Men do have a term. We call our bad days "down" days! Unlike women, we're not talking about "feelings" when we're "down" either!
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A raincoat...
Two old ladies were waiting for a bus and one of them was smoking a cigarette. It started to rain, so the old lady reached into her purse, took out a condom, cut off the tip and slipped it over her cigarette and continued to smoke. Sort of a raincoat for her cigarette.
Her friend saw this and said, "Hey that's a good idea! What is it that you put over your cigarette?" The other old lady said, "It's a condom." "A condom? Where do you get those?" The lady with the cigarette told her friend that you could purchase condoms at the pharmacy. When the two old ladies arrived downtown, the old lady with all the questions went into the pharmacy and asked the pharmacist if he sold condoms. The pharmacist said yes, but looked a little surprised that this old lady was interested in condoms, but he asked her, "What size do you want?" The old lady thought for a minute and then said, "One that will fit a Camel!" |
Need help...
Isn't that a song from the broadway musical "CATS"?!
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Many guys won't tolerate this behavior. Only wusses like the guy you describe. As soon as the gf opened her mouth, he should have turned away from her and gone out the door with the tipsy one from high school!
Yeah, those sunglasses will do.
Topic:'s about time!
We all know those cute little computer symbols called "emoticons," where:
:) means a smile and :( is a frown. Sometimes these are represented by :-) :-( Well, how about some "ASSICONS?" Here goes: (_!_) a regular ass (__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_*_) a sore ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_o_) an ass that's been around (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave my ass alone (_zzz_) a tired ass (_E=mc2_) a smart ass (_$_) Money coming out of his ass (_?_) Dumb Ass |
Edited by
Sun 09/07/08 09:36 AM
Yes, dammit. I brushed my teeth today!
(oops, to slow on that one) |
As I lie awake...
I lie awake waiting for you. As I lie on my bed, thinking about you, I feel
this strong urge to grab you and squeeze you, because I can't forget last night. You came to me unexpectedly during the balmy and calm night, and what happened in my bed still leaves a tingling sensation in me. You appeared from nowhere and shamelessly, without any reservations, you lay on my naked body. You sensed my indifference, so you applied your hungry mouth to me without any guilt or humiliation, and you nearly drove me crazy while you drained me. Finally I went to sleep. Today when I woke up, you were gone. I searched for you but to no avail, only the sheets bore witness to last night's events. My body still bears faint marks of your enthusiastic ravishings, making it harder to forget you. Tonight I will remain awake waiting for you... f***ing mosquito. |
WheN soMeone.....
HmMm, maYbe thEy're reaLly attraCted to hOw yoU uSe yoUr caPs keY!
DEMS & the Working Class...
Gee, I wonder which party has controlled the Senate for the past two years and has done nothing, just like the party that controlled it before them! Americans just haven't quite gotten it yet! The Republicrats are ALL bought and paid for by the corporations and it's the corporations that run this country, not the citizens.
We ARE a Capitalist society, not a Democratic one! |
Facts? It's all political rhetoric from both sides. "Facts" are all a matter of perception and based upon ones own reality. They can be skewed and distorted so that none are true nor are any false. Like anyone is changing anyone else's mind with all these political hack posts. Give me a break! People just like to hear themselves talk, or should I say; read what they write.
In the end, no matter which Republicrat gets in, nothing will have changed and everyone will be on here four years from now, back at it again. |
can someone please tell me
why in the mutual matches do they post the same people over and over and over...what is up with that..sorry have not had my coffee this morning ![]() If I am reading between the lines correctly, you are asking..."Hasn't anyone in my criteria joined Mingle2 within the last two weeks?!?!?!!" How many people have perved your profile for the first time, recently? You might be a hotter item than the Mutual Match would indicate. ![]() ![]() ahhhh darlin I am no hot item...just a mom killing time nothing hot here but the stove.... Moonlight, who are you trying to kid? You're sizzlin' hot! |
What's the logic behind that? Eliminate everyone age 30 years and older! Ahh, you had to have seen the movie "Logan's Run" to understand that! |
Eliminate everyone age 30 years and older!
It's because last night everyone was out on a date and this morning they are all recovering from those dates!
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Bring back Joe Montana!
I've got herpes
I got checked after I left him. It's been 2 years, and....clean! yay me for not bein a dumbas* Whew! That has to be a relief! Congrats! |
I haven't quite made my mind up, but it's between Ventura (as a write-in) or Nader (who is now on many ballots nation-wide).
I've got herpes
I hear what you are saying. The link below the home page for I certainly don't believe that all of the herpes info sites on the net are wrong.
A quote from this page: "Genital herpes is usually transmitted by sexual intercourse. Direct inoculation of virus occurs through contact with infected secretions or mucosal surfaces. Orogenital contact with a partner with type 1 herpes labialis can also result in genital herpes. Asymptomatic shedding of HSV is the most common mode of transmission of genital herpes infection. It is estimated that more than half of the HSV-2 genital infections are asymptomatic." Also: "It is possible for a person to contract genital herpes if the partner with oral herpes performs oral sex. Oral herpes can be transmitted to the genitals, and vice versa. Symptoms are similar." If (and the several other sites that are all in agreement about how herpes spreads) is wrong, I think that you should take it up with them. As far as I'm concerned, I won't put myself at risk and neither should anyone else. |
I've got herpes
I ran into this situation with a very lovely woman on our first date a month ago. She was forthwight and announced to me that she had genital herpes type 1. She said that she caught it from a man who had a cold sore and had oral sex with her. I appreciated her honesty and for giving me the choice rather than hiding it from me. I chose not to see her any further because I just don't want any STD's, especially herpes, the one that "keeps on giving". I feel bad for turning her down because she was so honest about it. Sadly, I know that her honesty and the men who have turned her down have to be very painful for her to endure. It's a situation where one wishes otherwise, but that's all you can do is wish because herpes is not something I or anyone else, I'm sure, would care to catch. You know that those are two totally seperate viruses and can't be contracted that way right? You are incorrect. After she told me I checked it out. There are two types of herpes virus, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is typically a cold sore in or around the mouth. However, if someone who has a cold sore and does oral sex, the virus will be transmitted to the the genitals. Herpes type 2 is more severe. I suggest looking the two up on med web sites like I did. Yes, but if you have not been exposed to the virus while in the womb, you are not in any danger of getting it, it is a virus passed from mother to child only... the virus that is, so if your mother did not have a cold sore when she was pregnant with you, you will never get one....My major in college was Community Health Education... Read the above I posted from STDWeb. You may not have been exposed in the womb, but you are still at risk to catch it from someone who has it. No one is completely immune (carrying herpes anti-bodies is not immunity) from it and their is no cure. How do you account for 1 out of 4 Americans currently having genital herpes with the figures sky-rocketing? |