Community > Posts By > Roweanne

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Fri 10/23/09 10:59 AM

Grilling.Rain.snow,sleet or sunshinedrinker :banana:

Ya got that right that is why I have a covered patio love meat on the grill very seldom cook meat inside unless it is a roast or meatloaf drool

I love grill cooking, I really need to buy one since now I have a nice covered porch I can put it on.
We used to call that a winter defiance party when I was in college. Go cook out in January. But that was in south central Pennsylvania. I don't know that I could get away with that in North Dakota. We had -50 degrees (and a bit colder) one morning this last January. It's tough to defy winter when you could freeze to death in a couple of minutes.

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Fri 10/23/09 10:52 AM

depends...who's doin the dishes?
Hear here!!! I prefer to have home cooking because I like to know that I can pronounce all of the ingredients. However, being single, I get a bit tired of eating my own cooking. So eating out or take-out is ok once in a while.

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Fri 10/23/09 10:48 AM
scared You mean I have to grow up? I thought that all I had to do was grow older?scared

I wanna be a hunter/gatherer when I grow up. Can I do that?:banana:

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Fri 10/23/09 10:45 AM

if you got one foot in yesterday and one in tomarrow you just taking a big shite on today,,,,,
rofl rofl rofl Ya don't want to do that!!!rofl rofl rofl

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Fri 10/23/09 10:43 AM

If you talk to someone on the other side of the world you are actually time traveling.
So, depending on who you are talking to, you could either be experiencing tomorrow a bit early, or you could be reliving earlier today. That's interesting. Never thought of that.
But it still doesn't let you fix the mistakes of the past. Those you still have to own and live down.

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Wed 10/14/09 04:32 PM
I have a tough time finding someone who is within bicycling distance. And it's about to get even tougher. Winters in North Dakota dump snow on us clear and more: Clear up to our a$$es and more coming! Can't bike in that. I'm considering cross country skis just to get to and from work.

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Wed 10/14/09 04:27 PM
My fingers smell like Clorox disinfecting wipes. Right now, the library prefers that we use them to wipe the keyboard before and after we use the computers, in case someone has h1n1, or something.

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Wed 10/14/09 04:25 PM
A man hailed a taxi in a large metropolitan area. When he got in, he told the taxi driver what the address was that he was going to, then he sat back and enjoyed a very calm, quiet, relaxing ride. about a block from his destination, the passenger tapped on the driver's shoulder to give him the fare and a rather large tip. The cab driver was so startled that he swerved left, just missed a head-on collision with a garbage truck, swerved back right, just missed a parked Lincoln Town Car, jumped the curb and stopped inches from a plate glass store-front. The man, suddenly upset and irate, yelled "what the HELL are you doing?!?" The taxi driver replied, "I'm sorry sir. This is my first day driving a taxi cab. I just spent 25 years driving a hearse."

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Wed 10/14/09 04:10 PM
OMG that is funny!!!laugh :laughing: rofl

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Wed 10/14/09 04:04 PM
Welcome. Be prepared for some very interesting topics. Some days you don't know what to expect from us.laugh

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Wed 10/14/09 03:56 PM
I realize that part of the point of this has become about stuff that you may have grown yourself, or that you could grow indoors yourself, but if that's an infeasibility there are some good places to get herbs. Google any of the following and it should get you to some fairly decent companies who sell bulk dried herbs:
Penn Herb company, Modern herb company, (subject) herbal remedies and herbal antiviral treatments. Most of the herbs that you need to do magick are the same ones that you would use in cooking and in homeopathic remedies. So far, Modern Herb Company seems to be the least expensive out there, but I've found that most have one or two items that the others don't carry. I apologize if this has strayed a bit from the original topic, but I hope that it helps someone anyway.

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Wed 10/14/09 03:30 PM
OK, not being a parent yet, I may change my opinion if I ever have kids. But I am under the opinion that pot is much less dangerous than some of the legal vices, like tobacco and alcohol, and it is less harmful than most of the prescription meds that are out there. Also, I know from personal experience that pot isn't physically addictive, only mentally/emotionally addictive. There again, much safer than above mentioned vices and drugs. However, because it is illegal, I wouldn't want a child of mine to get caught with it, and I would not want them using it because there is no guarantee that their supplier can be trusted to not lace it with more dangerous substances. However, if they were on a first-name basis with MaryJane, I would prefer that they would tell me, honestly and openly, rather than find out from another parent, or when he or she gets caught by the cops. This really is a multi-faceted, many shades of grey type of question.

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Wed 10/14/09 03:11 PM
Whatcha gonna do with a cowboy,
When that old rooster crows at dawn
An he's lyin' there instead
of gettin' outta bed
an gettin' on his boots an gettin' gone.

I don't remember who sings that, but ever since I got the sign on my door, I can't get that song out of my head.

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Wed 10/14/09 03:06 PM
The sign around my neck would say,"Cowboys wanted...Apply here."

Actually, I have that on my apartment door. My neighbor laughed when I put it up. She says that there aren't enough cowboys around our apartment complex for any to see itlaugh .

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Wed 10/14/09 03:02 PM
Congrats on the upcoming new grandbaby! I've heard that Grandkids are 10 times more fun than kids. I'm sure that you will be a WONDERFUL Gramma.:banana: waving smile2 :banana:

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Sat 10/10/09 10:11 AM
I've been trying to get my exboyfriend to realize that I want to be just friends, but he doesn't seem to get it. He thinks that he has to move back to Indianapolis (from central North Dakota) just because we're not together any more. I wouldn't wish a big city like that on anyone, especially when he really likes it here in Garrison, but it may just be another of his manipulations, which reinforces one of the reasons we're not together anymore. If he goes, that's his business. I've tried to be gentle with him about all of this, but he's hurt anyway. Unfortunately, that's the way the cookie crumbles. When you no olnger are in love with someone, and you break things off, they get hurt.

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Thu 09/24/09 11:29 AM
I'm getting to where I like the natural and herbal healing sites lately. A lot of info there, and general preventative health stuff.

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Thu 09/24/09 11:24 AM
I heard about a poodle once, years ago, who got practically shaved for the summer, and she went into a blue funk and hid and moped because of it.

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Thu 09/24/09 11:23 AM
I like to spit watermelon seeds. It reminds me of when I was a kid and my sisters adn I would sit on the back step having seed spitting contests, watermelon juice running down our chins and arms. Watermelon was one of the few foods that we could play with and not get in trouble.:laughing: :banana:

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Thu 09/24/09 11:18 AM
Shuckey-durn! I guess that won't help, then. OK, thanks.

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