chriswantstocuddle's photo
Sun 08/10/08 06:03 AM

what was the reason her mother gave?

her mother didnt give a reason... just tried to get her to go out with other guys and then just flat out said that she couldnt see me anymore...

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Sun 08/10/08 06:01 AM

how old are you

im 21
she turns 19 this year i turn 22

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Sun 08/10/08 06:00 AM

well heres the problem..... me and my girl had been going out for maybe a week and a half and we really liked each other and we communicate well and everything is good then her mom tells her she can't date me anymore..... what do i do... i really like her and she has stolen my heart..... any advice would be good.
thanks in advance

Did they run a background check on you and found you were kin to Jack the Ripper or that you are a neo-nazi and they are Jewish or WHAT ????? noway

hahaha nope they are christian-ish and im agnostic but i dont think its a religious thing.
and no i dont have a criminal record.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Sun 08/10/08 05:59 AM
she is 18 and really sweet

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Sun 08/10/08 05:56 AM
well heres the problem..... me and my girl had been going out for maybe a week and a half and we really liked each other and we communicate well and everything is good then her mom tells her she can't date me anymore..... what do i do... i really like her and she has stolen my heart..... any advice would be good.
thanks in advance

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/28/08 07:46 PM
most of the time i wont give a second chance but in certain circumstances(like if neither of us wanted to break up but we were forced apart) then ill give a second chance.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/14/08 10:03 AM
thank you for the knowledge i think it will help me

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:50 AM

Ok I have a question and this is not to dog on the men this is what is happening to me. Maybe you men can help me try to figure out what is going on??
I am dating this guy who seems to be very nice BUT we make plans and few hours later he might call me and say something came up. Now he does reschedule every time but this has happened 3 times in the last week. So tell me what you are thinking about this!!
He does work a full time job and then he also has a part time job. Plus he spends time with his son...I know he is busy BUT isn't it kind of strange to make plans at 4 and then call at 7 and say something has came up?

i think it may be a kid issue you just need to give him some leeway its most likely just that he is busy but you should ask him anyway

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:47 AM

combat lonelyness?

start playing Dungeons&Dragons it helps

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:44 AM
ok let me level with you man your happy with your new girl right?
and your ex is making it hard again right?
then you need to stick with your new girl.
not for any stupid reason like its not right to leave someone for someone else but because things already fell apart with your ex and in my experience(which has been strange) once a relationship falls apart you need to move on because i have never seen it truely work out afterwards.
best regards to you. and good luck

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:36 AM
no once the trust in a relationship is gone the relationship needs to end. period. end of story.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:29 AM

cuddle after sex?

i love to just look at my name:wink:

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Thu 07/03/08 04:05 PM

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:11 PM

why is it that someone can say they want to meet you but when you say you are going to they come up with an excuse not to???

im not sure but it happens to me a lot.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:07 PM

Dumb? I mean if you know you won't get them...then why bother trying?indifferent huh

ill second this

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:06 PM

:smile: Who do you think is the most responsible in an affair? :smile:

:smile: The cheating partner or the person they are cheating with?:smile:

i cant really fault the person they are cheating with because most of the time they have no clue that the person is married.
but the partner is obviously having some issues with their morality.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:04 PM
they go after those that dont want them for a verry simple reason . the girls may not want them but they want the girls.
personally when i find out a girl is not interested then i stop trying and move on and if i find out later that they were just testing me to see how easy i give up then i get annoyed and stop talking to them. i dont think its right to test people like that.
but both genders do the same thing so i think the same reason applies to both.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:00 PM
well good luck i dont think that there are many good nonjudgemental guys in the world

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Thu 07/03/08 02:57 PM
i only think about them when they call me for the 30th time in a day..... other than that not really except for this one and only because im curious as to how her life turned out after she moved.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Thu 07/03/08 02:53 PM

You should try it out Mirror. Find a wide range of different women, go up, do your business and tell us how many times you get slapped:wink: :tongue:

hahaha i like that idealaugh laugh laugh

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