Community > Posts By > Scinn

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:54 AM

:smile: That is where the word faith comes into play ! Maybe the question is not meant to be answered ! It's in striveing to live a life with a belief in good things that makes you either a good or lousy person . What do you think ?flowerforyou

I don't have faith when used in context with a specific religion. And I don't feel that I am a lousy I don't think that quite works as a generalization to classify if a person is good or lousy. And many good people have faith in different religions...some of those people are good, some are lousy. Many people have faith in nothing, some of those people are good and some lousy. In the end, I don't believe it's the faith or the religion that defines if a person is good or bad.

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:33 AM

Do you fit this profile?

I suppose I would. As I don't believe there is a "God" in the sense that it was portrayed in this question, I don't look for guidance from that source.
And if so why is it that you feel that you can’t look at God to deal with daily issues. Do you feel it makes you less of a person?

No, I don't feel that it makes me less of a person to ask for guidance or help if I need it. But, I feel that one should look within one's self first for the answer.

To try to better explain my personal belief, please bear with me a minute :smile: I believe in a higher being, by whatever name it has been called through the different religions and through history. But I don't believe that higher being/essense has emotions in the sense that mankind gives them emotions. That's a way of humanizing something we don't understand, which is completely normal to do. Even wild animals have emotions and personalities, though humans are of the opinion they are not intelligent on the same level we are. Emotions are a weakness and I don't believe that any higher being has those emotions in the sense that humans give them emotions.

I beleive that higher beings are more like trees (to provide an example lol) They are there, and present, providing requirements for life. But I can no more ask a tree how to live my life or for guidance or to make sure something goes my way, or give me and my family this, etc etc...than I could from the powers that be. Well...I could, it just wouldn't do any good lol We were given the ability to problem solve, think for ourselves, make our own choices, etc and should use them. Before you ever go to your meeting, you prepare. You make sure you've done all your homework, put together a presentation, know all your facts, have covered any questions that might come up from every angle, etc etc. Now you can ask that things go well, that the people you're having the meeting with will be influenced by your presentation...but in the end, it's what you've done before you walk through the door that will make the difference. You can ask for guidance and the swaying of minds/hearts all you like...but if you havn't done your end of things...nothing is going to happen.

So that's sort of where I stand. Is there something far greater than anything we have ever or will ever come across in our living lives? Yes. Is that something God? Not in the defined terms, no.

Do you believe this could be possible? If not explain why not?

No. Again, we are humanizing something we have no real understanding of and something that can not be humanized. By saying that satan/the devil/lucifer and God/Jesus, Jesus (I always get confused on if that is the same being or different seems to vary) have wars amongst themselves and are, in essence.."out to get us" (speaking in the terms of a devil) or "out to save us" (speaking in terms of the god/jesus, jesus?) again puts humanity upon something that is anything but human. Those are human atributes. Plain and simple. And I think it's something humans have placed upon a higher being in a struggle to understand and rationalize that is beyond our realm of comprehension.

Hope that answered your questions from my standpoint :) I'm sure there will be a lot of people that will disagree with me...but, you ask for us to answer the questions in our understanding or from our own personal belief there it is happy

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:40 PM

You know, personally, I think I have a highly refined sense of spirituality...capable of encompassing people of all religions without judging them or damning them only because their faith differs from mine. I think it makes one more "Godly" (for lack of a better word or phrase) to be able to listen with an open mind, realize that the other's faith/opinion isn't wrong...only different...and accepting the fact that I don't know everything...will never know everything...and some things are supposed to remain a mystery. Questions without answers. Unless you look at the answer from the most simplest of views.

When I asked my 7 year old son what the meaning of life was, he responded: "Meaning of life? You mean...why there is life? Or what our life means?" I told him either, he said: "There's life because there's supposed to be life." I asked him why. He said, "Because there just is." He said it so matter of factly, like I should already know that. When I asked him about the other, he said: "Our life means being good to each other and loving everybody and" I couldn't have said it better myself. drinker

I think as adults we over-analyze everything...there is only "one" answer to any equation...and some answers arn't acceptable, so we spend our lives trying to prove them wrong. If only we were all 7 year olds again. How much simpler and happier the world would be...oh wait...except when it comes to sharing the toys. laugh

Very nicely put and so agree with youdrinker

Thank you hon :) But truely, the credit goes to my son lol Were it not for my children, I would never be able to keep things in perspective. laugh

I have to tell you i have been reading all of this..and it makes me kind of sad how some people feel that what they say should be the "right "way...all people have different beliefs about there god....and everyone has the right to how they feel and think...
I beleive in "my god" and i believe in Jesus but i also am very spiritual....i believe that god is everywhere...and everything...i am a good person and i teach my children about him....but i also feel my children should make there own decision about how they want to feel about about there own kids started to go to a youth group every week and my one son loves it the other not really for him...i respect that in him...he is like me..believes in god and prays to him...and that to me makes me happy enough right now....
i do have to say i was brought up catholic...when i was pregnant with my son becasue i wasnt married to the father i was told by the church that if i wasnt marrioed to the dad then i was going to go to hell and that i was living in sin...i was so shocked that, that day i stopped being a catholic...i dont think anyone on this earth had the right to judge others becasue they dont believe in anothers religion....i believe and this is only my belief that only god has the right to judge you and i think that is how you live your life and whether you were a good peron on this earth...but that is just my opinion...

Precisely! Nail on the head! drinker drinker I was raised Mormon, given no choice in it what-so-ever, and the day I turned 18 and was finally granted my own choice I left and never went back. Now, mind you, I started learning and reading about other religions secretly through books in the library and the internet when I was 13. But I don't think religion is something you can force on someone, it's a highly personal experience and only that person can really be intune and recognize what it is. For some it's one religion, for others it's another...and I don't think it's right or wrong. It simply is. :)

And same here, all 3 of my children were born out of wedlock, and people can point and judge all they like. But they don't know the circumstances, they don't know my life and they don't know why I've made the choices I have. What they should know, that when I found out I was pregnant with all 3 of my children. I had 3 choices each time. Abortion. Adoption. Responsibility.

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:13 PM

You know, personally, I think I have a highly refined sense of spirituality...capable of encompassing people of all religions without judging them or damning them only because their faith differs from mine. I think it makes one more "Godly" (for lack of a better word or phrase) to be able to listen with an open mind, realize that the other's faith/opinion isn't wrong...only different...and accepting the fact that I don't know everything...will never know everything...and some things are supposed to remain a mystery. Questions without answers. Unless you look at the answer from the most simplest of views.

When I asked my 7 year old son what the meaning of life was, he responded: "Meaning of life? You mean...why there is life? Or what our life means?" I told him either, he said: "There's life because there's supposed to be life." I asked him why. He said, "Because there just is." He said it so matter of factly, like I should already know that. When I asked him about the other, he said: "Our life means being good to each other and loving everybody and" I couldn't have said it better myself. drinker

I think as adults we over-analyze everything...there is only "one" answer to any equation...and some answers arn't acceptable, so we spend our lives trying to prove them wrong. If only we were all 7 year olds again. How much simpler and happier the world would be...oh wait...except when it comes to sharing the toys. laugh

Very nicely put and so agree with youdrinker

Thank you hon :) But truely, the credit goes to my son lol Were it not for my children, I would never be able to keep things in perspective. laugh

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:05 PM

"I AM THAT I AM" means "the self sufficient one". God needs nothing to exist, not food, water, space, time, friendship, love, heat, shelter or worship.

If he doesn't need worship, then how come everyone is always telling me to convert and worship him and telling me that he says people should worship him and only him and to convert as many people to worshipping him as possible???

(Sorry...just struck me as odd, didn't mean to hi-jack your thread there BB flowerforyou )

God doesn't need worship, you aren't doing anything for God by worshipping him. God deserves worship. Huge difference. You exist because God wants you to exist, pure and simple. Seems like you should take a little time out to thank him.

mm each their own. I was just slightly confused about that...thank you for answering my question though :)

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 10:00 PM
Edited by Scinn on Sun 06/15/08 10:02 PM

"I AM THAT I AM" means "the self sufficient one". God needs nothing to exist, not food, water, space, time, friendship, love, heat, shelter or worship.

If he doesn't need worship, then how come everyone is always telling me to convert and worship him and telling me that he says people should worship him and only him and to convert as many people to worshipping him as possible???

(Sorry...just struck me as odd, didn't mean to hi-jack your thread there BB flowerforyou )

Your dispute was as valid as his, one off subject to counter another lmao...uh wait...that is your dispute of his dispute per my personal view was more valid, since his dispute was off topic yours had to be to counter it

Now if only I could speak english...

lol sorry hon :P Forgive me... flowerforyou happy

edit* lol true :P But does sort of confuse me slightly...and as these posts tend to take minds of their own and go astray...I didn't think you'd mind :wink: /edit

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:58 PM
Edited by Scinn on Sun 06/15/08 09:58 PM

"I AM THAT I AM" means "the self sufficient one". God needs nothing to exist, not food, water, space, time, friendship, love, heat, shelter or worship.

If he doesn't need worship, then how come everyone is always telling me to convert and worship him and telling me that he says people should worship him and only him and to convert as many people to worshipping him as possible???

(Sorry...just struck me as odd, didn't mean to hi-jack your thread there BB flowerforyou )

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 09:28 PM

You know, personally, I think I have a highly refined sense of spirituality...capable of encompassing people of all religions without judging them or damning them only because their faith differs from mine. I think it makes one more "Godly" (for lack of a better word or phrase) to be able to listen with an open mind, realize that the other's faith/opinion isn't wrong...only different...and accepting the fact that I don't know everything...will never know everything...and some things are supposed to remain a mystery. Questions without answers. Unless you look at the answer from the most simplest of views.

When I asked my 7 year old son what the meaning of life was, he responded: "Meaning of life? You mean...why there is life? Or what our life means?" I told him either, he said: "There's life because there's supposed to be life." I asked him why. He said, "Because there just is." He said it so matter of factly, like I should already know that. When I asked him about the other, he said: "Our life means being good to each other and loving everybody and" I couldn't have said it better myself. drinker

I think as adults we over-analyze everything...there is only "one" answer to any equation...and some answers arn't acceptable, so we spend our lives trying to prove them wrong. If only we were all 7 year olds again. How much simpler and happier the world would be...oh wait...except when it comes to sharing the toys. laugh

you will find as you age scinn- that all "real truth's" are simple - and should be understood as simply as your son does - i hope he holds on to that.happy

Oh me too!! As well as his siblings :) Hopefully they can pass it on as well! lol

i find my son when he was young was my mirror - he would reveal things about myself i really was not conscience of til i saw him imitate me or the like or use my expressions etc., he taught me more than any grown man ever has.he is the one who unintentionally put me on the path i follow now - children are a true gift!! and then they grow up hahahaha - flowerforyou

lmao isn't that the truth!! I wish they could stay little forever :heart:

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:39 PM

You know, personally, I think I have a highly refined sense of spirituality...capable of encompassing people of all religions without judging them or damning them only because their faith differs from mine. I think it makes one more "Godly" (for lack of a better word or phrase) to be able to listen with an open mind, realize that the other's faith/opinion isn't wrong...only different...and accepting the fact that I don't know everything...will never know everything...and some things are supposed to remain a mystery. Questions without answers. Unless you look at the answer from the most simplest of views.

When I asked my 7 year old son what the meaning of life was, he responded: "Meaning of life? You mean...why there is life? Or what our life means?" I told him either, he said: "There's life because there's supposed to be life." I asked him why. He said, "Because there just is." He said it so matter of factly, like I should already know that. When I asked him about the other, he said: "Our life means being good to each other and loving everybody and" I couldn't have said it better myself. drinker

I think as adults we over-analyze everything...there is only "one" answer to any equation...and some answers arn't acceptable, so we spend our lives trying to prove them wrong. If only we were all 7 year olds again. How much simpler and happier the world would be...oh wait...except when it comes to sharing the toys. laugh

you will find as you age scinn- that all "real truth's" are simple - and should be understood as simply as your son does - i hope he holds on to that.happy

Oh me too!! As well as his siblings :) Hopefully they can pass it on as well! lol

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:29 PM
You know, personally, I think I have a highly refined sense of spirituality...capable of encompassing people of all religions without judging them or damning them only because their faith differs from mine. I think it makes one more "Godly" (for lack of a better word or phrase) to be able to listen with an open mind, realize that the other's faith/opinion isn't wrong...only different...and accepting the fact that I don't know everything...will never know everything...and some things are supposed to remain a mystery. Questions without answers. Unless you look at the answer from the most simplest of views.

When I asked my 7 year old son what the meaning of life was, he responded: "Meaning of life? You mean...why there is life? Or what our life means?" I told him either, he said: "There's life because there's supposed to be life." I asked him why. He said, "Because there just is." He said it so matter of factly, like I should already know that. When I asked him about the other, he said: "Our life means being good to each other and loving everybody and" I couldn't have said it better myself. drinker

I think as adults we over-analyze everything...there is only "one" answer to any equation...and some answers arn't acceptable, so we spend our lives trying to prove them wrong. If only we were all 7 year olds again. How much simpler and happier the world would be...oh wait...except when it comes to sharing the toys. laugh

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:26 PM

I already answered in another thread you did...and yes on this one I would chance a few this is a Catholic's creed.

Isn't the creed out of the Bible?

Then why doesn't the person who is posting all these posts just get it from the Bible????? Do we really need a new post for each version? I thought it was a discussion...not a waste of bandwidth?

GEEZ.... ?????

Because there are different creed's they are wanting an opinion about? Not just the one in the some are rather long I can understand why they make different posts for the different religion's creeds rather than slapping them all into one post and then asking for the variations (if any) people would make. :smile:

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:21 PM


lol Actually "Scinn" holds special meaning to me...the double "n" is a part of that :) hehe As for "sensse" lol Only BB knows ;)

ah ah ah !!! not fair!!

the rules of god say if you mention something without telling what it is your not allowed to talk on this forum anymore - do you wanna go to hell?? no special meaning's allowed - that's a scinnnnn!!!!

lmao well apparently I'm already going there..? :tongue: So what's one more "scinn" lmao But seriously though, "Scinn" is actually from a very hard time in my life when I was younger and it's a word me and my sister created to get us through the hard times together when it seemed like each other was all we had. It was like our little code word to each other without the rest of the people around us knowing what we were talking about.

ok you can go to heaven now - alls forgiven - nice story!!:smile:

woohoo! ty ty!! flowerforyou laugh laugh laugh

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:19 PM certainly is. Carnal thinking gets humanity in trouble EVERY time. :smile:

Dunno why you are using carnal suddenly in all of your arguments but I will address both definitions.

If not for carnal thought your parents never would have had sex, and you would not have been born so you would be able to post these messages.

If not for carnal existence there would be nothing in the world, and everything physical is carnal including that bible you won't stop thumping and trying to use as a weapon while refusing to read it.'s definition...not God's.

NEXT!!!! I hear alot of THUMPing too. It's called man made new age... You should take some of your own advice there.... :wink:

I think I'm confused. Do you have a different definition for "carnal" than dictionaries? Because you keep saying "man's definition, not God's" in reference to that...and you use the word a lot...

I looked the word had a most clear meaning...but you keep saying it's wrong? So...what's the definition for "carnal" and it's variations? (carnality...etc)

scinn - strongs concordence - greek - 4559 - carnal - "selena" - bodily,temporal,unregenerated

strongs- 4561 greek - "sarz" human nature, as opposed to godly or spiritual nature

what she's saying is your unregenerated in mind or spirityour jsut acting temporal human unlike her or other saved people. hahaha that makes sense, referring to the definitions you found for me :) Much easier when I can see them like that. I had just never heard the word before until tonight lol

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:08 PM
Edited by Scinn on Sun 06/15/08 08:08 PM certainly is. Carnal thinking gets humanity in trouble EVERY time. :smile:

Dunno why you are using carnal suddenly in all of your arguments but I will address both definitions.

If not for carnal thought your parents never would have had sex, and you would not have been born so you would be able to post these messages.

If not for carnal existence there would be nothing in the world, and everything physical is carnal including that bible you won't stop thumping and trying to use as a weapon while refusing to read it.'s definition...not God's.

NEXT!!!! I hear alot of THUMPing too. It's called man made new age... You should take some of your own advice there.... :wink:

I think I'm confused. Do you have a different definition for "carnal" than dictionaries? Because you keep saying "man's definition, not God's" in reference to that...and you use the word a lot...

I looked the word had a most clear meaning...but you keep saying it's wrong? So...what's the definition for "carnal" and it's variations? (carnality...etc)

Carnal according to God's word refers to the physical man...lower than, incomplete. That's where you get the term "born again," to be born in God's spiritual image. God says His ways are higher than ours. If you want to see Kingdom living you need spiritual eyes.

I guess God's term covers more than man's definition. Man's are pretty limited at that....

Could you quote it please? Because, I'm genuinely confused here. No where did it say that "carnal" meant "to be born again" or to be "lower than God, incomplete"....?

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:02 PM


lol Actually "Scinn" holds special meaning to me...the double "n" is a part of that :) hehe As for "sensse" lol Only BB knows ;)

ah ah ah !!! not fair!!

the rules of god say if you mention something without telling what it is your not allowed to talk on this forum anymore - do you wanna go to hell?? no special meaning's allowed - that's a scinnnnn!!!!

lmao well apparently I'm already going there..? :tongue: So what's one more "scinn" lmao But seriously though, "Scinn" is actually from a very hard time in my life when I was younger and it's a word me and my sister created to get us through the hard times together when it seemed like each other was all we had. It was like our little code word to each other without the rest of the people around us knowing what we were talking about.

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:58 PM
Edited by Scinn on Sun 06/15/08 08:02 PM certainly is. Carnal thinking gets humanity in trouble EVERY time. :smile:

Dunno why you are using carnal suddenly in all of your arguments but I will address both definitions.

If not for carnal thought your parents never would have had sex, and you would not have been born so you would be able to post these messages.

If not for carnal existence there would be nothing in the world, and everything physical is carnal including that bible you won't stop thumping and trying to use as a weapon while refusing to read it.'s definition...not God's.

NEXT!!!! I hear alot of THUMPing too. It's called man made new age... You should take some of your own advice there.... :wink:

I think I'm confused. Do you have a different definition for "carnal" than dictionaries? Because you keep saying "man's definition, not God's" in reference to that...and you use the word a lot...

I looked the word had a most clear meaning...but you keep saying it's wrong? So...what's the definition for "carnal" and it's variations? (carnality...etc)

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:49 PM


Erm...while my name is pronounced that has no resemblance in meaning whatsoever

no offense intended my lady, was but a joke, i mean no harm, you will get to know me better with time - i'm very sarcastic at times - laugh

lol sounds good happy flowerforyou

i cant send you flowers in return- BB will get mad at melaugh laugh laugh laugh sad

lmao like she would care...or I would...
I was mentioning the roses in the same sensse that one gives the roses to a ballerina when she comes down from stage. It is meant as a compliment saying that she stated something rather well...maybe I should stick to plain english since I haven't even mastered that! lmao

wow - like i meant it any differently - hahaha - i understood you BB - i was being funny i thoughtbigsmile i'm not as dense as some on here - hahaha - ok no more jokes - i can see i'm not taken rightly either - soooooorrrrrryyyyyblushing

Darn it Tribo we aren't allowed to make jokes?

hahahaha - hey are you and scinn trying to start a new language??

I was mentioning the roses in the same ""sensse"" that one gives the roses to a ballerina

sensse?? scinn?? whats with the doubbllee connssannanntt'ss all of a ssuddenn - laugh :tongue:

lol Actually "Scinn" holds special meaning to me...the double "n" is a part of that :) hehe As for "sensse" lol Only BB knows ;) flowerforyou

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:47 PM

So...I have a question. No hidden meaning, no offence intended, just a general question of curiosity. In my city, you can't drive down the road 10 feet without seeing a billboard or other advertisement stating something like, "Got God?" or "Jesus is King!" or "What have you done for God today?" etc etc, you get the point lol The t.v. is flooded with advertisements for Life Time Christian music CDs and church advertisements, pastors preaching and daily morning programming with Pastor Nancy (I believe her name is). So my question is, how offended would you be if you were driving down the road and saw a huge billboard with a saying like, "Got Satan?" or "What have you done for Allah today?" or "Have you chosen the Buddist path?" In the land of America, let freedom ring, why is it that some things are acceptable and some things are not? Shouldn't it be equal and fair to advertise your religious beliefs in any way you see fit and that if one group of practicers can do it through billboards and tv commercial advertisements, why can't another for fear of persecution?

I think most religions would feel safe to put up a billboard if they wanted- it's hard to hurt a billboard. But it seems like many religions wouldn't want to put up a billboard. I know people of several religions-muslim, buddhist, hindu, jewish, christian, pagen- but only the christians have really tried to "convert" me while the others just explained their beliefs and respected the fact that I didn't share their beliefs.

I'm not sure why that is so. That's just my personal experience, obviously not statistically significant evidence. But everything I have seen on this site has been similar.

Maybe it is just because I live in America and Christianity is the dominant religion here? Or maybe it is an inherent difference in practices required by the religion?

I fully agree hon :) I just find it curious, (and I'll leave it at that for people's minds to interpret as they will lmao)

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:45 PM


Erm...while my name is pronounced that has no resemblance in meaning whatsoever

no offense intended my lady, was but a joke, i mean no harm, you will get to know me better with time - i'm very sarcastic at times - laugh

lol sounds good happy flowerforyou

i cant send you flowers in return- BB will get mad at melaugh laugh laugh laugh sad

lol I don't mind laugh And it's good to see some more humor back on this thread happy flowerforyou

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:10 PM


Erm...while my name is pronounced that has no resemblance in meaning whatsoever

no offense intended my lady, was but a joke, i mean no harm, you will get to know me better with time - i'm very sarcastic at times - laugh

lol sounds good happy flowerforyou

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