Community > Posts By > Rathil_Thads

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 10:34 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Wed 06/18/08 10:38 AM

Why must a Pagan be a devil worshiper? :angry: huh

beat's the "HELL" out of me - haaha

LOL! Tribo with the bad puns!! How's it going buddy?drinker drinker

they erased my kingdom hahahasad

karma will be FURY-ious he has lost his grnddragon standing'slaugh

I know I saw that... :-( I was in middle of posting in there when they did. They also deleted a post in here I made that I guess was a little mean. I will have to try to rewrite it to be more politically correct I guess.. grumble grumble

Oh nvm. I guess they took out the post I was responding to as well. *Sighs*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 10:18 AM

Why must a Pagan be a devil worshiper? :angry: huh

beat's the "HELL" out of me - haaha

LOL! Tribo with the bad puns!! How's it going buddy?drinker drinker

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 09:38 AM

Pagan's don't prostelitize, we don't want you if you aren't ready... We don't want the mindless sheep, we want the well informed who have learned about all the other religions and seen their hypocracy... Not saying all Christians are that way, but I am so weary of the ones who are..

Live simply so that you may simply live.

I truthfully just find that it is a matter of different paths to the same place. No one is better and none are worse it's just what works for you.

I agree and I am glad that there are other people on here that understand that. Although I believe you said you follow a pagan belief system so that makes sense. I like that phrase though. "Live simply so that you may simply live" That is good advice. And so simple... drinker drinker

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 09:15 AM

Isn't it sad when "being right" outweighs the truth of the matter....noway noway noway

My favorite responses to "Christians"

"It's your hell you burn in it"

"Have you found Jesus?"
"Why do you keep loosing your messiah? It wasn't my turn to watch him."

I agree Lily, you are so right!

Yeah, I have used the "It's your hell you burn in it" before but I really like that other one. I may steal that from you. :-D

Although you are right. There are so many people out there that just NEED to convince other people that their religion is the right one that they lose sight of what really matters. I mean it doesn't bother me what people choose to believe in and I never try to convert. It's their path to find for themselves. I just like asking questions to understand the other people and why they think that way. Then they get mad at me for trying to convert them to my way of thinking. grumble grumble

I don't understand it...

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:51 AM

Do you realize how many millions GLBT spent fighting the Oregon Constitutional amendment? I can find the figure if you want?
Now multiply that times at least 50 for every state in the Nation.
And your worrying about what the Christian right spends in one state.
What a hypocritical bunch of propaganda that is!

$2.8 million, in Oregon in 2004 alone!

Think about it this way, If the states would stop making amendments trying to hamper the GLBT and just let them live their lives how they want too without all the hassle they wouldn't have to spend that amount of money trying to fight the amendments.

And also I don't really care how much money the Christians spend on displaying billboards. I will continue to ignore them just like I ignore every other billboard I pass. It's their money to do with as they please and if they want to waste it on trying to convert people that is their perogative.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/17/08 08:29 PM

WOW! Interesting...

It's always been my stand to not get into interdenominational squabbles. I never want to diminish someone else's faith as we are at all levels.

God has told me to pray for unity in the body...that's ALL those who consider themselves Christians. We should not be second guessing other people's faults, shortcomings, or denominations. We really need to come into agreement with God & His word. These other things are moot.

Fighting over what Catholics believe (as ex...since the poster brought it up) does not build up or edify the body.

I suggest we pray to God to unify us all. Every time I come into some human realtional problem I take it to God & He tells me what to pray for. God's word says not to dwell on things that seperate but to pray in the spirit for unity.

Just sayin....

Now that is interesting. Hypocrisy at it's finest I guess...

"I never want to diminish someone else's faith"

"We should not be second guessing other people's faults, shortcomings, or denominations."

"God's word says not to dwell on things that seperate but to pray in the spirit for unity."

All these things saying that you accept people and you wouldn't want to diminish someone elses faith yet all I see on here is you condemn and criticize anyone that is not a Christian. Calling the majority of them devil worshippers because they don't think like you do.

Interesting indeed.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/17/08 03:23 PM

drinker flowerforyou drinker <<< ElJay >>> drinker flowerforyou drinker

Rapunzal once again lives up to the religious rumor that women should be seen and not heard as she meekly hides in the background ...the dark ages are over so speak up woman

oh and by the way....

dark ages??? huh noway laugh

speak entirely for yourself.... drinker

and only for yourself...huh

I am in the Bright Light of the Lord Jesus Christ drinker

& will dwell there forever and ever for eternity flowerforyou

geez "Rapunzel" I know I was trying to get you to talk ..but is there an off switch?

hahahaha...laugh laugh laugh laugh

no, there is not bigsmile you have one??? drinker

or in that case...does anyone here have an off switch laugh

My off switch is excessive amounts of Rum. That's about the only time I am quiet for hours... drinker drinker

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/17/08 11:10 AM
STORYTELLER NOTE: Okay guys, as you may have noticed it has been very slow lately. I have Storytellers that are MIA as well as players I have not heard from in awhile. I only have a couple that are even interested in running adventures. So Mandy and I have talked it over and we decided we are closing down the adventure section of this game. Please feel free to continue to play in the Inn and Mandy and I will come around and run minor events in the Inn that can lead to xp and items to keep people happy and give everyone a chance to play instead of just a few. I apologize for any inconvinience this may have but sadly I am just working with what I have.

As of now consider the lockdown on the city lifted. There is still a threat of orcs but they seem to be moving in a different direction towards bigger towns than Sinatorium.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/17/08 08:08 AM

That is a pretty general description of pagan. I had heard from somewhere that paganism was an actual religion. If this is so I expected more of a structured belief system. I don't expect a pagan to follow the teachings of Jesus, because that would make them more of a Christian. From what you describe it is just a term to tag on anyone who is not heavily into one of the other major religions.

My understanding of Wiccans is that they worship the earth and the earth mother or goddess, the sun, the moon, the stars, and they practice their version of magick etc. I have friends who loosely consider themselves wiccans or "witches."

I practice my "magick" through the creative techniques but they are not associated with the worship of a god or goddess.


Right, Like I said. Pagan is a VERY broad term. It covers an entire set of beliefs and is not a structured religion at all. You could get 100 pagans in a room and they will each believe a different thing and perhaps even worship different Gods. Kind of why I said it is a religious Agnosticism really. They pick and choose what they believe and what makes sense to them and it could come from any religion or multiple religions. (By the way. Not all pagans believe or follow Jesus. I have just known some that like what he was preaching and incorporate that into their belief system.)

You are correct with Wiccans though. There is a earth mother goddess and a God in Wicca. The Goddess is the dominant diety though. They do look towards the sun, the moon, the stars for guidance and understanding and incorporate that into their magick. I only said witchcraft because that is what it is commonly associated with and most wiccans fully accept that. They don't consider being called a witch deragoratory(sp?)

Once during a lecture a pagan that I knew and was listening to with other pagans made a comment to the effect of:

"Since christianity became a mainstream religion and dominated the cultures we live in our original spiritual paths were lost. After Christianity has proven to be a complete failure we have saught the lessons of our original cultures, and began to make our own religions so we can find one that works."

This is a general statement of course...but conveys a somewhat accurate overall sentiment. Even in the cases of those that are trying to revive exactly ancient belief systems, much is unknown or unproven so they follow the old ways in theory without confirmation about details or significance in some things.

Thanks BB. I know that back before Christianity when paganism was around that it was a more set in stone way of thinking which is what JB might have been referring to. But yes, now it is a much broader term as pagans try to find something that fits with their own beliefs. Which often differs from other pagans. The great thing about pagans are that even though you can have 100 pagans believing 100 totally different things. You usually never see a pagan condemning you to hell for your beliefs. Kind of a nice thought isn't it?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 06/17/08 08:00 AM

Welcome to the Writer's Club!

Here we can discuss or share different techniques we use when writing fiction or nonfiction works. I will start with a few questions that you may want to answer to help other aspiring writers enhance ideas or methods used today. If you personally have questions then don't be afraid to ask them as this forum is intended to help enhance our writing skills.
We can also mention what we have written already or what type of genres we prefer to write.

1. Do you ever get writer's block? If so what methods do you know of to eliminate this dilemma.

2. Do you write a chapter outline or create character sheets before writing a story? If so what is your methods in doing this? If not then explain why.

3. When you write your first draft, do you worry about sentence structures, usage, punctuation, and grammar, or are you more into just getting the story on paper first?

4. When is the best time of the day to write? Do you take breaks or do you write many hours nonstop?

5. Can you recommend helpful websites that offer great information on writing?

I am hoping the Writer's Club Forum stays alive by you visiting here regularly and adding also small example stories or even information.



1. Do you ever get writer's block? If so what methods do you know of to eliminate this dilemma.

I don't get writers block all that often per say because my mind is always moving and creating new stories. The problem that I seem to have that keeps me from writing through non stop is that whenever I get those new ideas in my head I tend to go back to what I already wrote, and either try to fix it to make the new idea work or rewrite the section entirely. So I can go days without making more than two pages worth of progress.

2.) Do you write a chapter outline or create character sheets before writing a story? If so what is your methods in doing this? If not then explain why.

I don't write outlines no, I just let things come out most of the time. Although I do make character sheets on occasion. I normally write fantasy so the character sheets help me a lot for remembering who has what traits and abilities.

3. When you write your first draft, do you worry about sentence structures, usage, punctuation, and grammar, or are you more into just getting the story on paper first?

This is going back to number one for me where I try to just to stream of consciousness writing but my mind doesn't like to let me move on until I am satisfied with what I previsouly. So I personally am more concerned about getting the story on paper but it doesn't always work that way.

4. When is the best time of the day to write? Do you take breaks or do you write many hours nonstop?

The best time of day to write is whenever you have an idea. I even keep a notebook next to my bed so that if I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea or dream I can jot it down and go back to it in the morning. I have written a few short stories based on dreams I have had. It's a good inspiration. Although if you are serious about writing it is always good to carry some sort of pen and paper with you because you never know when an idea will hit. Either during breakfast or maybe during a boring meeting at work you are zoning out in.

5. Can you recommend helpful websites that offer great information on writing?

Websites I can't help with but the advice I can offer is go with what interests you. If you like fantasy write fantasy, if you like horror, write horror. You can always branch out and expand your genres but your best stories will always come from what you are passionate about.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 03:29 PM

Many on here have stated that they "dont need or put their trust or faith" in the bible, that there trust/faith is in god through JC.
Now i know this is the overwhelming statement made so we will proceed with these statement's in mind for now.

Questions :

1) If, your faith and trust is in jesus then explain how you found out how to have faith and trust in him without the bible, or without ""someone who had read it"", passing that information on to you or other's?

after all - the christian new testament is only found within christianity? the muslims do not have it - the jew's neither? Neither of there concepts see JC as anymore than a man or a prophet at most?? so you certainly would not have gotten this faith and trust from there writing's?

2) Isn't it really true , that without the bible you read - you would not know anything of that which you put your faith and trust in?

3) Isn't it also just as true that as a christian you by your own belief's have to have trust and faith that the bible is "the word of god/JC/holy spirit?

and as you think on this - is the truth really that the only reason you believe in god/christ and all else is because you "first" "believed " in the ""word's of the book""? come on - be honest now, not with me - but yourselves. come on - YOU "need the book" - to support your own faith and trust and all else, why don't you just admit it instead of all the " my faith and trust is in JC/GOD - don't you realize how foolish and ignorant that appears to non christian's???

"The Book" you put it, is the word of God. Of course it's important...God says heaven & earth will pass away but My words will remain forever. The Bible is for edification, knowledge & righteousness. It tells us what is & is not acceptable to God. It's the roadmap, not God.

We worship God, not the bible. You can't have a "relationship" with words, but you can with God. They are His words & Spirit breathed.

Others can only point the way through their example & sharing their faith. God instructs people of faith to share it with the world.

I never saw anyone say they don't need the bible..other than the pagans here.

So now? What's your question?

Except that the bible is not the Word of God. It is the words of man speaking for God. Although thats not the point. His point was that if your faith is so strong you the religion should be able to survive without the book. That if this is just inherent knowledge and undeniable faith. The religion should be able to survive and thrive without the bible because the faith comes from inside, not a man written book.

LOL...boy O people just keep trying to change the minds of those who believe.

Doesn't it just get you all that we KNOW something you don't? Don't blame God for that.... hehehehe Or us for that matter.

I'm not trying to change your mind at all and no it doesn't get to me at all that you think you have some secret divine answer. You can believe whatever you choose to believe. Tribo was just trying to make a solid point. Keep the delusion going on as long as you want. Doesn't bother me in the least.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 03:28 PM

Many on here have stated that they "dont need or put their trust or faith" in the bible, that there trust/faith is in god through JC.
Now i know this is the overwhelming statement made so we will proceed with these statement's in mind for now.

Questions :

1) If, your faith and trust is in jesus then explain how you found out how to have faith and trust in him without the bible, or without ""someone who had read it"", passing that information on to you or other's?

after all - the christian new testament is only found within christianity? the muslims do not have it - the jew's neither? Neither of there concepts see JC as anymore than a man or a prophet at most?? so you certainly would not have gotten this faith and trust from there writing's?

2) Isn't it really true , that without the bible you read - you would not know anything of that which you put your faith and trust in?

3) Isn't it also just as true that as a christian you by your own belief's have to have trust and faith that the bible is "the word of god/JC/holy spirit?

and as you think on this - is the truth really that the only reason you believe in god/christ and all else is because you "first" "believed " in the ""word's of the book""? come on - be honest now, not with me - but yourselves. come on - YOU "need the book" - to support your own faith and trust and all else, why don't you just admit it instead of all the " my faith and trust is in JC/GOD - don't you realize how foolish and ignorant that appears to non christian's???

"The Book" you put it, is the word of God. Of course it's important...God says heaven & earth will pass away but My words will remain forever. The Bible is for edification, knowledge & righteousness. It tells us what is & is not acceptable to God. It's the roadmap, not God.

We worship God, not the bible. You can't have a "relationship" with words, but you can with God. They are His words & Spirit breathed.

Others can only point the way through their example & sharing their faith. God instructs people of faith to share it with the world.

I never saw anyone say they don't need the bible..other than the pagans here.

So now? What's your question?

Except that the bible is not the Word of God. It is the words of man speaking for God. Although thats not the point. His point was that if your faith is so strong you the religion should be able to survive without the book. That if this is just inherent knowledge and undeniable faith. The religion should be able to survive and thrive without the bible because the faith comes from inside, not a man written book.

LOL...boy O people just keep trying to change the minds of those who believe.

Doesn't it just get you all that we KNOW something you don't? Don't blame God for that.... hehehehe Or us for that matter.

Actually I think he makes a good point. If someone took your bible away, and burned it so you could never see it again your faith would remain with or without it. Yes, or no?

Not even so much just the faith of those that already believe. I have no doubt that people that already believe would keep believing. With or without the book. They are too far gone as it is. What I am curious about is would the religion still be around 100 years from now with no bibles. Would word of mouth and faith be enough to keep the religion going. Would God start to give some proof of his existance to keep the religion going or would he be forgotten?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 03:15 PM

Many on here have stated that they "dont need or put their trust or faith" in the bible, that there trust/faith is in god through JC.
Now i know this is the overwhelming statement made so we will proceed with these statement's in mind for now.

Questions :

1) If, your faith and trust is in jesus then explain how you found out how to have faith and trust in him without the bible, or without ""someone who had read it"", passing that information on to you or other's?

after all - the christian new testament is only found within christianity? the muslims do not have it - the jew's neither? Neither of there concepts see JC as anymore than a man or a prophet at most?? so you certainly would not have gotten this faith and trust from there writing's?

2) Isn't it really true , that without the bible you read - you would not know anything of that which you put your faith and trust in?

3) Isn't it also just as true that as a christian you by your own belief's have to have trust and faith that the bible is "the word of god/JC/holy spirit?

and as you think on this - is the truth really that the only reason you believe in god/christ and all else is because you "first" "believed " in the ""word's of the book""? come on - be honest now, not with me - but yourselves. come on - YOU "need the book" - to support your own faith and trust and all else, why don't you just admit it instead of all the " my faith and trust is in JC/GOD - don't you realize how foolish and ignorant that appears to non christian's???

"The Book" you put it, is the word of God. Of course it's important...God says heaven & earth will pass away but My words will remain forever. The Bible is for edification, knowledge & righteousness. It tells us what is & is not acceptable to God. It's the roadmap, not God.

We worship God, not the bible. You can't have a "relationship" with words, but you can with God. They are His words & Spirit breathed.

Others can only point the way through their example & sharing their faith. God instructs people of faith to share it with the world.

I never saw anyone say they don't need the bible..other than the pagans here.

So now? What's your question?

Except that the bible is not the Word of God. It is the words of man speaking for God. Although thats not the point. His point was that if your faith is so strong you the religion should be able to survive without the book. That if this is just inherent knowledge and undeniable faith. The religion should be able to survive and thrive without the bible because the faith comes from inside, not a man written book.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 02:27 PM

I always say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

Thanks for being to the point with the truth. flowerforyou

God blessed me today with this. :smile:

The shortest path between two points is indeed a straight line, but it is not necessarily the most interesting path to take. Or the most beneficial.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 02:11 PM

Good o see I am not the only one. Religions in general interest me. Just what people believe and why they believe it and their Philosophies and stuff. Whether it be Pagan or otherwise. Right now, I am reading Anton LaVey (He started the Church of Satan and Wrote the Satanic Bible)Not that I have any interest in being a Satanist, it just interests me.

bigsmile Then you and I are in the same situation. That is why I spend so much time on these boards. Good call with reading Anton LaVey by the way. Satanism is a very interesting religion and definately gets a bad rap from people right off the bat obviously because of the name. Although the religion itself is very interesting. I have known a couple of satanists and they are always fun to talk to. Really nice people too.

I look forward to seeing you around the religion boards then.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 10:14 AM

It's not like any of it is real any way.

It's real in the minds of the people that believe it, and sometimes that is more than enough. Thats the problem sometimes is people try to attach black and white definitions to the term "real"

You don't necessarily have to be able to hold something in your hands or see it in person for it to be a real thing. Just like in the minds of Christianity, To them their belief of there only being one true god is real. I may not agree with it as it doesn't make sense to me. Although I can't tell them that for them it's not real. It's just not real to me.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 09:48 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Mon 06/16/08 09:49 AM

That is a pretty general description of pagan. I had heard from somewhere that paganism was an actual religion. If this is so I expected more of a structured belief system. I don't expect a pagan to follow the teachings of Jesus, because that would make them more of a Christian. From what you describe it is just a term to tag on anyone who is not heavily into one of the other major religions.

My understanding of Wiccans is that they worship the earth and the earth mother or goddess, the sun, the moon, the stars, and they practice their version of magick etc. I have friends who loosely consider themselves wiccans or "witches."

I practice my "magick" through the creative techniques but they are not associated with the worship of a god or goddess.


Right, Like I said. Pagan is a VERY broad term. It covers an entire set of beliefs and is not a structured religion at all. You could get 100 pagans in a room and they will each believe a different thing and perhaps even worship different Gods. Kind of why I said it is a religious Agnosticism really. They pick and choose what they believe and what makes sense to them and it could come from any religion or multiple religions. (By the way. Not all pagans believe or follow Jesus. I have just known some that like what he was preaching and incorporate that into their belief system.)

You are correct with Wiccans though. There is a earth mother goddess and a God in Wicca. The Goddess is the dominant diety though. They do look towards the sun, the moon, the stars for guidance and understanding and incorporate that into their magick. I only said witchcraft because that is what it is commonly associated with and most wiccans fully accept that. They don't consider being called a witch deragoratory(sp?)

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 09:40 AM


one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks.
a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
irreligious or hedonistic person.
pertaining to the worship or worshipers of any religion that is neither Christian, Jewish, nor Muslim.
pertaining to, or characteristic of pagans.
ireligious or hedonistic.
[Origin: 1325–75; ME < ML, LL pāgānus worshiper of false gods, orig. civilian (i.e., not a soldier of Christ)

Hope this helps sweet JB:heart: flowerforyou

Hey Feral,

Yeah I know that is what the dictionary definition of but I think it is a very biased definition and not really very accurate. Pagans are not necessarily irreligious or hedonistic.

I also don't like the definition of them worshipping false gods. Also it's not necessarily polytheastic as some pagans worship only one god where as some worship no god at all. Just nature. Overall the dictionary definition doesn't do justice to what it is to be a pagan.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 09:37 AM
Oh, and in addition to that. They celebrate the earth based holidays. They have 4 major holidays (That fall on the Equinoxes and Solcstices) and 4 minor holidays (Which are days at the midpoint between the Solstices and Equinoxes known as Cross quarter days)

The Sabbats (As they call their holidays) go through the cycle of life, death, and rebirth for the year.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/16/08 09:24 AM
Hey JB, I will try to help with what I can.

Paganism is usually the broad term people use for some of the people that don't really know what they believe. It's actually kind of a more religious Agnosticism. Pagans usually pick and choose what they like from multiple religions. So they may not consider themself a Christian but they follow the path of christ but also believe in Reincarnation and multiple Gods and Goddesses. It's almost like a make your own religion religion. (Not saying that to be rude, Just looking for the best way to explain it. So if any pagans have a better way please help me. :smile: )

Wicca is a actual religion that is based more off of witchcraft. Although it is a very nature based religion. There are some differences between Wiccans, Druids, Shamans, and religions of that sort. Although all of those are extrememly nature based dealing with the earths energies more than divine guidance. (Although it is a polytheastic religion so there are Gods and Goddesses) Wicca is a form of paganism and some people use the terms Wiccan and Pagan interchangeably. Sometimes I even slip up and do. Wiccans basically use magick for energy manipulation in their spells. (Prayers for them)

If I am not mistaken you would be able to relate that to your Law of Attraction experiments. Only I think you were just asking the universe and wanting the things you were asking for. I don't remember if you said you were doing anything else like praying or casting spells or what not. Although you were asking the Universe for the things you wanted and trusting in the energy to bring it to you. Same basic concept.

Anyway. I hope I helped at least a little. I will be honest I am better at answering specific questions over a broad overview. Although if you ever want to know more or if I wasn't very clear in an explanation please ask and I will be more than happy to try to help clarify more.

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