Community > Posts By > RicJL

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:11 PM
Edited by RicJL on Wed 05/07/08 02:12 PM

So what brings you to this town, never seen you around here before

"That is true, for this is my first visit to this place. I have shaken the dust of my homeland off my boots in the hope of finding adventure and new diversions. I also hope to learn and the Spirits willing, increase my meager possessions somewhat."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:08 PM

Royalty eh? Forgive me if I do not bow

"Not Royalty, Sir. Merely an old and honored house. The Druids of my clan shun such trappings as Royalty as being too prideful. We are a humble people, more in tune with the Earth, Skies, and the Waters to be overly concerned by the Titles that men bestow upon themselves to raise themselves above others."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:03 PM

You there, tree hugger, you looking at me?

"Just admiring your...wingspan, offense meant."

Milord? *looks around* Oh me? Just call me Barbus. But NEVER EVER call me late for dinner.

"I shall endeavor to never do so, Mil...err, Barbus."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:00 PM

Takes a drink with his offer. What is your name druid. I haven't seen you here before. My name is Re'Anna.

"I am pleased to know you, MiLady Re'Anna. I am Caratacus of the house of Gwrtheyrn."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 01:57 PM

You there, tree hugger, you looking at me?

"Just admiring your...wingspan, offense meant."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:53 PM
*Acknowledging Re'Anna's friendly nod with a slight raising of his goblet in her direction. Caratacus takes a bite of the bread and turns his attention to the drow. After studying the creature with a quick but piercing gaze, he decides that the elder is little or no danger while he's busy eating.
Caratacus returns his attention to his own meal while glancing surreptitiously every so often in the two womens' directions, almost as if he is comparing their separate features.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:42 PM
*Caratacus, feeling the slight tremor beneath his feet, reaches down and places his palm on the floor. After a few seconds, he feels no repeat and so he straightens up. Glancing around the room and seeing no outward reaction from the other guests, he is about to return to his meal when he catches site of the swordswoman. There is a scent wafting through the air, coming from her direction. Caratacus' nostrils flair slightly as he drinks in the aroma. "Interesting woman", he thinks to himself, as he takes a sip from his goblet.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:20 PM
*Looks outside, raises his eyebrows at the unusual site,then calmly says*
"Goblin ale, then."
Places some gold on the table.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:58 AM

"It is a pleasure to meet you. That is correct we have the best accomodations for any who travel far. Today I serve Boar's Stew with freshly baked dark bread," the young barkeep answers as he serves the two dishes of steaming stew to the newcomers.

"Thank you, son. I am truly famished, what is there to drink? For as well and being hungry as the black bear of the forest after a long winter's sleep, I am also as parched as the desert fox in the heat of summer."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:45 AM
Edited by RicJL on Wed 05/07/08 11:51 AM
*A man enters the Inn wearing green embroidered robes, from the Earth symbols stitched into the cloth and his headgear made of green leaves from the sacred Yew tree, he is easily identified as a Duid.
His tow colored hair and beard were somewhat unkempt and showed the dust of a long journey. The beard could not conceal set of his lips in a stern line and his eyes were a deep green and surrounded by premature wrinkles, no doubt from squinting in many a day's bright sun or peering through the gloom of a forest night.
He strides to the bar and up the the young blond fellow. Nodding his head slightly in respectful greeting, he then turns a piercing gaze on the fellow.*

"Good day, young man. I have journeyed far to get here to Sinatorium and the guards at the city gates tell me that The Green Dragon Inn is a place that I may find lodging as well as food and drink."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:25 AM
Bring some back for me, will ya Derek? The stuff we have here at works sux.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:35 AM

Please don't pick in Lily for being a loving, caring, supportive lady. If you want to pick on her, you got to wait until you can see her nostrils flaring, at least. laugh

That would probably be best, my fingers are pretty big, after all.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:33 AM

<---------cave man
Hey...I love your soap! laugh flowerforyou

Male, "Cave-Man soap, made for a man..."
Female, "But I like it too..."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:15 AM

I'm sure you will find that lucky lucky lady, I myself am a dog person though... It would never work.

You're gonna get a raw spot on the inside of your cheek if you keep sticking your tongue in the same spot. You might want to consider alternating sides.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:13 AM

Cave-man, I am not sure what you mean by "nuetered"

But any lady who I choose to share my feline side with can be rest assured that I am a "good kitty" ;)

He means castrated, Sally.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:51 AM

And recently I have taken to wearing the cat-suit in public. The many stares I get as I prowl about in a feline fashion help to reaffirm my desireability.

Yeah, sure, desired by the local Psyche ward. Wait, I think I hear sirens...

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:00 AM
Google says:
"Richard needs to go to beauty school"
WTF? laugh

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:27 AM
Please stop asking me silly questions.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:19 AM
Was up and on the road at 7 AM. Fixed my bozo developer's stupid problem and then fought rush hour traffic all the back to Corp HQ.

Now I'm pounding stale coffee. At least it's hot.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:14 AM
Not looking forward to today, have to drive out to a branch office to deal with an idiotic so-called "developer" who can't get his reports to work. I've already checked out his code and it's crap.
AND I didn't get enough sleep last's gonna be a long day.