Community > Posts By > Rathil_Thads

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 07:58 PM

tihalan, nice to see you,, what do you have for me?

*He looks at the vampire and then back at Draven*

Sumting dat ye and ye family be wantin' very much. Although I don't tink it be best ta be showin' ye in here. Follow me..

*He heads back outside the inn*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 07:56 PM
Ah, he be inside already? Great! Ye wait here. Der not be a lot o room in dat Inn and I think ye all be likin' me present too!

*He pushes open the inn door with a large bag slung over his shoulders. Something inside the bag is moving a bit. He sees Draven and the Vampire and he stops a bit.*

Ey! Draven. I got ye a present. But... er ye may wanna look at it outside.

*He snickers a bit*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 07:52 PM
*A loud bellowing laugh is heard from outside the inn*




Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 05:03 PM

Are you sure you're only 20 something???

Lol, I can only assume you are talking to me. But yes, I am 23

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 04:13 PM

I think you're right, JB. Joshua was taking a stand for what he would do, irregardless of those around him. Didn't mean to be off topic. Just wanted to talk about what an alternative to a Pagan belief system might be.

Pagan beliefs? Is that belief in a motorcycle gang?laugh

The odd thing about that is that True pagans who have found their path have no interest in an alternative to their belief system. Just as you have no interest in an alternative to your beliefs. Pagan's are comfortable with their religious beliefs and happy with the freedom that comes from those beliefs. Happy to have an open mind to the world around them and just happy to be alive. They have no use for alternate belief systems that only wish to hamper and control them for fear of eternal suffering. So I am sorry but I don't think you will find many converts here.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 09:04 AM

To add to the prostelatizing debate, a true "teacher" of the old religion will send a seeker away when they first ask to be taught, they are to gain their own knowledge first, and this also shows dedication to the path. If they give up, and don't come back they were not truly looking for inner knowledge, they were looking for a quick fix, and we don't waste our time with that.

As clergy, I don't have time to teach every person who wants to "be Pagan" because they think it's something it's not. I will freely share the information I have, but to actually teach someone...That takes dedication.

Thank you for that too Lily, you make a very good point. I am not here to teach anyone anything mainly because a majority of the people here don't want to be taught. I am just here to learn myself from listening to others talk and see what it is they believe and why. I am also here to educate people on misconceptions I see them have.

Yes, I do see the terms "teach" and "educate" as different things. To teach someone something takes a lot of time, patience, and understanding on both parties levels. The person has to want to learn like you said. To educate is to although others to see there are two sides to every story. So when someone says that all pagans are devil worshippers, not everyone knows that is not true. So I am merely educating the people who have never heard of paganism before that they are not devil worshippers and they don't even have a concept of the devil or hell at all.

So like you Lily, I will gladly share the information and knowledge I have gathered and will do it with a smile on my face. Although I am not here to teach the religion to others.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 08:32 AM

I :heart: U guys... Brains are such a turn on...bigsmile

blushing blushing blushing flowerforyou

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 07:28 AM

True, <b><u>but I still gotta try</u></b>. I like to make people think. Sometimes you actually get through to someone and other times the looks you get on their faces are more than enough to make the effort worth it.

Excuse my ignorance but how is insisting on "educating" someone on your personal beliefs different from any Christian proselytizing about their sect in an effort to bring their religion's "message" to you?

Thanks Karma for the definitions as well but the big difference is that when I post stuff like this it is in response to a question that was asked or somebody saying something that just isn't true and I feel the need to correct them so that other people don't fall into the same misconceptions.

I never make a post saying that Paganism or Wicca is the best religion out there and we have all the right answers so if you want to be saved and not go to hell and live in eternal happiness you should drop your religion and come join us. We are the way to go. I just educate people when they ask questions, (Like people did in this post) or when they say something incorrect and without true knowledge to what they are talking about. (Like they also did in this post)

That is the difference between proselytizing and educating. I could care less if anyone out there drops their religion to become a pagan. Not like I am getting a commission bonus or anything. I am just educating those out there that don't understand.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 06/19/08 05:49 AM

Good o see I am not the only one. Religions in general interest me. Just what people believe and why they believe it and their Philosophies and stuff. Whether it be Pagan or otherwise. Right now, I am reading Anton LaVey (He started the Church of Satan and Wrote the Satanic Bible)Not that I have any interest in being a Satanist, it just interests me.

I hope you get all about him...He was a loon and arrested more times then I care to satan used that one to his full potential I would say...:heart: :heart:

Just because he was arrested multiple times does not make him a loon or a bad person. Take MLK, Jr. For example. How many times was he arrested for standing up for what he believed in and he was even doing it in the name of God. Good people are arrested all the time because other people don't understand them.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:32 PM

I know this is a bad analogy but, if you found the biggest gold mine ever and someone else claimed they found it would you not be mad?

So, if God is "the God", then wouldn't it hold so that he would want to hold on to His ultimate name?


If he were a human with human feelings and emotions then definately. But that would play into his ego and Narcissism that I was talking about. Although the Christians on here say that he is a perfect God that is the ultimate being of kindness and forgiveness. The two concepts contradict themselves. He can't be this perfect God and also be that petty at the same time.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:29 PM

I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That is his message and that's my message to you. If you care to accept him, he has salvation for you. If you don't care to accept him, he'll shun us after we pass from this life. Not a great concept.

I, like many others here, have observed you for a while ,drinker

and while i cannot say that i have read everything you have written here...
I, among others really care for you and your soul,:heart:
and it grieves us so , to see the obvious turmoil
that on a daily basis, absolutely consumes you so...:cry:

for i truly believe...
that if you actually believed 100 %
of all the things you say,
you would not be on these forums every day ...
you would be so wrapped up in the life
you say is so free from bondage...
yet every day you are here and with such fervor,
i can't help but see such an imbalance...ohwell

and i was just wondering....
and i am only saying this in love :heart:
for i would never want to hurt you in any way...noway

I know a little of how very much your Mother means to you,:heart:
and I believe I read you say that she was a devout Christian
and that you thought that if anyone deserves to go to Heaven
it would be her ...drinker
so with that in my mind and in my heart :heart:
I have a burning question....flowerforyou
I'd like to ask you to please search your heart
and soul ...

You don't have to answer here unless you want to,
of course, but i wonder what your Mother would think ...

I just feel that she would be so grieved & so very sad sad
to read some of the things you write ,
and i wonder what you think of the reaction
that she might very well have ..
since she was a devout Christian and loved you
with all of her heart , :heart:
and wanting the very best for you ...flowerforyou
would be devastated forever :cry: if her beloved begotten Son
were not with her and with God for all of Eternity ? flowerforyou

For some people, acceptance of a higher power requires that the higher power be more evolved than they are, or at least personify the more evolved parts of their existence.

Yes well as much as people have a hard time with this one...unless they can part the Red Sea...heal the sick... & do miracles & signs & wonders...I think they need to sit down.

There definately IS a higher power than ourselves. To believe otherwise is foolishness. Not to mention arrogant.

This I actually have to agree with you on. It is arrogant and foolish to believe that we are the most advanced form of life or energy on the planet or in the universe. Now I am not saying that that higher power is God or even multiple Gods. It could be a super intelligent and advanced alien race and all we are is a long standing experiment in a test tube. Or it could be a mass of energy forming up the right bout of chemistry to create life. Although I do agree that we are not the end all be all of life and energy.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:20 PM

"The Book" you put it, is the word of God. Of course it's important...God says heaven & earth will pass away but My words will remain forever. The Bible is for edification, knowledge & righteousness. It tells us what is & is not acceptable to God. It's the roadmap, not God.

We worship God, not the bible. You can't have a "relationship" with words, but you can with God. They are His words & Spirit breathed.

Others can only point the way through their example & sharing their faith. God instructs people of faith to share it with the world.

I never saw anyone say they don't need the bible..other than the pagans here.

So now? What's your question?

I don't think we actually know for a fact whether the Bible is the Word of God.....Christians believe it is and that is one of the foundations of their thought....just because you say it is not the Word of God does not make that a true statement....My question to you, "What if it is the Word of God spoken through men?

I think Christianity would survive just fine without the Bible & maybe do even better.....Christianity was first developed without a Bible....the written words of the events that take place in the New Testament occurred some 30 to 60 years after the death of Jesus....Paul & Peter, to some extent, spread the word, and they didn't have a Bible(it wasn't written yet)....And they converted whole countries...

I think many Christians quote the Bible because that is where they go to seek they grow in their understanding, mature in their experiences, & live their lives according to the Words that they read....they will not need to quote scripture...Quikstepper is a good example of someone with a deep understanding of Christian thought & living....think about what she says, you might learn something....

yes well...thanks for the agreement.... I do try to speak what I know & learned from the LIVING Word of God.

Some here are frustrated because they are not there yet. I was the same way only I never said anything against God or the Bible. Who knew that things were being stored up for a time as this? Some just have not had that "road to Damascus" experience yet.

Paul was just as zealous to kill Christians until God came to him on the road to Damascus. He did not recieve from men but God Himself.

Some here are angry because I say what God says about worshipping other gods. They want no rebuttal to the deception that they believe because it's easier...more "carnal," if you ask me.

Their gripe is really with God not us Christians. I have to laugh because anyone who knows me knows that I keep it real...anything less I consider a waste of time. I am no wimp either. Another good reason why I don't bother with the new age "enlightenment." Why do fake when I have the real thing? :wink:

You are probably right in the sense that the gripe originates from the bible and the supposed word of God. However you take on the gripe when you continuously talk down about the other religions you know nothing about. It's all fine and Dandy if the Biblical word of God wants to say that those who worship false gods are followers of satan or whatever it was that was written in all those years ago by the close minded people that contributed to the bible. Although while you are out there spreading the word of God, you assume any gripes we have with him because if we can't gripe at him directly, we can only go through the ones that claim to know his message.

So if you want to go around and speak about things you don't know or understand or have any interest in understanding that's fine. Although don't act so surprised that people are getting mad at you because of it. You say you have to laugh because people that know you know you keep it real, although I have to laugh because you can't keep something real if you don't understand it. You are basing all your judgements of other religions off of an egotistical and narcissistic God. Because only one with that big of an ego and bout of Narcicism would really be that upset that someone decided to worship a God other than him.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 05:43 PM

Many on here have stated that they "dont need or put their trust or faith" in the bible, that there trust/faith is in god through JC.
Now i know this is the overwhelming statement made so we will proceed with these statement's in mind for now.

Questions :

1) If, your faith and trust is in jesus then explain how you found out how to have faith and trust in him without the bible, or without ""someone who had read it"", passing that information on to you or other's?

after all - the christian new testament is only found within christianity? the muslims do not have it - the jew's neither? Neither of there concepts see JC as anymore than a man or a prophet at most?? so you certainly would not have gotten this faith and trust from there writing's?

2) Isn't it really true , that without the bible you read - you would not know anything of that which you put your faith and trust in?

3) Isn't it also just as true that as a christian you by your own belief's have to have trust and faith that the bible is "the word of god/JC/holy spirit?

and as you think on this - is the truth really that the only reason you believe in god/christ and all else is because you "first" "believed " in the ""word's of the book""? come on - be honest now, not with me - but yourselves. come on - YOU "need the book" - to support your own faith and trust and all else, why don't you just admit it instead of all the " my faith and trust is in JC/GOD - don't you realize how foolish and ignorant that appears to non christian's???

"The Book" you put it, is the word of God. Of course it's important...God says heaven & earth will pass away but My words will remain forever. The Bible is for edification, knowledge & righteousness. It tells us what is & is not acceptable to God. It's the roadmap, not God.

We worship God, not the bible. You can't have a "relationship" with words, but you can with God. They are His words & Spirit breathed.

Others can only point the way through their example & sharing their faith. God instructs people of faith to share it with the world.

I never saw anyone say they don't need the bible..other than the pagans here.

So now? What's your question?

Except that the bible is not the Word of God. It is the words of man speaking for God. Although thats not the point. His point was that if your faith is so strong you the religion should be able to survive without the book. That if this is just inherent knowledge and undeniable faith. The religion should be able to survive and thrive without the bible because the faith comes from inside, not a man written book.

I don't think we actually know for a fact whether the Bible is the Word of God.....Christians believe it is and that is one of the foundations of their thought....just because you say it is not the Word of God does not make that a true statement....My question to you, "What if it is the Word of God spoken through men?

I think Christianity would survive just fine without the Bible & maybe do even better.....Christianity was first developed without a Bible....the written words of the events that take place in the New Testament occurred some 30 to 60 years after the death of Jesus....Paul & Peter, to some extent, spread the word, and they didn't have a Bible(it wasn't written yet)....And they converted whole countries...

I think many Christians quote the Bible because that is where they go to seek they grow in their understanding, mature in their experiences, & live their lives according to the Words that they read....they will not need to quote scripture...Quikstepper is a good example of someone with a deep understanding of Christian thought & living....think about what she says, you might learn something....

Even IF, and this is a BIG IF mind you. God descided to descend his way down here and sit with some guys and tell them what to write in the bible making it the "Word of God spoken through men" which I don't believe for an instant. But IF that were the case it is not true anymore. The bible has been through so many translations and people adding their own pieces. An old testament and a new testament. So the bible we have today would not be the word of god. It would be a man translated word of man who is supposedly speaking for God.

And you might be right. The religion very well might survive and even flourish without the Bible. Although that is all Tribo and I are asking. If their faith is that strong that the religion will survive they should have no problem getting rid of their bibles and stop running to them at every turn and spread the religion like they did in the beginning.

Also you are right, Quickstepper is a great example of someone who is very knowledgeable of Christian thought and living. So great an example infact that she refuses to learn anything about the other religions that she speaks so outwardly against. I know the Christian religion very well, I just don't follow it. She knows nothing about the pagans and the wiccans and the other religions that she detests. So no, I don't believe I will learn anything by listening to what she says as I am already well versed in Christianity as well and she refuses to learn anything about those she hates.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 04:51 PM

There is no more real proof to His existance than there is to His non existance. Not anything we can see, feel, touch. The mind and the hearts is all we have. All of us.

I know, thats the point I was trying to make. Although she claims to have proof and if that is true I want to see it.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 04:10 PM


hahahahahahahaha Is that the best you can do? Call me a cultist???? LOL YOU! ARE TOO FUNNY



I gave you the answer & you blew it off like it means nothing. It's your life but don't try to negate other people's experience if it's something YOU know nothing about. OK? :smile:

Whether you like it or's all about Jesus. there is too much proof too but you wouldn't acknowledge it if you tripped over it.


Really? Beacuse if I remember right Tribo, and I, and a few other people on these forums ask for proof all the time but nothing other than bible scriptures are ever given. So if you have the proof then please give it to us so that we may see what you do. Although I suspect that the proof you have is nothing more than bible verses. Either that or you will rebut with the answer that we wouldn't listen anyway so why bother.

Either way I have yet to see this proof that I have been asking for.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 11:06 AM
True, but I still gotta try. I like to make people think. Sometimes you actually get through to someone and other times the looks you get on their faces are more than enough to make the effort worth it.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 11:03 AM

Do you realize how many millions GLBT spent fighting the Oregon Constitutional amendment? I can find the figure if you want?
Now multiply that times at least 50 for every state in the Nation.
And your worrying about what the Christian right spends in one state.
What a hypocritical bunch of propaganda that is!

$2.8 million, in Oregon in 2004 alone!

Think about it this way, If the states would stop making amendments trying to hamper the GLBT and just let them live their lives how they want too without all the hassle they wouldn't have to spend that amount of money trying to fight the amendments.

And also I don't really care how much money the Christians spend on displaying billboards. I will continue to ignore them just like I ignore every other billboard I pass. It's their money to do with as they please and if they want to waste it on trying to convert people that is their perogative.

i agree with you rathil as to everyone having the right to send thier money the way they see fit to spwnd it. but i disagree on the point that christian values claim there desire to help the por and needy and all else spending it instead on political things their own god tells them to stay away from - "render unto ceaser what is ceaser's" they shoud spend their time and money being the "good samaritan" that christ point's to in his teachings. religoin's were never meant to be embroiled in politics. that is man's rule - not god's.

Good point Tribo and I probably should have made reference to that as well. the GLBT is spending their millions for a cause that is important to them and will help people all over america that are actually in need of help. The money the Christians are spending on billboards is being used to draw in people to the churches and used for conversion tactics. I think the money should be used for helping the poor and needy more since thats why they say they collect the money anyway. Instead of putting up 50 billboards why not open up another soup kitchen or buy some homeless people some new clothes and nice warm jackets?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 10:54 AM

Oh nvm. I guess they took out the post I was responding to as well. *Sighs*

It was because you quoted the "satanist" post..

Oh, was that what it was? Oh well, I didn't have a problem with that post staying or anything as long as I got to defend it. But whatever.

Trust someone who's been suspended on MULTIPLE occasions for defending themselves, it's better to just ignore the ignorance.laugh laugh

LoL, yeah I don't do that too well. Ignorance is one of my biggest pet peeves and I feel it is my duty to "save" as many people as I can from Ignorance. laugh laugh

(Disclaimer: I am not saying religion is ignorance or any particular followings are ignorant. I am just saying ignorance in general)

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 10:46 AM

Oh nvm. I guess they took out the post I was responding to as well. *Sighs*

It was because you quoted the "satanist" post..

Oh, was that what it was? Oh well, I didn't have a problem with that post staying or anything as long as I got to defend it. But whatever.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/18/08 10:43 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Wed 06/18/08 10:55 AM
Sinatorium’s Daily Chronicle
XI (day 10) of the winter era

The huge orc battalions that were formalating in front of the main gates have suddenly left! Perhaps they have decided to plunder a greater town? Nevertheless, the inhabitants cheer and celeberate on the streets. The inhabitants of the town are relieved as Lord Elkinsinan allows merchants to go in and out of the town. Business is beginning to thrive again as many of the stores are now open for the whole day.

The Adventurer’s Guild is seeking potential and brave warriors to join its guild. If you manage to influence a person on this site to join the Green Dragon’s Inn then add 1000 experience points to your character sheet!

Now that the gates are open business will pick up in the Green Dragon’s Inn. Peracien the owner of the tavern knows that also more trouble will finds its way here also. She calls for Rathil Thads to help protect the inn and perhaps even one of his bodyguards to make sure things go well. She remembers the last time a evil wizard of Ishi’tar came fooling someone with cursed rings. If only she would have been there earlier.

NOTE FROM THE STORYTELLER: I wanted to thank you for participating in the rpg game The Dark Scrolls: Mora****ar’s Demon Hordes! The time we spent together has been exciting. Although the actual campaigns will not continue, yet don’t despair! We shall continue the forum with many great tales that your character can get involved in! All you have to do is come regularly!

Also once again (smiless)came up with yet another game! The Dark Scrolls RPG card game will be available in a few months time. He is working hard to get the game completed for you. I personally will be participating in this game and would like to have 5 able players who have the time and interest to participate in the game. If you need more information about the card game then please go to his link to read up on it. Don’t hesitate to contact him and represent one of the nations for the game. Time and space is limited! His link is

If you have any questions then always contact me. I am your storyteller and want you to enjoy yourself here in the Green Dragon's Inn brave adventurer!

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