Community > Posts By > Troublemaker7
Love Notes
Here it is past 1 o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep because I can't get you out of my head.
You know what? I love you. I know I've told you that before, but have I ever told you why? Of course it's because you're the most fantastically wonderful person in the world! But what makes you so fantastically wonderful is that you're you. You are honest, sweet, sarcastic, funny, smart, sexy as hell. You're a gentleman, but you can also be wild in bed. You have strong arms, and when you hold me I feel so safe and comfortable. You have so many ways of making me feel special... Like when you text me to say you're thinking about me or you hope I have a good day. When you call me just to tell me good morning. How I told you once I like your stubble and since then you usually trim instead of shaving completely. The way you always sit outside at my house to smoke even though I've never asked you to. The fact that you always remember everything I tell you, even things I don't remember saying... like that pound cake is my favorite. I love how you always listen to me and let me talk and talk and talk (like I'm doing now) about work and school and family and everything at once and nothing at all. I love your sparkly eyes, your smile, your giggle, and the fact that you're ticklish. I love your crazy hair, the way you squint when you don't have on your glasses, and even the way you snore. I love how we can stay in or go out, and no matter what we do I always end up laughing and enjoying myself and forgetting about all the problems of that day. I love that you call me goofy, and that I feel that way when I’m around you. I love that we can talk about anything or sit in complete silence. All of those things and a thousand more make you the man that you are. The man that I love. I just thought I would be more specific since "I love you" can feel so generic sometimes. |
Did it just slipped out during casual conversation? What was the scenario...
Love Notes
Sorry WhoIAm... I'm too brain-dead from work to be all original and lovey dovey today. Don't worry, though. I have plenty of mush to share later.
What do you do to make...
Tell them honestly how much they mean to you.
Give them a back rub out of the blue. Send them a text message that you are thinking about them. Listen to them. Be "present" and in the moment at all times. Look into their eyes. |
1.Is there someone you can't stop thinking of?
Absolutely!!! 2 When was the last time you held someone's hand? Last night as I was drifting to sleep. 3 What are you doing right now? Pretending to work. 4 What color is your shirt? Olive green. 5 Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My dad this morning... He was asking if I had any trash that he could take to the dump for me. 6 Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a A? Hmmm... Not that I can recall. 7 Would you get married if you could right now? Tough question. I hope to get married, but I don't want to right this second. 8 Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? See above. Even though it was my Dad, I suppose he counts. 9 What is the next concert/show you're going to? Don't know. I don't have anything planned right this moment, but it could be tonight. I'm a spur of the moment kinda girl :) 10 The last person you argued with? It's been so long since I've had an argument. I'm pretty sure it was Krista. 11 Do you prefer warm or cold weather? Warm. Hands down. 12 Is any part of your body sore? My arms... from swinging on a rope swing and then trying to arm wrestle Chris. 13 What do you wear more jeans, sweatpants, or slacks? Jeans. 14 Who makes you so mad you could puke? I don't know if I've even been that mad, and there is nothing in my life right now that could do that. I guess that's a good thing. 15 Plans for this weekend: Spend all my time with Chris and go wherever the wind blows. Also... I will get to see my Dad's new truck. 16 Where did you sleep last night? In my bed at home. 17 Are you confident in yourself? Yes. 18 Boyfriend/Girlfriend? This is kinda vauge... I am a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. His name is Chris. 19 Are you watching anything? My computer screen. 20 Whats your opinion on world peace? It's a great theory but not possible because people are too greedy. 21 Do you believe in miracles? I am doubtful that they really exist, but I like to think that there are wonderful things all around us all the time if we just open our eyes and looks. 22 What's one thing you've never told anyone? I don't think there is one thing that I've never told ANYONE. There are a few things that only a few people know, but nothing significant that I am intentionally hiding. 23 Favorite color(s)? Black 24 Drinking anything? Not at the present moment. 25 Last time you passed out from alcohol? I'm not sure I've ever "passed out." Been a while since I was really drunk, too. I did get a little buzzed last Friday... 26 Are you listening to music? Just the music of the call center. 27 Your favorite fruit? Strawberry. Green grapes are a close second. 28 Is there anyone who's a lot like you? I think that I'm very unique... 29 Do you like change? Sometimes change can be the best thing that has ever happened to you. :) 30 How many things in life do you hate? Not very many. I'm loving life right now. 31 Do you get offended easily? I like to think that I don't. I'm pretty understanding and I like to see all sides of things. 32 What do you think about cheaters? They aren't really worth my thoughts. 33 Do you use napkins? Depends on the food. When I'm in a restaurant I always do. 34 Is your phone on your lap? Nope. It's in my pocket. 35 Are you cool? I think that I am in my own way. I don't really go by society's definition of things. 36 Do you have a dog?: I have three fantastically weird dogs and another that belongs to my boyfriend that I love. 37 How tall are you? 5'7" 38 Are you uncomfortable with your height? Nope. I think I am the perfect height. 39 Do you get scared easily? I don't get genuinely scared easily, but scary movies make me jump. 40 whats your fantasy? Right now... the end of this day when I get to be away from work for the weekend and in my own little world. :) 41 your fav sex pos.? All of them! |
Pregnancy Pact......
Wow... Sometimes I can't believe how selfish and thoughtless our culture can be. Sad!!
opposites attract??
My parents are opposites and they've lasted almost 50 yrs. What is it about them that is opposite? I don't know them, but most likely you are taking small differences in opinion and just calling them "opposite." They obviously agreed on getting married, having children, and have a pretty common set of values that guide their lives. Maybe the little things are different, but you can't have a lasting relationship when the big things are opposites. |
The Ex - I feel guilty!
I have been in a relationship that ended badly, and believe me, it is MUCH better to close the door. Leaving it open, even just a bit just brings back old feelings and emotions like anger, hurt, and even worse, love. Don't put yourself through it. Period. Your parents would be right here. There is nothing good that comes from starting things back up with an ex that ended on bad terms. You can't really be friends with someone for real after they hurt you that bad. They just take advantage. In those situations I understand... and hopefully with kids involved it doesn't turn into something really ugly. I know my parents divorced and still have a great relationship. It's those really ugly split-ups that I'm talking about. With kids involved hopefully both parties love them enough to make any contact you have to have revolve around their happiness, not their own anger over a failed relationship. |
opposites attract??
I took a class on Human Sexuality and Relationships. The truth is we are all drawn to people that are more like us than dislike us. We are drawn to those of the same socio-economic background, with the same religios preferences, habits, and hobbies. One reason is that these are the people we are more likely to come in contact with. Antoher thing is that goals for a long-term relationship must at lest come close in order for there to be a chance.
Absolutely! My boyfriend has women friends that I know are just friends and will never be more. I also tend to have lots of guys friends and neither one of us have any desire to pursue a relationship beyond what we have.
The Ex - I feel guilty!
I have been in a relationship that ended badly, and believe me, it is MUCH better to close the door. Leaving it open, even just a bit just brings back old feelings and emotions like anger, hurt, and even worse, love. Don't put yourself through it. Period. Your parents would be right here. There is nothing good that comes from starting things back up with an ex that ended on bad terms. You can't really be friends with someone for real after they hurt you that bad. They just take advantage.
im scared to meet anyone
You don't have to be shy to be scared... Everyone feels that way sometimes, especially about relationships. The best way to conquer that fear is to go out there and take a chance, knowing the other person is probably scared, too.
Love Notes
Edited by
Fri 06/20/08 06:52 AM
Last night I was so happy that you came over. We always have the best time when we're together, and I can't even describe how happy I am. We played and teased, and I threw you on the couch. At that moment I was struck by your beautiful, sparkling eyes. I told you so, and they sparkled more, even as you were denying it. You said you've never seen your eyes sparkle, and that you were going to ask the guys at work today. I said they've just felt too embarrassed to mention it on their own, but when you asked they would have no choice but to finally reveal the truth. I told you that your eyes always sparkle, sometimes more than others, and that you just weren't looking for it. You said maybe they only sparkle with me. The laughter and teasing and witty banter continued for several minutes, and it was the perfect moment...
These little things are the reason I love you so much. The tender moments when I feel so connected to you, so comfortable and safe. The times you make me laugh until I'm crying, the way you always know exactly what I'm thinking, how you see my flaws and love me for them. I love the way you smile, how you call me goofy, and the fact that I don't feel the need to be perfect when I'm with you... that being imperfect me is good enough. I love your humor, your intelligence, your sarcasm. I love your arms, your elbows, and even your toes. There are no happier times for me than the times when I'm with you, even when we have nothing specific to do. |
Love Notes
I am so excited that I get to see you tonight even though I was just with you last night. I am finding that I want to be with you all the time, and I am thinking about you almost every second of the day. When I'm stressed or angry or not feeling so great, I just think about you... the last time we were together, the first time we met, all the great times in between... and I can't help but break out in a huge smile. Everyone around me notices... I just can't contain it. It's so strange the way being with you has changed me. Life looks brighter. Things are easier.
Love Notes
You have truly changed my life for the better. I find myself smiling uncontrollably throughout the day. People who have known me for years say I have never looked so happy and radiant. When I'm with you my mind clears and my worries and stress seem like they belong to another person. I have never felt so safe, secure, and content as I do in your arms. The passion and happiness I feel for you have only grown since we met, and I feel like a little girl hopelessly in love. I can only imagine what great things are to come!
Love Notes
Edited by
Wed 06/18/08 05:28 AM
Babe you are the most incredible guy I have ever been with. I love every second that I get to spend with you, and I think about you all the time. I have never felt so connected with someone, and I just can't believe how lucky I am. Sometimes I find myself daydreaming about forever with you even though I have never been that kind of person. As scary as it can be, all I want to do is be completely vulnerable with you and let you see how deep my love can be. I just don't want to picture my life without you in it because you bring me so much joy and laughter and intellectual stimulation (not to mention all the other ways you stimulate me). You honestly are the best gift ever. WoW! 'Troublemaker' what you said is really feel this way about somebody?....that was beautiful ![]() Yep... Sure do. Like I said, I'm very lucky. |
when you laugh
Yes... Anytime I get a really good laugh going it could happen.
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what is
My boyfriend's eyes and smile when we're dancing... They are so full of joy and sparkle and love. I just picture that look and can't stop smiling for hours.
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My boyfriend uses my computer sometimes and today I had to restart it to do some updates. When it came back up all of my normal programs started loading and he must have saved some settings last time he was here. His IM and email logged him in automatically without me realizing it. When I went to check my mail (I use Yahoo and so does he) I quickly realized it wasn't my inbox and signed out. Now I feel kinda dirty...
Have you ever snooped through a boyfriend or girlfriend's stuff? If so, what? Their wallet, their phone, their email... Was it accidental at first or did you start out seeking specific information?