Community > Posts By > missyfissy

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 07:46 PM
I once heard detectives quote that most women who hired detectives to go follow men wasted their money because they instinctively knew what the men were up to in the first place. They were simply in denial. Why would you feel bad for dumping someone who appears to cheat and lie to you? A person who does this to someone in the first year will be 5 times as bad 5 years later.

Intuition is usually smarter than the brain so it's sad that few people listen to it. The only reason you're hurting is because you haven't really jotted down in your mind what type of person you would really like to attract and what type you deserve. You might need to boost up your "deserving" level a notch. He need not be a prince -- just someone who respects and cares for you. If you were to do that, within 2 months you would come to realize you made a move so clever that it would be "tough" to feel an ounce of remorse. In fact, your biggest remorse by then might be that you tolerated disrespect for longer than you had to.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 07:28 PM
Edited by missyfissy on Wed 09/07/11 07:32 PM
Tell him what you appreciate about the relationship, but why you feel it won't work. Sometimes you may hurt people's feelings, no matter how hard you try not to. and that will make you feel terrible, but it's impossible to form a healthy team when a relationship is only one way. Sometimes it's simply a matter of the right "mixture of chemicals" not being there and there's little either of you can do about that.

If you continue with the relationship even though you don't care for him, you will not only hurt yourself but also him. In all fairness you should let him go as politely as you can so both of you will have a chance to find someone who "really" cares, versus having to continue a relationship based on deceit. Whenever you're in a pickle, honesty will usually get you out the easiest way.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 07:08 PM
Best to look for a friend first. If the friend turns out to be super special and still is that way after six months, it' worth considering the husband part.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 06:59 PM
Because most really hurt people have fallen for jerks and can't admit it to themselves. They need to learn to say, "well if he/she dropped me, the heck with them. I certainly don't need any creep in my life who doesn't need me! The reason they fell for the jerk so quickly in the first place is often because their low self-image and/or resulting expectation of an ideal partner was too low.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 06:51 PM
Edited by missyfissy on Wed 09/07/11 06:54 PM
Younger men looking for older women generally do o for one of four reasons:

(1) They haven't currently attracted a younger one but will drop the older one the very second one shows up,

(2) they are looking for a mom,

(3) they are looking for a woman old enough to die early and leave them with a pile of money, or

(4) they are looking for a hopefully dumb cook and housekeeper while they toy with a younger woman on the side.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 06:39 PM
Edited by missyfissy on Wed 09/07/11 06:43 PM
Might want to leave an email for the webmaster of those sites. Sounds like the fault is at the other end unless you're referring to an computer log-off versus simply a site log-off.

If you're on a secure site (one that starts with an https address versus just http), such as a banking site, it may be set to cut you off purposely for security reasons.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 06:35 PM
Edited by missyfissy on Wed 09/07/11 06:35 PM
People often make them small on purpose so that when they're enlarged they will purposely become blurry. Some people also shrink them just to cut down on the email size so the mail will open up easier and faster.

You can't stop that because the pixels simply spread apart. The same thing would happen if you had the picture enlarged from a smaller one professionally. Some programs have a bit of sharpening built in but they can only sharpen minimally.

The higher the megapixels on the camera that took the picture, the more you will be able to enlarge it without making it blurry. For example, if you try enlarging a picture taken from a 5 MP camera versus a 14 megapixel, you won't achieve nearly as much.

The best thing is to go to the source of the picture (if that person is available), and ask if they can resend it in the "original size" it was taken.

If they took the picture with a 2 megapixel camera, however, you may be out of luck because the original size won't be very big to start with.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 06:28 PM
Edited by missyfissy on Wed 09/07/11 06:28 PM
She doesn't need a recorder. She needs to pack up and move elsewhere ASAP. Her kids can do the testifying of his controlling behaviour on behalf of the recorder.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 06:18 PM
You can get a virus from just about anywhere. Best to get the best virus checker you can find.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 06:17 PM
There's something wrong with the site. It's not on your end.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:52 PM
Edited by missyfissy on Wed 09/07/11 05:56 PM
You do leave one question unanswered in your profile. What do you do with kittens when they're no longer tiny?

Don't worry about being rated. It's better to attract one person a year who's like you than 50 a week who aren't. The perfect person won't be easy to find.

If you know what most of these sites are about, the great majority of men aren't looking for a relationship at all -- at least not in the sense women would describe it. They're actually looking for a quick night with a woman 20 to 54 years younger.

So sit back and wait for the perfect man. I sincerely believe that there's someone for everyone and that truly compatible people are hard to find. If you're hoping to hear from one of the "dime a dozen" types of guys, (that is, Mr. Super sex hero who claims he can please a woman better than any other man) you could easily find him in a local bar.drinker

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:38 PM
Edited by missyfissy on Wed 09/07/11 06:09 PM
Why hurry? If you didn't get a response it's likely just because the right person hasn't yet seen your comment. There's someone for everybody. Quality is better than quantity. Patience is a man's best friend.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:34 PM
Only you will know whether you're a perve or not.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:29 PM
Edited by missyfissy on Wed 09/07/11 05:32 PM
An "ask me for my photo" icon somehow isn't luring. Give them a face, even if it's a face of a cartoon character you like.

"Wrestling, games, and a working guy" doesn't say much either. Basically it says, "there's nothing more interesting about me than there is about a million other guys. If you want to meet a girl who's interested in the same things you are, tell them what you like to do for fun.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:26 PM
If people like you as you are, they're worth meeting.

If they don't like you as you are, they're not worth meeting, so you can't lose.

If you can't lose, there's no need to worry. Just be yourself.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:21 PM
Not a lot of women want to take on the responsibility of cooking and cleaning for a couple of kids, especially if they are spoiled by a parent (and generally they are spoiled twice as much as a parent thinks they are). Chances are that they won't accept a new mother very quickly if at all, and the problems could become much worse as they age. Why not put an ad in the newspaper or on Kijiji for a housekeeper who loves young children? You never know, you might find one who loves cleaning, loves kids, and is the "perfect match."

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:12 PM
How can you be honest with a picture that isn't you?

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:08 PM
Watching cute animals on you tube.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:05 PM
Mate with a lizard.

missyfissy's photo
Wed 09/07/11 05:02 PM
Don't block your spam or send it to junk mail.