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Topic: The bible
Morrie99999's photo
Fri 10/18/13 06:28 AM
Can we really believe what , the bible says???

Toks88's photo
Fri 10/18/13 08:00 AM

Can we really believe what , the bible says???


Morrie99999's photo
Fri 10/18/13 09:12 AM

Morrie99999's photo
Fri 10/18/13 09:12 AM

Toks88's photo
Fri 10/18/13 12:30 PM
Things that are happening in the world today are all written in the Bible.

jacktrades's photo
Fri 10/18/13 05:20 PM
I do for sure. Maybe not word for word but I use it as a "Moral Compass"

mightymoe's photo
Fri 10/18/13 06:11 PM

Things that are happening in the world today are all written in the Bible.

... name one truth from the bible... anything that can be proven scientifically...

no photo
Fri 10/18/13 09:41 PM
No book in existence is 100% "true." The Bible is not a history book.

no photo
Fri 10/18/13 10:31 PM

Can we really believe what , the bible says???

Google -- la vulgata -- Papa sisto v di Montaldo, traslate the page in your lang.

he is just 1, how many Popes have done the same things

no photo
Fri 10/18/13 10:33 PM

No book in existence is 100% "true." The Bible is not a history book.

why not???

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/20/13 10:06 AM

Things that are happening in the world today are all written in the Bible.

... name one truth from the bible... anything that can be proven scientifically...

When I was in elementary school we were told that Pontius Pilate was not a real person just a legend. About 5 or 6 years later an archaelogical dig found a column or corner stone dating to the first century AD that had the name Pontius Pilate as Procurator of Jerusalem inscribed on it. I remember being told that the miracles in the OT never happened and now I see on Discovery how they are trying to be explained, extra miraculous.

The birth of Christ was foretold over 200 times in the OT. His birth and crucifixion all happened exactly how Isaiah prophesied.

Explain to me how one mere man of legend. In the public eye for less than 3 years has had such an impact 2,000+ years later. It has only been recently that we have stopped using BC and AD. To be politically correct it is now BCE and CE. Interesting enough is that the meaning of C has been changed from Christ to Common. But not before transitioning through Christian.

I believe that, recently, in a dig near Babylon they found part of an inscription that coincides with the book of Daniel 5 25 Mene Mene Tekel Parsin. This occured during the reign of Belshazzar.

Now I will say this, many teachings in the bible were examples and may not have depicted actual occurances. We don't know if teh prodigal son was real or an example Jesus used to teach teh forgiveness and love of God. Really doesn't matter. All scripture is useful, even those parts that we don't yet fully understand.

As to accuracy down through the ages, we only have to look at the recoverance of the book of Isaiah found in the dead sea scrolls. If memory serves me correctly there were 3 word differences that in no way impacted the interpretation of what was said.

no photo
Sun 10/20/13 10:43 AM

No book in existence is 100% "true." The Bible is not a history book.

why not???

Because it is not history.

no photo
Sun 10/20/13 10:50 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 10/20/13 10:51 AM

Things that are happening in the world today are all written in the Bible.

... name one truth from the bible... anything that can be proven scientifically...

When I was in elementary school we were told that Pontius Pilate was not a real person just a legend. About 5 or 6 years later an archaelogical dig found a column or corner stone dating to the first century AD that had the name Pontius Pilate as Procurator of Jerusalem inscribed on it. I remember being told that the miracles in the OT never happened and now I see on Discovery how they are trying to be explained, extra miraculous.

The birth of Christ was foretold over 200 times in the OT. His birth and crucifixion all happened exactly how Isaiah prophesied.

Explain to me how one mere man of legend. In the public eye for less than 3 years has had such an impact 2,000+ years later. It has only been recently that we have stopped using BC and AD. To be politically correct it is now BCE and CE. Interesting enough is that the meaning of C has been changed from Christ to Common. But not before transitioning through Christian.

I believe that, recently, in a dig near Babylon they found part of an inscription that coincides with the book of Daniel 5 25 Mene Mene Tekel Parsin. This occured during the reign of Belshazzar.

Now I will say this, many teachings in the bible were examples and may not have depicted actual occurances. We don't know if teh prodigal son was real or an example Jesus used to teach teh forgiveness and love of God. Really doesn't matter. All scripture is useful, even those parts that we don't yet fully understand.

As to accuracy down through the ages, we only have to look at the recoverance of the book of Isaiah found in the dead sea scrolls. If memory serves me correctly there were 3 word differences that in no way impacted the interpretation of what was said.

Concerning this statement:
"The birth of Christ was foretold over 200 times in the OT. His birth and crucifixion all happened exactly how Isaiah prophesied."

This is very easy to explain logically. The so-call "prophesies" written in the old testament were used by scribes to create a self fullfilled fictional prophesy for the New Testament.

It is known that many books of both the old and new testament were rewritten stories from earlier scripture.

Concerning this question:
"Explain to me how one mere man of legend. In the public eye for less than 3 years has had such an impact 2,000+ years later."

That is why they call it "legend." Legends are promoted by the authorities (church and state) for a specific purpose.

no photo
Sun 10/20/13 10:55 AM
As to accuracy down through the ages, we only have to look at the recoverance of the book of Isaiah found in the dead sea scrolls. If memory serves me correctly there were 3 word differences that in no way impacted the interpretation of what was said.

I don't think you can judge how anything is interpreted since there are
so many different interpretations of the Bible currently by the fact that there are three major religions that utilize it for their religion, and countless different denomination within each.

Nobody agrees. Therefore they do not interpret any of it the same way.

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/20/13 11:36 AM
The different versions of the Bible, KJ NKJV, NIV etc etc. Differ inlanguage use. TH King James bible we all grew up with used the vernacular of the times in which it was written. I happen to prefer the NIV because it uses current vernacular. How many English speakers use thee and thou and whereforest shalt thou go? I get confused with the language. I asked a preacher once why he demanded that we use the KJV and he said because it was the acepted version. I asked about teh language confusion and was told that was what commentaries were for. Didin't make sense then and still doesn't now. If I read the KJV and then have to go to a commentary to translate 17th century Ennglish, why not just read the verse in 20th century English.

As an aside, the Bible does not try and prove the existance of God. Take the first 4 words, "In the beginning God." No explanation, no treatises on how or why, just "He is" or as in Exodus "I am."

no photo
Sun 10/20/13 12:19 PM
"I asked a preacher once why he demanded that we use the KJV and he said because it was the accepted version."

You should have asked him, "Accepted by whom?"

Toks88's photo
Sun 10/20/13 06:10 PM

Things that are happening in the world today are all written in the Bible.

... name one truth from the bible... anything that can be proven scientifically...

Matthew 24: 7.For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

no photo
Sun 10/20/13 06:14 PM

Things that are happening in the world today are all written in the Bible.

... name one truth from the bible... anything that can be proven scientifically...

Matthew 24: 7.For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

An easy prediction. Nation has been rising against nation for a very long time. Its nothing new.

Toks88's photo
Mon 10/21/13 12:26 AM
Edited by Toks88 on Mon 10/21/13 12:36 AM

Things that are happening in the world today are all written in the Bible.

... name one truth from the bible... anything that can be proven scientifically...

Matthew 24: 7.For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

An easy prediction. Nation has been rising against nation for a very long time. Its nothing new.

Matthew 24: 24.For there shall arise false Christ, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Matthew 24: 34.Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

Toks88's photo
Mon 10/21/13 12:26 AM

Things that are happening in the world today are all written in the Bible.

... name one truth from the bible... anything that can be proven scientifically...

Matthew 24: 7.For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

An easy prediction. Nation has been rising against nation for a very long time. Its nothing new.

Matthew 24: 11.And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

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