Community > Posts By > jaish

jaish's photo
Sat 11/20/21 04:01 AM
Edited by jaish on Sat 11/20/21 04:43 AM

But Madam Julia,
As said earlier, this thread is not on the transgressions in History. It's more of an exploration on the richness initiated from various races and cultures. That such richness / discoveries were extended to wealth generation by Americans to benefit themselves and the World - is a given de facto.

I'm sure that Native Americans in Mingle will appreciate your sentiment and I may even venture to say that most Americans particularly the young; carry a similar, special goodwill for them.

But your post forced me to check for more and if it's not rude for a waterfall to tell the mountain 'you are made of rock' here goes:

Of the 42,000 American Indians who served in the U.S. armed forces during the Vietnam conflict (1964-75), 90 percent were volunteers. Approximately one of every four eligible Native people served, compared with one of 12 in the general population. Of those, 226 died in action and five received the Medal of Honor.

As far as rich contribution goes then it is

Code Talkers:
During World War I and World War II, a variety of American Indian languages were used to send secret military messages – codes that enemies were never able to break. These telephone squads (WWI) were key in helping the United States win several battles that ended the war.

Code Talker Chibitty

Beginning in 1940, the army used American Indian recruiters to find Native-language speakers who were willing to enlist and the Marine Corps in 1942, established a code-talking school.


jaish's photo
Fri 11/19/21 08:28 PM
Edited by jaish on Fri 11/19/21 08:40 PM

Even more important than corn, over 50 million indigenous people died off, mostly from diseases, which made it much easier for the Europeans to take over the land that became the Americas. So many died that it cut the amount of carbon in the air in half and caused global cooling which shows a major world pandemic just may correct climate change someday.

'Land', entire continents.
As of course History cannot be rewritten, and compensated for; I was looking to improve my understanding of it. In my perspective, the Times of Columbus was also the period sea routes to India and the East were found and the ultimate colonization of Asians. A totally different set of factors, rules, etc. compared to the Americas.

I see this form of probing history on the Net. For example:

The Real Reason the South Seceded by Donald Livingston
Abbeville Institute

Point is, most of us, including I; can hardly see through the cloud of tragedies.

In the case of native Americans, they are described as hunter-gatherer tribes.

American school text says:

Like other tribes in the region, the Sauk and Mesquakie women planted many acres of corn each spring. They tended the fields surrounding their villages and nurtured gardens of pumpkins, beans and squash.

Parts of corn plant found other uses. The husks could be braided and woven to make masks, moccasins, sleeping mats, baskets or cornhusk dolls. Corncobs could be used for fuel, for game darts or for ceremonial use.

My point is, if Mesquakie tribes were growing corn and veggies, then the 'tribes' perspective changes to 'society'.

This theory could be agreed upon if the M natives had also learnt to extract corn oil which seems to be purely an American invention.

Finally, with ethanol made from corn !!!

jaish's photo
Fri 11/19/21 04:40 AM

jaish's photo
Thu 11/18/21 07:55 AM
Edited by jaish on Thu 11/18/21 07:57 AM
Checked top 10 lies listed by CNN, and felt CNN was hosting graffiti on walls.

For example, during a storm, Trump said it would strike Alabama
and the authorities informed, 'it would bypass Alabama'.
This kind of statement, does not come under Lie.
Maybe T took a calculated risk to inform Alabamians to prepare for the worst.
Not what we normally term as lie.

jaish's photo
Thu 11/18/21 06:05 AM
Edited by jaish on Thu 11/18/21 06:56 AM

Trump won't be back in national office. He never polled above 50% and back when he was elected, his policies were an empty space people could place their hopes. Now we know what an idiot he is. Maybe Biden's not so great, but also not the lying, cheating criminal Trump is. Crying about losing the election, pretending he won just makes him look childish and even more stupid than suspected.
Biden not so great, that is a understatement. …Biden Sucks… lie 1 - he’s not gonna impose a vaccine mandate. lie 2- he lied when pressed on paying immigrants up to $450,000.00 ea. Joe said that was garbage report… lie 3.. he lied about dealings with Hunters corrupt dealings. Lie 4 he lied about having DOJ to be on the lookout for parents voicing their opinion on kids education, calling them domestic terrorists. To many to list here. The long and short of it is Trump had the economy in great shape, foreign relations- they all respected Trump for his strength…. With Biden economy sucks, advisories are testing us and getting bolder because of the weakness Biden shows. Trump may not be back but but his proven to work policies will be.

Whatever. Trump lied too many times each day to list them here. Hell, he'll lie several times in the same sentence, so I'm supposed to get upset when Biden is inconsistent with policies that haven't been negotiated yet? Good luck with that.

For all Biden's shortcomings, he's still a decent man and with his recent passage of an infrastructure law, we see he can get things done, unlike the last guy who's "infrastructure week" was just lip service, and probably just a lie to distract you from his grifting. He never gave up control of his businesses, which throughout his entire administration took money from foreign government entities without Congressional approval, which is literally Unconstitutional.

Trump left the economy in a mess. His only real effort was to run up the national debt, giving himself and the top one percent a huge tax cut, and Trump is the only President to finish with net negative job growth over his term. So go ahead and spit on me and tell me it's raining, while you're at it.

Hi Mortman,
I would really appreciate if you would list the lies, say some 5.

Please do not include the following cause it's point-of-views:

Like Trump saying 'we are being invaded by migrants at our borders'

matter of opinion on what 'invasion' is.

Trump Business matters

Making Income tax statements public
Company balance sheet and Bankruptcy filings

If you are serious please checkout Australia's Kerry Packer's statement to Australian Parliament investigation. It's on YT

Personal Matters
His denial on his affairs with women in some distant past.

Who cares? When you are married to a woman like Melaena, you will understand

International Affairs
Tariff on China
Huawei - 5G
Ending foreign occupations - Syria, Afghanistan
Sanctions on Iraq, etc.

Because Biden has not changed these policies till date

Covid & Vaccine

Exempted - for obvious reasons

Election 2020- Pennsylvania
it was a neck-to-neck race.
As an analyst, I do not accept Pennsylvania's landslide after 70% vote cast
It happened after Chris Wallace - Fox News
gave the state to Biden.

It has happened before, a signal arranged across networks on crisis - and the machinery working overtime to reverse situation

Anyway let's leave this out also.

So go ahead and spit on me and tell me it's raining, while you're at it.

Been there; and I understand.


As for President Biden,
yes, he outsmarted Trump in the debates making it clear he works at a different level.
He's done well with the Infra Bill.
He's brought forward the issues Black Americans have been weighed down with
although I reserve my opinion on issues like CRT in schools

Any Head of Nation needs at least 2 years before an opinion can be formed, and with Covid having hit hard; Biden needs an additional year. Moreover, I don't see the Media taking pot shots at him. So Biden's performance is not the issue. Further, oil prices are projected to come down by 2022 end. Electric cars and so forth.

So my request, seriously, did Trump lie?

When I Googled it, I found statements from Murdoch who is the news baron ousted from UK; anointed clips from CNN and Wikipedia listing 30,573 misleading claims.

As I said, claims can be interpreted any way we want to see it.

Please, what were his outright lies.


jaish's photo
Wed 11/17/21 03:24 PM
Binger made a very persuasive case.

His statement, 'what Rosenbaum's thoughts or intents were as he followed KR, are not known.'

Followed by, 'Why would Rittenhouse shoot 4 times, when his 1st shot shattered the hip and brought Rosenbaum dawn'

'That KR's remaining 4 shots were is defense - 'maybe'

But how can it be defense, when it is the first 4 shots that triggered the pursuit?

--- paraphrasing from Video

My impression of the Jury is - from the voices I heard on Day 1 - Jury selection - these are people from segments who are inclined to give Rosenbaum the benefit of doubt.

jaish's photo
Tue 11/16/21 11:00 PM
Edited by jaish on Tue 11/16/21 11:15 PM

Corn - From wild grass to modern corn cultivation
It was first domesticated by native peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago and its culture spread as far north as southern Maine.

It was introduced into Europe by Christopher Columbus

By the time of European settlement of North America, Native Americans had already taught European colonists to grow the indigenous grains

It is the most important crop in the United States and is a staple food in many places.

In other words, it's not just corn flakes - it's also the corn deer feed on and e meat you eat.

jaish's photo
Tue 11/16/21 08:04 PM
Edited by jaish on Tue 11/16/21 08:07 PM

Wonderful lines, Abdul. :thumbsup:

And the final ...

Love can never die, cause it never truly existed
it can always adapt to time, because it isn’t definite.


Real, turning Unreal in Time; and vice-versa

jaish's photo
Mon 11/15/21 10:26 PM
Edited by jaish on Mon 11/15/21 10:32 PM

Rittenhouse went there with a loaded gun to kill. It was a plan. Murder. I have nothing else to say.
I pray you never have to serve on a jury trial. Facts matter, not Your feelings.

Questions abound:
When a teenager, under 18 at the time of incident is tried as an adult for murder and absolved; then can he be charged / tried again for being underage to possess firearms ?

Further, it’s apparent from the trial and video, Kyle's shooting brought 3 continuous nights of rioting to a dead stop. Who is to say, that under the rioters success; the flames would have spread over to rest of Chicago Land? Should he not receive the President’s medal for velour under arsonists fire?

The truth is before the trial even started I believed he was innocent. My mind is closed too. The government has us hating each other while they rob this country blind. I wish that was something we could all agree on. No matter what party is in the Whitehouse, they both feed on the same corporations.

I trust the jury has some shop owners. Since larger stores are insured; both arsonists and those big stores are in a win-win situation.

From what I read, the arsonists had selected small shops for targets. Perhaps these shops were labelled as 'White supremacists'. But for Kyle, these shop owners
would have had to close up and move over to another city / state. Call the FBI

jaish's photo
Sat 11/13/21 09:42 PM

Looks like I have the facts wrong.

It was President Elect Joe Biden who tweeted in 2020 that Kyle Rittenhouse was a Supremacist

and not President Joe Biden.


jaish's photo
Sat 11/13/21 05:21 AM
Edited by jaish on Sat 11/13/21 06:17 AM

In Biden's America, Gender is a social construct

jaish's photo
Fri 11/12/21 10:36 PM

Muhammed Ali, proud niggah getting beaten up by a racist.

jaish's photo
Fri 11/12/21 10:22 PM

Definition of Mistress.

Miss and Mattress.


Also: Miss the stress

jaish's photo
Fri 11/12/21 06:55 PM

Thanks for having a look, jaish. I'm gonna stick with my original version.

That's what I meant by powerful lines. :thumbsup:

My roll-y poll-y intrusion was for the comic break.

jaish's photo
Fri 11/12/21 04:04 PM
Edited by jaish on Fri 11/12/21 04:05 PM

After his ranting and raving about Kyle Rittenhouse being a white supremacist ,a racist and a murderer …before the trial even starts.

This is Biden, applying the Natural Law of Philosophy to The Constitution.

In the video, Senator Biden says to Judge Clarence Thomas that <<behind this Natural Law>> "there is a fervent and aggressive school of thought that wishes to see Natural Law further inform the Constitution than it does now.... Now this might be lost to all the people but you know and I know ..."

As per Sen Biden, 'this Law may be applied by Liberals and it takes to one direction. When applied by Conservatives, it takes to another direction (opposite by his hand gesture) or, one may choose not to apply it at all. This is the Law that lawyers fail to grasp.


What Biden forgets is fundamental to Natural Law is the Rule that both sides of the story has to be heard and this is the primary function of the courts.

In democracies we know that while Media can be irresponsible, trail by Media is dangerous. We also know that the government or the head of the Executive Branch of the Government, cannot express a single opinion on a case on trail; even whisper it in his dream.

In the Derek Chauvin / George Floyd case, Trump restrained from commenting before the trial. He did send an assurance to mourners holding rallies that 'he had seen the video' and that Chauvin would stand trial for murder. Media ignored Trump's restraint and fueled BLM.


We think of Natural Law as some form of primitive justice like 'an eye for an eye'. At one level, It explains why police are constrained from using deadly force on looters.

But Biden's interpretation of NL goes way beyond that, beyond survival and equality. It goes to reviving history and avenging past dead evils. Imposing CRT on a generation innocent of such evils is one such result. Sowell believes, Biden will take Blacks backwards.


In my view, Biden's importance is in that he demonstrates how good intentions backfire when managed from the wrong end - the historical end.

jaish's photo
Thu 11/11/21 03:24 PM
Edited by jaish on Thu 11/11/21 03:47 PM
As per the Forbes article, with prices at $4.5 / gallon, and indications of further rise, US needs Russian oil.

Don’t underestimate joe, .....

Biden has lifted sanctions off Nord Stream 2 pipeline

May be Iran next ...

Imagine oil prices returning to $2 in 2022

fueling the 1.1 trillion infra plan as well as the world wide boost

jaish's photo
Thu 11/11/21 06:43 AM
Edited by jaish on Thu 11/11/21 06:53 AM


"Today, it is America that stands strong and united with our allies, while Russia is isolated, with its economy in tatters,” Obama said. “That’s how America leads — not with bluster, but with persistent, steady resolve.”

Five short years later, America’s most important allies in Europe, are all but begging the Russians to pump gas through Nord Stream 2 and lower prices as fast as possible.

The main impact on all of this has been on future investment in Russian oil and gas. American companies have been locked out, especially on anything related to fracking or offshore drilling in the Arctic.

jaish's photo
Mon 11/08/21 08:04 AM
Edited by jaish on Mon 11/08/21 08:16 AM

Very interesting perspective...
That line "leaving dough for evening bread" gives a double meaning. :raised_hands::ok_hand:

leaving dough for evening bread
leaking roof overhead ...

'Knotted work-boot laces diverted past
loop-holes clogged by Armani and Italian leather.
Minivans in traffic jams
on the limousine packed beltway...'
Dough rolls on, the other way
As I lay tracks, for another day.

Powerful lines Technovative
I hope you don't mind the messing up a bit

jaish's photo
Mon 11/08/21 07:43 AM
Edited by jaish on Mon 11/08/21 07:44 AM

I think second time love leans more towards practical needs like security. Older people need more time to unfreeze and sometimes it's too late

jaish's photo
Mon 11/08/21 06:25 AM
To Rick,
After reading your story I think there's some great message in this about yourself – something about inner core strength. I had a similar experience with the ‘Whisperer’ long time ago; when I got into a jam swimming far out in the sea; but it doesn’t compare with your experience. Take care.


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