chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:16 PM

No No, it was 1+U, remember, then they changed it to Mingle2.

lol i thought it was justsayhi before converting to mingle2

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:15 PM

I think i forgot to 'carry the "1"'

that is a simple mistake to make but did you try rounding the j before or after the h?

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:14 PM

I prefer me + you = us

lol what we get up to after we are an us is nunya business :laughing:

yes that is the simplification of my theory but it doesnt always work that way especially when it becomes
other+you + me = problem

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:11 PM

Hmm.. and here I thought my equation was so much easier..

I + U = 69


is that an offer?

i do like that equation but mine is more reliable

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:10 PM

its quite simple to understand them men all you have to do is.... now listen closely to me guys...
all you have to do is.....
ask them a question and LISTEN to the answer its not that complicated.
now if you want to trick a girl into bed wth you just use this formula and you can do it easily you just have to

172x - 4672j - 87874cb x ed78 - jjse2390 = what you want
good luck guys
You seemed to have forgotten the extrapolynomialmanjensen factor.

oahfrustrated your right here we go then
172x - 4672j - 87874cb x ed78 + hhevsuy895hk55 + jjse2390 = what you want

there we go all fixed

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:07 PM

Ladies henparty NOW...we now have to revise our strategy rofl

hahaha i have an equation for all stratagies muahahahadevil

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:06 PM

why not just tazer them?smokin

good point that works so much betterfrustrated laugh

ill stick to actually getting a relationship going

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:04 PM

wow you figured us all out and at such a young age!!! Kudos to youdrinker

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
i wish it was as simple as i said lol
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:01 PM
its quite simple to understand them men all you have to do is.... now listen closely to me guys...
all you have to do is.....
ask them a question and LISTEN to the answer its not that complicated.
now if you want to trick a girl into bed wth you just use this formula and you can do it easily you just have to

172x - 4672j - 87874cb x ed78 - jjse2390 = what you want
good luck guys

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Fri 08/15/08 12:57 AM
the moment you think about someone else in a romantic way

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 08/12/08 02:14 PM

:smile: Have you ever forgiven someone for cheating on you and took them back?:smile: Did they do it again, or was everything 'okay'?:smile:

yes i did and yes she did... thats why i dont forgive people for that crud anymore

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 08/11/08 10:45 AM

UUMMMM that's sarcasm..women are also very good at that. She is saying that you are obsessive this is what drove this girl away- because most teenage girls rebel against what even their parents demand and would usually do the exact opposite of those demands.

Remember what Yoda said:

Insecurity leads to obssession..Obssesson leads to wierdness...wierdness lead to prison or the funny farm.

yoda is a wise man

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 08/11/08 07:49 AM

Have some fun!!! You are to young to be caught up on one girl. Dont be dumb. You don't look like the hunch back of Norterdame or Keith Richards Hell you got a shot with all kinds of ladies.

lol you have no idea how hard it is for me to even get a single date out of someone i have only found 2 people and one of them s nuts and the other i cant have lol
thanks for the vote of confidence tho

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 08/11/08 07:05 AM

Man,just fly out to Vages and go to the bunny ranch. Get a two fer special.You will not even think of this little girl again...ever ever ever. She wants a bad boy well buying sex and drinking to much is a start. Get yourself a tatoo while your at it. Hey grab her moms A$$ the next time you see that old bat.When she speaks to you by name tell her she has to call you her daddy from now on. Bad boy what a ding bat.

lol she doesnt want me to be a bad boy just her mom wants me to be one so its confusing the heck out of me. now the tatoo thing im going to have done when i can anyway but those other things are not going to fly i dont think.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 08/11/08 07:03 AM

:heart: Do you think you could leave everyone and every place you've ever known for the sake of keeping your relationship together?:heart:

yes i could and i did it once before i could do it again but i would be more cautious this time around it hurt me pretty bad last time.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 08/11/08 07:01 AM

Honestly, it sounds like she is just using her mom as an excuse. She is 18 and actually an adult...just because she lives with her mom doesn't mean her mom controls her every move. Is she still in High School or something? If she really do need to move on.
Honestly, my son dated someone that was that much let me save you a lot of grief~~~when you are this young and you start dating someone that much younger and the parents don't like you right off, you have lots of problems. Your best bet is to move on BEFORE you fall IN love with her!!!
Good luck flowerforyou

thanks for the advice but it really is her mom not letting her date me. i caled and apparently im "safe and boring" but i always thought thats what parents wanted fr their kids... safe... oah well

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 08/11/08 06:56 AM

Take out the Mom
Show her a few good times
Then plead and say:
"If I'm this good to you just imagine how good I'd be for your daughter" pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

thats..... kinda disturbing but worth a laugh

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Mon 08/11/08 06:55 AM

:heart: If she's really close to her mom and lives at home, then YOU need to aplease her mom as well as her.
So try and find out why her mom doesn't like you by talking to her mother about it.
Be humble and polite and ALLOW her to know you and trust that YOUR a good man and will treat her daughter with respect and love...and if YOU can't get this done,,then you suffer the actions of turning mother and daughter against each other,,even for awhile. And YOU don't want to do that if possible.
BUT,,some MOM'S have a VERY hard time letting go of their babies,wink,,walk soft my friend..GOOD LUCK..drinker

This guy knows!

Ive been there dude, had this same thing happen . . . its ok to try to get to know the mom. One way or the other it will become clear. Thats not to say it wont cause drama, but if you do it right and it still causes drama . . . that tells you as much as a direct answer.

that sounds like a good idea guys but she asked me not to talk to her mom... i have a rather bad temper when im being treated badly.... so whats the best way to approach her mom without causing problems and do you have any advice on how to controle my temper?

write a letter. If it never gets read then thats your answer. There are soo many people that cant be reached. But if you never try you never know.

Lily is probably right, its best to steel your emotions against that probability, easier said then done, but if you accept that then it makes it easier.

If she doesnt want you to talk to her mom then that kinda reinforces lily's argument.

If it where me, id write the letter, and write her off (emotionally) before I even sent it.

He's 21, and has a "bad temper" when he doesn't get his way.... That's either a childish man, or a spousal abuser...either one, she's better off without him.


sorry, for my caps being on...:wink:
PLEASE, don't get UP-SET at me......:wink: indifferent

i went against her wishes last night and called her mom and her mom said that she didnt want her daughter makeing the same mistake as her and being with some one who was "safe and boring" it confused the hell out of me. what am i supposed to do drive up on a motorcycle without a helmet or something?
oah and my bad temper is that when i get yelled at i tend to leave and fume about it for a good amount of time and i dont forget who hurts me i consider it bad but i never hit people when im angry i just tend to go outside and chop oranges with swords. well im open for sugestions on how not to be boring and safe. any ideas?

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:15 PM

:heart: If she's really close to her mom and lives at home, then YOU need to aplease her mom as well as her.
So try and find out why her mom doesn't like you by talking to her mother about it.
Be humble and polite and ALLOW her to know you and trust that YOUR a good man and will treat her daughter with respect and love...and if YOU can't get this done,,then you suffer the actions of turning mother and daughter against each other,,even for awhile. And YOU don't want to do that if possible.
BUT,,some MOM'S have a VERY hard time letting go of their babies,wink,,walk soft my friend..GOOD LUCK..drinker

This guy knows!

Ive been there dude, had this same thing happen . . . its ok to try to get to know the mom. One way or the other it will become clear. Thats not to say it wont cause drama, but if you do it right and it still causes drama . . . that tells you as much as a direct answer.

that sounds like a good idea guys but she asked me not to talk to her mom... i have a rather bad temper when im being treated badly.... so whats the best way to approach her mom without causing problems and do you have any advice on how to controle my temper?

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Sun 08/10/08 04:34 PM

all in all "happiness is seein yur future mother n law on the back of a milk carton."!!!laugh laugh laugh

Haaaaawk!!!!!!! Behave you :wink: laugh flowerforyou

Chris ... Just a hunch... which may be way off... but it sounds as though this girl has been pretty sheltered. Is it possible that her mom is fearful about your chosen profession...and the potential danger of it ... and is just wanting to protect her?

you seem to have hit the perverbial nail on the head here maybe ill go with my secondary choice of jobs then i may be able to make everyone happy.... yea that may work so insurence sales here i come.

You have to make YOU happy...this is your life to live ...

selling insurence will make me happy as well.

It sounds like you're not really asking for advice at all, but looking for reassurance that you sticking to your guns and pursuing a relationship with this young girl, is the right thing to do.

p.s. If you're going to try to sell insurance, you should probably spell the word correctly.

lol yea should probably spell better but ill work on that later.
maybe i am just looking for reassurance that sticking this out will work but is that a bad thing?

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