Community > Posts By > Scinn

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/29/08 06:09 PM
I'd rather they be gay than running the streets drugging, robbing, killing and in and out of prison. There are certainly much worse things they could be...and if that's what makes them happy...well...more power to them. It doesn't change the 9 months (and 1 week) I carried them, the hours of labor, the long and endless nights walking the halls in my sleep when they had colic. Patting their back when they threw up, rocking them to sleep, teaching them their first words...or any of the other upcoming joys (good and bad) that I get to look forward to as they get older. "Love the person...hate the action (if you must)"

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/29/08 06:06 PM
tenebrific ohwell

Scinn's photo
Sat 06/28/08 09:56 PM
Hello my was your night? How was paintballing? And yes...expect a ring in 5....





Scinn's photo
Sat 06/28/08 01:03 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies....I'm glad you enjoyed it blushing flowerforyou

Scinn's photo
Sat 06/28/08 01:01 PM
*pokes her nose in...then backs out slowly* laugh flowerforyou

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:59 AM
I either draw, read, write, play video games, take the kids to the park, hop on here and waste time :tongue: Just sort of depends on my mood and what's going on, what time it is...that sort of thing.

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:57 AM
I wrote this poem a looong time ago, well...ok about a yr or so ago lol...but I thought I would share it with everyone. Imput appreciated :smile:

I Killed the World

Walking these empty streets;
The streets I worked so hard to own.
Hollow shells of homes;
Shattered by the bombs of my airplane.
Was the world to own;
Now it's mine, but I'm left alone.
My own dictatorship;
But no one to bow down to my feet.
The towns are still painted red;
Reminders of the ones I scattered on the ground.
Screaming haunts my dreams;
These ghosts still linger through the city walls.
Falling to my knees;
My God I killed the world for my ideals!
No more black or white;
What was not me, I shattered to the winds.
Walking my empty streets;
I killed the world out of my own greed.

The fires still burn;
Though the voices, like the bodies, now are still.
Fueled by my hatred;
Was only a race, but became the world.
And now here I stand;
On these streets of rotting, bleeding flesh;
Thought that I was right;
Validated through a chorus millions strong.
Watched the bullets rip;
Dropping life into the unknown mass graves.
War, it had no face;
Only purpose driven by a vengeful, bitter rage.
Fallen to my knees;
Blood was my last meal poisoned by my mind.
Not a bullet left;
I cursed myself these lonely, empty streets.
Thought I would bring Heaven;

I only created Hell...and crowned myself the Heir.

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/26/08 09:31 PM sick

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/26/08 08:42 PM
Hello my darling, sexy lover...wanna talk about odd odd odd huh...hehe Should crawl up inside my head right now, now that's odd, and even scary!

smooched smooched smooched love :heart:

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/26/08 04:54 PM
does anyone know how to get in touch with laxviking??

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/26/08 09:57 AM
Edited by Scinn on Thu 06/26/08 09:58 AM
I think the idea of the online coven, isn't so much a thing of shared belief and sharing feelings...from my understanding, while yes, it is a gathering (of sorts) for those who share a same belief and idea...covens are more support and aid. Sharing of magic and spells, herb knowledge...that sort of thing. I probably havn't worded it quite right...but I would certainly be interested in joining for the insight and knowledge. :) If that would be alright.

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/24/08 08:39 PM
Death Eater devil but...hmm...DA/OP has some really yummy people would be hard lol I'd have to be a double agent lmfao

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/24/08 07:14 AM
Edited by Scinn on Tue 06/24/08 07:17 AM

Have you ever stayed with someone whose life seemed to be going down the tubes fast? Simply because you loved them and cared for them.


If you have and they finally got their sh!t together, was the all the pain, suffering, and what you lost worth it in the end?

Yes and no. If I had the chance to go back and do it all over again, would I? In a heartbeat. It made me who I am today, stronger...and those 3 kids sure are cute :) --*edit*--> Though I should mention, he and I are no longer together, and his moments of "having it all together" were few and far between and never lasted long.

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/24/08 07:11 AM

just of them may fall in love with your armor!! :heart: flowerforyou happy

Already happened....a loong time ago lmao :wink: love

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/24/08 07:10 AM
I think it looks sexy on yah baby....and I don't know about everyone else on here, but I have no problems at all gettin it off of yah devil devil

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 09:03 PM
aw, but he's already deactived his account lol

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:49 PM
The 5th and 7th books had me actually crying at some parts

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:46 PM
I :heart: the Harry Potter books :)

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:39 PM

I think when you limit yourself and put restrictions on something, then you might miss out on making a very good friend! Its true that maybe they don't want to date someone that young, but they can still be friends with them. I think putting filters on there are silly!! huh

I think internet friends are sillier. Not to offend anyone here, but if I want a friend I'll go talk to someone I know.

uhm....I have a LOT of good friends online, some I've met and now know r/l...some I've never met and as they live in different countries that probablility is slim....but I've known them for years and years (some I've known going on 11 years now) and actually do consider them a very near and dear friend to my heart. Perhaps you should consider redefining why you're actually on an online dating site if you don't believe it's possible to be friends with someone from online and think the girls online are only looking for hot movies stars rolling in money...?

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:37 PM

How does that make me angry?? What makes me angry is pulsating blobs of **** on this site that go based on age, looks and money. Thats why angers me.

erm...not everyone does.

And a lot of us don't have age filters because, while we may not want to date that person...doesn't mean we won't be friends with that person. I've got friends on here in their 50s and 60s...would I date them? they're some of my good friends on here. Why would I want to make it so they couldn't contact me??

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