Community > Posts By > Scinn

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:07 PM

hehehe....i met my love off of another site...and i have been on that site for like 3 years lol... so yep keep waiting PATIENTLY and your love will come

lol I've met my match on here, though...nothing set in stone yet. All good things in due time happy flowerforyou Grats on meeting your match though! That's awsome!! drinker drinker

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:06 PM

ask pat for he is involved in mutual match!laugh laugh drinker drinker drinker

lol :tongue: drinker

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/08/08 05:03 PM
"Why doesn't this site work! I've been here for three months and nada! -followed by long, angry rant-" -- Rather typical thread, actually. And, there's several reasons why.

1. You are wanting instantanious results at the snap of a finger. -- I.E. I signed up today, where's the men/women who should be flocking to my feet to get married!? Like real life, all things in due time...anyone who's managed to find their soul mate and get married within the first 24 hrs of signing up on this site, and had it WORK...why havn't you shared your secret yet?! noway

2. You're only looking at your mutual matches. -- Or, moreso even than that, you're looking at a very narrow search range. Yes, we'd all like our matches to be tall, sexy, with beautiful bodies, live only 10 minutes from us, have a PHD in some fantastic job making $500k a year plus, etc etc. But, the reality of the deal're probably not gunna find it. And that's not what this site is really about anyway. While a picture can make us the end, a picture of a beautiful person is not what defines or makes that person. You want to get to know the real person; who they are, what makes them laugh and cry...melt and get angry. The things that truely makes them who they are. So, broaden your search radius and don't be afraid that just because someone doesn't fit into your perfect ideal of your soul mate, doesn't mean they arn't. And we're all here, it just goes to show - what we think we want, isn't really what we want at all.

3. Spend time on the forums!!! -- This really sort of ties in with #2, broadening your horizons. If you only have 1 post, and that post is just to say the site doesn't work...well, you really havn't put much into it have you? We're not only here to "find that special someone" but to make some great friends along the way. People who can share our frustration at the dating world, be happy when we find what we want, a shoulder when it falls through and a helpful proverbial slap on the cheek to bring us back to reality when we start to wallow too deep in the self pity. So don't be too rushed to end your loneliness by getting married day 1...take your time, get to know people, make some friends and just let things happen. Besides, you never know who you'll meet, and if it's truely right, you'll suprise yourself at how well you can make things work if it really is the right thing.

4. You're profile reads like a want ad. -- You've laundry listed exactly what you want in a match, leaving no room for exceptions. This turns potential people off from you, figuring that if they have even one thing that doesn't won't be interested. Or, they feel that by reading your list of "do have this...don't have this" etc, that you're still hungup on your previous relationships, thus bringing too much baggage with you. We've all been burned, and some of us hang onto that moreso than others, but after some time we move past the hurt and just maintain the things we learned from that relationship without carrying it on into the next one. People tend to not want to get into a relationship where they feel they will constantly be judged and compared to the previous relationship.

5. Worse...your profile, uhm...doesn't read at all? -- Is your profile as bare as the day you made the account (or pretty darn close to it lol)? If you don't show your personality, how will anyone know they want to be in a relationship with you?? noway This includes your pics. Now we know, not everyone has a pic, or feels comfortable posting a pic of themselves...but that doesn't mean you can't get creative and find pictures of things that you feel define you. A lot of users on here have a pic or two of themselves, but the rest are pictures of things that help define who they are, shows a personality and gives more than a blue box to try to get to know them by. Take mine for example, it's not a picture of me..but it's one that's a part of me and has meaning to me. shows a side of my personality. :wink:

6. Reach out and touch someone! -- Take some initiative! Don't be afraid to make the first contact, and don't be afraid of rejection. We've all been turned down at one time or another and if they don't reply...ah well, such the pity at their loss. Just keep at it! Just uhm...yeah, don't be all creepy like with messages like "I think you're hot! Gimmie your number and we'll meet up tomorrow!" That's almost 100% gurantee of either an angry response or no response at all. hehe

Hope that helps, and if you're doing all of the above already and still not getting the results you want...well, join the club of "Those Who Patiently Wait Impatiently!" laugh laugh drinker

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/08/08 08:43 AM
Edited by Scinn on Sun 06/08/08 08:45 AM
lol alrighty, thanks guys :P It's kinda what I figured...I was reading over it going, "uuhm...ok...yeah. No. Not so much." lol The way I kind of see it, the government and auto companies are/have been in league with each other for ages now, to make American's dependant upon vehicles...and then skyrocket the fuel prices when we no longer have a choice.

But that's just me...I love a good conspiracy theory lmao

Scinn's photo
Sun 06/08/08 08:31 AM
Edited by Scinn on Sun 06/08/08 08:33 AM
I stumbled across this article, and...sad to say...when it comes to this sort of thing I get a bit lost. lol Hence the reason I stay out of politics and anything related to it...I just don't know enough to be intelligent about it. So what I'm wondering is: How true is this article, and what are people's viewpoints on it?

The Article:

America appears to be in a state of wild-eyed panic about the rising price of gasoline. Talk radio hosts and T.V. populists apparently think that mass riots are imminent and that whole cities will burn unless politicians do something to save America from the long, dark economic night that is descending upon us.

In truth, gasoline prices today are taking less of a bite from our pocketbooks than has been the norm since World War II.

For instance, let's look at 1955, a year most of us associate with big cars, big engines, and cheap fuel – automotive glory days, as it were. Gasoline sold for 29 cents per gallon. But one dollar in 1955 was worth more than one dollar today. If we were using today's dollars, gasoline would have cost $1.76 per gallon in 1955.

Gasoline now costs around $3.00, so we are worse off than in 1955, right? No. Because we were poorer in 1955 than we are today, $1.76 then had a bigger impact on the pocketbook (that is, it represented a larger fraction of income) than $1.76 today. If we adjust gasoline prices not only for inflation but also changes in disposable per capita income (defined as income minus taxes), gasoline today would have to cost $5.17 per gallon to have the same impact as 29 cents in 1955.

Let's pick another year we associate with low gasoline prices – 1972, the year before the Arab oil embargo. Gasoline was selling at 36 cents per gallon. Adjusted for inflation, however, the price was actually $1.36 in today's currency. Adjust again for changes in disposable per capita income and the price would have to be $2.66 per gallon to have equivalent impact today.

Were we better off then when we rolled into the filling station in 1972 than we are today? No, because our cars get 60 to 70 percent better mileage today than in 1972 (22.4 miles per gallon versus 13.5 miles per gallon). That more than offsets the 10.5 percent increase in gas prices adjusted for change in inflation and income from then to now.

Now let's look at 1981, the year Ronald Reagan took office. Gasoline sold for $1.38 that year, the equivalent of $2.74 in today's currency. Adjusting for the change in disposable per capita income, prices would have to be $4.30 today to have an equivalent impact.

There are probably three reasons that gasoline prices appear so high to us today. First, many don't fully appreciate the long run effect that inflation has on prices. Second, many don't appreciate how much our incomes have increased relative to prices. Finally, we still remember 1998 very well, the year in which we encountered the lowest gasoline prices since 1949. Gasoline in 1998 sold for $1.03 per gallon, the equivalent of $1.21 in today's currency. Adjusting for growth in per capita income yields a price of $1.35 per gallon in today's terms. Today's price is more than double that and people resent the increase over the last several years, in part, because they think that 1998 prices were normal. But they were not.

Now let's put the recent price increase in terms of real outlays. The average household is spending $136 more on gasoline every month than it was in 1998 and $114 per month more than it were spending in 2002. But, believe it or not, real (inflation-adjusted) disposable income per household has increased even faster than have pump prices; by $800 a month since 1998 and $279 a month since 2002.

Accordingly, Americans are still, on average, economically ahead of the game.

No one likes high gasoline prices. But they are not as bad as most people think. Keep that in mind the next time some politician or media populist starts handing out the pitchforks.


Scinn's photo
Sat 06/07/08 04:19 PM you said, he's having a bad day. Guys have mood swings the same as girls do, they just don't always show it as much. Don't read too much into it, swallow your worry (even if you gotta choke on it lol) and give him a bit of space. Try texting him sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening with just a simple "hey hon, hope today is going better for you! Hit me up when you get the chance." (or equivilent there-of) that let's him contact you back when he's ready, let's him know you're not gunna jump all over him and then when does contact you back...don't immediately start in with all your hopes and fears. ask him how he's doing, let him vent a bit and get some of the stuff on his chest off. If you're a contributing factor to his stress, he'll tell you...and if not, he'll have felt better knowing that he was able to vent and rant a bit. If he doesn't say you're doing anything...then just don't worry. The more you constantly ask a guy "what's wrong...what's wrong...what's wrong..." the more he's going to start thinking something is wrong, and get aggrivated at being asked repeatedly. Guys are funny like that :P

Hope that helps!

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 07:03 PM

I just wanna know where the pool table is lol

there ya go.................drinker drinker drinker

hehe wanna share the table? drinker

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 07:02 PM

I just wanna know where the pool table is lol

Back in the corner over there ------------->

It's a dollar coin table drinker

Someone put a little Motley Crue on the Jukebox please? drinker

a whole dollah oooh nooz! lol *goes off to play pool and laugh at the drunky people hehehehe* devil

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 07:00 PM
I just wanna know where the pool table is lol

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:48 PM

never a baby, dropped on head, probablly, but just because the ladys of the community refuse to really think about the ?, don't blame me

we are...or at least I have...and we've posted our theories, but you won't actually respond to it. Is it sex? Integrity? Self respect? Virginity? Intelligence? Our genes (as children were mentioned..) etc..? The way you worded the question is completely confusing and you're not actually answering any real questions on it. your opinion, what is it? Because it could be several things...depending on the interpretation and the individual person. so...what is YOUR OPINION of the thing women have given up for "love"..?

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:46 PM

looks like most women ready to give up the one special thing they can control, but yet they give it away for ??

Ok...but that's what we're confused about. it, that you think is the one special thing we control that we give away? In plain-Jane words...straight up, direct, specific, exactly, etc....what is it, in your opinion?

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:41 PM
Ok...wait...I think I might have figured it out.

He's saying (I think..?) that he can't understand why so many young, pretty girls present themselves in a manner that makes it seem like they have given up their integrity or self-respect...I think the thing with "tucking in the kids" was the whole thing of maintaining innocence and purity....

But I could be wrong...I had to re-read it several times lol But maybe that's what he meant..???

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:28 PM

Ok, lets try this, to night when you are tucking in the little ones in your life, give them a peck on the cheek and lookd loveingly at them, then ask yourself the ? again

So...what you're saying, is that we give up sex for love? I'm sorry...I think I missed something, I thought that was when you were SUPPOSED to have sex. laugh

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:24 PM

Depends on how you look at it, dear...I've got uuhm...*checks how many people are on the forums*...that many people to spend friday night with. And the plus side...I'm not gunna get groped/molested/pawed at by strange men while doing it! lmao

yuk!grumble you sound like a pervert. sorry to say but i am talking about someone special. not rapists.

sorry i misread your email. sorryyyyyyy. am abit tired and of course in a grumpy mood - friday sucks:smile:

And I need to learn to type faster, or refresh before posting lmao Disregard the above post of mine laugh

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:23 PM

Depends on how you look at it, dear...I've got uuhm...*checks how many people are on the forums*...that many people to spend friday night with. And the plus side...I'm not gunna get groped/molested/pawed at by strange men while doing it! lmao

yuk!grumble you sound like a pervert. sorry to say but i am talking about someone special. not rapists.

erm...hardly a pervert? Hence the reason I stay in on friday nights rather than going out to get pawed and groped by strange men. The point I was trying to make, is that I'd rather be here chatting with people and just having fun conversation than out doing whatever and trying to have a good time, only to have to beat horny guys off with bats. I don't want to spend time with rapists either. Was trrrrrying to make a failed miserably and now everyone will think I'm a pervert. Thank you... *sighs*

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:18 PM
what's the one thing that makes us "us"..? huh

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:17 PM
Depends on how you look at it, dear...I've got uuhm...*checks how many people are on the forums*...that many people to spend friday night with. And the plus side...I'm not gunna get groped/molested/pawed at by strange men while doing it! lmao

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:15 PM

So...bit different tonight, not only are we checking in -- we're playing 20 questions! When you check in, ask a question and answer at least one of the previous quesion(s)!

Question: Is it that we truely have no life, or that we've incorporated JSH into our daily life? lol

okay, i'm escaping from my life on here and....

whatcha got to drink? drinker drinker flowerforyou

hehe full *free!* wet yourself ;)

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:13 PM

Way too complicated....I already started drinkinmg. drinker

hahahhaha! Just gotta keep you on your toes :P

Scinn's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:12 PM

What is this 20 questions!! Geesh!!laugh laugh

lol yuh huh :P except your dirty mind is free to roam here laugh laugh laugh laugh

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