Community > Posts By > Teri11215

Teri11215's photo
Tue 08/07/12 06:33 PM
I think it's a way someone is told the way they look by those that know you the most.

Teri11215's photo
Tue 08/07/12 06:23 PM
Shouldn't that go without saying? I don't get it.

Teri11215's photo
Tue 08/07/12 01:30 PM
Your 21 years old! Why would you want to settle down now? Go out and sow your wild oats now, while your young enough to enjoy it. Don't you have friends to go out with, you know guy friends? If they have girlfriends perhaps their gf's have single girls. Get out and mingle, don't do it on a computer at your age. Good luck to you!

Teri11215's photo
Tue 08/07/12 01:25 PM
Okay, I admit I'm not the brightest star in the sky, but how the hell can a person spend 3 days in the hospital due to sex? Wasn't he even embarrassed to tell the ER docs what happened? He could have just stayed home and slept in his own bed, ALONE!

This is the first I ever heard of a man or woman for that matter complaining about too much sex.

Teri11215's photo
Mon 08/06/12 05:34 PM
It would be depend on the situation. I can be nice, but I also have a temper. There is no need to be rude all the time, but I can defend myself also, especially verbally lol.

Teri11215's photo
Sun 08/05/12 08:01 PM
There is no real answer to this, at least in my opinion. I've never went out with any man that had anything the same.

The teen years, are about looks, and the way they dress.

The twenties, well they're pretty much the same as the teen years.

The thirties, possible spouse.

After that, well, I'm still single, but one thing is for certain, if you don't have a sense of humor, leave me out of your life. I don't have time for anyone's drama, and believe me, there are men with drama in their lives.

I hope you find what you are looking for, good luck to you!

Teri11215's photo
Sun 08/05/12 06:20 AM
I agree with blueeyes2000, the best relationships start out with friendship. It also helps to talk about life in general in the beginning, and not about sex on the first conversations, and even before you meet the person. It makes a person wonder, if the other person really wants a relationship, or a friend with benefits.

Good luck to you!

Teri11215's photo
Sun 08/05/12 06:16 AM

There are plenty of amazing women and men on this site just takes a while to meet them! But just like real life there are plenty of time wasters don't worry about it too much and keep looking! Good luck :]
I agree with this, perfect advice.

I want to add if something doesn't feel right, it isn't.

If someone seems too good to be true, more than likely they aren't what they say they are. Good people are everywhere, you just have to do some weeding, before you find the perfect rose.

Good luck and good times to you!

Teri11215's photo
Sun 08/05/12 06:08 AM
Your young. Don't you have friends you can go out with? I'm glad when I was young, we didn't have computers to keep us occupied. We went out and really mingled. Now I do use the computer a lot, but I make equal time to go out and enjoy being with my friends also.

Good luck to you. Also, be careful.

Teri11215's photo
Sat 08/04/12 09:59 PM
On a hot day, I agree with Queenie, I rather be inside. I'm not a summer person at all.

When it rains, I like to read a good book.

Teri11215's photo
Sat 08/04/12 09:56 PM
The best I could tell you is don't believe everything you read. Who wrote this book? A man? I don't think women's body language equates to anything you put up here, unless your a club, or bar. Under normal circumstances, most of the time it is, what it is.

I hope that makes sense to you.

Good luck to you. Maybe some other woman can help you better than I can.

Teri11215's photo
Sat 08/04/12 09:51 PM
Your not different, your unique, which is the way all humans are. We may like the same hobbies, clothes, even books, but when it comes to the type of person we want to share our lives with, that is where we are all different.

Stop beating yourself over this, the right person will come to you, when the time is right.

Good luck to you!

Teri11215's photo
Sat 08/04/12 09:47 PM
I hate to be the one to be so blunt on this approach. Here's my take on it, coming from NY women have to be careful about men approaching them on the subway, regardless of what they look like. The subways aren't very safe here.

I haven't been on this site very long myself, but welcome to you!

Good luck!

Teri11215's photo
Thu 08/02/12 09:39 PM
Absolutely not, I would prefer to get the promotion through my own merit. You didn't mention if the either of you were married, but doesn't wedding vows mean anything to anyone any more? I mean really? I was never married, but if I was, those vows would mean everything to me.

No good could come of this. If you feel you could do better, make it simpler, and get the position, and the money with another company.

Teri11215's photo
Thu 08/02/12 05:20 PM
I never was married, but I did date a man that was divorced. These feelings are different. Loosing someone to death that you loved, and falling out of love and getting a divorce is completely different.

Anyone who would try to erase the years you spent with your deceased husband isn't worth your time. However, make sure you are ready for another relationship as well. Let the grieving period pass, before letting someone else in your life. Many grieve for years, some only six months to a year. There is no right or wrong way of grieving.

Sorry for your loss, and good luck to you!

Teri11215's photo
Thu 08/02/12 05:11 PM
I do see this attitude a lot, but if perhaps there is two sides to this coin. I don't particularly agree or disagree with the article, I just feel that is a generalization, and I can honestly say, I never did this before.

One more point I'd like to make is, when things are going well, and the person you are in relationship with confides something in you, if you break up, you (both men and women), should never repeat it.

Teri11215's photo
Wed 08/01/12 05:52 PM
It seems you need to make a decision either way. If you going to use Jenna just for sex, and it seems like she agrees with that, at least the way I read your post, then just go ahead and do what you want.

If the other girl seems more important to you, though, you have to tell her about Jenna. Jenna doesn't seem to mind if you are with another girl or not, but the other one might, especially sexually involved with someone. Perhaps, it would be best to be honest with both of them, Jenna may be telling you that all she wants is sex, and will start to develop feelings for you. No need to hurt anyone.

Then again you look young, and perhaps you don't want a real relationship at this time, and want to date around. That's okay also, when your young, so let them both know about the other, if that is what your final decision will be.

Either way good luck to all you and the girls.

Teri11215's photo
Wed 08/01/12 05:43 PM
Personally this never worked for me, and I never wanted to date anyone that I worked with, even though I was attracted to a few. I think it's a personal thing, and should the two of you agree, why not? I've worked in one office where dating each other, was frowned upon. However, two workers did date each other, without anyone in the managerial positions knew about it, the only people that did know were those of us that were friends with them. They actually married each other, and since he was making the best money out of the two of them, she quit before they got married.

Make sure this sort of company policy doesn't apply to your place of work also. Either way you go with this, good luck to you.

Teri11215's photo
Wed 08/01/12 05:37 PM
I've been single, and I mean without a date for longer than I care to admit, but if I found the man that I was attracted to, I wouldn't be opposed to having sex before marriage. Besides, I really don't think I want to get married at this stage in my life. If he didn't want to have sex because his religious beliefs deny him sex before marriage, I would respect that in him also.

Teri11215's photo
Mon 07/30/12 09:49 PM
Yes, I love to visit the past sometimes. If my mistakes help someone not to do the same, that's even better.

What is the best though, is when you can make someone laugh.laugh

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