Community > Posts By > Roweanne

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Thu 01/14/10 11:47 AM
Up to a point, age does matter. It's a bit tougher (though not impossible) to find things in common with someone who isn't in the same age range as you are. I had supper with a guy younger than I last summer, by about 10 years, and he was a nice guy. However, he seemed rather younger than I remember 28-32 being when I was that age. I think I'm getting old. LOL
And I'm sure that older men sometimes think the same thing about me when we talk.

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Thu 01/14/10 11:30 AM
That is a very cool saying.:thumbsup:

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Wed 01/13/10 01:50 PM
Edited by Roweanne on Wed 01/13/10 01:51 PM
I guess that I'm a little bit of most of them except the sales one. And I think that hunter-gatherer is a most natural lifestyle. But I really could never forget the meat-eating hunter part. And this far north, naked is not an option in the winter time, so animal hides are a good thing for hunter-gatherers.:tongue:

And I tend to be a Goddess-worshiper, in all her myriad forms.

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Wed 01/13/10 01:43 PM
Became interested about 16 years ago. I dated someone who is Pagan, and met some of his friends, and became friends with them. Eventually became a student in their rather ecclectic teaching coven. The coven has since been disbanded, Steve and I broke up, and several of us, including myself, have moved away, but I'm still proudly Pagan. And ceremonies aren't neccessary. You can celebrate the Earth and the Gods and Goddesses without getting to formal or ceremonial.

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Wed 01/13/10 01:31 PM

On America's Funniest Home Videos it seems like some of those people really get hurt,you'd be lieing if you said you have never laughed at some of those videos,but I guess somehow that's different right? whoa

With Funniest Videos, they set themselves up for the laughter. Otherwise, they wouldn't send the video in. Besides, when you laugh at the videos, you are laughing with the individuals... Have you ever seen just how hard they are laughing at themselves when the camera pans around? Besides, some of those people are alughing the whole way to the bank, if they win the funniest.

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Wed 01/13/10 01:26 PM
If it's any consolation, I've heard peole say, (myself included) that "I wouldn't wish ...on my worst enemy" or that "no one deserves that". Thankfully, not everyone is bitter and mean toward people they don't like or get along with.

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Thu 01/07/10 01:22 PM
Oh, is that hogwash!!! That's a very narrow concept of "beauty". I should think that there would be a law suit invloved, knowing how people think these days.

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Thu 01/07/10 01:16 PM
I think it's a good idea, but there would be complications. I realize the need for government, but our current one could screw up a wet dream. Besides, the congress would put so many pork-barrel riders on such a plan that they would only make things worse. Nice theory, though. I'm going to send that one to my sister. She'll get a laugh.

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Thu 01/07/10 01:08 PM
When the mad cow disease scare was at its worst, before they banned beef from certain places, I was in a truck stop in Tennessee where I was told that I couldn't have my steak med-rare (so I opted to not have steak cooked to a shoe-leather consistancy), but the waitress asked me how I would like my pork chop. I told her that there is more to worry about from under-cooked pork than there is from med-rare steak. frustrated

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Thu 01/07/10 01:00 PM
Edited by Roweanne on Thu 01/07/10 01:01 PM
MOST of what you have all listed I totally agree with. But one smell that I have always loved is the smell of a well-cared-for horse with a good leather saddle or good leather harnesses on it. Makes me think of horse-back riding or riding in a wagon when I was a kid. Combine that with sweet-smelling hay, and you have a good old-fashioned hay ride.

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Thu 01/07/10 12:51 PM
I had surgery on my shoulder a few years ago, and for the first week after that I couldn't get my shoulder wet. So I would take a bath instead of a shower, and go to the beauty salon just so that I could get my hair washed. It was so wonderful to have someone else take care of my hair for me! I felt really pampered, and when you're recovering from surgery, being pampered is a REALLY good thing.biggrin

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Thu 01/07/10 12:14 PM
Welcome to here! They say that I'm funny, but looks don't count.

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Thu 01/07/10 12:12 PM
A Monk?!? Come on, that's not very polite. Xaki, I think that it's very good that you don't want to put too much emphasis on sex within a relationship. That shows good sense on your part. Way too many people do that and instead of finding the "Right" person, they find a bunch of "Right Now" encounters. Be patient. You'll find the right one for you, with the same, or similar, values that you have. And don't be afraid to be just friends, or to go out with a mixed group of friends. You may find that someone that you think of as "just a friend" becomes the best friend and partner for life that you are looking for. Good luck.flowerforyou

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Wed 12/30/09 03:57 PM
I realize that this is a difficult time for you and your Mom. I wish for you both the strength to face what is coming. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

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Wed 12/30/09 03:46 PM
Ruth isn't talking to herself...everyone is just listening in rapt attention! We're trying to not interupt her.happy

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Wed 12/30/09 03:11 PM

We actually had snow on the ground here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for Christmas! That's been the first time in some 30 years, according to the news reports.

It lasted till about 10AM.

At least you got some snow.
Equus, I viewed your profile because I had to take a closer look at your avatar icon. Cool

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Wed 12/30/09 03:08 PM
Merry meet, folks. Had a good Yule, and as I also celebrate Hannukah and Christmas, those were good, too. We got a pretty good snow storm here. And all I really wanted was to have enough snow to use my new cross-country skis that I bought a few weeks ago. So I got exactly what I wanted.:banana:

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Wed 12/30/09 03:03 PM
OK, I'm not a Christian, but I do believe that every religion, including Christianity, has accurate, if figurative, "end times" prophecies. We do have the technology to have the mark of the beast. Every time you get your pets chipped, you are utilizing this technology. Every time that you use a credit card, debit card, registered savings or perks card in your name, social security number, state issued ID card, get a drivers license, or get or use any technology or system that uses numbers or computers to catalog living beings, you are participating in the rise of the mark of the beast. All of us being on-line right now is contributing to it. Eventually, everything that can be used to track people's movements, habits, buying trends, and everything will be accessible through a massive mainframe system. More than one religion has foretold this, and other prophecies. The mark of the beast is any number that catalogs or tracks people and their property, and it is almost impossible to live in modern society without contributing to or utilizing the mark.

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Wed 12/30/09 02:13 PM

This is my favourite.

It looks good, but I don't see the tractor under all of those lights.

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Wed 12/30/09 02:09 PM
Christmas isn't over until the end of the day on January 6th. You've got time.:smile:

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