chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:59 PM

flowerforyou E.T., YOU need to be the person that sets the "terms".:smile: Not the guy.:smile: The woman is the one that is supposed to be the one who sets the terms of meeting someone.:smile:Letting the guy do it is only setting yourself up for some bull****.:smile:

Yeah totally this is very empowering...

Theres something totally wrongwith someone who wants to rush things.. I said,, "ON A MONDAY?"

he said he was busy all week.

The only reason I agreed was cos it is just coffee... but hmm

It pisses me off he was not going my way in quite a way..

I do like a man who is charge though..

But just the fact that the *** kissing quota wasnt as high as I prefer..

Im with you on this.

hugs for you

im hopeing you find a good guy

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:57 PM

I think you only should meet someone when you both feel its the right time to do so, not because just they think it is. I wouldnt let anyone talk me around like that.

He doesnt wanna waste time talking to you on the phone? well thats nice. Maybe he wont wanna waste time talking to you over coffee unless you are going to sleep with him too.

Too many red flags. Cancel.

I KNOW I KNOWWWW!! Ive totally gone through a "IM GONNA CANCEL"

Ill keep that in mind.

I said "did ya read my profile?"

And he said yeah, and I said " I dont DO casual sex".

Yup, hmmmmmm...

i like your profile and i still think that even if he said that i dont know if he meant it... many guys lie.... its a sad fact but i dont want to see you get hurt because of this guy pulling something.
still going with the cancel option

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:53 PM

I think you only should meet someone when you both feel its the right time to do so, not because just they think it is. I wouldnt let anyone talk me around like that.

He doesnt wanna waste time talking to you on the phone? well thats nice. Maybe he wont wanna waste time talking to you over coffee unless you are going to sleep with him too.

Too many red flags. Cancel.

ah its nice to see that someone else has my brain pattern

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:50 PM

If you don't feel right about seein him then don't go. Go with your gut.

ill second this

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:50 PM

Its funny, this is all over a cuppa.. But really, as a woman, I gotta be cautious.

yea you really do need to be carefull dear.

best wishes

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:49 PM

This is NOT good for a person who suffers from anxiety. lol

awww welcome to the club hun really its hard to get past the anxiety while worrying about stuff like this. i just got out of depression a few months ago.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:47 PM

what happened to all the positive energy that was here a few ago laugh

lol i showed up and positive energy dissapears.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:45 PM

Yeah, heres another thing..

Im not going to bring up marraige or some crap.. why would he even MENTION the whole "stay at my house if we hit it off" thing?


he is sounding more desperate by the minuite.... id say stay away from guys like that.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:43 PM

:smile: He may not want you to see the name on the caller ID because it may be a wife/GF phone:smile:

Well I saw his work number.
flowerforyou So what? flowerforyou He wont give you his home phone number.:smile: Something is up with that. :smile:


chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:42 PM

So heres the situation.

I meet a guy online. I speak to him a little in emails. Over a days period.

He says, "lets get together". Im like "well, Id prefer to get to know you by speaking a bit on the phone first".

He calls.

We talk.. he says.. he really wants to get together and talk,.. says he doesnt like to waste time getting to know someone that way, in his experience, he has hit it off many times on the phone, and they end up not a match after meeeting in person, SOOOOO, he prefers to meet in person. (Im thinking, wouldnt he like more of a chance for me to judge him for who he is on the phone?

He says he just really wants to meet me.

Im thinking, "hm.. he doesnt seem to eager to please me ad make ME feel confortable."

WELLLLL... I think to myself.. ok, I would probably have coffee with someone I didnt know too well,... and.. ya gotta get to know people somehow sometime.. what if hes greattt...

so anyway.. i decide, ok.. " so I agree to meet him for coffee in a public place... but I AM SOOO NERVOUS!.

I am nervous because he is someone I dont know much at all.

ARGH! Im about to cancel this freaks me out.. What do you think?

honestly i think you should cancel it doesnt sound like a good situation.

Why not Chris? :smile:

well from my experience people who are that eager to meet generally dont have good things planned or are really unsure of themselves which leads to bad situations.... ive seen guys do that a lot and it has always turned out bad and ive had a few girls do that to me and...well they were kinda crazy (being introduced as their kids new father in 5 min of meeting them gives me that impression)

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:40 PM
*admits to being the one home crying*

its a hard thing but its life

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 07/13/09 01:38 PM

So heres the situation.

I meet a guy online. I speak to him a little in emails. Over a days period.

He says, "lets get together". Im like "well, Id prefer to get to know you by speaking a bit on the phone first".

He calls.

We talk.. he says.. he really wants to get together and talk,.. says he doesnt like to waste time getting to know someone that way, in his experience, he has hit it off many times on the phone, and they end up not a match after meeeting in person, SOOOOO, he prefers to meet in person. (Im thinking, wouldnt he like more of a chance for me to judge him for who he is on the phone?

He says he just really wants to meet me.

Im thinking, "hm.. he doesnt seem to eager to please me ad make ME feel confortable."

WELLLLL... I think to myself.. ok, I would probably have coffee with someone I didnt know too well,... and.. ya gotta get to know people somehow sometime.. what if hes greattt...

so anyway.. i decide, ok.. " so I agree to meet him for coffee in a public place... but I AM SOOO NERVOUS!.

I am nervous because he is someone I dont know much at all.

ARGH! Im about to cancel this freaks me out.. What do you think?

honestly i think you should cancel it doesnt sound like a good situation.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:11 PM

Maybe they thought you were a hot flat chic!!

ummm sure i guess

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:05 PM
lol no im not thinking of getting them enlarged i think my ex prolly put me on the list but seriously dont they look and see im a guy?

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:59 PM
ok ok now wtf i keep getting emails to get MY boobs enlarged!

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:28 AM
they dont believe that you dont drink man.
i find that when you tell the truth noone tends to believe you if its good.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Fri 06/26/09 03:50 PM
new blurb its all i got to say

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 06/23/09 12:04 PM

Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!scared shocked scared

i second it hun he needs to run for the hills

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 06/23/09 11:55 AM

well seach for a slave on the black market then i hear they arnt expensive lol

other than that goooood luck

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 06/22/09 12:13 AM
i try to but the heart always wins

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