Topic: Room
no photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:26 PM
Dam We Need A Chat Room Like Yahoo Voice Chat On This Site Then We All
Would Have A Great Time Plus The One's Who Are Bitching Can Be Sit Right
The Hell Down Or Booted Out Of The Room lmfao.Voice Chat Is Better
Because You Can Hear Another Person Plus Everyone's In The Same Room Not
Going From Post To Post lol

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:32 PM
That would be great as long as they can keep the spammers and bots the
heck out! I tried Yahoo chat a couple of times and most of the rooms are
full of bots that spam you but not a single REAL person. IRC is good but
sometimes the same thing happens. Maybe they can set it up with a little
stricter form of ID verification? I agree about having to cruise the
posts though. It's cool to have multiple topics going but a pain when
you want to have a conversation.

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:43 PM
what is IRC? never heard of that lol is that a room? Yes the bots are
bad but if you have someone watching over the rooms to control the bots
etc it's not so bad plus there is contrl over anything that may
happen.The post are great just need someone new maybe I will throw the
idea up to them and see what they think lol they will most likey say no
but hell I would watch the rooms.

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:49 PM
IRC is "Internet Relay Chat" and it's cool, there's a gazillion chat
rooms on millions of servers out there. Google it and you'll be shocked
if you've never heard of it but a site like this with some "community"
is a nicer place to visit a chat room if it can be kept under control.

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:54 PM
cool I will check that out tomorrow it's now 2:00am lol thanks for
shareing this with me.Yes you need chat rooms under control from other
people and the bot war.

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:56 PM
well g'night and sweet dreams, maybe you'll have started something with
this idea!
have a good weekend :)

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 11:35 PM
good night sweet dreams ttyl.