Community > Posts By > Scinn

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:08 PM
Edited by Scinn on Sun 06/15/08 07:15 PM

BTW...the carnal man is emnity with the spirit man & therfore, I hate to tell you but aside from God there is no such thing as spiritual awakening. It's just more of man's attempts at trying to reach God in his own way & not God's way. Talk about putting God in a box. LOL

It does not make you wrong. But just because someone else chooses to name it something different and worship it in their own personal way, doesn't make them wrong either. In the's how you've lived. Not what you named the entity you worship.

No! Not if you are eating from the tree of how's that for being man made?

We are talking about God after all. His ways are not our ways...His ways are WAY higher. That's the point.

Are we talking about God's will or ours?

What I said, was that the entity you worship is the same as what others worship...but by a different name.

And mankind is mankind...naturally anything greater than mankind would have different ways than man.

I repeat: It's not what you name the entity you worship. It's how you live your life.

Source: (just in case it's needed)

Curious...You brought up sex??? Carnal meaning the man of flesh.... That is all I was talkin' about. laugh

I had to google "Carnal" as I didn't know what it meant, I had never heard the word before. Those were the deffinitions that came up when I googled it. So, I assumed that's what you meant.

See...if I don't know something, I look it up...doesn't always mean it's correct...but I do have a highly inquisitive mind :wink: happy

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:49 PM

BB - stay away from "scinn" you dont need anymore "scinn" in your life, laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Oh no does that mean I've come face to face with original "scinn"?

lol Hardly :P I'm not that special lmao

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:41 PM

BTW...the carnal man is emnity with the spirit man & therfore, I hate to tell you but aside from God there is no such thing as spiritual awakening. It's just more of man's attempts at trying to reach God in his own way & not God's way. Talk about putting God in a box. LOL

Why must someone name their awakening "God" in order to be correct? A person can reach a point of spiritual awareness and connection without ever having to specifically name what it is they come in tune with. In the end, you do not need a name to define what something is or is not. Let's use an example.

The color red: It's the same thing. The same color, it never is always red. We call it red. In Japan they call it aka. Roho in Spanish speaking countries and etc etc. Now, because it's called aka in Japan, does that mean it's no longer red? That it's somehow become corrupted, or less true or "missing something" that would make it red? No. It's still red. Just by a different name. call it God. Others have different names for it and some have no name for it. In my opinion, by whatever name a person chooses to call the entity, the entity has not changed, been corrupted or misinterpreted. It's still the same entity...just by a different name. I firmly believe there is something greater and bigger than be it a devine entity or a scientific explaination...*no one* knows until we've died...but it does not deminish the fact that we are small and low on a cosmic totem pole somewhere. And I don't think that just because someone else chooses to faithfully believe in something different they are therefore wrong and damned. In the end...I don't believe that whatever that entity is would be so upset that someone called it by the wrong name that it would therefore condemn it to eternal damnation.

Not to mention...if we assume (for the sake of arguement on either end...I know, you believe it is true and that's great flowerforyou But not everyone, we are assuming that *everyone* believes this is true) if we assume that Christianity is the one, true and only correct religion across the world, galaxy and universe..."God" is not his real name. Nor is "Heavenly Father" or "Jesus" or any of the other names. Those are names used by humans to *give* a name to something greater than they are that they don't fully know or understand. A nickname of sorts. Granted, it's used in a loving and respectful manner, but it is still just a nickname.

It does not make you wrong. But just because someone else chooses to name it something different and worship it in their own personal way, doesn't make them wrong either. In the's how you've lived. Not what you named the entity you worship.

Oh, Oh, I'm in love, remind me I owe you some roses later!

BB - stay away from "scinn" you dont need anymore "scinn" in your life, laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Erm...while my name is pronounced that has no resemblance in meaning whatsoever indifferent

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:39 PM

BTW...the carnal man is emnity with the spirit man & therfore, I hate to tell you but aside from God there is no such thing as spiritual awakening. It's just more of man's attempts at trying to reach God in his own way & not God's way. Talk about putting God in a box. LOL

It does not make you wrong. But just because someone else chooses to name it something different and worship it in their own personal way, doesn't make them wrong either. In the's how you've lived. Not what you named the entity you worship.

No! Not if you are eating from the tree of how's that for being man made?

We are talking about God after all. His ways are not our ways...His ways are WAY higher. That's the point.

Are we talking about God's will or ours?

No one said anything about "eating from the tree of carnality", or of living a life of sexual appitites. In fact, I said nothing of the sort nor made any reference to it at all.

What I said, was that the entity you worship is the same as what others worship...but by a different name. I never said anything about it being "man's will"...I said that a person can become in tune and accept a spirituality beyond themselves and that they don't have to name that entity nor do they have to name it "God" to be correct. That the name "God" is a nickname for something greater than you are on a spiritual level, and that not everyone has to nickname the entity the same nickname to be correct.

And mankind is mankind...naturally anything greater than mankind would have different ways than man. So why would you think that your way is the only correct way? You just said yourself that mankind's ways are wrong and that only a higher source's ways are what's to say there is only one correct, straight, unswerving, path that leads to that entity and enlightenment?

I repeat: It's not what you name the entity you worship. It's how you live your life. If we are "eating of the tree of carnality" as you said...then I'm sure none of us will ever reach that higher entity. But just because someone has named your God by a different name, does not assume they are living a life of "carnality;
the practice of finding satisfaction in activities related to fleshly desires and appetites, especially the sexual. — carnal, adj." or "Noun 1. carnality - feeling morbid sexual desire or a propensity to lewdness". Not everyone that does not worship the divine entity you call God lives like that.

Source: (just in case it's needed)

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:28 PM
lol Heya blackbird happy I'd be just as happy with carnations laugh But ty! flowerforyou flowerforyou

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:00 PM
Edited by Scinn on Sun 06/15/08 06:03 PM

BTW...the carnal man is emnity with the spirit man & therfore, I hate to tell you but aside from God there is no such thing as spiritual awakening. It's just more of man's attempts at trying to reach God in his own way & not God's way. Talk about putting God in a box. LOL

Why must someone name their awakening "God" in order to be correct? A person can reach a point of spiritual awareness and connection without ever having to specifically name what it is they come in tune with. In the end, you do not need a name to define what something is or is not. Let's use an example.

The color red: It's the same thing. The same color, it never is always red. We call it red. In Japan they call it aka. Roho in Spanish speaking countries and etc etc. Now, because it's called aka in Japan, does that mean it's no longer red? That it's somehow become corrupted, or less true or "missing something" that would make it red? No. It's still red. Just by a different name. call it God. Others have different names for it and some have no name for it. In my opinion, by whatever name a person chooses to call the entity, the entity has not changed, been corrupted or misinterpreted. It's still the same entity...just by a different name. I firmly believe there is something greater and bigger than be it a devine entity or a scientific explaination...*no one* knows until we've died...but it does not deminish the fact that we are small and low on a cosmic totem pole somewhere. And I don't think that just because someone else chooses to faithfully believe in something different they are therefore wrong and damned. In the end...I don't believe that whatever that entity is would be so upset that someone called it by the wrong name that it would therefore condemn it to eternal damnation.

Not to mention...if we assume (for the sake of arguement on either end...I know, you believe it is true and that's great flowerforyou But not everyone, we are assuming that *everyone* believes this is true) if we assume that Christianity is the one, true and only correct religion across the world, galaxy and universe..."God" is not his real name. Nor is "Heavenly Father" or "Jesus" or any of the other names. Those are names used by humans to *give* a name to something greater than they are that they don't fully know or understand. A nickname of sorts. Granted, it's used in a loving and respectful manner, but it is still just a nickname.

It does not make you wrong. But just because someone else chooses to name it something different and worship it in their own personal way, doesn't make them wrong either. In the's how you've lived. Not what you named the entity you worship.

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:03 AM

More and more I meet people who call themselves Christian but they do not go to a specific church, and some don't go to church at all, and they are not members of any particular denomination.

I think that they find it easier to call themselves Christians because being Christian is still the most accepted religious affiliation. Anyone running for a public office will call them self Christian because they won't have a chance if they are pagan or Muslim or Wiccan or atheist. They just won't.

Whether they are really Christian or not, they will say they are.

So officially, it may look like the churches and Christianity is not declining, and maybe even growing in some places, but it really isn't.

Designer Christians are all over the place. They just don't have the courage to walk away from the club. They don't have the courage to declare that they don't believe. They just play along. They don't really believe or they just really don't know what they believe and so they remain with the flock because that is where they are accepted and that is where their friends are.

Spirituality is growing however. People are awakening to their own spiritual nature and to their own inner connection to source. They are discouraged in this pursuit and they are told that they should never think of themselves as god in the pantheist sense. They are reminded of the myth about Lucifer who wanted to be god and got kicked out of heaven. This is actually and implied vealed threat that if they profess to be "gods" or part of god with god like powers, that they will be kicked out of the club Christianity just as Lucifer was kicked out of heaven.

You will be told this: "To think that you are god is blasphemy. Don't dare even think that." You are not allowed to assert or have your own authority for any reason. You are to only obey your master. You are a slave. To disobey means the death penalty. It is a sin to disobey.


I'd have to fully agree with you here, based upon my own experiences and what I've personally seen

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:48 PM

the wiccans here protested the nativity scene on the courthouse lawn, and got a permit to set up a booth right next to them. they were shunned and heckled but i thought it was great! yeah, separation of church & state right, but the word "god" appears on every piece of currency we have. it's a losing battle, just keep your beliefs to yourself and try not to get to heated about it. if everybody did this the world would be a much nicer place flowerforyou

I believe in "to each their own", unless what they're doing directly affects me or my children in a negative way, who am I to judge? lol And that's awsome about the Coven(s) in your area! I would have loved to have seen the booth they created. I just find all religions facinating and love learning about their beliefs and ways of's truely eye opening. :) The differences, and the similarities. flowerforyou

I would have to agree with you there Scinn...i love to here and learn all religion..i am very spiritual...i believe in a god..i call him "my god"...the one i believe in in my heart and my mind....and he may not be like the one someone else believes in...but that is what is so facinating...

Exactly! It's our differences and view points that make us interesting, and certainly nothing wrong with looking at something from a different angle. It doesn't mean you have to believe what they do...but it also doesn't mean you can't at least listen and appreciate where they're coming from. :)

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:34 PM
You mean answer a question with a question? :wink: laugh

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:47 PM

So...I have a question. No hidden meaning, no offence intended, just a general question of curiosity. In my city, you can't drive down the road 10 feet without seeing a billboard or other advertisement stating something like, "Got God?" or "Jesus is King!" or "What have you done for God today?" etc etc, you get the point lol The t.v. is flooded with advertisements for Life Time Christian music CDs and church advertisements, pastors preaching and daily morning programming with Pastor Nancy (I believe her name is). So my question is, how offended would you be if you were driving down the road and saw a huge billboard with a saying like, "Got Satan?" or "What have you done for Allah today?" or "Have you chosen the Buddist path?" In the land of America, let freedom ring, why is it that some things are acceptable and some things are not? Shouldn't it be equal and fair to advertise your religious beliefs in any way you see fit and that if one group of practicers can do it through billboards and tv commercial advertisements, why can't another for fear of persecution?

How about this? We live in the good old USA where it's "do your own thing." However, if push came to shove I still want "In God We trust" on our money & the 10 C's on the walls of our towns & cities & govt., & the nativities on our town hall lawns.

I could care less about devil worshippers. Society has to have some standards. Evil is evil. Let's call those practices what they are....EVIL!

wow...certainly hadn't meant to anger or upset you...was more just a curiosity of mine than anything else. I'm sorry if my post offended you, that was certainly not my intention.

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:28 PM

I think what he's trying to say, is that (with some forms of Christianity) when you sin, you go through a repentance process and then are supposed to try not to commit the same sin again. So, for those who practice a personal lifestyle that is in direct violate of the very words they hold sacred without repentance or true regret of the sin can not truely be devote to their religion. As they say that they follow the words and laws of their god...but they don't "practice what they preach" so to speak. Does that make sense? Yes, we are all human and we all make mistakes...but it's only truely a mistake if you are genuinely sorry and want to try your hardest not to repeat the mistake again.


a person can be an abstinent homosexual, but still a homosexual because of his sexual attraction for the same sex.
but if this person practices abstinence he/she is the most brave from all the christians.
because this person is denying his/her tendency.

I don't see how an abstinent homosexual makes them any more brave than anyone else who choses to be abstinent..? As, technically, those people are denying their tendencies as well. But I think what sam was trying to say is that homosexuality goes against the how can someone say they are christian but not live a christian life? I.E. live every day of their life in contradiction of the very commandments they sware to follow? It would be like a serial killer trying to say they were Buddist. It goes against everything the religion believes. :)

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:17 PM

My favorite pic will be put up in July.

oooh...keeping us in suspense! glasses
na will be in jawja then :wink:

lmao :P

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:14 PM

My favorite pic will be put up in July.

oooh...keeping us in suspense! glasses

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:09 PM

yabut yabut.....I might need my twister sheets again, or my banana laugh laugh laugh

lol I :heart: the banana!! laugh laugh

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:09 PM

I don't have a fav...But this one is the only one that I don't look like crapbigsmile

I think you look great in all your pics, chick :) Kinda spunky and fun-loving :D Love your hair too! I never was able to pull off the short hair look lmao

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:08 PM

<--- This one, It was such a great weekend, with even greater friends...

Hi auburn, I love the pic you have up, you should keep that one up all the time.flowerforyou

It looks like it was a lot of fun :)

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:07 PM

I am not very photogenic, So I will upload a picture of Ernie Hudson, and that will be my favorite.

lol Photogenic or not, I love your current pic :P

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:07 PM

<<<<<<<<--------------favorite pic because i'm on hoover damn on vacation and happy. bigsmile bigsmile drinker

Can't beat the good times and great memories!! drinker

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:06 PM

<~~~ my fave

Greeneyed....just lovely! flowerforyou

ditto! drinker flowerforyou

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:06 PM

This is my favorite, it's my daughter Crenna and it really shows how much we love each other, and that is the way we are almost all the time. It makes me all warm and fuzzy!'s a perfect pic :) I agree! drinker

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