Community > Posts By > Kravynn

Kravynn's photo
Tue 04/29/08 06:12 PM
I do it all the time. Raise my kids that way. Im a very very strong believer in karma and that everything happens for a reason. And the wiccan rede says what you put out comes back threefold, bad or good. So Id prefer to put out the good and get back the good.

Kravynn's photo
Tue 04/29/08 06:09 PM

Okay whats the deal with the matchmaking thing?
hey krav just take the names i sent you email them tell them you were matched by feral an she will keep giving you matches till you find someone flowerforyou

Okay call me stupid, but I cant find those people. I have already talked to all but one of them...but there isnt like a search option on here. lol.

Kravynn's photo
Tue 04/29/08 06:00 PM
Okay whats the deal with the matchmaking thing?

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 07:42 PM
Yea I think that was some sort of "How easily are you freaked out" test.

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 07:10 PM

Mine will be helping me move into my very own apartment (no more roomate!) Yeaaa.
glad I could fund that move for ya :wink:

I pay taxes too ya know...

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 07:09 PM
Can I get a hot stone massage with a splash and Cran?

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 07:06 PM
The standard for me, in considering a man, is if he can be as strong as I am. It takes a hell of a person to raise a kid properly. Today was not a good example for me, but most days its a challenge. Some people cave and give up. If you can stand firm take the good and the bad..the cancer and the asthma, the PTA and scrounging money to pay for a field gain points with me. So far, no such luck.

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 07:00 PM

I have dated men who have children, and my only problem with it is when they're not good fathers. Ran into a few of them and they're not worth any time. Men who are active in their childrens lives are a HUGE turn-on.

Yep its one thing to say your a father and another thing to BE one. My daughters father tells people hes a single dad. She lives with me, he gets her every other weekend IF he doesnt have plans, IF hes not sick, IF he has enough gas money to come get her....IM a single mom. Shes here when Im sick, shes sick, when Im poor, mad, sad, glad, plans or not Im a mom first.

Dont even get me going on my sons car, always living with I know how to pick em.

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:55 PM
I have 2 kids and I find its very difficult to find anyone who can see past the kids. Or it might be because Im not model size...but Im pretty sure its the kids.

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:52 PM
We are not freaks...were just...colorful!

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:42 PM

Mmm coffee...whos down for a starbucks run?

ooooo.... a grande skinny carmel latte for me please!!!

looks like its just me and you Tanya

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:39 PM
Mmm coffee...whos down for a starbucks run?

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:35 PM
The Dead Milkmen - 1988

You know what Stuart? I like you. You're not like the other people here
in the trailer park. Oh no, don't get me wrong, they're fine people, good
Americans. But they're content to sit back, maybe watch a little Mork and
Mindy on channel 57. Maybe kick back a cool Coors 16-ouncer. They're
good fine people, Stuart. But they don't know what the queers are doing
to the soil.

You know that Johnny Werzner kid - the kid who delivers papers in the
neighborhood? He's a fine kid. Some of the neighbors say he smokes
crack, but I don't believe it. Anyway, for his 10th birthday, all he
wanted was a burrow owl, just like his old man. "Dad, get me a burrow
owl. I'll never ask for anything else as long as I live". So the guy
breaks down and buys him a burrow owl. Anyway at 10:30 the other night I
go out into my yard and there's the Werzner kid looking up in the tree. I
said, "What are you looking for?" He said, "I'm looking for my burrow
owl." I say, "Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick! Everybody knows that a
burrow owl lives in a hole in the ground! Why the hell do you think they
call it a burrow owl, anyway?!" Now Stuart, do you think a kid like that
is gonna know what the queers are doing to the soil?

I first became aware of this, about 10 years ago, the summer my oldest boy
Bill Jr. died. You know that carnival that comes to town every year?
Well this year it came with a ride called the Mixer. The man said "Keep
your head and arms inside the mixer at all times." But Bill Jr., he was a
daredevil, just like his old man. He was leaning out saying, "Hey
everybody! Look at me, look at me!" POW! He was decapitated. They found
his head over by the snowcone concession. A few days after that, I open
up the mail and there's a pamphlet in there, from Pueblo, Colorado. And
it's addressed to Bill Jr. And it's entitled, "Do you know what the
queers are doing to our soil?"

Now Stuart, if you look at the soil around any large U.S. city with a big
underground homosexual population - Des Moines, Iowa, perfect example.
Look at the soil around Des Moines, Stuart. You can't build on it, you
can't grow anything in it. The government says it's due to poor farming.
But I know what's really going on, Stuart. I know it's the queers.
They're in it with the aliens. They're building landing strips for gay
Martians. I swear to God.

You know what Stuart, I like you. You're not like the other people, here
in the trailer park.

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:28 PM
We have a Zombie Walk next week. Crazy thing, everyone dresses like zombies and walks the streets in a certain neighboorhod. My derby team is doing it on our skates. bigsmile

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:27 PM
Yea Ive done that and I run into the same 20 people over and over....I feel like I know everyone in this godforsaken city.

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:24 PM cures everything. J/K Got that from a movie.glasses

My big fat greek wedding...loved it...drinker

LILYYYYY! Limo party in the matchmaking thread...BE there!

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:23 PM
Ohh limo party. Where is my Lily...?

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:22 PM
Im just saying everyone has their own beliefs. I believe these people know that the "outside world" considers it wrong/illegal. But this isn't the only Polygamist community around either. I watched a whole documentary recently about an entire neighborhood, 100+ "families" that live like this.

We have middle eastern women living in our country walking around fully draped, because its not acceptable to show their skin in their society. They are here now and stick to what they believe, even though they have the freedom to wear tiny tanks and shorts..they dont. The things these people are doing are illegal because we made them illegal. I just think we may have done more harm than good by disrupting what was going on. I would put money on at least one of those 500 kids ending up worse off. Suicide, abuse, taking a beating from someone in a public school because of where they came from....

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:13 PM
I just like throwing it out there every so often. Seems like there aren't many North Floridians here.

Kravynn's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:12 PM
I think I made the people in the Polygamy thread mad...leave it to me to kill a thread about a national headline.