Community > Posts By > Army_Strong

Army_Strong's photo
Mon 11/03/08 05:01 PM
HAHA that was good

An extremely modest man was in the hospital for a series of tests, the last of which had left his bodily systems extremely upset.

Upon making several false alarm trips to the bathroom, he decided the latest episode was another and stayed put. He suddenly filled his bed with diarrhoea and was embarrassed beyond his ability to remain rational.

In a complete loss of composure he jumped out of bed, gathered up the bed sheets, and threw them out the hospital window.

A drunk was walking by the hospital when the sheets landed on him. He started yelling, cursing, and swinging his arms violently trying to get the unknown things off, and ended up with the soiled sheets in a tangled pile at his feet.

As the drunk stood there, unsteady on his feet, staring down at the sheets, a hospitalsecurity guard, (barely containing his laughter), and who had watched the whole incident, walked up and asked, 'What the heck is going on here?'

The drunk, still staring down at the bed sheets in amazement, replied: 'I think I just beat the sh1t out of a ghost

Army_Strong's photo
Mon 11/03/08 04:59 PM
OMG if I read any more... Well someone is going to be picking brains off of the walls.. My head will explode hahahaa

Army_Strong's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:19 AM

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:24 PM

LoL...There was a Second Punisher??? OMG (I guess it really did crash & burn)

It hasn't come out yet man. But it will probably suck.laugh

ah we were talking about it at teh haunt the other night and someone said it was out already.. I just scratched my head because I was pretty sure it had a 2009 release date.. But its not the same guy soo I mean c'mon

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:23 PM
what a douche

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:25 AM
Edited by Army_Strong on Tue 10/21/08 09:25 AM

drinker Dude thats a good write the last lines are fine it's a good title too, whats with the picture somebody beat up on you?

Thanks. lol it would take a few people and or a weapon of some kind to get that effect haha. No it's stage blood from the-haunt. I'm one of the actors there

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:18 AM

ok, I wont

I'm so effin confused right now

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:33 AM
Damn.. That'll prob crash and burn like the second punisher

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:30 AM
*so the last 3 lines I kinda forced a bit, not sure about em and the title I didnt know what to call it... I'm open to suggestions. Please don't be an a$$.* thanks

I’m depressed
Not sure why
Sitting alone
In the dark
I need someone
To hold
Can’t stand
Goin’ to bed
The pillow
Worn so
From years
Of squeezing
So tight
There’s nothing
To it now
Why isn’t
She in my arms
Why do I continue
Wishing she was
More times
Than not
When I think
Of her
I’m happy
Floating on
Cloud nine
But, once
In awhile
I feel
Argue with
Myself knowing
The answer
She’s everything
And, the best
I’ll ever


Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:27 AM
Edited by Army_Strong on Tue 10/21/08 12:31 AM
flowers sorry for your loss. I can't sleep either so have a drinker It's hard. But, that's love. Shakespear said it best.. "It's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all."


Army_Strong's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:35 AM
Oh lol whoops. Saw it on MSN's homepage earlier. One of those things that just has to be seen to be believed lol. I couldn't imagine doin this, I mean yeah I can eat but that's just effin nuts!! Bet he had to get his stomach pumped afterwards.

This was posted yesterday too......

It took him over four hours to eat it....ill

But what they didn't tell you is that he also ate an entire container of rolaids after......ill

Army_Strong's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:35 AM

in case you don't want to look at the article..

The 5-foot-11, 180-pound western Pennsylvania chef is the first person to eat a monstrosity called the Beer Barrel Belly Bruiser: a 15-pound burger with toppings and a bun that brought the total weight to 20.2 pounds.The burger included a bun, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions, mild banana peppers and a cup each of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and relish, pub owner Dennis Liegey said. For completing the challenge in the under-five-hour time limit, Sciullo won $400, three T-shirts, a certificate

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/15/08 10:24 PM

The snow in Montana was three feet high
Lady at the counter said,
"There ain't no flights"
So he called her on the telephone,
He said I'll rent a car
And I'll drive home.

She said,
"I'll wait for you like I did last year
At Christmas time with your family here,
And your truck broke down
Out in San Antone
And the gifts stayed wrapped
Till you got home,
Oh this ain't nothing new,
Sweetheart I'll wait for you."

Now he's on his cell phone
In a Coupe deVille
Talking to the one he loves and always will
His heart is breaking
Cause she's there alone
Her heart is aching
Cause she wants him home

She says "i'll wait for you
Like in '68 when our child was due
I said It will have to wait
Until his dad gets here,
And stands by my side,
Remember dear our son's first cry.
oh this ain't nothing new,
Sweetheart I'll wait for you."

He didn't stop all day
To eat a bite,
And he finally got there around midnight
The doctor said she's in a better place
She said to give you this note,
Just in case.

And it said "I'll wait for you
At heaven's gate,
Oh, I don't care how long it takes
And I'll tell St. Pete I can't come in
Without my love and my best friend,
Oh this ain't nothing new,
Sweetheart I'll wait for you.

P.S. I love you too
Sweatheart I'll wait for you..."

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/14/08 12:28 PM
Oh go to the or w/e or itunes.. lemme look into it real quick I havent had to download it in a while..

There ya go there is a button that says download version 8 or w/e for free now click that and go from there

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 10/14/08 12:26 PM
If you cant save your songs.. And when you put said cd in. "Rip" it it'll add it to your itunes

Army_Strong's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:42 PM
No no motive. Atleast not what was said in the article. Glad your better now flowers

I didn't read the article, it would have depressed me alot, so my question is did she have a motive of any kind? I'm very glad i never been to a shooting range in the past because i would have likely done the same thing.

But I am better now so no worries =D

Army_Strong's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:02 PM
Short story even shorter. A woman went to a local indoor shooting range, rented a gun after a few rounds at a target turns the gun on her self. It just blows my mind *no pun intended* that's about the time of day that I go in to shoot, when I have money that is. I just cant believe it happend right there it's crazy!

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/08/08 11:39 PM
No hippie here. Just sayin your both right lol. I agree.. But lifers.. $hit like that.. They should be put to death faster.. Dam* why should we as tax payers have to pay for them to rot in prision.. They kill someone or w/e they should be killed. An eye for an eye. $hit.. A bullet is all of what 60 cents? and we're paying tens of thousands per inmate... C'mon... And, we just proposed a bailout plan? We want to save money... Kill the lifers. Kick the illegal immigrants out.. Call it a day.. Hell shoot them with the 12 gauge mult shock thing haha. Screw it.. They wont hop the fence again will they.. OH better yet.. Lets give those to the gaurds on the boarder but lets make them capable of being shot out of a sniper haha. So they can sit in a tower and blast away. buhaaha

lol. army you hippie! lol i get your point

but no one gets my point, the cops do what they MUSt, you do realize the average american is more a danger ot himself than anyhting outside of him right? jesus car accidents suicides robbery murder,rape,all of it. its all a mess, and you want ot tell them, you cant use tazers? give them a break? and you know what? if they wanna "police" us fine, let them, if were breaking the real laws, stay the **** indoors. if youre just out for a stroll and get your ass ebat by 20 of them, then theres a problem.

and wtf is worng with ICE and the DEA? theyre doing good valuable work for us.

i know prison is a ****hole, that was my point, everyone wants to incacreate, remove the death penalty, and keep slamming every mother F*cker into prison, where they just learn new better ways to kill and commit crimes, lifers should be put ot work in chain gangs or in these jobs only illegals will do.

and what cop has denied you rights? granted there are crooked cops, but wtf have they done to oyu? or anyone you know when it was a valid point they had? we have laws you dolt, laws to keep you and yours safe.

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/08/08 06:52 PM
OK ok.. Don't make me pull this car over! You'll walk I swear to god! Don't make me come back there! ok sorry. Now, both of you have valid points. 50,000 volts is what they use to bring people back when they flat line. Fair enough. I'm sure it wouldn't be called "less leathal" if it wasn't indeed "less leathal" They don't call it non leathal because like previously stated. Anything can be leathal.. Given the right circumstances.. A pencil can be leathal. The 12 gauge thing that's just effin nuts I'm not denying that by any means 20 some odd seconds of shocks is over kill. But, multiple tasers for crowd control isn't that bad of an idea. I'd take a quick shock over cans of tear gas that would effect everyone, even people not involved. That's scary. I've said my peice. Not taking sides, nor am I talking smack either way just saying your both right. lol.

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:18 PM

lol or a240, or a .50 cal, lmfao. ima buy one and set it on a tripod on ym roof when the ****e hits the fan, you guys are welcome to come,lol.

Lmao **** get a couple I'll man one too haha. Screw the SAW haha I was talkin about hand held weapons lol .50 would be fun haha.

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