Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Tue 11/14/23 07:48 PM
As I try mending the scars on my heart
From a love that has ended oh so hard
I pray to god to take my pain
mend my wings, give me strength

May I reflect on, in the up coming years
The times of love the joy the cheer
May I stay in touch with old and new friends
Throughout the rest of my life
Yes until my end.

W.A.M. 11/14/23

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Tue 11/14/23 07:45 PM
Scars sorry for the typo

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Tue 11/14/23 04:53 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 11/14/23 04:55 PM
As I try mending the scares on my heart
From a love that has ended oh so hard
I pray to god to take my pain
mend my wings, give me strength

May I reflect on, in the up coming years
The times of love the joy the cheer
May I stay in touch with old and new friends
Throughout the rest of my life
Yes until my end.

W.A.M. 11/14/23

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Tue 11/14/23 04:27 PM
I like it

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Tue 11/14/23 04:24 PM
When I was very young I had a dream I could fly. The next day I started to try and fly down the basement steps like I did in my dream. I'm glad I talked myself out of it

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Tue 11/14/23 04:19 PM
drinker drinker

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Tue 11/14/23 04:13 PM

Of course there is,they do business all over the country. The US are currently at our only Naval base in Manus Province. Which is an island north east of our mainland. Thier presence here is a small comfort yet troubling.

You'll be safe with them there unless China pays people to spread propaganda and turn the population against them

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Tue 11/14/23 03:17 PM
There has been eye witnesses to sightings that described the government officials who questioned them as dressed in black. The government has admitted that the Majestic 12, Project Bluebook, and a few others were real at one time and released the documents to prove it. I suppose dressing in a black suit and tie would be considered proper for that job. MIB as a organization I doubt it but people dressed that way to do that job yes.

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Tue 11/14/23 02:20 PM

I shall await with abated breath.

As long as there are humans, there will be war.

As long as there are apex animals, the animals
will make war.

As long as there are ant mounds, the ants will
make war.

The super rich get richer while the poor go to die. The top riches people in the world will make a fortune off our lives and blood. George Soros is one of them

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Tue 11/14/23 01:36 PM

Off course there will be a WW3...

It's just that it could be now, or it could be in our children's lifetime...

Western countries only seem to help when a country has assets (like oil/mineral deposits etc)...

But when a country grows carrots for instance, there is no help forthcoming...

I understand that money makes the world go round, that weapons are big money, and the best way to sell weapons is to sow discord in the world between the smaller countries, this in turn ensures good sales for weapons...

I do feel the us of the a should keep out of other SOVERIEGN countries affairs and not meddle or play at world police...

All in all, I feel we should all be more humane and think about the humanity in us all, some of us have it and some of us don't...

Everyone hates on the USA until they need or want something from them, including England.

drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Tue 11/14/23 01:32 PM

Nice write:thumbsup: :wink: .

How long have you been on this site? That's what we used to say to compliment people's poems when this site was Just Say Hi

I’ve been on here for some years now. Excuse me Sir but it’s not your poem so why should it matter to you how I comment on them. If you don’t like it then keep it to yourself and move on. I know I have a tendency to say the same thing but like the Bobby Brown song “It’s my prerogative”. At least my comments are nice.

You misread me Julie. The phrase " nice write " broke back some fond memories. I apologize for being so forward I hope you have a great day. drinker

Thank you and you too:thumbsup: .

:thumbsup: drinker

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Tue 11/14/23 05:59 AM

I guess as Christians all we can do is pray about it. Seeing all the hate and power struggles going on in the world lately is worrying. I come from a small Pacific island north of Australia and New door to Asia. We had Japanese, Australian and New Zealand soldiers fighting in our country during WW2. It's scary to think that our little country will be caught up in the cross fires again if we did have a WW3.

There isn't a heavy Chinese presence there already?

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Tue 11/14/23 05:36 AM
All the time. It gets old but what can you do. Sometimes it cuts deep, that's the worst. Only thing to do is brush it off bid them good day and move on.

no photo
Tue 11/14/23 05:16 AM

Nice write:thumbsup: :wink: .

How long have you been on this site? That's what we used to say to compliment people's poems when this site was Just Say Hi

I’ve been on here for some years now. Excuse me Sir but it’s not your poem so why should it matter to you how I comment on them. If you don’t like it then keep it to yourself and move on. I know I have a tendency to say the same thing but like the Bobby Brown song “It’s my prerogative”. At least my comments are nice.

You misread me Julie. The phrase " nice write " broke back some fond memories. I apologize for being so forward I hope you have a great day. drinker

no photo
Mon 11/13/23 06:59 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/13/23 07:00 PM

Nice write:thumbsup: :wink: .

How long have you been on this site? That's what we used to say to compliment people's poems when this site was Just Say Hi

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Mon 11/13/23 06:56 PM

The democrats have admitted they believe immigrants will vote for democrats when they DO get the right to vote. And the dems ARE working on a way to allow them to vote…You say the democrats aren’t bringing them in, I say they are doing nothing to stop them from coming in. Just listen to the immigrants shouting and cheering for Biden. I think the blocking of that scotus nominee ( Garland) was good for America, no telling how far left we may have been at this time if he was placed on the court… there would be lines in front of the abortion clinic… doctors and lawyers would have tax payers pay for their education.. thats what Mitch McConnell will be remembered for.

The naturalization process takes several years, so even if the Democrats bused a million immigrants tomorrow, and sponsored them all, it would take 3-8 years to get them naturalized. Without sponsorship it takes longer. Sure the Democrats don't want to build stupid walls or separate children from parents, but they are in favor of reforming the immigration system.

Those Republican appointees sure worked out. Thomas and Alito taking $millions in bribes. Maybe there would be more abortions without them, but on the bright side, the outrage at the Dobbs decision absolutely killed the "red wave" of 2022, and probably won't help Republicans in '24.

The student loan forgiveness was only for $10-20K and people making over $75K/year weren't eligible, so no doctors or lawyers. Nice try.

You are right about the Dobbs decision, but it seems the democrats want absolutely no restrictions on abortion. Would be okay if there weren’t so many immoral scumbags out there that have no guilt about killing their babies time and time again, like a revolving door. That should never be allowed…. With the immigrants I’m sure the Biden regime and his supporters will eliminate that naturalization process like he tried to do with everything else that stands in his way…although Biden doesn’t want a wall he is building a wall to keep immigrants out of a particular area Doesn’t make sense to me because he said a wall will not keep people out??? …. Bribes? I don’t hear much about those 2 you speak of but we hear a lot about the bribes tied to Biden and a couple of others like Gold bar Bob Menendez…. I never heard a cut off point for the buying of the college students vote.. but $75,000 is more than most people make that would have been stuck with that bill.

With all the FREE contraceptives out there, there is no reason a unwanted baby should be formed. If a unwanted baby is formed 15 weeks is well within reason for a abortion. Thats over 3 months to deside whether to keep it or not. With the exception of the mothers life being at risk or a problem with the baby. If you're gonna act like a adult then be a adult.

no photo
Mon 11/13/23 06:48 PM

Upchuck Schumer has been the biggest thug in
modern political history. Followed closely
by Nancy Piglosi.
I won't leave Trumpster dumpster out of the mix.
After all, Trump was a lifelong democrat until
2015, when he changed affiliation to seek the
Republican primary nomination.
That pudgy f'kstain, is a lifelong financial
supporter of thuggish behavior.

He had to leave because the demomrats were all anti-America pro Socialism anti-Constitution and he's a firm believer in America, the Constution and a free capitalistic society. If you wanna believe the bought off press then that's your right but you should at least investigate for yourself. This country was thriving and getting back on its feet under him. If you can't see that he's being railroaded by the people who want to kill this country. Anyone truly paying attention and thinking for themselves can see what's going on.

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Mon 11/13/23 06:38 PM

You are right Trump isn’t the biggest thug around . He’s a choir boy compared to Joe Biden.

Amen to that brother

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Mon 11/13/23 06:34 PM

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Mon 11/13/23 11:14 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/13/23 11:15 AM
They are using the justice system to keep criminals on the streets to create chaos and keep us distracted. If one murders with guns then they'll blame the gun and push to take the law abiding citizens guns away.

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