Community > Posts By > RicJL

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:37 PM

Hmm. A dark glass vessel for drinking wine. Dear Druid it sounds rather romantic. What an idea you have had!

"The fashioning of such a vessel is what draws my interest, MiLady. As you may be aware, we Druids tend to prefer to work in either metal, stone, or clay or even wood, being the elemental people that we are. This talk of using a volcanic rock to fashion a drinking vessel intrigues me."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:29 PM

"Yes I will join you for a few moments I have already eaten though and it was good. I would love to join you for a drink. May I get you anouther glass of elvin wine."

Caratacus, having overheard the offer from his position stationed at the bar, looks in the direction of Sundirra and Thogeon, he raises his eyebrow and then speaks, addressing Thogeon, "I ask pardon for the interruption, my warrior friend, but did I just hear you offer the beautiful Elvin Lass a "Glass" of elvin wine? What pray, is this "Glass" that you speak of? It sounds as tho' tis a vessel of some sort, but I have only experienced the type of glass that is found on the side of volcanic mountains and although it is shiny and hard, it is also lumpish and black in color. I cannot imagine our Elvish Damsel friend wanting to drink such a fine spirit from such a material...surely the taste of the vintage would be ruined?"
The Druid spreads his hands out apologetically, then shugs as if mystified by his own question.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:13 PM

*Leucippus is a little taken aback by the Druid’s remarks. He wasn’t aware that anyone knew if his plight. The person he had told of the lock was Boromir. Although he wasn’t sure precisely what the merchant might have know about the item he sold. Surely he wouldn’t have should it for a mere 10 pieces of gold had he known its true potential.*

“Yes”, Leucippus replies to the Druid. I am interested in finding an elf to teach me how to braid fine threads. I understand that elves have special skills in braiding fine threads.

Catatus replies, "I do not doubt that my approach was unnoticed on my way from the Kitchen to the Baths. We Forest Walkers have a light step when walking. I did not mean to overhear you but as I passed, I could not but notice your emotions and your words to Boramir."
He shrugs and says, "Consider my passing fortuitous then, for I may be in a position to help and since you have requested it, I will do what I can to that end. Peace be on you, Leucippus. We will soon speak on this again, thinks I..."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 05:49 PM

*Leucippus returns from a long day spend in the woods. His boots are muddy and it’s clearly that he has been in water up to his knees. It’s all dry now, but the mud stains are clear. Anyone who has seem this bard around is used to seeing him quite tidy.*

He walks straight over to the bar where he often sits, “Boromir my friend, what are we having today?”

*He’s hungry, hasn’t had much sleep to due nightmares and headaches that he’s been having lately.*

Caracatus the Druid approaches Leucippus and says, "Pardon, good Bard but was it you that I spied standing over by the window early this morn? If tis true, then I know of a certain elf who may wish to speak to you, perhaps even the the one that I heard you make mention of. I believe that you mentioned requiring the assistance of an elf..."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 03:58 PM

"she looks up at Raquil and Caratucus hoping they wont ask for another thing till she has finished her Venison soup..."

"I have to beg your pardon my friends but I will have to leave when my last morsel is consumed...for it is my day to chase my furry critters in the forest"

*she holds the bowl in both hands sipping the last bit, runs into he kitchen with her dishes and dashes to the door...waving her hand and smiling the entire time.*

"Till later my friends...I bid you goodnight"

Caratacus looks at Raquil and comments, "That was the fastest moving Hobbit that I have ever seen, and I have known many. I was going to offer her the mushrooms from my soup, since I do not care for them, oh well."
He smacks his lips, "The sauce for the bread certainly was delicious, I will have to ask how it's made, the next time I see that swift and small creature."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 03:11 PM
Caratacus, upon his return to the Inn, is greeted by a fantastic aroma of soup and fresh bread. His stomach begins to rumble once again as he realises that he hasn't eaten since the morning and prior to his ablutions.
He breaths in the fragrance deeply and says, " What is that wonderful scent that I smell? Is Boromir making more ambrosia in the kitchen? Is there any chance that I can get some, along with some of that fresh bread?"

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 03:06 PM

Same here Kory. She gets up also, and goes outside to see what she can get into.
Never being one to sit idly by and do nothing

* The Druid Caratacus quickly gets up from where he had been resting near the empty hearth and follows Re'Anna outside. Taking her gently by the elbow, he murmers, "Walk with me."
After turning the corner, he stops and says to her, " I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Kory, I was seated just behind you.
There's something I think I should relate to you. This morning, I saw a Bard standing at the window of the Inn alone. As I passed him on my way to the Baths, I couldn't help but to see that the Sun was making tears on his face glisten but more importantly, he held in his hand a lock of hair. But not just any hair, for it shone and glittered in the sunlight like molten gold.
I do not know the Bard, nor his name, but I would recognize his face, if I were to spy it once more.
If this information is of use to you, let me know and the next time I see him at the Inn, I will point him out to you so that you may speak together with him.
I gladly do this for the comradeship that you showed to me on my firat night here. It is the least that I can do in return for your kindness."

*With that, the Druid turns and begins to make his way back to the Green Dragon.*

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 11:33 AM

I doubt it. The paladin that was in here yesterday wanted to try too. Rathil has had some of the stronger clerics in the area try as well to know avail. I am dying and I have come to accept that. No level of healing magic can stop it. Only delay the inevitable.

"Ah, acceptance of the inevitable is usually the first step to inner peace. We Druids accept that to all things there is a season and an eventual end. The is nothing to fear, nothing to feel sorrowful for when the end comes, for it comes to all things in accordance with Nature's will."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 11:23 AM

*Jericho picks up two mugs off of a table and one at a time throws them into Barbus' range on Juggling to see if he keeps up the flow or drops everything.*

*The Druid's jaw drops as he watches Barbus. Druids don't juggle and this is the first time Caracatus has seen such a display.*

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 11:18 AM

are you still after a cure for what ails you?

I'm not. it doesn't matter to me either way. Rathil wanted me to go see them this morning because he figured since the paladin got the disease down to almost nothing that the clerics could blast the rest away.

"What is your ailment? Is it anything that the herbal healing knowledge of Druid lore can assist with?"

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:57 AM

*Jericho comes back into the inn and sits down at the bar*

*Nods towards the druid and Barbus as he enters*

*Nods back to Jericho*
"Did you take care of that chore that you spoke privately to me about?

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:46 AM

sold! you have to try the salmon when he makes it. I have been bugging his family for at least the last 150 years, and so far the only part of the recipe I have is Salmon.

"I'll be sure to try it the next time he makes it."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:35 AM

I would take you up on some chow, I am starving, but it is way too early for me to drink.

"Certainly. The Boar Goulash that Baromir made today is very good and I can also vouch for the dark bread."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:26 AM

Barbus said:
I will give you this for your travels, aim for the heart, this wooden cross, though it has a silver border should do the trick.

"My thanks, Barbus. Both for the information and the weapon. Please allow me to buy you a drink or some food to show my gratitude."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:20 AM

It's well known that vampiric activity has increased around the city lately. I can't imagine they are making their home inside the city walls. Outside the city is where you will most likely find them in greater numbers.

"Well, whatever it/they were, they didn't follow me into the city." He feigns wiping his brow and ventures a little smile.

"All this story-telling has worked up a thirst, is anyone serving this early? I could use a mug of Brew."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:08 AM

I vaguely remember seeing you, sorry if I do not completly remember, I see so many coming and going.

"Well, last night, I found myself alone and on the road after the sun had set, I had been hunting for a supply of mistletoe. As you may be aware, Druids are rarely without it."

"Being still unfamiliar with the area, I decided to continue on back to town in the gathering gloom because the moon was full and the road was clearly visible."

"After a few miles, my senses began to detect some sort of presence that seemed to be shadowing my steps from the undergrowth alongside the road. Soon I was sure of it because I heard a rustle and a twig snap, yet there was no discernable wind last night."

"Being armed with just my staff and not knowing the nature or number of my stalker, I began to make my way as quickly as my legs would carry to the town gates. I managed to make it to the guard shack unscathed but just as I entered the light, I heard a hissing sound but perhaps of more import, I felt a wave of hatred roll over me from behind."

"Can you tell me if there has been any recent news regrading a beast or other hunter entity that stalks night time travellers and can project such hostility? I admit that, being a Druid, I may be more in touch with the elements and energy flows than most but I don't think it was anything that I may have imagined. I think what I felt at the end of my flight was real..."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:50 AM

I'll see what I can do. Barbus might have better information to offer than I do but I can try.

"Speaking of Barbus, and here he is! Good afternoon, sir! Do you perchance remember me from a few nights ago?"

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:44 AM

I think I saw you in passing the first night you were here.

*Pulls his cloak off a bit*

I am however not an elf I fear. You are probably thinking of my loud mouthed travelling companion.

"Oh, I do beg pardon. It must have been the cloak. Yes I believe that you and your companion were good enough to impart some information about my new surroundings on my first night at the Inn. I wonder, if you can spare the time, would you be good enough to impart a little more information? I was on the road last night and had a strange experience..."

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:40 AM

*Calliope runs behinds the bar...pulls out the wonderful chair that Barbus had brought her...slides it over to Jerichos table, steps up to the high chair and says, "Ill eat the other one, since I have not tasted Boromirs meal yet"

If you enjoy a little spice, you will certainly enjoy Boromir's efforts for today.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:34 AM

*Looks around as he eats wondering where everyone went*

Walks back in from the baths, looking much cleaner and feeling restored, thanks to Boromir's efforts.
Sees the elf and walks over.
"Greetings friend elf. Have we not met before? My name is Caratacus Gwrtheyrn and I would be honored to keep you company while you dine."