Community > Posts By > RicJL

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:48 AM
Edited by RicJL on Sun 05/11/08 08:50 AM
Caratacus hungrily dives into the goulash, getting bits on gravy and food sprinkled into what was a few seconds ago a fairly clean beard.

Finishing the bowl in two shakes of a lambs tail. Leaning back, he hands the bowl back to Boromir and releases a gigantic belch. He sighs as he begins to feel the food's warmth spreading through him and the strength in his limbs returning.
Wiping the remains of the food from the front of his robes, he turns to face Boromir once again.

"Boromir, I need to scrape the road dust from my limbs and clean up these robes. Be a good boy and put a kettle on for some hot water, would you? Oh and do not be deceived by the wolfish manner with which I devoured the food, I assure you that it was not too spicy and eminently palatable."

Standing and spying a loaf of fresh baked bread, the Druid snags in from the rack and finding it still hot, blows on his fingers as he juggles it from hand to hand for a few seconds, then satisfied the loaf is cool enough to attempt a bite, tears off a chunk and begins to chew with evident relish.

Gathering his staff and with a slight groan, he nods to Alatariel and winks at Calliope as he makes his way out of the kitchen slowly and towards the baths, munching contentedly.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:18 AM
From the main room of the Inn, Caratacus wakes with a start and a loud snort at the semi-heard sound of metal on metal. Staring about wildly, he realizes that it is not the sound of weapons but rather the rattling of cookware coming from the Inn's kitchen.

Catching his quicken breathing, he calms himself, smooths his hair and rises to his feet. Straightening his rumpled clothing, Caratacus picks up his staff and leaning heavily on it, walks slowly towards the sounds emanating from the kitchen. He suddenly realizes that after his long overnight journey and flight from the creatures that had picked up his trail during the night, that he is weak from hunger and in dire need of sustenance to replenish his energies.

"Boromir! Boromir!" He cried, "I need food and ale! Whatever you have will do, for I am a famished man!"
Pushing open the kitchen door, he sees Boromir and a small female hobbit, surrounded by the remains of some animal. The hobbit's eyes grow large and round at the sight of the bedraggled Druid.
"Do not fear me little one, for I mean you no harm. I do not believe we have met but I think that I have seen you about."
Staggering to a nearby kitchen stool, he lowers himself into it and accepts a jug of water that Boromir hastily provides. Gulping down the water, incidentally giving his beard an impromptu wash, he finishes the jug and wipes his now soggy facial hair with the back of his sleeve.

"Ahh! My gratitude, my good man! I was more than parched! Is there any bread and salt?" Caratacus leans on his staff and looks around the kitchen imploringly.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:13 AM
A weary Caratacus appears in the doorway of the Green Dragon.
"Hello the Inn!" He says in a loud voice. "Is there anyone about? Boromir! Barbus! Anyone?"
He shuffles slowly to a table and slumps into a chair, propping his staff against the table. With his elbows on the table, he cradles his head in both hands and then exhales in a long sigh.

Caratacus is more than just weary, he is almost exhausted and he allows his head to slide down onto the table, making a cradle of his arms. He is soon snoring loudly.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 02:30 AM
I'm a software and database developer. I write and deploy websites from scratch.
What would you say that made me? Simple or complicated?

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 01:57 AM
I've seen others posting but it is pretty early on a Sunday for most.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 12:54 AM
Born and raised in Montreal.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 12:49 AM

the summers when i was a child and would pick them wild in the fields eatting half of them while i was picking them ..

the drink of a cold coke

Going blueberry picking up in the mountains in Quebec and drinking ice cold runoff water from the cliff face.

RicJL's photo
Sat 05/10/08 11:51 PM
The smell of corn roasting on the bbq grill. The sound of steak sizzling next to the corn.
Families riding bicycles through the park together.

RicJL's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:30 PM
Last person alive or not, hygiene is still important from a health perspective alone, right?

RicJL's photo
Sat 05/10/08 05:53 PM
Hey Fly. I'm just chilling in the Forums and watching a little TV over my shoulder.

RicJL's photo
Thu 05/08/08 01:01 AM
*Caratacus wakes from his slumber at the table in the corner, glances around, then asks*

"I must have dozed off, weary from my long travels, I do not see Boromir to serve me, nor any of my new companions, should I repair to the outlying forest for a proper sleep, or are there any here still standing, who would like to converse?"

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:04 PM

(not a pixe A HIGH ELVEN CLERIC)

(my mistake...first visit to the Inn, bear with me as I get the hang of things...laugh )

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:57 PM
Edited by RicJL on Wed 05/07/08 02:59 PM

Boromir blushes again before answering. "I am Boromir fair lady. I do hope you enjoy the meal of the day," he says as he slowly eases away going back to the counter.

*Suddenly, Caratacus realizes that Boromir is serving a Pixie! He tries not to stare rudely but never having beheld sure a rare and almost mythical creature, he is unable to tear his eyes away from the miniature woman-like creature. Her beauty is astonishing, despite her diminutive size. Finally, Caratacus tears his gaze away and refocuses on Barbus and Rathil_Thads.*

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:46 PM
<To Barbus>

"You possess the power to slay a dragon? Simply amazing!"

*As the door opens, Caratacus feels his eyes drawn inexorably to the figure standing there*

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:36 PM
"No, I do not, it appears to be a stone, carved in the shape of some sort of lizard's scale."

*Looks at Re'Anna*
"Do you recognize it, Re'Anna?"

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:31 PM
"Once again, I see you point. And another lesson learned. I think that I have been most fortunate this day, not only because I was finally able to make my way here, but also to make such fine acquaintances as yourselves in my first hours at the Green Dragon Inn."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:22 PM

Hang around Rathil and I long enough, things will start to rub off on you, I am skilled in the elements, however my abilities took hunderds of years to develop.

"Anything that I could learn from either of two such learned men such as yourselves, would be my honor, gentlemen. However, being a humble human, I'm afraid that I do not have as much time to invest in my education as yourself, more's the pity..."
Ahh, but there's where you are wrong, the minute you place doubt in yourself, you will fail, try or try not, and if you do, you will do well. I am an old creature, not going to be here forever, maybe one day I will take an apprentice, someone who is willing to learn the ways of the Drow.

" I see your meaning. My first lesson, then. I thank you, Sir. But surely your apprentice would also be a Drow?"

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:20 PM

Oh I beg to differ... *holds up a ruby dragon's scale* Have you ever laid eyes on one of these?

"No sir, I can't say that I have. It glitters merrily in the light, a pretty bauble. What is it?"

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:18 PM

Hang around Rathil and I long enough, things will start to rub off on you, I am skilled in the elements, however my abilities took hunderds of years to develop.

"Anything that I could learn from either of two such learned men such as yourselves, would be my honor, gentlemen. However, being a humble human, I'm afraid that I do not have as much time to invest in my education as yourself, more's the pity..."

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:14 PM

Royalty eh? Forgive me if I do not bow

"Not Royalty, Sir. Merely an old and honored house. The Druids of my clan shun such trappings as Royalty as being too prideful. We are a humble people, more in tune with the Earth, Skies, and the Waters to be overly concerned by the Titles that men bestow upon themselves to raise themselves above others."
Amen to that, I do not know where some people get off "calling themselves royalty, Take King Jeroo for example, what a joke, I flew 7,000 miles and just walked into his castle like I owned the place. There he was on a bed of gold just taxing his poor subjects like there is no tomorrow, not that it bothered me, I could care less if they die tomorrow, but what I do care about is what is in his head, that information is priceless.

"Yes, my people hold that information or wisdom, is more valuable than anything. But alas, wisdom doesn't pay for Ale, now does it?"