Community > Posts By > Rathil_Thads

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:32 PM

"Relax Draven I'm the only human here and he didn't even make a move towards me."

RELAX NUTTIN!! I Ain't aboot to be lettin this town be overrun by no stickin, good fer nuttin bloodsuckers! Especially one that already given into his bloodthirsty side. I be hearin' of one person wit puncture wounds in der neck and some heads be rolling!!

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Thogeon and you would be?"

*The dwarf bounces over to the human and eyes him, sizing him up. He sniffs a few times and nods his head*

Okay, ye be flesh and blood! Names Tihalan!

*Waddles over to the bar*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:31 PM

iyy kinda funny he showed up after you said she be needen stronger blood now that i be thinken bout it

I be tellin ye da truth. Vampires can only be livin on animal blood fer so long. Don't matter how nice they are. Eventually they be starvin if they don't get stronger blood. I once knew of a vampire so old he only be able to live off dragon blood. They can't be fightin' their instincts ferever!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:29 PM

"Relax Draven I'm the only human here and he didn't even make a move towards me."

RELAX NUTTIN!! I Ain't aboot to be lettin this town be overrun by no stickin, good fer nuttin bloodsuckers! Especially one that already given into his bloodthirsty side. I be hearin' of one person wit puncture wounds in der neck and some heads be rolling!!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:26 PM

she said he was near death and she saved him. but he is the type that wants to kill every human there is. and i took that as a threat and decided to show him that i am a lot stronger than him. i was ready to take him in the street when he backed down.

So I take it ye wun't be minding when I bash in his skull? Or are ye gunna be protectin dat one too?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:24 PM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Wed 06/11/08 11:24 PM

not the female,, her little fledgling

*The dwarfs mouth drops opens*



*Starts hopping around the bar*


Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:21 PM
Hey! Ye think this be the only place me services are needed? Besides, ye be tellin' me last night ta leave da vampire alone! Now ye be wantin her dead? Make up yer mind!!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:17 PM
*The door of the inn slams open and Tihalan comes bouncing into the inn rather fast. He skids to a stop in the middle of the room after running into a few chairs. He stands up and sniffs the air*


Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 08:27 PM
*Rathil leaves the inn*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:58 PM

no need to draw blood over nothing. and hes not too bad, just a loud mouth little creature,, Draven turns his head to see the new drow elf. who might this be

*Rathil smiles a bit*

Good work my friend, looks like you learned something after all.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:53 PM

i tried, but i think i just pissed a few people off. but its alright. and azareak i am not worried about a new vampire, as long as hes bright enough not to try and attack me hes fine.

*Laughs a bit*

Well if anything you made a friend out of Tihalan. He was laughing all night about your battle savvy. He was really disappointed you didn't want to fight though. All the same, the dwarf likes you.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:47 PM

good vampire. perhaps you may get a treat for being good today.

Speaking of which

*Rathil pulls out a bag and hands it to Draven*

The rest of your payment. I am giving it to you early because I heard you actually played peacekeeper last night. Didn't see that coming.

(Add 200 gold to your character)

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:38 PM

evening vampire, keeping out of trouble tonight? rathil,, how goes it

Not too bad Draven, yourself?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:32 PM
*Rathil enters the inn and takes a seat behind the bar.*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 03:10 PM

What is more valid, one who proffesses Christ as savior and ignores his teachings, or one that follows his teachings without claim?

Coming from someone who's a pagan & doesn't have the truth in him I find this too funny. You are doing EXACTLY what you say I am doing...and also in the name of god...small g that is. Hypocrite! Do all the raging you must if that satisfies you. laugh

I find that just so funny... LOL

FYI Pagan as a word used in the modern world is simply an umbrella term to describe the spiritual systems and faiths of many religions. It means nothing specific as it did used by those that existed in the geographical area lived in by people who wrote the bible. The Bible was written when people thought the world was small and flat. Modern use of the word Pagan generally refers to religions that are based more on nature or ancient customs. The term Neo-pagan is actually much more accurate. Before you think all pagans are evil you may want to understand the difference between what you think a pagan is, and what a actual pagan is. The very word Pagan derives from the term "country folk) which failed to describe a religion but actually described a class of people. This included people that followed ancient ways (most of those found in remote areas when the term was originally used) and was in essense the common folk. Rather than rely on miracles or society these groups had their own spiritual leaders and healers that would use herbalism or ancient rites to heal people or observe spirituality.

So far as passage about pagans there is relatively little in the bible and if the word pagan is considered in it's ancient form it clearly refers to local pagans. Now the KJV of the Bible does state though shalt not suffer a WITCH to live, and the SEV states Sorceress. Now these terms actually originate rather than their commonly used forms in reffering to someone who uses the power gained from assistance or control of Evil spirits. Note here that even then the term sorceress is restricted for some reason to women which is something to wonder about within itself. This is the source of misconceptions about bible verses regarding pagans and only refers to women. If you have doubts or want to think it's my personal tripe look it up. If you re read your posts after reading the third link which is the definition of the noun devil it becomes even more interesting.

In spite of it's modern use the word devil as used in ancient form derives from per Merriam-webster from :"Etymology: Middle English devel, from Old English dēofol, from Late Latin diabolus, from Greek diabolos, literally, slanderer, from diaballein to throw across, slander, from dia- + ballein to throw; probably akin to Sanskrit gurate he lifts up"

While we all know what devil means when used by someone following the christian definition of Devil, in reality the word has roots in slander or deflamation of character which is more or less what you have been doing speaking against pagans.

The connection used in your posts between Pagans and devil worshipers within itself is one that I personally have always considered a simple lack of desire to understand one's own religion. It is I believe a christian urban legend passed down throughout generations without actually having any origin in the bible texts. If you have any actual passages from the bible eluding to this I'm somewhat curious because if used in ancient form of the understanding of the word pagan it would be a proclaimation that all country folk were evil devil worshipers.

So far as being Pagan and not having any truth in me Christianity in it's modern form which is practiced is more pagan than you might think. Eastre was a pagan goddess. Easter is a pagan fertility rite celebrating rebirth. It was a celebration of the fertility of the people, and of the land during a time of planting. The rabbit or hare (which is well known for fast reproduction) hides eggs (another symbol of fertility) and people find them. Finding the egg is symbolic of fertility, and the hunt of eggs by children was so that they would have fertil lives.

Many cultures that have been discovered, found, or interacted with by the general populace of what was then considered the entire human race have or had what are now reffered to as pagan belief systems. Pagan basically is generally used to refer to a minority religion (relatively speaking) that has it's roots or uses concepts similar to that of pre-christian or non christian belief systems. Many pagan paths are very similar to Christianity in it's true form with slight differences or names. The concepts are very alike much like different Christian denominations while being completely distinct.

In truth most modern pagans rather than being true pagans as one might understand the concept without familiarity are actually neo-pagan meaning concepts are borrowed from ancient and modern societies and blended together in an attempt to have a more complete understanding.

By the definitions of the times Jesus was executed basically for heresy and performing non hebrew cermony and in that way has more in common with non-christians over the course of centuries than his own followers.

The concept of Convert or kill (conceptually, physically, or socially) is non-christian in origin and was actually a muslim concept introduced to the populace by Muslim invasions in the ancient world. This is the most modern religion that one can find this behavior set in. The roots of this practice actually are found within ancient pre-christian and quite probably pre-hebrew belief systems. In the Ancient polytheistic world where each city had it's own god societies would war against each other in the name of their god being more or all powerful. The winning culture was considered to have the most powerful god (or set of gods) by ancient peoples in many cases. All of this was taught as ancient history in grade school, high school, and college. It's common knowledge if one studies history and the discussion of theology is left out of this because it is simply known and documented history of the world.

This is an ancient behavior pattern I personally view as barbaric that many modern peoples have never transcended. It involved what I view as cultural genocide leading people to seek to destroy all spiritual belief or culture other than their own.

When Christianity was formed by binding the books of the bible and the teachings of Christ it actually propogated a number of belief concepts that were rejected by writers of the old testiment, because Jesus Christ was a modern thinker or revolutionary spiritualist for his time in his geographical area. Many new concepts he introduced to the peoples of that area were actually concepts well known at that time in the world and practiced by other belief systems such as the Buhdists.

The difference is that Jesus was indeed regardless of his divine origin or lack of divine religion by bloodline royalty. He was well edjucated and very popular by a sector of the Jewish people because his was considred by many to be the correct ruling dynasty or family of the Jews rather than Herod who had unsurped his bloodline. Much of this information was included in the bible if one reads carefully. Part is put openly in the texts, and other parts were written in the form of code because during the lifetime of Jesus anyone speaking against the currently empowered Herod was likely to be executed quickly. What is not clear can easily be found in alternate texts about the times that Jesus lived in not included in the bible. This is how he was known as the king of the Jews because at his time there was a contraversy concerning his royal bloodline. Although many in the modern world see this as a joke by the romans I have read quite a bit outside of the bible that plainly states this was a non spiritual political debate. It is well mentioned in the bible in plain text for any that read the story of Bethleham.

Some of the concepts Jesus taught were secret lessons within the Jewish culture forbiden to be shared with non-Jews per some Jewish sources. The fact that many of Jesus's lessons taught paralleled Buhdist teachings of the time is probably more than coincidence.

Quickstepper I would ask that you give up the name calling, and explain exactly what your beliefs are regarding all of this or allow the rest of us to return to religion discussion which has repeatedly been interupted by all of this. Many of us have been trying to discuss concepts concerning religion while respecting each other's views.

Wow! That was an amazing post and I just wanted to thank you for sharing that. I just hope that your time and effort towards the person you were directing it too is not wasted. drinker drinker

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 03:07 PM

*Aquadius laughs, not to show insult but to show respect*

*Rathil tips his hat to the drow elf before resting his hands back behind his head again.*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 03:00 PM

*Laughes* Only a vampire would hope to see me at night
*turns to the one who just enters and watches his every move*

*Rathil leans back in his chair a bit and kicks his feet up onto the table and stares back at the drow. He rests his hands behind his head as the chair balances on the two back legs.*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 02:51 PM
*Rathil walks into the Inn. He seems to have a bit more of a skip to his walk then he has in the last few days. Almost looking revitalized instead of worn and downtrodden. His widebrimmed Hat is positioned on his head giving full view of his face and crimson colored eyepatch. His cloak flowing in the wind behind him as he enters. He sees the vampire and dark elf talking so he walks in and sits at one of the tables but doesn't interrupt the conversation.*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 02:39 PM

Hello to everyone! I hope you are having a great time on justsayhi. This game is for those who enjoy role playing games. If you are interested then don’t hesitate to contact me to set up. It is a great way to meet people and use imagination and creativity that perhaps you never knew you had.



Welcome fellow traveler to the busiest town in the Bavidirian Lands. Where folklore- fantasy and more than a few dragon stories thrive in the historic waterfront town of Sinatorium- a charming neighborhood full of ancient shops- exquisite markets- and gullible taverns. And in the middle of it all is the Green Dragon’s Inn- a quaint- two story inn that boasts stately rooms- an intimate pub- and new innovative food experiences. The Green Dragon’s Inn is better than ever- thanks to recent renovations financed personally by Lord Elkinsinan. Enjoy fine dwarven craftsmanship furnishings- crackling fireplaces- new hardwood floors and foreign exotic rugs- plush beds- pedestal tubs and all the glorious details that make the Green Dragon’s Inn such a cozy and inviting place to stay. So come join us and enjoy a pint of Hobgoblin's Brew or a taste of our famous sweet and smooth grapan from the hills of the hobbits. Let me bring a bard and give a riddle or a story that could enhance your interest in becoming the next famous adventurer!

The owner is (Criani Peracien) – a level 15 warrior retired. Her last adventure was entering a dragon’s lair and silently took a bag of jewels and gold. The dragon awoke and attacked. Luckily she owned a magical shield and managed to take the awesome blow almost losing her life. She managed to run into a narrow tunnel and make it to Sinatorium safely with her win. She then with the gold opened the Green Dragon’s Inn to commemorate the event of the Green Dragon she encountered.

Her help is (Boromir Riniken) a son of the town’s armor smith. He is 6 feet tall blonde hair. He is a great cook and friendly to everyone.

Everyone who has a character created should go here everyday and say hello to Boromir or Criani! Thanks!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 02:38 PM

Hello to everyone! I hope you are having a great time on justsayhi. This game is for those who enjoy role playing games. If you are interested then don’t hesitate to contact me to set up. It is a great way to meet people and use imagination and creativity that perhaps you never knew you had.



Welcome fellow traveler to the busiest town in the Bavidirian Lands. Where folklore- fantasy and more than a few dragon stories thrive in the historic waterfront town of Sinatorium- a charming neighborhood full of ancient shops- exquisite markets- and gullible taverns. And in the middle of it all is the Green Dragon’s Inn- a quaint- two story inn that boasts stately rooms- an intimate pub- and new innovative food experiences. The Green Dragon’s Inn is better than ever- thanks to recent renovations financed personally by Lord Elkinsinan. Enjoy fine dwarven craftsmanship furnishings- crackling fireplaces- new hardwood floors and foreign exotic rugs- plush beds- pedestal tubs and all the glorious details that make the Green Dragon’s Inn such a cozy and inviting place to stay. So come join us and enjoy a pint of Hobgoblin's Brew or a taste of our famous sweet and smooth grapan from the hills of the hobbits. Let me bring a bard and give a riddle or a story that could enhance your interest in becoming the next famous adventurer!

The owner is (Criani Peracien) – a level 15 warrior retired. Her last adventure was entering a dragon’s lair and silently took a bag of jewels and gold. The dragon awoke and attacked. Luckily she owned a magical shield and managed to take the awesome blow almost losing her life. She managed to run into a narrow tunnel and make it to Sinatorium safely with her win. She then with the gold opened the Green Dragon’s Inn to commemorate the event of the Green Dragon she encountered.

Her help is (Boromir Riniken) a son of the town’s armor smith. He is 6 feet tall blonde hair. He is a great cook and friendly to everyone.

Everyone who has a character created should go here everyday and say hello to Boromir or Criani! Thanks!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 06/11/08 02:38 PM

Hello to everyone! I hope you are having a great time on justsayhi. This game is for those who enjoy role playing games. If you are interested then don’t hesitate to contact me to set up. It is a great way to meet people and use imagination and creativity that perhaps you never knew you had.



Welcome fellow traveler to the busiest town in the Bavidirian Lands. Where folklore- fantasy and more than a few dragon stories thrive in the historic waterfront town of Sinatorium- a charming neighborhood full of ancient shops- exquisite markets- and gullible taverns. And in the middle of it all is the Green Dragon’s Inn- a quaint- two story inn that boasts stately rooms- an intimate pub- and new innovative food experiences. The Green Dragon’s Inn is better than ever- thanks to recent renovations financed personally by Lord Elkinsinan. Enjoy fine dwarven craftsmanship furnishings- crackling fireplaces- new hardwood floors and foreign exotic rugs- plush beds- pedestal tubs and all the glorious details that make the Green Dragon’s Inn such a cozy and inviting place to stay. So come join us and enjoy a pint of Hobgoblin's Brew or a taste of our famous sweet and smooth grapan from the hills of the hobbits. Let me bring a bard and give a riddle or a story that could enhance your interest in becoming the next famous adventurer!

The owner is (Criani Peracien) – a level 15 warrior retired. Her last adventure was entering a dragon’s lair and silently took a bag of jewels and gold. The dragon awoke and attacked. Luckily she owned a magical shield and managed to take the awesome blow almost losing her life. She managed to run into a narrow tunnel and make it to Sinatorium safely with her win. She then with the gold opened the Green Dragon’s Inn to commemorate the event of the Green Dragon she encountered.

Her help is (Boromir Riniken) a son of the town’s armor smith. He is 6 feet tall blonde hair. He is a great cook and friendly to everyone.

Everyone who has a character created should go here everyday and say hello to Boromir or Criani! Thanks!

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