Community > Posts By > LarchTree

LarchTree's photo
Sun 02/21/21 01:50 PM
Thanks for the help.

You give very good medical advice. Seriously; they should pay you more since you can be the site nurse on here when you want to be. Everyone else was booked for months out. I did go to the walk-in center yesterday to ask about my neck, but the only thing they would offer me was pain medicine.

From the web, I did some rehab type exercises for neck whiplash. There have been fewer times when i get tingling sensation from resting positions of the neck.

Thanks again.

LarchTree's photo
Fri 02/19/21 12:31 PM
Edited by LarchTree on Fri 02/19/21 12:37 PM
I was doing pushup-like exercises, head horizontal face down. A plastic 3 L water bottle fell 0.7 m from above with the hard part hitting the back of my head. My head moved downward like a spring because my muscles were flexed to hold my head up in position. It dazed me but did not knock me out. It has been about 3 weeks. I have been avoiding mental stress and physical jostling as reasonably as i can to let my neurons calm down and heal, per online advice for concussion. Most mental fogginess has lifted, but eyes bleary occasionally and pins and needles pain in the back of my throat/nose a few times. Could the concussion affect the pituitary gland? If so, what strategies are there to favor healing?

LarchTree's photo
Thu 02/18/21 03:09 PM
i wish people were nicer.

LarchTree's photo
Sun 02/07/21 01:15 PM
mold establishment in buildings with water damage can significantly affect the price of homes. The microbial volatile organic compounds produced by mold car is a place to have a depressing feeling that is somewhat unexplainable. This can also make people very sick if they live with it long-term, leading to allergies and neurological problems. It is like eating mushrooms. mold in a building is very hard to get rid of. however, one tried and true way to kill mold is with heat, because heat easily gets through the cell wall of the spores, and the DNA inside is very fragile to heat. Virtually all mold is killed above 150F. this is slightly hotter than a sauna. One could take an old house that has mold and low property value, bake the whole house with a heater and fans to circulate the hot air everywhere, at the hottest time of the summer. One may want to dehumidify the inside for a week in advance so that there is no expansion and warping due to drying rapidly during the heating. then the home value would be much higher, after one also fixed the original source of the water that caused the mold.

Good idea or bad idea? Any thoughts?

LarchTree's photo
Thu 02/04/21 06:35 AM
I got a head injury. My family is being so unhelpful and hostile towards me, that I think I will when I get better move away and never return.

LarchTree's photo
Sat 01/30/21 01:41 PM
Wondering if G-d or S-x is more off limits to talk about.

LarchTree's photo
Sat 01/23/21 01:57 PM
With social distancing, people are more of living in their own worlds. Communication depends on knowing each other and context about a situation, to be effective. Without application to action, and open endedly, what do you observe?

LarchTree's photo
Mon 01/11/21 02:07 PM
Do it, Jesus winking

LarchTree's photo
Mon 01/11/21 08:53 AM
Yes. I cheated on the honor code test. That was the only test I ever cheated on.

Have you ever seen the crinkle in the sheet metal or glass building materials when the sun reflected off of it, revealing it’s inexact flatness?

LarchTree's photo
Sat 01/09/21 07:32 AM
Contrary to how many feel, I think it’s more humane to eat the one catches.
"Give me liberty, or give me death!" -Patrick Henry

LarchTree's photo
Thu 01/07/21 02:31 PM
It is important for me to love God more and than myself. If I turn to God not loving Them more than myself, They will dash me on the pavement. It has happened to me twice. I now choose to not let it happen again.

LarchTree's photo
Wed 01/06/21 07:59 AM
Edited by LarchTree on Wed 01/06/21 08:07 AM
The Bible is a book about the past and the future. It is a description. It does not dictate the world. It is from God; it is true.

LarchTree's photo
Thu 12/31/20 07:45 AM
Good cheer to all.

LarchTree's photo
Tue 12/29/20 05:54 AM

People have been asking themselves this question for many centuries. But there
are no fewer doubters.

Genesis 1: 1 says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Does anyone else believe that all this splendor is the sky and everything on it,
the earth and everything that happened on it by chance, as a result of a big bang?
All this could not happen by chance, by chance!

And how did we humans appear? Are we descended from monkeys as a result of
Of course not!
God created the first people in his own image and likeness, as stated in Genesis
2: 7 - "And Jehovah God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground and to
blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living person."

Such complex systems as man, animals, different laws of nature could not arise by
chance, but only by the will of the wise Creator. And God is such a Creator !!!

Therefore, God exists and he is real!

IDK, have you seen how people behave? You don't think there's some monkey blood in us?

It’s okay, man. I for one respect your beliefs.

LarchTree's photo
Mon 12/28/20 11:05 AM
Edited by LarchTree on Mon 12/28/20 11:10 AM
Wishing there was something I could do in return for the awesome people on here.

And slinging a shameless plug at the spirit Contempt.

LarchTree's photo
Mon 12/28/20 09:18 AM
Like, never getting a mutual relationship to begin with but getting it on with a PhD of physics who owns a company in New York, and then farming on her own in a beautiful area and being connected with a small town where people form deep relationships with each other as friends and involved citizens.

LarchTree's photo
Sun 12/27/20 04:29 PM
Edited by LarchTree on Sun 12/27/20 04:30 PM
Mournng the impossibility of communication and relationship with my mother.

LarchTree's photo
Sun 12/27/20 04:13 PM
I am not sure how important faith is as a practice. It is very important, at least, as some thing to be aware of, because it is mentioned all over the place in the Bible. But as a practice, it seems like believe would be safer in terms of growing and the word. People learn information and know how they know it.

If one relies on faith, it is too easy to be snared by false Prophets and fall guilty of idolatry, the highest sin.

LarchTree's photo
Sun 12/27/20 04:08 PM
That would be the deterministic point of view on it, which is actually a better description of reality. And more biblical. The spirit of free will within us is a much smaller part of the whole.

LarchTree's photo
Sun 12/27/20 01:18 PM
I think if she wants to and can do it on her own she is a noble person.

As for other scenarios, making relationships work is a good thing but that is easier said than done, and there are many different circumstances (tornadoes, etc), and no good comes from judging people in those situations.

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