Community > Posts By > wisenconfident

wisenconfident's photo
Thu 02/21/08 04:46 PM
yeah I can identify with this topichappy happy

wisenconfident's photo
Thu 02/21/08 04:31 PM
can't we all just agree to disagree?

wisenconfident's photo
Thu 02/21/08 04:28 PM
loved this laugh laugh laugh

wisenconfident's photo
Mon 02/18/08 03:09 PM
That is so 70's update your self man!!!!

wisenconfident's photo
Sun 02/17/08 03:36 PM
Sometimes kids lie because they are afraid to tell the truth so assure her that no matter what the truth will be better than the lie.

wisenconfident's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:43 AM
Play the song that makes you feel like you are going to be ok

Its gettin better all the time
I will survive
I aint settlin
I got a brand new girlfriend

You get the picture get the old film out of your head and replace it with new

wisenconfident's photo
Fri 02/15/08 02:46 PM
Maybe its easier to talk to the other brother and play video games and stuff because you two do not have any thing to deal with. You know not having to impress and stuff and being yourselves. That is not a problem. Its called friendship. Your comfortable w/him. However if you are begining to have some sort of emotional conect and you feel closer to him or find yourself confiding in him versus your own boyfreind then beware you may have fallen for the other brother. Either way its not your fault the heart won't lie. Good luck

wisenconfident's photo
Fri 02/15/08 10:51 AM

When I read that you thought about hurting yourself it made me feel so sad. You are a beautiful young woman and if this guy makes you feel like he does its time to re-evaluate your relationship w/him. I know sometime men can retreat to their caves and do not want to talk or whatever. Thats ok for a day or so. But if he totally is not capable of giving any emotional support to you then you have to think of what you need and do some changes. I know it is much worse than you may be revealing to us. Which means its bad. You deserve better. Get out while you can. I will pray for u and hope you find someone worthy of you. My father used to say women are Queens and should be treated like it.

wisenconfident's photo
Thu 02/14/08 01:01 PM
Just learn a lesson and put that girl on the pill or you will have a grandchild on the way. nature is hard to fight Dad remember how you were at that age?????? As for the scum bag BF I would have her brother (if she has any have a chat w/him in private(if you are catching my drift. Thats how we handle these kinds of situations in the south.

wisenconfident's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:07 AM
Amen to that sister!!!

wisenconfident's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:03 AM
This message is for crusin that said women with short hair are lesbians. That must be your fantasy man. I am all woman and I have the three children to prove it.

wisenconfident's photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:59 AM
I think it takes a confident person to go with what looks good on them. I hate to see women of my age grow their hair long tying to look young. Give it up grow old gracefully their are men out there who aren't Brad Pitt but who wants that little boy anyhow. Be yourself and if short hair makes you happy who cares what guys think.

wisenconfident's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:43 AM
you tube is a site where you can veiw and post videos of your self

wisenconfident's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:36 AM
Let me get this straight he cheats, smokes, and won't work. And says your a lesbian? First of all cheating has more danger than getting your heart broke... You can get some kind of a std or worse. Second hand smoke can kill you...Not working gives him more time to think and do things that would hurt cleaning out your bank acct. or sleeping w/your sister. The lesbian part is only his dream. Dump the looser and find someone who will treat your right. Oh and here is the best part sister.... if you think he is cheating you DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE ANY CONFORMATION TRUST YOUR OWN RED FLAGS AND DON'T LET HIM OFF THE HOOK.

wisenconfident's photo
Sat 02/09/08 01:20 PM
Men all tell the same tales but they always want to keep comming back. If you get a woman pregnant then she is the mother of your children and someday they will know you called their mother a whore and will hate you.

wisenconfident's photo
Fri 02/08/08 03:07 PM
Ok take this as comming from your granny ok. Get one that is young enough to be trained like you want her ha ha

wisenconfident's photo
Fri 02/08/08 03:02 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh Shoes that was hysterical

wisenconfident's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:58 PM
Ok sister here goes... Some men are deceitful because they try to impress women with what they have like cars houses or their anatomy. But the truth will always come out. I personaly do not care what a man does for a living or what type of car he owns. What does impress me is that he is clean, respectful and does work. I think funny is good too. And last but not least be truthful and a woman will like you for you.

wisenconfident's photo
Tue 02/05/08 04:02 PM
I hope you have a great reunion and you are inseperable from now on.

wisenconfident's photo
Fri 02/01/08 02:13 PM
wow it sounds like my father!!!!