Topic: I hate sperm donors... | |
Edited by
Sat 06/21/08 11:41 PM
There are to many in this world
![]() ![]() I hate reading threads where the so call dad can stick his weiner in but can't man up. Who the hell in there right mind would tell somone to get rid of a child after 5 an a half months ![]() ![]() This kind BS happend to two of my sisters and my ex left me for her ex, that has never had a job, a car, etc etc and has done nothing for his littl girl in th last three yours and i was ready to man up. And now he is sitting on his ass watching my tv LMAO Why havent i killed him yet you ask! ![]() ![]() ![]() What is up with men theses days. Do they know wtf a condom is or at least the woman to try to figure somthing out that she wont end up prego. I mean. Anyone can be a sperm donor, but a father is what they need... I know there are different situations and it goes both ways, but face it people. Who pushes for more sex? women can hold out! |
Hmmmm, I have a saying......
a sperm donor isent no 'f'' father is only a donor
thank you shadow...
![]() to more like you ![]() |
Hard when the mother walks out too!
There are to many in this world ![]() ![]() I hate reading threads where the so call dad can stick his weiner in but can't man up. Who the hell in there right mind would tell somone to get rid of a child after 5 an a half months ![]() ![]() This kind BS happend to two of my sisters and my ex left me for her ex, that has never had a job, a car, etc etc and has done nothing for his littl girl in th last three yours andf i was ready to man up. And now he is sitting on his ass watching my tv LMAO Why havent i killed him yet you ask! ![]() ![]() ![]() What is up whith men theses days. Do they know wtf a condom is or at least the woman to try to figure somthing out that she wont end up prego. I mean. Anyone can be a sperm donor, but a father is what they need... Known a few, a few friends actually...quickly became not such good friends, shame is guys like that get dates...guys like me don't, so when guys like me do...we get judged on the base of the one before us, doesn't bother me much...just don't like being looked at like that in the first place, shouldn't happen. Love women as they are the bringers of the next generation, we lose that and the next generation does no better than us. ![]() |
If you can't figure out a way to do that...don't have sex unless you want a child. They say that's 100% effective.
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I was with my son's dad for 5 years.......we lived together.....we were engaged. But I left him......he in retaliation thought it would be cool to not see our son. Ya......brainiac!!! far as the condoms go....both parties should be responsible not only for pregnancy but disease. |
mm...well...these days, it goes both ways. Sperm and egg donors.
But frankly...(having a sperm donor for my 3 children (same father for all of them)) I'd rather he just be completely out of the picture if he isn't going to go the 100% to be IN the picture. Even if he and I split, that doesn't mean he can't be a full time dad. I absolutely refuse for him to bounce in and out of their lives every few months whenever it's convient for him. So. With that some cases, I think it's best for the children involved that the sperm/egg donor just be gone...completely out of the picture if they arn't going to take care of their responsibilities and do what they're supposed to do. In the end...we're adults and we can deal with these things. But children can't. As the responsible parent that said, "omg! I have a duty to these little life forms I created and love" it's our job to look out for their well-being. I hope mine stays gone...though last I heard he was back in jail. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 06/21/08 11:34 PM
Hard when the mother walks out too! I know ther are different situations. But most of the teens that get prego today are by young men that push to has sex with out a condon. And then you got the men that are my age that just don't give a F! |
If you can't figure out a way to do that...don't have sex unless you want a child. They say that's 100% effective. ![]() it's true, my child was not by a mistake. We talked about having one and said lets just let it happen when it happens. my whole thing here is guys that say ok, and then changer there mind after the fact. WTF is that? |
Here here (((Shadow)))
![]() I think everyone should think hard and very seriouse about having sex in the first place, and if they do have sex they really need to protect from accidental pregnancies. There are way too many children being born into this world with only one parent (sometimes its dads that raise their children and the mom walks away too). It is hard to be a parent let alone a single one. It is a lifetime commitment that many are not willing to face seriousely. Yet they will take the coarse of enjoying themselves without even thinking of the consequences. |
If you can't figure out a way to do that...don't have sex unless you want a child. They say that's 100% effective. ![]() it's true, my child was not by a mistake. We talked about having one and said lets just let it happen when it happens. my whole thing here is guys that say ok, and then changer there mind after the fact. WTF is that? ![]() I have a friend who was getting married and the guy talked about having kids right away...but when she got pregnant two months before the wedding he split. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Here here (((Shadow))) ![]() I think everyone should think hard and very seriouse about having sex in the first place, and if they do have sex they really need to protect from accidental pregnancies. There are way too many children being born into this world with only one parent (sometimes its dads that raise their children and the mom walks away too). It is hard to be a parent let alone a single one. It is a lifetime commitment that many are not willing to face seriousely. Yet they will take the coarse of enjoying themselves without even thinking of the consequences. It's true. when i was a teen, my head was not on straight about sex but i always told myself if it happen, Id man up and do whats right. I just can't stand when people do deside to do this and after the fact. Go nope, not ready. Why bring a child in this workld if your not going to be there. |
Edited by
Sun 06/22/08 12:00 AM
If you can't figure out a way to do that...don't have sex unless you want a child. They say that's 100% effective. ![]() it's true, my child was not by a mistake. We talked about having one and said lets just let it happen when it happens. my whole thing here is guys that say ok, and then changer there mind after the fact. WTF is that? ![]() I have a friend who was getting married and the guy talked about having kids right away...but when she got pregnant two months before the wedding he split. ![]() ![]() ![]() I know and you should know, knowing ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Here here (((Shadow))) ![]() I think everyone should think hard and very seriouse about having sex in the first place, and if they do have sex they really need to protect from accidental pregnancies. There are way too many children being born into this world with only one parent (sometimes its dads that raise their children and the mom walks away too). It is hard to be a parent let alone a single one. It is a lifetime commitment that many are not willing to face seriousely. Yet they will take the coarse of enjoying themselves without even thinking of the consequences. It's true. when i was a teen, my head was not on straight about sex but i always told myself if it happen, Id man up and do whats right. I just can't stand when people do deside to do this and after the fact. Go nope, not ready. Why bring a child in this workld if your not going to be there. ![]() ![]() |
There are to many in this world ![]() ![]() I only disagree with you on one point. You're appologizing. |