Community > Posts By > RicJL

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/18/08 11:21 AM
Edited by RicJL on Sun 05/18/08 11:22 AM
Try reading ther PC World article before you decide to install it.,142233/article.html

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/18/08 08:58 AM
I don't like to talk about my ex, period. If asked point blank, I prefer to keep it short and not go into details.
What possible good can it serve to dredge up memories best left forgotten?

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/18/08 08:51 AM
Giving away 20 Grand and most of the furniture to the ex so she could get a new start.

RicJL's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:57 PM
No way! I have to get to know a person before getting intimate.

RicJL's photo
Sat 05/17/08 05:51 PM
Extra sharp Irish cheddar is my favorite but Havarti is nice too, especially melted on a croissant.

RicJL's photo
Sat 05/17/08 05:34 PM
I really like the show, except the loud announcer.
Those people are phenomenal athletes but a bit obsessed, I think. Some have actually built replicas of the course to practice on.

RicJL's photo
Sat 05/17/08 05:22 PM
The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/13/08 02:22 PM
Edited by RicJL on Tue 05/13/08 02:23 PM
I have noticed that "[ b ], [ /b ]" and "[ u ], [ /u ]" pairs work but that , does not work if you want to insert a hyperlink, although I have noticed that some posts DO contain working hyperlinks...what code works on this site and why aren't they listed in any of the Help questions?
Not everyone with a profile is "board illiterate", after all!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/13/08 01:02 PM

Dude do you like to be put down is that how you get your jollies?

no i dont like to be put down but it seems to be all that ever happens

Go back and really read the posts and you'll see that, even if you don't mean to do it, you're basically "asking for it", sort of like taping a "Kick me" sign to yourself.
You come across as self-pitying and needy. If you examine yourself, really take an objective look at your self image and the behavior that results from your apparent low self esteem, then there is help. Ask your GP about therapy, or find and join a self help group.
But I really, really, really recommend against whining on a public Forum. What if someone you like answers one of you emails , Googles you, and comes across this thread? Not good...

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:55 AM

AAAHHHH! It's a Hair Shark!! Run for it! Save the wimmins and chillins first!!
I prefer to call it unicorn hair complete with magical mayonnaise!!!:tongue:

I nose, I was just feeling like to play and tease yous, for to amusink myself. Are you havink de troubles for to be finding a someones to rub unicorn for to be making de magic mayonnaise?

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:52 AM
AAAHHHH! It's a Hair Shark!! Run for it! Save the wimmins and chillins first!!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:50 AM
AAAHHHH! It's a Hair Shark!! Run for it! Save the wimmins and chillins first!!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:47 AM
AAAHHHH! It's a Hair Shark!! Run for it! Save the wimmins and chillins first!!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:41 AM food, free drinks.....Im soooooooooo there!!drinker laugh

AAAHHHH! It's a Hair Shark!! Run for it! Save the wimmins and chillins first!!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:33 AM

Sure - but I need to ask....where do you come up with these questions? laugh
From the recesses of my quirky mind

Fixed that for ya.

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:13 PM

Calliope turns from the table and works her way to the kitchen. "I wonder what Boromir has on the menu for today." She smells roasted wild turkey!! Her eyes light up at the thought of the succulent flavor of a juicy breast swirling around in her mouth. She turns so quickly that her pouch loosens from her waist and falls to the floor...Some contents fall out. She watches one of her die roll onto the floor...looks at the die and the number 2 comes up and quickly grabs it before she grabs the mushroom caps and the few berries that had fallen out by her feet.

As he re-enters the Inn, Caracatus hears a familiar sound, coming from the kitchen, "Calliope? Is that you?"
He hurriedly crosses the floor and pushes the kitchen door open, "Hello my sweet little Hobbit...availing yourself of the portions of the wild turkey that escaped me earlier? I assure you that I have left the best morsals. My but you seem famished! There are roasted parsnips in that pot by the kitchen hearth." He points..." just be sure to save the others, one or two, I remember how you Hobbits do enjoy your vegetables..."

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:02 PM

"15 is not bad but I can tell that the steel is old and from the condition of the handle, I can also tell that this tool is well used. I would pay pay 15 if it were new, but a well-used sickle is still not worth one that has just been forged and assembled new from the mountains of a Dwarven forge...I offer you 10 gold pieces..."

10 is a fair price for a normal sickle, but this was made by dwarves. Ok, it's a bit old, so I can see fit to ask for..ooh... 12?

Caracatus draws the sickle from his sash and looks at it again, "There is a nick in the edge, near the tip. Promise to hone the nick out and polish the blade and we have a deal."

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:50 PM

*Raquil thinks about it, a fine quality sickle... He decides on a price after a little bit.*

Let's see, what do you think about 15 gold?

"15 is not bad but I can tell that the steel is old and from the condition of the handle, I can also tell that this tool is well used. I would pay pay 15 if it were new, but a well-used sickle is still not worth one that has just been forged and assembled new from the mountains of a Dwarven forge...I offer you 10 gold pieces..."

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:39 PM

*He takes the Sickle back and returns to the cart. He hates it when they get picky. He decides to pull out his scroll and make sure he's even got anything like it. Half way down the ridiculously long scroll he sees something that might do it. Rolling up the scroll, he then starts looking again through the cart. He Finds the item and examines it. Oak handle, nice solid-looking blade. If his list is right it should have plenty of Carbon in the blade. He only hopes it was made strong enough for this guy's liking. Raquil returns to the druid.*

How about this one then?

Caracatus takes the newly proffered tool, examines the blade, holding the sickle by it's handle with two fingers, then flicks a finger against the blade and listens intently to the resulting ringing sound that he metal makes. He repeats the experiment, holding the sickle even closer to his ear, "The metal sounds right..."
He then examines the handle, holding it close to his eye and running it up and down it's length, checking the grain of the wood, as well as the stain and polish, "Hmmm", he says, "this this is a fine 100 year piece of old Oak, I recognize the pattern of the grain as being from the Midlands...excellent." He rubs his fingers lightly up and down the handle's length, "I know who made this stain and the polish is made primarily from bee's wax...this is of Dwaven manufacture!"

He looks knowingly at Raquil, while placing the sickle into the sash of his robes, "If you had told me that you had Dwarf-made tools in the first place, we could have saved some time. I'll take it, if you name me a fair price, that is." Caratacus straightens and looks squarely into Raquils eyes, he places his hands on his hips, his staff held in the crook of one arm, it's base in the dirt and it's top towering over the little human's head his lips draw tight into a stubborn-looking line...the Druid has dealt with traveling merchants before and he is not one to be cheated...

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:05 PM

I have my methods. This is more than just a cart. Trust me, it'd take a amazing professional thief to even to hope to steal from this cart. Oh and those Items are fakes.

*He walks up to cart and does something and the cart opens up to show off so many items. He starts digging his supplies and finds a sickle that seems to be non-magical. He climbs out of the cart and looks it over. Nodding he walks over to Caracatus and shows him the Sickle.*

Take a look, is this the sort of thing you are looking for?

Caracatus takes the proffered tool, examines the blade, holding the sickle by it's handle with two fingers, then flicks a finger against the blade and listens intently to the resulting ringing sound that he metal makes. He scowls and looks at Raquil.
"This will not do, there isn't enough carbon in the steel and look! This handle is made of bone! I am a Druid, an Earth Elemental Druid. The hadle must be made of wood, preferably Oak or Yew and the steel must be able to stand repeated use against the fiberous and tough stems of the Mistletoe bush...try again, Raquil, no sale."

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