Community > Posts By > Scinn

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 08:17 PM
Heya there sexy....I'm here! smooched smooched smooched :heart:

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 01:32 PM
I've still seen a few here and there :D

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 01:10 PM

they think your ugly?

lol Don't pay attention to Etrain...he hasn't had his happy pills yet today *snugs etrain* You look like a cutie to me :D

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 01:07 PM

that...or they're too shy to msg you. ;)

I usually just send them a msg that says something like:

"I see you see me...I see you too...maybe we should try talking as looking doesn't seem to accomplish a whole lot. lmao"

Or something equally silly and amusing...breaks the ice. :)

is that copyrighted or can i steal itlaugh

lol by all means my dear...copy away! laugh laugh

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 01:03 PM
that...or they're too shy to msg you. ;)

I usually just send them a msg that says something like:

"I see you see me...I see you too...maybe we should try talking as looking doesn't seem to accomplish a whole lot. lmao"

Or something equally silly and amusing...breaks the ice. :)

Scinn's photo
Mon 06/23/08 01:00 PM
Disturbed - The Game

"Tell me exactly, what am I supposed to do.
Now that I have allowed you to beat me.
Do you think that we could play another game?
Maybe I could win this time."

Scinn's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:42 PM
I suppose it would depend on the person, and if you had been friends before you started dating or not...dunno. I know my brother got married after 3 months of parents got married after their 2nd date...have known a few other relationships that became marriage after just a couple months. So far...all of those are still good, solid marriages, but I don't think I'd recommend the speedy road to marriage to just anyone. lmao

Scinn's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:28 PM
mm...well...these days, it goes both ways. Sperm and egg donors.

But frankly...(having a sperm donor for my 3 children (same father for all of them)) I'd rather he just be completely out of the picture if he isn't going to go the 100% to be IN the picture. Even if he and I split, that doesn't mean he can't be a full time dad. I absolutely refuse for him to bounce in and out of their lives every few months whenever it's convient for him.

So. With that some cases, I think it's best for the children involved that the sperm/egg donor just be gone...completely out of the picture if they arn't going to take care of their responsibilities and do what they're supposed to do. In the end...we're adults and we can deal with these things. But children can't. As the responsible parent that said, "omg! I have a duty to these little life forms I created and love" it's our job to look out for their well-being.

I hope mine stays gone...though last I heard he was back in jail. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Scinn's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:23 PM
Emotional for me...I tend to form those long before a physical attraction, and for me...the emotional becomes physical. Regardless of what the guys looks like. :)

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/19/08 11:12 PM

So you all are tired of us giving you the same answers then stop repeating your questions. Do you think you will eventually get a different result? LOL That's absurd.

Actually, I personally only have 2 or 3 threads on this board...and as this is a different question naturally it wouldn't be the same answers. And I wasn't asking for "different results" I was asking how someone would go about doing it. Such as with my friends...who weren't sure. And others on here who responded that they would give their testimony on why they believe what they believe and why the bible is so important to them before sharing scriptures that helped them learn that it was the right religion for them, and then of course the other responses :smile:

We know what we believe in by the power of God's spirit as engrafted in our hearts & minds by the SPIRIT of His word. How many times do you have to ask the same questions? It is tiring to keep explaining the same old thing only to get..."well I don't believe it." DUH!!!!! Then why ask when you know you aren't going to like the answer??????

Again....I have only asked 2 or 3 questions. One, being this thread...and the other I know of off the top of my head being the one about billboards (which again...was pure curiousity) Honestly, I havn't seen those questions asked repeatedly, hence the reason I brought them up. I thought they were interesting and never imagined they would be taken in the directions they were. I can understand how answering the same questions over and over again would become tiring...however, as I personally havn't asked repeated questions of you I don't understand your anger at me personally. If there is already a thread that covers my question, rather than get angry with me for unintentionally re-asking something, why not just copy/paste the link to the existing thread for me? I apologize for my unknowningly adding to your frustration with everyone...but I assure was unintentional. As to the "I don't believe it" part...again, these are mere questions of curiousity and intended on a general term. The same as I am repeatedly asked "Well...why don't you believe this?" or "What exactly do you believe?" and etc etc.

BTW...go back & read the thread & you will see how insulting it is to people who do believe. Maybe we get tired of the same old silly questions & people who use cop out excuses to disregard what is being said when they are the ones who are frustrated.

I hadn't intended it to be insulting? I was genuinely curious. And again, I didn't realize anyone had already asked this...or that it was silly. I was always taught "there is no such thing as a stupid question". And I'm not frustrated nor did I realize I was using "cop out excuses" to "disregard" anyone. Again...that was not my intention.

We also get tired of being misquoted as well as what we say being twisted into something it's not.

So if you want to point fingers remember there's a bunch pointing back atcha.

Apparently I misunderstood you, then. Because, from the way I interpreted what you were saying I didn't realize I was twisting anything. You're responses, by my personal interpretation, were very angry and sometimes borderline mean natured. If that was not the case then I apologize. It's easy to mis-read things when you can't hear the tone of voice with the words and you can only read the words. From what I was reading, you seemed to be furious with me and taking your frustrations out and misunderstanding what my original question was. I hadn't intended it to be stupid, petty, insulting or anything else beyond pure curiousity. As you've said on other threads..."Sometimes a person has to hear the word of god several times before it finally settles in" (paraphrasing naturally) To the fingerpointing issue you brought up...I wasn't trying to point fingers, persay, was a misunderstanding and I felt that you were taking a lot of anger out on me and misunderstanding what I was saying. By what I had read, I wasn't pointing any fingers and hadn't done any of the things you were accusing me of. Obviously it was a misunderstanding on both parts and I apologize for any that was on my end.

Scinn's photo
Thu 06/19/08 01:05 PM

I for one get tired of the obtuse responses. The original question was very simple.

If someone was interested in hearing about your religion and what you believe, but you were unable to quote scripture how would you convey those thoughts? What would you say?

I am presuming by the wording that this is meant to be a question for "Christians".

Yes but isn't it already redundant?

The scenario suggests that person who is supposed to be interested has already read the book cover to cover several times and while they found it interesting They don't believe it is godly words.

Why would they still be interested in something that they have already concluded to be "ungodly"?

It seems to me that the whole scenario is amiss.

This would be like someone saying, "The idea of some guy living at the North Pole who single-handedly rides around in a flying sleigh pulled by flying raindeer lands on people's roofs and shimmies down their chimneys never getting sooty looking seems utterly impossible.

But I WANT TO BELIEVE that Santa Claus exists!

PLEASE explain to me how I can believe in Santa Claus without having to believe in the STORY!

That's basically what the person would be asking.

ok the question is intended to make the reader consider (regardless of whether they answer) if they have enough knowledge of what they believe is "God" to convey this belief withought being able to repeat words from a book like a parrot, cut and paste from a scripture debate site meant to help those without any understanding propogate and defend the bible or christian faith, or simply ignore everything said and insert scripture that may or may not have anything to do with the sitiuation or their belief.

The Goal per my personal comprehension of the question is to see if proffessed Christians engaging in these discussions have any thoughts of their own whatsoever, and whether they are capable of sharing those thoughts.

Presuming they do have their own minds and are able to do so, it gives insight on their PERSONAL belief once they stop pasting, playing, and repeating scripture that they may or may not understand.

Exactly :) A testimony of sorts...I'm sure they've come upon this several times before...but in those cases they were probably able to use scriptures. But, if the person doesn't believe in the bible (at the time) scriptures wouldn't really sway their decision. One would think that first, you have to understand everything else...and then delve into the scripture. When they have a better sense of why others value it and belive it. I know me personally (and my sisters and several friends) don't believe in the bible quotes wouldn't really mean anything to me no matter how many were read to me. Hence the challenge to it... :wink:

There is supernatural power in knowing God. No one can percieve His word unless he REVEALS it to them.

I think the problem here is that YOUR aim is off. Instead of challenging us ask God to reveal it to you.

I know I know! It's easier to just make fun at what you don't know. I got that.... :smile: ...but is it no wonder why you aren't "getting it?"

Actually...the original question was purely generalized. I was curious how someone would approach someone like that (based off a previous conversation I had had with someone) and I'm in no way "making fun" of anyone or anything. It's a genuine question of curiosity. I personally never asked to "get" anything nor have anyone try to reveal anything to me specifically. This question came up from a discussion I had with one of my sisters (who claims no religion, like myself) and some friends (who are Baptist) who were having a civil and rather enjoyable conversation on the topic. They were reading us scriptures (all in good, fun loving fashion) while trying to prove a point they were trying to make. My sister had brought up the thing of "how would you convert people if you couldn't use your bible?" and everyone laughed, but it stumped our friends. I thought I would pose the same challenge here to see how others would do it. It saddens me to know you think me so cruel and close minded, even downright vicious as to make fun of other people's beliefs. All of my questions are purely based upon curiousity and a chance to learn something new. I re-read my posts before and after posting to make sure that my responses don't sound mean-hearted or spiteful because that's not my intention at all. I would never purposely hurt someone else. However, a lot of your posts seem to have that pure goal in mind. I'm sorry that you took a simple and innocent question and twisted it into a vicious monster with the intent of hurting you. That thought had never crossed my mind until you put it there.

Scinn's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:24 AM

It does not come down to religion at least for's a relationship.

And that is fine and dandy believe that the trees are God or whatever it is you want to. But then again give me that same and equal right. I believe in God the creator and his Son....that is my right.

Nono...I didn't say the trees were the entity...I was trying to use them as an example. Saying that whatever entity is out there is simply there. I didn't say the entity was the tree lol And I never said you didn't have the right to believe how you wanted to? I'll have to go back and very carefully re-read my posts....but as I recall, you were asking us questions and all I did was answer the questions from my point of view...I never never said you couldn't have your own point of view or that yours was wrong or inaccurate or that you were not entitled to it and had, under no choice whatsoever, had to believe my and only my way of thinking. I thought you were simply asking for people to answer a few questions from their opinion.

And you could ask God to guide choose to not ask. That is the big difference. If God has shown me that he is real and that he is there....and prayers are answered for me....why would I not trust my life to him. Why would I not, as my life is so much better when God is the guiding force. And how can God create us in his image and we have emotions and he does not. Would we then not be created in his image.

From my opinion...for me personally....not everyone...just me and only me am I speaking about right now...I don't believe there is a god - persay. So, by my personal feelings, I could not very well pray to something that doesn't exist (in my mind) than you could pray to anything else. Again. I have only been answering the questions from the understanding that you were curious about our own personal opinions and beliefs and were wanting us to answer from our personal view point. Apparently I was sadly mistaken and I apologize.

I was in no way trying to shove my personal view point of my belief on you...I was only explaining why I believe the way I believe the same as you explained why you believe what you believe in the beginning. It was obviously taken very wrong and that was never my intent. Again, I only thought we were discussing but that is most assuredly not the case...please accept my sincere apologies. I never, ever meant to make you feel as though I was trying to tell you that you were not entitled to feel/believe/worship in the way you wish.

Scinn's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:25 AM

Do you realize how many millions GLBT spent fighting the Oregon Constitutional amendment? I can find the figure if you want?
Now multiply that times at least 50 for every state in the Nation.
And your worrying about what the Christian right spends in one state.
What a hypocritical bunch of propaganda that is!

$2.8 million, in Oregon in 2004 alone!

Thank you...I'm so glad someone else sees the folly in what some here barf on these boards.

I think the term is hypocrite!

erm....who exactly is being called a hypocrite? And as to what is "barf(ed) on these boards" I really think it's in the eye of the beholder as to whether it's trash or treasure.

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/17/08 03:50 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

oh, this is hilarious :wink: :wink: :wink:

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

lol yup! I love it when things can stay light and airy on the religious threads hehehe I'm rather enjoying it happy

i know.... i love it.....:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

even funches has lightened up drinker flowerforyou drinker

Who would have thought one of my posts could bring so many people together laugh laugh laugh laugh

Here's to everyone!! drinker drinker flowerforyou

flowerforyou drinker The religion forums are often like a funeral procession. If people took themselves just a bit less seriously there would be a lot less hatred and a lot more fun in life. Fart in the bathtub if you don't believe me. You will understand. laugh flowerforyou

My 2 yr old does that! Then points, laughs hystarically and in between gasps of breath yells "Bubbles!"

laugh Out-freakin'-standing!laugh drinker

lol It says a lot for my life...but those are the highlight of my day laugh laugh Just his reaction...he gets sooo happy about fart bubbles, and he'll try sooo hard to do it again. laugh laugh laugh All so he can laugh and point and yell "Bubbles! Mama...bubbles!"

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/17/08 03:46 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

oh, this is hilarious :wink: :wink: :wink:

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

lol yup! I love it when things can stay light and airy on the religious threads hehehe I'm rather enjoying it happy

i know.... i love it.....:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

even funches has lightened up drinker flowerforyou drinker

Who would have thought one of my posts could bring so many people together laugh laugh laugh laugh

Here's to everyone!! drinker drinker flowerforyou

flowerforyou drinker The religion forums are often like a funeral procession. If people took themselves just a bit less seriously there would be a lot less hatred and a lot more fun in life. Fart in the bathtub if you don't believe me. You will understand. laugh flowerforyou

My 2 yr old does that! Then points, laughs hystarically and in between gasps of breath yells "Bubbles!"

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/17/08 03:44 PM
I can't pay bills? oh. erm...let's see.

Would probably take my kids to 6 flags and the water park in Atlanta because they've never been...then hit up the zoo (for the same reason), when we got back into town I'd have to take them on a shopping spree. It would nice to walk in a store and tell them they can have anything they want and not look at it and go, "$20...uhm...let's maybe go look at the matchbox cars..they're only $1 and you could get 3!" Probably take them to Orlando to visit all the theme parks down there, basically give them memories they'll be able to keep with them the rest of their lives and a ton of pictures just in case. :D All the things I've always wanted to do for them but couldn't.

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/17/08 03:29 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

oh, this is hilarious :wink: :wink: :wink:

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

lol yup! I love it when things can stay light and airy on the religious threads hehehe I'm rather enjoying it happy

i know.... i love it.....:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

even funches has lightened up drinker flowerforyou drinker

Who would have thought one of my posts could bring so many people together laugh laugh laugh laugh

Here's to everyone!! drinker drinker flowerforyou

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/17/08 03:24 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

oh, this is hilarious :wink: :wink: :wink:

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

lol yup! I love it when things can stay light and airy on the religious threads hehehe I'm rather enjoying it happy

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/17/08 02:30 PM
Sadly, America (for the most part) is currently obsessed with obesity. Certainly I can see the medical reasons to wanting people to lose weight...but let's face it. Some people have medical issues that prevent it, or are just big boned, etc etc etc. My grandmother was a 400lb woman confined to a bed for most of my memory of her....but she was one of the sweetest women I ever knew. She and my grandfather had been married 53 years when she passed and (physically) were polar opposites. I've always stood by the opinion that it's not how a person truely is what's on the inside. Some of the greatest looking people can be complete asses, and some of the "not so" great looking people are the personality type every person truely dreams of. :)

Scinn's photo
Tue 06/17/08 02:04 PM

How 'bout two husbands? One good for the family picnics, one for the wild parties...Both with pockets full of money!!! love love love drinker drinker drinker bigsmile

I could barely keep up with one man...let alone 2! lol I have 3 kids...then I'd have 5 >.< The workaholic would always be at work...come home, drop clothes on the floor...shower...leave water on floor, towel on the bedroom floor and flop on the bed to go to sleep. (while leaving mess from his speed-by dinner in the kitchen)

The party husband would leave beer bottles scattered all over the house, several different outfits on the floor (from finding the right one to go out in) wet towel on the bed, water on the floor...a huuuge mess in the kitchen from having friends over to party with and would then crash wherever he fell out at.

The kids leave toys all over, blankets on the floor, trap the cat in rooms (wonderful messes to clean up from that one lmao) get into the food and leave crumbs everywhere lol And in between work husband asking me where his car keys, briefcase and cellphone was, the party husband asking me what my schedule looks like and can so-and-so come over, when am I going to the store for more beer and could I make him breakfast...the kids are screaming about toys and who had what first and when's breakfast and can they watch cartoons and she/he won't let me watch what I want to watch and "kitty kitty! kitty kit...ooowie!!! waaaah!" yup...I would run away. mmhmm lmfao

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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