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Topic: New TASER Weapons Produced For Crowd Control
warmachine's photo
Wed 10/08/08 02:56 PM
Stun gun manufacturer rolls out devices that promise to “drop everyone in a given area to the ground”

Steve Watson

Wednesday, Oct 8, 2008

Everyone’s favourite stun gun manufacturer Taser has unveiled it’s latest loving piece of “non lethal” technology, The Taser Shockwave.

The new weapon is significantly different to the Tasers currently used by police in that it has six different electrified charges and is designed to target crowds rather than individuals.

The cartridges are tethered by 25-foot wires, which can be fired from a distance of up to 100 meters in a 20-degree arc. The “probes” on the end of the cartridges can pierce through clothing and skin, emitting 50,000 volts of electricity in the process.

“Full area coverage is provided to instantaneously incapacitate multiple personnel within that region” Taser explains.

“Multiple Shockwave units can be stacked together (like building blocks) either horizontally or vertically in order to extend area coverage or vertically to allow for multiple salvo engagements.” The product description states.

The weapons can also be vehicle mounted or “daisy chained” according to Taser. Clearly it is anticipated that these things will be used on sizable crowds, meaning an increased likelihood of indiscriminate targeting.

Watch a presentation on the Shockwave from Taser:

The Shockwave isn’t the only new development on Taser’s books either. The Extended-Range Electronic Projectile (XREP) is touted as the first electric shock weapon that can be fired from a normal gun, in this case a 12-gauge shotgun. It delivers a 20-second shock, compared with the default setting five-second shock of a traditional taser X26.

“To maximize incapacitation, the XREP engine incorporates a microprocessor controlled optimal electrode selection technology. Twenty times per second, the XREP engine checks for the optimal electrode connection to maximize the contact spread and achieve greatest incapacitation.” Taser states.

Watch a demonstration:

Both the Taser Shockwave and the XREP are scheduled to go into full production by the end of this year.

Taser has been the subject of much controversy and outrage. One year ago the UN’s Committee Against Torture issued a statement on the TaserX26, which read: “The use of TaserX26 weapons, provoking extreme pain, constituted a form of torture, and that in certain cases it could also cause death, as shown by several reliable studies and by certain cases that had happened after practical use.”

We still await more loving developments from Taser including the much anticipated Taser saucer.

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:00 PM
meh getting tazed doesnt suck to much. besides given that food riots are around the corner, theres bound to be some peace keeping ot be done.

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:06 PM
I kinda want a few lol

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:08 PM
yup tazers kill. so do rocks, and sticks and anyhting with an edge weight a point or that can fit in your hand. were not babies america, we can hold onto a knife and cut our bread too,lol.

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:11 PM
Sure a stick would kill someone I'd prefer a m249 SAW though lmao

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:15 PM
lol or a240, or a .50 cal, lmfao. ima buy one and set it on a tripod on ym roof when the ****e hits the fan, you guys are welcome to come,lol.

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:18 PM

lol or a240, or a .50 cal, lmfao. ima buy one and set it on a tripod on ym roof when the ****e hits the fan, you guys are welcome to come,lol.

Lmao **** get a couple I'll man one too haha. Screw the SAW haha I was talkin about hand held weapons lol .50 would be fun haha.

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:19 PM
lol. zombies? check, insane govt agents? check. add a mk 19 and a TOW and were good til the russians and chinese and koreans come knocking and even then were taking a bunch with us,lmfao. i just LOVe the idea of a guerilla war against anyone in america, id love that. sigh......

warmachine's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:22 PM
I think pain compliance weaponry, funded by the tax payer, for use against the taxpayer is a slippery slope to run up.

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:24 PM
nah. tazers are old and everyone exaggerates them, and honestly we cant let people run amok. new orleans would have been re-built sooner minus the looting and vandalism. ntm food riots, starving people go nuts, look at somalia and anywhere else in africa. lol. besides im gonna be 800 feet away in a tower with a rifle, what worry do i have over tazers? lol

warmachine's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:36 PM
you must not have read the aritcle, they have developed ordinance to be discharged from a firearm that does a 20 second zapping.

These things are not being blown out of proportion, people get shocked and then they die.

The amps that a Taser delievers is right in the middle of the Amperage needed to stop a heart.

Then Taser/Law enforcement invents a new medical condition called "Excited Delirium"?

The police state is coming and it's not going to give a rats about whether or not anyone supports their chosen weaponry, they're just going to use it on us.

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:38 PM
ive been tazed, its not that bad, really. i assure you its not awful. people just arent used ot pain, so they whimper alot. as for a police state, fine we will handle that when it comes. we cant hamstring cops. if they had had these during the LA riots alot of lives and buisnesses would have been saved, or is it cruel and torturous to save those? come on guys! think some!

warmachine's photo
Wed 10/08/08 04:29 PM

ive been tazed, its not that bad, really. i assure you its not awful. people just arent used ot pain, so they whimper alot. as for a police state, fine we will handle that when it comes. we cant hamstring cops. if they had had these during the LA riots alot of lives and buisnesses would have been saved, or is it cruel and torturous to save those? come on guys! think some!

Been hit with the electricity myself, I have a high pain tolerance, but I also felt like my heart was going to explode in my chest, which is the problem. Notwithstanding that it's being used to torture people into compliance.

"if they had had these during the LA riots alot of lives and buisnesses would have been saved"
This is entirely speculation, nevermind that it might have expanded the amount of lives lost, due to "excited delirium" which is just flat made up to cover for Taser deaths.

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 04:31 PM
omg, its just electricity. lol. i really really highly doubt that its fatal as often as is claimed. and dont bother cutting and pasting a link or story. ive seen ALOT of people get tazed, say it sucked and walk out.

now im not syaing taze old people and infants, no. but come ON. we gonna cry about mace next too? cops are just trying to find ways to cover their asses, so they arent getting sued by conspiracy nuts who think "the man" is after them. cut them some slack.

warmachine's photo
Wed 10/08/08 04:45 PM
Who are they cutting slack to?

Free speech in the toilet, no knock drug raids... we could keep going.

It's just electricty? Sure, but isn't the entire body reliant upon electrical impulses to run the brain, to regulate breathing and the heartbeat?
Thats like saying, aww, use the lead toys, it's just poison.

You want to talk about cut and paste stories, fine, but you can only say that you and some people you saw walked away, how about the several hundred a year that don't get to walk away? How about the cop who got zapped in the wrong place during a demo and earned himself a fractured spine? Tell that to the guy the idiots tazed, knowing he probably would fall many feet onto his head to die.

It's a proven fact that the Taser systems operate in the range of Amperage that can stop a heart, period.

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 04:49 PM
omfg. if its so dangerous lets go back to ****ing bullets then. stop whining! do you hear yourself?! you want safe ways to rehabilitate prisoners, then ***** if a cop shoots some thug, then a cop gets shot and you worry about his shooter's civil rights. its a ****in tazer man, relax! me and HUNDREDS of my buddies walked away fine.

as for no knock raids theyre allwoed to, drugs are for *****es and old men who dont want to actually work and pay taxes. its for kids overhyped on rap music and all that BS to realize they could be something, they dont have to knock in my neighborhood if theyre looking for drugs come in officer's i got NOTHING to hide.

warmachine's photo
Wed 10/08/08 05:21 PM
How about putting police back to doing police work, rather than DEA/DHS/Secret service/ICE and others jobs that teach them militarization tactics and stop cops from being peace officers and turned them into "Law Enforcers"

You want to call it whining, fine, whatever floats your boat,but the difference is, I think all men should be free and not subject to torture, whereas you want to take part in inflicting torture on others.

Even Cops now think the Drug war has went to far and is creating the problem, Go to LEAP's website and find out what the boots on the ground have to say about it.

Hundreds of your buddies walked away, but hundreds of others haven't. For the record, there isn't a single bit of "rehabilitation" going on in prison. It's a criminal education camp, you go in as a low level criminal and in most cases come out a better informed and productive Criminal.

I worry about everyones rights, because alot of these cops that are running around following the manual to deny the rights of others are about to find out they are just as screwed as we are, when their 401(k) is gone and they can't feed their families either.

Who's gonna be more dangerous, the cop, fully trained, fully armed and his buddies in their darth vader outfits complete with DHS funded war machines, who are trying to feed their families or the idiot meth head who isn't even interested in food?

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/08/08 06:52 PM
OK ok.. Don't make me pull this car over! You'll walk I swear to god! Don't make me come back there! ok sorry. Now, both of you have valid points. 50,000 volts is what they use to bring people back when they flat line. Fair enough. I'm sure it wouldn't be called "less leathal" if it wasn't indeed "less leathal" They don't call it non leathal because like previously stated. Anything can be leathal.. Given the right circumstances.. A pencil can be leathal. The 12 gauge thing that's just effin nuts I'm not denying that by any means 20 some odd seconds of shocks is over kill. But, multiple tasers for crowd control isn't that bad of an idea. I'd take a quick shock over cans of tear gas that would effect everyone, even people not involved. That's scary. I've said my peice. Not taking sides, nor am I talking smack either way just saying your both right. lol.

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/08/08 06:58 PM
lol. army you hippie! lol i get your point

but no one gets my point, the cops do what they MUSt, you do realize the average american is more a danger ot himself than anyhting outside of him right? jesus car accidents suicides robbery murder,rape,all of it. its all a mess, and you want ot tell them, you cant use tazers? give them a break? and you know what? if they wanna "police" us fine, let them, if were breaking the real laws, stay the **** indoors. if youre just out for a stroll and get your ass ebat by 20 of them, then theres a problem.

and wtf is worng with ICE and the DEA? theyre doing good valuable work for us.

i know prison is a ****hole, that was my point, everyone wants to incacreate, remove the death penalty, and keep slamming every mother F*cker into prison, where they just learn new better ways to kill and commit crimes, lifers should be put ot work in chain gangs or in these jobs only illegals will do.

and what cop has denied you rights? granted there are crooked cops, but wtf have they done to oyu? or anyone you know when it was a valid point they had? we have laws you dolt, laws to keep you and yours safe.

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 10/08/08 11:39 PM
No hippie here. Just sayin your both right lol. I agree.. But lifers.. $hit like that.. They should be put to death faster.. Dam* why should we as tax payers have to pay for them to rot in prision.. They kill someone or w/e they should be killed. An eye for an eye. $hit.. A bullet is all of what 60 cents? and we're paying tens of thousands per inmate... C'mon... And, we just proposed a bailout plan? We want to save money... Kill the lifers. Kick the illegal immigrants out.. Call it a day.. Hell shoot them with the 12 gauge mult shock thing haha. Screw it.. They wont hop the fence again will they.. OH better yet.. Lets give those to the gaurds on the boarder but lets make them capable of being shot out of a sniper haha. So they can sit in a tower and blast away. buhaaha

lol. army you hippie! lol i get your point

but no one gets my point, the cops do what they MUSt, you do realize the average american is more a danger ot himself than anyhting outside of him right? jesus car accidents suicides robbery murder,rape,all of it. its all a mess, and you want ot tell them, you cant use tazers? give them a break? and you know what? if they wanna "police" us fine, let them, if were breaking the real laws, stay the **** indoors. if youre just out for a stroll and get your ass ebat by 20 of them, then theres a problem.

and wtf is worng with ICE and the DEA? theyre doing good valuable work for us.

i know prison is a ****hole, that was my point, everyone wants to incacreate, remove the death penalty, and keep slamming every mother F*cker into prison, where they just learn new better ways to kill and commit crimes, lifers should be put ot work in chain gangs or in these jobs only illegals will do.

and what cop has denied you rights? granted there are crooked cops, but wtf have they done to oyu? or anyone you know when it was a valid point they had? we have laws you dolt, laws to keep you and yours safe.

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