Community > Posts By > lonelyheart36

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Sun 01/13/08 03:40 PM

not too know the usual Sunday crap...laundryhappy ...gearing up for workindifferent ....billssick ...what a minutenoway , maybe I'm not
hahah.yeah,i hear you.i did laundry earlier today.flowerforyou

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Sun 01/13/08 03:35 PM

who do you think is the best looking guy and girl on justsayhi??
a lot of good looking women on here.

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Sun 01/13/08 03:32 PM

This should be a given if you're a frequent "poster" on this forum.

Whatever you put up in the threads, you are going to get a lot of different people with different ideas all at different times.

You will have people who do not get what you are trying to say, so they will go off topic and make the thread lose its flow.

People will say things you do not like.

You may be called names, and you may be looked down upon.

Heck, you may even be reported, and your thread may be deleted.

There will always be controversy on forum sites.
It's up to all of us to know when someone has gone far enough, and try to resolve the problem in a peaceful manner.

If we allow ourselves to see all sides of the story, we can at least come to an understanding.

We are not here to hate one another; we are here to make a connection with people. And if you truly feel someone has insulted you in any way, please email them and tell them how you feel in a peaceful manner.

A lot of good people get a lot of crap thrown on them for no reason.great post bro,drinker i agree 100%.if we cant have an opinion on here or anywhere else,maybe this shouldn't be America anymore.this is a problem on forums i frequent a lot.

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Sun 01/13/08 03:27 PM

looks like you been talking to yourself againhuh huh huh LMAO Nice new pic btwflowerforyou
thank I'm bored lol.i've just been siting around playing are you today?good i hope?

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Sun 01/13/08 03:21 PM

any idea of why women use lipstick
lipstick is hot!all colors!!devil

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Sun 01/13/08 03:19 PM

how do you get over a broken heart? it ended over a year ago and for some reason my heart doesnt want let go no matter what my head says.

you can have mine:heart: .at this point in time,i doubt i'll ever need it.

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Sun 01/13/08 03:13 PM

Hi I'm new my name is Nicole and I just wanted to get my name out there. If you want to know more about me just check out my profile and send me a message. happy

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Sun 01/13/08 03:02 PM

Everything we do puts us at risk of death.

We have food that has to be recalled because some life threatening virus has contaminated it.
We can't breathe in our own air without the worry that we may be breathing in incredibly harmful fumes.
And we can not walk down the street at night without having to worry about getting robbed, murdered, or even kidnapped.

My generation is seeing the best of the worst.

No matter what we do in life, we're always putting ourselves at risk of some sort of death.
Ah, what fun.

So, if everything can kill you, I say you pick your poison and stay with it.
If you smoke, keep on smoking.
If you like to drink, keep on drinking.
And if you like to jump off a cliff that is 30 feet tall, jump off of one that is 90.

Don't hesitate! You must act now and choose your fate before it's too late!
on stage,playing music.

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Sun 01/13/08 02:58 PM
yawn .so,anyone else notice how dead it is here?yawn it's great if you like to party.downtown palm springs has a lot of hang outs,if you drink.not me though.......

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Sun 01/13/08 02:20 PM

is there anything that you feel that only you in this world in particular can do it!!!!lol..

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Sun 01/13/08 02:05 PM

A policeman was sitting on the hard shoulder watching the traffic go by when a car zoomed past him doing at least 120 mph!

The policeman chased him down, and pulled the car over. He went up to the car and asked, "Do you know that you were doing at least 50 mph over the speed limit?"

The driver replied, "Was I officer, I'm terribly sorry but I wasn't aware of that."

The policeman said, "May I see your drivers license please?"

The man replied, "I don't have one officer."

"Of course you do," said the policeman.

"No sir, I don't," said the man.

"So why do you have this car?" asked the policeman.

"This is not my car, I stole it," said the man.

"You are driving a stolen car?" said the policeman.

"Yes I'm afraid so sir,"

Looking puzzled the policeman said, "Let me see the registration, so we can find out who it belongs to."

The man said, "There is nothing in the glove compartment except some candy, oh, and my gun."

"Your gun!" exclaimed the officer, clearly worried by this point, as this man was obviously a lunatic.

"So you don't have a drivers license, you stole this car, and there is a gun in the glove compartment!"

"Yes sir," said the man, "Oh and a body in the trunk."

"WHAT!!" said the policeman turning white, "Ok so you have no drivers license, you have stolen this car, there is a gun in the glove compartment, and a body in the trunk?"

"Yes," said the man, sounding slightly irritated.

"Look," said the policeman, "You wait right here and don't touch anything! Don't move, don't even breathe."

So the policeman ran to his car and radioed the station, "I want to speak to the chief," said the policeman, "And quick!"

He waited about a minute and the chief came on the line, "What is it," he said.

"I've got a man here, he is a complete lunatic he has very calmly stated that he is driving a stolen car, he has no drivers license, there is a gun in the glove compartment, and a body in the trunk," said the policeman.

"I'll be right there," said the chief.

In ten minutes the man and the car were surrounded. There was the chief of police, a swat team, everybody you could imagine.

The chief walks slowly to the car in his bulletproof vest and says to the driver, "Hello sir, may I see your drivers license?"

"Of course," said the man, and produced it from his back pocket.

Looking puzzled, the chief asked, "Is this your car?"

"Yes," said the man.

"Can I see your registration please sir?" asked the chief.

The man leaned over to open the glove compartment.

"Please don't open it sir!" said the chief.

"Why?" asked the man, "I thought you wanted my registration."

"I do," said the chief, "But there is a gun in there."

"Don't be silly," said the man, and he opened the glove compartment, empty apart from some candy.

"Let me get this right," said the chief, "You have a drivers license, this is your car and there is no gun in the glove compartment."

"Yes," said the man,

"And there is no body in the trunk, I suppose," said the chief.

"BODY!" exclaimed the man, "Why on earth would I have a body in my trunk?"

"Sir I apologize for this, but my officer told me that you had no drivers license, you had stolen this car, you were in possession of a gun, and a body in the trunk."

"The lying fool," said the man, "I'll bet he said I was speeding, too!"


no photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:26 PM

Set the scene, set the mood....What would you do? You vision of a great romantic evening....

Choice bottle of wine

Warm bath drawn for two with floating candles


MOre suggestions?
thats a good start.a room lit with only candles,some everywhere.

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Sun 01/13/08 01:19 PM

During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criterion was, which defined whether or not a patient should be institutionalized.

"Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub "

"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup."

"No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?"


no photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:18 PM

Hello everyone I'm RoxyMusicFan sometimes bryanferryfan and I just wanted to say Hey!!!! and here's to finding true love.
good luck bro!

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Sun 01/13/08 01:13 PM
yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn LOL!!

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Sun 01/13/08 01:01 PM

Correct me if I am wrong...Now when I connect with a potential interest...I like to have them give me thier yahoo messenger id...and connect with them on there for a few days. Now after a few days ...after I feel the vibes are right...and they are asking for my phone number...and this is mainly for the ladies..I have found...and you are not being ask for thiers instead. This way you are still in control here..If for so some reason they start giving excuses or don't want to give it to you....I found from experience...there may be a problem here. I am still running from a jealous wife of a man that told me he was single...I just wanted to know If you ladies have any other ideas here.....
drinker drinker <<Softtail>>>drinker drinker
i ALWAYS give my # out and dont want the woman to give me hers until she feels 100% comfy around is very important to me.

drinker Here's a respectable man...ladies...drinker
thank you very much.

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 12:53 PM

Correct me if I am wrong...Now when I connect with a potential interest...I like to have them give me thier yahoo messenger id...and connect with them on there for a few days. Now after a few days ...after I feel the vibes are right...and they are asking for my phone number...and this is mainly for the ladies..I have found...and you are not being ask for thiers instead. This way you are still in control here..If for so some reason they start giving excuses or don't want to give it to you....I found from experience...there may be a problem here. I am still running from a jealous wife of a man that told me he was single...I just wanted to know If you ladies have any other ideas here.....
drinker drinker <<Softtail>>>drinker drinker
i ALWAYS give my # out and dont want the woman to give me hers until she feels 100% comfy around is very important to me.

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 12:44 PM

Hi my names Peter, im pretty new to your neighbourhood:tongue:hoping to meet new friends and maybe more around my area, but not just my area tho, everywhere. As i'm a pretty lonely guy at the moment:cry: so i'm hoping someone maybe able to make me smile again. hope to here from someone soon.


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Sun 01/13/08 12:39 PM

HI everyone, I am very new to this site. I am hoping ot find a nice girlfriend.

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Sun 01/13/08 12:10 PM

Hi there,

My name is Emma.I am very new to this site and also very new to this country. hopefully find some friends here. have a nice day!
