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Topic: did knowledge exist before God
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Fri 08/29/08 12:03 PM
how could God be omniscient omnipotent or omniscience if the knowledge to be those things didn't exist before him ... God simply couldn't exist with the knowledge to be God if the knowledge to be God didn't exist before his existence ..which would indicate that if God is "always was" then there is knowledge and other existence that pre-date his existence .. even in Genesis there were claims that other Heavens and water existed ..therefore God couldn't have been the first and only existence ...that the creator had a creator

s1owhand's photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:09 PM
knowlege is god. so the answer is no.

Buckingfored's photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:14 PM
Actually, there are 3 heavens. First, there is the sky that we see, making up the first "heavens". Next, there is the upper atmosphere, between the sky, and outer space, making up the second "heavens". Finally, there is Heaven itself, where God "resides", along with the angels, and those that have "fallen asleep", or died, in Christ. Do yourself a favor- stop trying to put God in a box. There are things about God that people will never understand, until we finally meet Him. "The fear (knowledge) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and discipline". Proverbs ch.1,v.7

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:15 PM
The classic answer to that is that god created time, so "before" and "after" do not apply to him.

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:19 PM
Did knowledge exist before God?

I don't know

BobbyJ's photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:20 PM

The classic answer to that is that god created time, so "before" and "after" do not apply to him.

I would have to disagree. I don't see time as something created by God. Time is nothing more than a name for an observation of measurement by humankind. Time is perceived and measured only by humankind.

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:23 PM

knowlege is god. so the answer is no.

the knowledge of the bible may be that of God .. but God couldn't have "always been" if knowledge didn't pre-date "always been" for God to have been "always been"

in other words how would God know he always been if not for the knowledge that existed before that one thought

even God had to have had a first thought

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:26 PM

Actually, there are 3 heavens. First, there is the sky that we see, making up the first "heavens". Next, there is the upper atmosphere, between the sky, and outer space, making up the second "heavens". Finally, there is Heaven itself, where God "resides", along with the angels, and those that have "fallen asleep", or died, in Christ. Do yourself a favor- stop trying to put God in a box. There are things about God that people will never understand, until we finally meet Him. "The fear (knowledge) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and discipline". Proverbs ch.1,v.7

so "Buckingfore" your advise is not to try and understand God just follow things in the bible with blind faith without question

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:27 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 08/29/08 12:29 PM
wrong thread! sorry

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:28 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 08/29/08 12:30 PM
wrong thread! sorry

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:28 PM

The classic answer to that is that god created time, so "before" and "after" do not apply to him.

"skyhook" if time didn't apply to God then he would have no reason to have rested on the seventh day

davidben1's photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:32 PM
the reaosn it is seen that the tree of knowledge is the mind, when one comes to be born into the world, and the tree of life is as what is as wisdom, or god, or the heart, ate of continually the same, both of these working as opposing forces of life and death, just as the breath of a human is as life and death, air and carbon dioxide, both having to be for mortal life to exist......

if the tree of life the heart see the tree of knowledge the minds purpose, it now comes to work as one, no longer these as opposing forces......

when the both trees come to work together, the essence of truth that cause understanding of fear, the angel which gaurd the entrance back to the garden, or origin, is then available for each to be able to recreate the garden, as it was said the kingdom of heaven was within...........

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 12:48 PM
God is eternal, so there is no "before God".

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 01:05 PM

the reaosn it is seen that the tree of knowledge is the mind, when one comes to be born into the world, and the tree of life is as what is as wisdom, or god, or the heart, ate of continually the same, both of these working as opposing forces of life and death, just as the breath of a human is as life and death, air and carbon dioxide, both having to be for mortal life to exist......

if the tree of life the heart see the tree of knowledge the minds purpose, it now comes to work as one, no longer these as opposing forces......

when the both trees come to work together, the essence of truth that cause understanding of fear, the angel which gaurd the entrance back to the garden, or origin, is then available for each to be able to recreate the garden, as it was said the kingdom of heaven was within...........

"DavidBen" ...according to the bible there is no indication that The Tree of Knowledge contained anything more than the knowledge of technology ...

davidben1's photo
Fri 08/29/08 01:05 PM

God is eternal, so there is no "before God".

indeed, so god is wisdom which is eternal, so if one lay down the mortal version of knowledge gleaned from one lifes expereince and one minds limited view, one is to now come to hold the sword of life and death of wisdom in the left and right hand as one, having now no beginning and no ending, seeing what was the beginning of mortal self, and the ending of oneself as mortal, and laying down the knowledge of "life" of one mortal mind cause inheritence of the true keys to hades and death and hell, and heaven and wisdom and god, even while walking as mortal, and what indicator to oneself giving full confidence can be, except the wisdom of sight of HOW all can be as equal, seeing "thru" the same sight of infinite wisdom or god, giving way to HOW to create peace amoung all humanity, which lie in the heart of any one being.............

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 01:06 PM

God is eternal, so there is no "before God".

eternal stop being eternal once you reach the end

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 08/29/08 01:10 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Fri 08/29/08 01:14 PM

The classic answer to that is that god created time, so "before" and "after" do not apply to him.

I didn’t mean to give the impression that I subscribe to that classical answer. I don’t.

I don't see time as something created by God. Time is nothing more than a name for an observation of measurement by humankind. Time is perceived and measured only by humankind.

I would state my own viewpoint of time as: “Time is the name we have given to the main filing system we use for ordering mental image pictures (or "memories" if you will).” So I think we’re basically on the same page.

"skyhook" if time didn't apply to God then he would have no reason to have rested on the seventh day

Bravo! That’s a very good illustration of one of the many contradictions contained in the bible.

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 08/29/08 01:21 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Fri 08/29/08 01:25 PM

the reaosn it is seen that the tree of knowledge is the mind, when one comes to be born into the world, and the tree of life is as what is as wisdom, or god, or the heart, ate of continually the same, both of these working as opposing forces of life and death, just as the breath of a human is as life and death, air and carbon dioxide, both having to be for mortal life to exist......

if the tree of life the heart see the tree of knowledge the minds purpose, it now comes to work as one, no longer these as opposing forces......

when the both trees come to work together, the essence of truth that cause understanding of fear, the angel which gaurd the entrance back to the garden, or origin, is then available for each to be able to recreate the garden, as it was said the kingdom of heaven was within...........

"DavidBen" ...according to the bible there is no indication that The Tree of Knowledge contained anything more than the knowledge of technology ...

Actually, the bible (KJV) quite clearly says "The tree of knowlege of good and evil". Not "The tree of knowlege of technology".

davidben1's photo
Fri 08/29/08 01:28 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Fri 08/29/08 01:45 PM

the reaosn it is seen that the tree of knowledge is the mind, when one comes to be born into the world, and the tree of life is as what is as wisdom, or god, or the heart, ate of continually the same, both of these working as opposing forces of life and death, just as the breath of a human is as life and death, air and carbon dioxide, both having to be for mortal life to exist......

if the tree of life the heart see the tree of knowledge the minds purpose, it now comes to work as one, no longer these as opposing forces......

when the both trees come to work together, the essence of truth that cause understanding of fear, the angel which gaurd the entrance back to the garden, or origin, is then available for each to be able to recreate the garden, as it was said the kingdom of heaven was within...........

"DavidBen" ...according to the bible there is no indication that The Tree of Knowledge contained anything more than the knowledge of technology ... being just the total sum of all knowledge acquired by all mortal mankind as one put together to build........

if the knowledge of the tree of knowledge the mind of all mortals can build and accomplish such as we have, then also the tree of life eaten of by defeating the angel that gaurd the door, can accomplish the same greatness in the unseen realm of understanding and wisdom, of greater power and accomplishment, creating things that are as eternal, or never ending, never failing, never passing away, nevering containing any potential any longer to create anything but more peace and wisdom and understanding and happiness and life, giving way to the ability to create all things that mortal man cannot, such a grass, trees, animals, beings, worlds, galaxies...........huh!

of course it is outside the realm of possibility of any human mind to think itself can create a world, naturally it is supposed to be, but if the hearing of HOW IS HEARD, by unlocking the mind with an honest heart, the mind comes to know it to be true, as WE were ALL THERE, but as children not knowing WHAT WAS GOING ON, EVEN THOUGH SEEING IT IN FRONT OF THE EYE BEFORE ARRIVING HERE, and seeing such while as mortal, give way to no longer needing to believe anything because of hearing it was supposed to be as true, but with all suffiencent prood to oneself, giving way to the knowing for oneself of what all REALLY meant, not being interpreted thru the experience of one minds mortal life.........

to come to wisdom, no longer as fallen angels, now as angels that have seen HOW to eat of the eternal tree of wisdom forever.........

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 01:56 PM

God is eternal, so there is no "before God".

eternal stop being eternal once you reach the end


Being without beginning or end; existing outside of time.

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