the extent to which Wingnuts are hijacking our politics. It should be a wakeup call to all Americans and a collective reminder, as we move past health-care reform, that we need to stand up to extremism."

cashu's photo
Wed 03/24/10 04:26 PM
Edited by cashu on Wed 03/24/10 04:30 PM

With the shrinkage of the GOP base we're seeing what's left and what they believe. These are beliefs of the most delusional people in America exposed in these polls.


Scary new GOP poll

"The poll, which surveyed 2,230 people right at the height of the health-care reform debate, also clearly shows that education is a barrier to extremism. Respondents without a college education are vastly more likely to believe such claims, while Americans with college degrees or better are less easily duped."


NEW YORK – On the heels of health care, a new Harris poll reveals Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist."

To anyone who thinks the end of the health-care vote means a return to civility, wake up.

Obama Derangement Syndrome—pathological hatred of the president posing as patriotism—has infected the Republican Party. Here's new data to prove it:

67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.

The belief that Obama is a “domestic enemy” is widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come.

57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim 45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president" 38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did" Scariest of all, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist." These numbers all come from a brand-new Harris poll, inspired in part by my new book Wingnuts. It demonstrates the cost of the campaign of fear and hate that has been pumped up in the service of hyper-partisanship over the past 15 months. We are playing with dynamite by demonizing our president and dividing the United States in the process. What might be good for ratings is bad for the country.

The full results of the poll, which will be released in greater detail tomorrow, are even more frightening: including news that high percentages of Republicans—and Americans overall—believe that President Obama is "racist," "anti-American" "wants the terrorists to win" and "wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government." The "Hatriot" belief that Obama is a "domestic enemy" as set forth in the Constitution is also widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come. It's the same claim made by Marine Lance Corporal Kody Brittingham in his letter of intent to assassinate the President Obama.

This poll is the latest and most detailed evidence of the extent to which Wingnuts are hijacking our politics. It should be a wakeup call to all Americans and a collective reminder, as we move past health-care reform, that we need to stand up to extremism."

Sence we don't let them have anything anyway , lets not let them vote anymore . They don't have the compacity to think the proper way like us .Their a bunch of beer drinking bums not like us smart people do .
Everybody knows how smart liberals are I mean don't we marriey our sisters .
The shrinkage we have at least is all in our pants . God loves this place thats why we liberals are here, to make it perfect .

Lpdon's photo
Wed 03/24/10 06:36 PM
He is a socialist.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 03/25/10 07:32 AM

He is a socialist.

Yeah right,'s so bizzare that the people who support the GOP and the T-baggers are acting on behalf of corporate interests over the needs of the people...uh...gee...that's Corporate's the "socialist" in real think here?

Additionally the GOP gave tax breaks to the uber-rich..(their bosses)'t THAT redistributing the wealth? (to the rich?) That's your socialism at work but when Obama repeals the tax breaks for the rich (to level the playing field) then it must be the "bad socialism"

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 07:37 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 03/25/10 07:38 AM

With the shrinkage of the GOP base we're seeing what's left and what they believe. These are beliefs of the most delusional people in America exposed in these polls.


Scary new GOP poll

"The poll, which surveyed 2,230 people right at the height of the health-care reform debate, also clearly shows that education is a barrier to extremism. Respondents without a college education are vastly more likely to believe such claims, while Americans with college degrees or better are less easily duped."


NEW YORK – On the heels of health care, a new Harris poll reveals Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist."

To anyone who thinks the end of the health-care vote means a return to civility, wake up.

Obama Derangement Syndrome—pathological hatred of the president posing as patriotism—has infected the Republican Party. Here's new data to prove it:

67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.

The belief that Obama is a “domestic enemy” is widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come.

57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim 45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president" 38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did" Scariest of all, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist." These numbers all come from a brand-new Harris poll, inspired in part by my new book Wingnuts. It demonstrates the cost of the campaign of fear and hate that has been pumped up in the service of hyper-partisanship over the past 15 months. We are playing with dynamite by demonizing our president and dividing the United States in the process. What might be good for ratings is bad for the country.

The full results of the poll, which will be released in greater detail tomorrow, are even more frightening: including news that high percentages of Republicans—and Americans overall—believe that President Obama is "racist," "anti-American" "wants the terrorists to win" and "wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government." The "Hatriot" belief that Obama is a "domestic enemy" as set forth in the Constitution is also widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come. It's the same claim made by Marine Lance Corporal Kody Brittingham in his letter of intent to assassinate the President Obama.

This poll is the latest and most detailed evidence of the extent to which Wingnuts are hijacking our politics. It should be a wakeup call to all Americans and a collective reminder, as we move past health-care reform, that we need to stand up to extremism."

i have always thought that, like cursing, when fear is used in a campaign it is certainly because there arent many VALID points to be made. I have never responded to the fear technique personally, and those numbers actually reflect that the MAJORITY of americans dont either(except when leaders use it in support of war). A very interesting poll though.

Winx's photo
Thu 03/25/10 07:44 AM

He is a socialist.

That's spewing propaganda.

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 07:46 AM
what is so bad about socialists? or muslims? that these beliefs(however false) carry such negativity?

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 03/25/10 02:09 PM

what is so bad about socialists? or muslims? that these beliefs(however false) carry such negativity?

Ludwig Von Mises explained what is wrong with socialism in his book "Socialism". Among the many problems with Socialism are
1) misallocation of resources
2) Calculation for production is made impossible
3) unclear property rights inevitably lead to conflict and violence
4) unsound monetary theory causes hyperinflation, currency collapse, and mass poverty

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 06:39 PM

what is so bad about socialists? or muslims? that these beliefs(however false) carry such negativity?

Ludwig Von Mises explained what is wrong with socialism in his book "Socialism". Among the many problems with Socialism are
1) misallocation of resources
2) Calculation for production is made impossible
3) unclear property rights inevitably lead to conflict and violence
4) unsound monetary theory causes hyperinflation, currency collapse, and mass poverty

and how is this different than what we have? does capitalism definitively AVOID those same issues?