Community > Posts By > lonelyheart36

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Mon 01/14/08 02:36 AM

is it me...or does every topic i get into get locked? lol
IAM BORED!!!lol.

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Sun 01/13/08 07:20 PM

i just want to know....How much it costs in ur area?
What is ur xperience about the treatment?
just had an on lay done a month ago,hurt like F--k!!!lol.pain lasted for 4 weeks later.$800.00,one tooth.

was that tooth root canal treated?
is it a simple metal or a ceramic ?
no root canal.ceramic

what ws the problem with that tooth?
attrided severely?
the filling came out and i never got it they grind ed down all of the top to just about the nerve.ouch!!lol.

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Sun 01/13/08 06:42 PM

not yet...I am chicken!! lol I want to get one of honeysuckles on my shoulder...when I get up the Did you pick yours for any particular reason, or did you just like them?
it's not as bad as you think it is lol.i like them the same as when i first got them.i just liked them.

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Sun 01/13/08 06:31 PM

Sadly, it seems as if they don't exist! mad Cigarettes. LOL I know what some may be thinking here...
i dont,i find it hard to find women who dont

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Sun 01/13/08 06:07 PM

by doing what you love and sharing what you love with other people and expanding your knowledge of it. :)

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Sun 01/13/08 06:03 PM

Most woman who are more finacially stable than there men, tend to forget as men and woman we have roles that have nothing to do with money. A man has to be, and has to feeel like he is the man in the relationship. The money cant determine that.
no thats just small penis syndrome lol

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Sun 01/13/08 05:57 PM

By a girl who can make her own money and can support herself and find happiness in small details like when guys give them flowers and kisses on the forehead... :) Is chivalry really dead? Or are there still good guys out there. I met some amazing people in my short time on this site.. I hope that I meet some more... but all in all... Are men intimidated by women who know what they want in life? I have my life planned out.What do men really think about women who know what they want? Are they scared or do they really ______________________ fill in the blank. I'd love to hear answers. :)
you have goals.which is good.i wish i could find a woman who has her act together.chivalry to me is not dead.but i find it impossible to meet a woman who likes it.

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Sun 01/13/08 05:52 PM

i seem to only meet the crazy ones
there's good people out there.but far and few in betwwen.good women and just have to hope your lucky & you meet one.

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Sun 01/13/08 05:49 PM

all rite so i have been on again and off again with the same guy for six yrs... we have dated other ppl and than gone back to eachother... but now he is moving away to virgina and i just found out that in the past three weeks that i haven't seen him he has been with his ex that i hate and hasn't said a word about it... i was just wondering if anyone else would be mad and not want to see him before he leaves..or just not care say goodbye and let him go with out eva saying anything about it... let me know what you think.... thanx

i would'nt have anything to do with him.not even a word.the sooner he's out of your life,the better.

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Sun 01/13/08 05:46 PM

In all the wrong places??? frown

While on this journey of looking- I realized that I needed to
just stop and breath. That what I was in search of- may not be
coming real soon- if at all. I think about getting older. I find I have gotton a bit fussier than I used to be. Perhaps I have just matured and know more of what I really want. The funny thing about this is- how hard is it to find someone.
The answer- much harder than we realize.
There are millions of people out there.
Odds that two are going to meet and click is pretty wide stretched. Granted- being on the internet helps us exspand our horizons quite a bit! Then we have to wonder about fakes though too- on the net. This journey is not for the weak of heart. It
is a journey for strong willed people. We can not hide in a hole and just hope it will find us! We have to advertise and put ourselves out there some what. We have to love ourself first- before we can love someone else. I have jumped the
many hurdles in life and fallen over quite a few. Picked myself
up and wiped the dust off to keep right on going. I admit at times I think it will not happen for me. Yet I find comfort in knowing I like myself enough to be singel too! Yet I continue this journey into the unknown hoping my ship will not pass
that one ship- I want to board! The Realationship! So once again I write the message,put it in a bottle,cork it shut, and toss it wide out into the deep blue sea (or is that ocean?).
Decide to go fishing once more. Baiting the rod and casting out to sea... are the fish biting today? I wonder... smokin

good post!

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:34 PM

i just want to know....How much it costs in ur area?
What is ur xperience about the treatment?
just had an on lay done a month ago,hurt like F--k!!!lol.pain lasted for 4 weeks later.$800.00,one tooth.

was that tooth root canal treated?
is it a simple metal or a ceramic ?
no root canal.ceramic

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:24 PM

New girl on the block so please take it easy,Hope you are all enjoying life. Feel free to ask me whatever. drinker
[/q uote]hello!flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:21 PM

i just want to know....How much it costs in ur area?
What is ur xperience about the treatment?
just had an on lay done a month ago,hurt like F--k!!!lol.pain lasted for 4 weeks later.$800.00,one tooth.

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:06 PM

What are your tatt's of? If you don't mind me askin....
naw,i dont mind you asking lol.i got my tatt's when i was between the ages of 18-26.i have a panthers head on my chest,two dragons,an eagle,couple skulls lol.iam going to get more.i really like Japanese art you have any?flowerforyou

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Sun 01/13/08 04:57 PM

If a woman invites a man out for dinner, who pays the tab?

I am old fashioned and feel the man should pay, some tell me different since the invite wasnt originated from me. SOme say should split, I think that's gay....

Went on a second date this evening for dinner, she invited and went well. Good chemistry, etc...I picked up the tab and she seemed upset/irritated.... Was I wrong?
i like to pay too.

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Sun 01/13/08 04:54 PM

So it seems my best conversation is music with people. Where's my fellow headbanger's at?!
i love music.been playing guitar since i was 5.

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Sun 01/13/08 04:35 PM

Man with hand in pocket.......feel cocky all day

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Sun 01/13/08 04:25 PM

What if you really like someone...and they are a perfect match...BUT, they SUCK at kissing (and not in a good way)laugh .

What do you do?

Leave them?

Stay with them and get used to sloppy, tongue action?

Or tell them....and if you do, how can you tell them with out them taking it personal or hurting their feelings?
teach them,practice makes perfect.

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Sun 01/13/08 04:05 PM

any idea of why women use lipstick
Try it and find out.

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Sun 01/13/08 03:59 PM

Actually my profile is honest as hell, and I've gotten alot of positive responses because of it.
x2.iam only on my second day here and I've gotten a lot of e-mails from women.and 1 stalker lol.