Community > Posts By > missyfissy
genuine people
So what do you do when you see one of those nice good looking ladies? Wait for them to nudge you? Most women would prefer the other way around. Most do like at least a bit of leadership in a guy.
what attracts you to a certain type? What about him or her grabs your interest? What makes you want to talk to them and learn more? A man whose brain is above his shirt collar. |
how do I ask?
I've been talking to a girl on here 3 or 4 times a week and every time the conversation comes to a close she always says 'you get me wet 3 times a week,do you fancy giving me a wax and polishing me off?' I always avoid answering because confusion for me lies in that I work in a city centre car wash with a lot of regular customers and although I dont recognize her photo could she be talking about me polishing her car or polishing something else? How do I ask without sounding either presumptuous or naive? :) Ask her what she considers a good polish. (She could be a hooker :) |
Does anyone know which cards work with audacity so that sound can be recorded from internally? Never had problems before until Windows 7 64-bit. Did they purposely lock people out from this?
Seems I read somewhere that it depends on the motherboard so specific sound cards have to be used. |
Shape Shifting Reptilians
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Fri 09/23/11 09:16 PM
David Icke is interesting sometimes, but in this regard I think he's got a wild imagination! I doubt anyone would ever think really good looking and young royalty were shape shifters. It seems to be a term applied to the old who naturally have skin that's more rough and bumpy and sometimes even bluish.
As difficult as this concept may be to grasp, the understanding of it is critical to live a life of self-control. It takes discipline and mental strength to TRULY understand that nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it. If this seems is difficult to accept, and yet at some level you do understand it repeat this phrase several times a day for the next week. “Nothing has meaning except for the meaning I give it” I'm not sure that that applies to money. How would we be able to purchase food if we didn't have any? |
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Fri 09/23/11 09:04 PM
...."missionaries" knocking on your door and getting all haughty with you when you try to politely tell them that you're an unbeliever and that you have your reasons for being thus? I hope this forum works out and we don't have 'missionaires' sneaking in with sock puppets to disrupt it. -Kerry O. I find that politeness works all the way round and I've never had trouble with missionaries. If they want to chat at the door for a few minutes and give me their viewpoints, that's fine. Most of them have really good intentions at heart and -- hey, what's wrong with having a "civil" conversation now and then with people who think differently from you? I've never yet found a haughty one. Generally people will act toward you in the same manner you act toward them, and if you're polite they will be too. Any conversation with anyone that's different from your own beliefs never hurts. Such conversations simply expand the mind. They keep people from becoming too narrow minded and "bullheaded" and help people learn to appreciate differences in each other. Sometimes I've chatted at the door with these people for half an hour, and they left on good happy terms, even though at the end I told them I wasn't interested in taking that further because I was basically content with my life the way it is. I hate ruining anyone's day. Every time you make someone happy the karma comes back to you and vice versa. Sometimes I've even read their literature and whether or not I agree, some parts of it can even be interesting. If I'm not in the mood to chat, I simply don't answer the door. Peepholes are cheap and easy to install. Also, most religious canvassers days "knock" instead of ring the bell, so that's also a purposeful hint in case you don't feel like answering. I wonder why anyone answers his door these days though. Why don't they just tell their friends to call in advance? 95% of the time people will just selling something anyway, and 1% of the time it could be dangerous. The other 4% will remember to call in advance next time and you won't have to continually get company when you're in the bathtub, are doing your hair, or are in the middle of something else you would rather continue doing. |
Okay, this is why Agnostics have a hard time with God... This year has sucked bad. I have been homeless, divorced, robbed by my ex. I finally get a job and a place to live, my father dies, all my money went to his funeral. I get diagnosed with a chronic spinal disease, and I just got fired today. And they wonder why we doubt that there is some big blob on another plain of existense making all the moves. BECAUSE LIFE SUCKS!!! If God were all knowing and all loving his 'PLAN' would not kill people or make people so miserable they 'wanted' to kill people. He/she/it-thing would not make people get hope and then make them suffer even harder for attempting to hope. Thoughts anyone? What if you didn't really exist, but you just "thought" you did, and all of the ugliness in the world was here to teach you things through a form of "virtual reality?" Let's say you were really a spirit but were given many lessons as if in a dream, and if you didn't learn your lesson this time round, you would have to go round after round of new situations of that horrid virtual reality until finally you learned that your own contributions (as well as the contributions of others to this world (or lack of), were indeed part of the cause of pretty well all ugly things you see in this world? |
Your humor keeps these threads entertaining. Thank you for that. :) I usually say I am a free thinker. There was a strong movement at one time concerning the idealogy of free thinkers. I don't believe there is such a thing as a "free thinker." Right from birth, the clean slate of a baby's mind is shaped by others, if not by religions, then by parents and their philosophies. So in actuality everyone in the world is brainwashed and bases his or her beliefs on the brainwashing received as a child. The way I see it, even an atheist is not a free thinker. He too learned from influence around him to be an atheist, so he isn't any less brainwashed than anyone else. |
Well then I suppose I'm not a true agnostic. I believe totally in the existence of God but don't believe that any particular religion is the "only" one or necessarily the "right" one. To me, most religions have simply been invented as a form of profit.
I believe that at the end people are judged by the ways they lived their lives versus the flag they stand under. So if not agnostic, what would I call myself? |
Answer me this if you can...
Why would the love of the "universe" be important to you? Who would care if it didn't blink or shudder at your death and why would that mean that there was nothing afterward?
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Fri 09/23/11 08:17 PM
Divorce is usually painful but one thing that lightened it for me was when a psychic said that in 2 years I would be over it. (That was likely not psychic at all, but just what happens normally).
Anyway, I was really glad to hear her say 2 years, because on my down days, at least I knew there was a countdown period. Sure enough, by the time 2 years had gone by, it was pretty well over and I considered it a "closed" chapter of a book. |
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Tue 09/20/11 11:28 PM
Most people probably find someone, get off for a short while, and then they're back again after they've discovered they didn't meet the person they were looking for after all. I personally believe that almost all relationships will either boom or bust within 6 months, with the great majority being busts; otherwise they shouldn't be on the site again at all.
Calgary Sugar Daddy Here
What about an older woman then 30 I would luv too be spoiled He's actually looking for "girlz" like most sugar daddies. Better not let your yung'uns see this site. |
But look at you. Your face is blue. You're either dying of a very bad heart, you've ingested too much colloidal silver, or you're a smurf! Could it be possible that your GPS went haywire and you landed on the wrong planet? |
Finding honest women in calgary who don't play games seems to be tough. Are you one of the few? Most women don't play games unless men start them. |
Wanted: Calgary Ladies
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Tue 09/20/11 11:11 PM
Matured women for serious relationship are please wanted. Interested and qualified females should drop me a line for more details ![]() Sounds like a pimp round-up for women about to be enslaved into prostitution. ![]() |
Android love
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Tue 09/20/11 11:01 PM
What is android roms u refering2? I'm not into that myself, having decided that technology has now gone so far it's likely harm the world more than benefit it, but my understanding is that an android is a small handheld computer that can handle more programs than a standard "brand name" device that looks similar, and that a ROM is something like a program or application that allows a person to do something with the android. In other words, I think it' basically a "program" for a small computer-like device, but if I'm wrong, someone will surely jump in to correct me and both of us will get the proper answer. |
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Tue 09/20/11 10:42 PM
Why are atheists and agnostics under the same topic? I see agnostics as being no more like atheists than they are like overly zealous religious fanatics.
Atheists are people who don't believe in God. Agnostics,in my eyes, are those who may believe in God but understand also that the human mind is so highly underdeveloped and/or imaginative and easily confused, as well as capable of lying and of believing things taught to it by liars, that no one could ever know with 100% certainty. Agnostics may believe also that those who profess to know with a 100% degree of certainty that there is a God, stating it's "because their hearts and minds tell them so," could well really have been just hypnotized into believing this by their own powerful beliefs in the stories of others whose words they have chosen to believe. I don't think any atheist should accuse religious people of being "brainwashed," thinking that they alone are not, because even disbelief itself is brainwashing of a sort. For example, when an atheist decides he is going to go all around the world trying to convince others that the atheist way (disbelief) is the "only" sensible way people should "believe" and that all other ways are stupid and lacking in intellect, what is he doing but brainwashing others into thinking his way himself, and trying to force his beliefs on others, which is no different from the brainwashing he accuses religious people of? |
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Tue 09/20/11 10:06 PM
is time linear or branched? if you travel back in time to change something, then the reason for the time travel wouldn't exist, so for time travel to be possible branched theory must be true I believe that time really looks more like the figure they use for the infinity sign (kind of like the number 8). The reason I believe this is because it seems that once man advances so far, his intellect doesn't progress but instead seems to decline. So if you were to travel back in time to change something, who knows what may happen? You may actually end up in a world that appears to be like the future but is really the past. That might explain how the authors of the bible seemed to be able to quite accurately depict what would happen in end times. If they came from a future world that had a different time, and are there now, they might well have already witnessed the destruction of the earth, so the bible isn't prediction at all, but rather a vision of our future which they have already seen because our earth is in their past. This may indicate that there is an afterlife after all and you may just go to another planet after death, if in fact you ever existed in the form you believe you now exist in the first place. It could be that you never did exist, and don't actually now exist in the way you see yourself either. It could be that the earth is basically run in the manner you might run a computer program called "Sim City." In other words, while you control it from another destination and believe you are here, you are actually only developing your spirit through homework given to you that would help your spirit progress, which would be basically nothing other than virtual reality. This might explain why the bible says most spirits won't die except for those who disbelieve. Your virtual reality (or in other words, your body) may die, but your spirit would continue developing forever unless you chose otherwise and decided you wanted to fully experience the earth in real human form, (i.e. demonic form) sacrificing your spirit forever for the procurement of wonderful worldly goods that make the skin and body feel good. In that case you might actually be "granted" the option to live on the earth in that manner but the payback would be that you "would" eventually die in that form, unlike those who chose to continue to learn and grow in their "spiritual" form. But it could be a very long and finally very miserable life before you are given the ability to die. The bible states there will come a time when many will wish to die but won't be able to. (That suggests that man will develop a way to live much longer). In that case, as the world heats up and starts to burn and all of the selfish parts of your joys start to expose themselves, you would be forced to experience the earth's wrath of the damage you created by your selfishness and disrespect for the earth and everything on and around it. That might mean that you may feel the burning of the heat from atomic power, and be roasted by a sun damaged by microwaves by people of your own kind, and many more things. If my theory were true, (and I don't attribute it to any particular religion) that might also explain why God would allow so many "not so nice" things to happen on earth too. It may be because they may not be happening at all but would only be happening in our minds in this virtual reality environment. If we were to harm someone, for example, our next assignment in this spiritual visualization might be in a process called reincarnation, in which we would have to live out the exact lives of those we had harmed, and in the same manner I could write book on this because it all seems to make so much sense, but had better stop for now because it's such a fun subject I could burn up megabytes doing so. So many people believe science and religion are two separate things. Increasingly as time goes by, I recognize them only as one which is very intertwined. |