State of affairs
We can't blame corporations for off-shoring American jobs. After all, it was the American consumer who started off-shoring UAW jobs when they elected to buy foreign cars over American made vehicles. The reason? Americans wanted better quality at less cost and they traded away their future to have it. That's the same reason corporations use today, workers of better quality at less cost. Last year, I heard a VP at a major American communications company say; "We won't hire Americans because they are stupid compared to overseas work forces." Sadly, our educational system is far behind other countries in the world. Except it's not always better quality. It cost less, sure. But you're not always getting better quality work. There's a quality/cost ratio to look at. Even if American workers were better quality (corporations say they are not), the cost of an American worker is far higher than one from overseas. Half of an American's cost is their pay, the other half is health insurance and taxes. Corporations don't pay health insurance to off-shored workers. As far as taxes go, Corporations pay no SSN, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance taxes for off-shore workers. Plus, our government actually provides corporations tax incentives to hire off-shore workers! |
State of affairs
Edited by
Sat 08/30/08 08:34 AM
We can't blame corporations for off-shoring American jobs. After all, it was the American consumer who started off-shoring UAW jobs when they elected to buy foreign cars over American made vehicles. The reason? Americans wanted better quality at less cost and they traded away their future to have it. That's the same reason corporations use today, workers of better quality at less cost. Last year, I heard a VP at a major American communications company say; "We won't hire Americans because they are stupid compared to overseas work forces." Sadly, our educational system is far behind other countries in the world.
State of affairs
Franklin Roosevelt created the middle class in the U.S. Prior to his tenure, it was only rich and poor classes or the haves and have nots. The middle-class is fast disappearing and we will again be a country of haves and have nots. Along with a lower economy, the U.S. will be losing it's stature as the most powerful country in the world. It takes tax dollars to support a powerful country. As people make less money, the government will have no money from taxes to support; a war machine, people that are down and out (unemployment/welfare), and many government services. The current generation will be the first U.S. generation that will have a life worse than the preceeding generation.
State of affairs
It's really scary. the job market sucks in Akron right now anyways. Aren't they holding the Republican Convention in Ohio? I think you can blame all the Republicrats. Umm, who was it that passed and signed NAFTA? How soon we forget! |
State of affairs
Edited by
Sat 08/30/08 08:13 AM
It's not politics, it's called economic globalization. Instead of just a few countries having all the jobs and wealth, which is what the U.S. enjoyed for many years, the jobs and wealth are being spread out. That means eventually, we will all be on a level economic playing field, world-wide. The high-standard of living enjoyed here in the U.S. will one day soon be no better than it is anywhere else in the world.
The downside? Things are going to get a lot worse. Once our economy bottoms out, it will remain at that much lower level. |
Nothing like being outside in a warm rainfall getting soaking wet. Go for it!
At least yours calls. ![]() ![]() It seems that he is not "too proud of a man to admit when he is wrong", rather, not big enough of a man to admit he was wrong. |
Why do people do this?
If I bring up past women in my life, it's one of two reasons.
First, to explain my past marriages and why they ended. This is certainly relevent to any new, developing relationship. Explanation is necessary to show how I got to where I am today and to show that those relationships are, indeed, "over". Second, in light conversation, as in talking about the "dates from hell" we've all had. The nut cases are always fun to talk about! |
How I love the Republicrat rhetoric! Get those forehead veins bulging! Woohoo!
holy crap
No one who shops at Wal-Mart should complain about prices. Everything they sell is made in China. They forced American industry to China because American made goods became too expensive. Now you can't find anything made in America anymore. So now that they have the market cornered and they raise their prices. Sorry, but complain all you want. The price of Chinese products, which is all you can get now, is going to continue to go up. Enjoy, because you got what you asked for!
Can someone pls explain
It seems that you haven't been communicating with the persons you've been with on an intimate level. If you have things deep inside of you that you want to discuss, you should feel comfortable enough with the person you're with to do that. When you can, you feel more connected with that person and you no longer feel alone.
"Your Cheatin' Heart"
Fashion Question
Up here in the frozen tundra, we fill pantyhose with rock salt, then toss them up onto our roofs. They work great for melting heavy snow and ice dams up there!
a word to guys
men are just dumb!!! ![]() ![]() ...and what does that say about the women who want us? LOL! |
a word to guys
when are guys gonna realize the more you do for us the better we get in bed? ![]() ![]() ![]() Ah ha! The truth be known at long last! And here I thought it was all about love! |
The classic answer to that is that god created time, so "before" and "after" do not apply to him. I would have to disagree. I don't see time as something created by God. Time is nothing more than a name for an observation of measurement by humankind. Time is perceived and measured only by humankind. |
POLITICS ...Who will win?
Since McCain's running mate is not ready for the office of Vice Pres. I think he just really hurt himself there, even though he thinks it will get him the "gals" votes. She just gave her speech, she's a real good "local" politician and great soccer mom. From what you say, it sounds to me like she has more experience than Obama! |
Do politics matter
Ask Arnold and Maria!
The good ole USA is.......
Edited by
Fri 08/29/08 11:08 AM
is one day to become a Chinese province!
did Jesus commit suicide
Your logic is severely flawed as humans have the power over life and death.