Community > Posts By > greeneyeman

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Mon 05/09/11 01:06 AM
If Pascal's Wager helps you as an individual promote inner peace, tolerance, non violence, education, a good health recipe, and laughter then by all means enjoy this philosophy.

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Mon 05/09/11 01:04 AM
I wish you all the best in starting this church! I hope one of the most important lessons that you will teach as a leader for this community is the importance of keeping in good health, tolerance, peace, and inner happiness. Good luck!

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Mon 05/09/11 01:02 AM
Spirits or Ghosts have been witnessed (or claim to be) by many individuals around the world. Some have used it as means to bring profits to their pockets and others actually believe they can witness or even contact such supernatural beings. Is it just a strong case of imagination or is it a actual reality? I would say that half of the world doesn't believe in it and the other half does...give or take either way 10 to 20%! It is a stalemate question that in the end only allows personal opinions to conquer the threads leading to disapproval or approval ratings.

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Mon 05/09/11 12:58 AM
What I noticed is that for some the religious affiliation that the child endured because of his or her parents desire and importance to teach the faith is either less desirable or more desirable when growing up. Some become very disappointed or agitated that they had to go through it and others feel disappointed that their parents didn't emphasize enough of how they feel on the subject in hand.

In otherwords, some can relate and others can't. Each individual experiences are different that further help or not help their needs later in life. In this case, Einstein learned in life that such a belief system didn't benefit him at all and recognized that it is futile for his personal beliefs to find a different path to enlightenment...which was physics in my opinion.

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Mon 05/09/11 12:53 AM
Undeniable the Truth. The question is what qualifies as an undeniable truth if 100% of the population cannot agree on any subject given to them. Can it still be qualified as an "undeniable truth".

Perhaps we can say "undeniable opinion" upon personal research and understanding for each individual that wants to agree or not.

I am just saying.....

I am not discrediting the research done on the topic at all.

It is an interesting perspective and recognition that has both religious followers and non religious followers or skeptics looking into about the parables on the bible's passages. You have made some members look into the bible to cross examine to either deny or agree on the discovery you have made and other's may have just simply denied or accepted (without researching themselves) on what you discovered.

Whatever the will always have a ying and yang on the matter. It is almost like a stalemate isn't it since either side will claim the other is misinformed or ignorant all the time also!

but is good to express opinion and feelings on the matter. That is most admirable in my world regardless if it is popular or not.

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Mon 05/09/11 12:44 AM
Greatest Love Of All

I believe that children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me

I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I will live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity

Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

And I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I will live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity

Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love

I like this as a answer by

Whitney Houston!

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Mon 05/09/11 12:41 AM
Is this reality an imaginary place?

Yes if you want it to be and No if you don't want it to be. Choose what pleases you the most. Thank you and have a great day! :)

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Mon 05/09/11 12:34 AM
What do you understand under the term "purity" in your religious or spiritual practice. Does this word play a big role in your belief system? Explain if you can. Thank you!

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Sun 05/08/11 07:35 PM
Great! I am going this week to watch it. Sounds like a winner.

One of the things I get from alot of people is that Thor doesn't look big enough to play his role. In cartoons he is pretty much the biggest guy except when he stands next to the Hulk.

In the movie he doesn't look big enough some say. I think he looks great, unless you think Thor should look like let us say....Arnold Schwarznegger in Conan the Barbarian?

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Sat 05/07/11 10:52 PM
Yeah Peccy that is how I feel at the moment, but ask that question again in a few years. I might have (yet) another answer to it! Our minds are futile to change all the time! Imagination and curiousity can get the best out of us sometimes!

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Sat 05/07/11 10:51 PM
So how was Thor? Anyone watched it?

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Sat 05/07/11 10:49 PM
It doesn't matter as long as Congress can't agree on anything and take forever to change laws to help the people. Either way the Dems and the Reps worry more about their party then the people's needs.

Sorry that is just my opinion.

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Fri 05/06/11 05:29 AM
Hey ShiningArmour that works also!

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Thu 05/05/11 07:39 AM
It is funny we are born
and then we die

We have done and sworn
and then we say bye

We love and then we get torn
because it was all a lie

Some laugh and others mourn
others debate and others sigh

yes indeed

It is funny we are born
and then we die

and we don't know why

we just know it is funny

how life is

how life was.....

it is funny....

that we live life as it is

yet here we are

and here we pass



until next time.....

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Thu 05/05/11 05:46 AM
Do not believe in anything (simply)
because you have heard it.

Do not believe in traditions because they
have been handed down for many generations.

Do not believe in anything because it is
spoken and rumored by many.

Do not believe in anything (simply) because
it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority
of your teachers and elders.

But after observation and analysis,
when you find that anything agrees with reason
and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all
then accept it and live up to it.

Buddha ( Anguttara Nikaya, Vol 1, 188-193 P.T.S. ED.)

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Wed 05/04/11 05:23 PM

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Tue 05/03/11 09:20 PM
Fortunately we have George Lucas to shoot all those asteroids down for us! There is nothing to worry about anymore! Yippie!

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Tue 05/03/11 09:18 PM
Jim: That is the latest news...Now back to Bob

Thank you Jim: What will scientists discover.....oh wait that is it for today on Channel 7 Science Monitor Channel. Come back on Monday to discuss what a god particle is and how many quantum particles we need to make a bowl of Corn Flakes! Thank you for joining us tonight and from our staff including me Bob....have a good night. :)

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Tue 05/03/11 08:46 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Tue 05/03/11 09:04 PM
Imagination at its best. We have to remember in those times people thought the planet was flat and we could fall off it into a hell! And dare anyone to think otherwise for they would be condemned for it! Poor Galileo and his inventive curiousities right!

It started when an Egyptian Scribe wondered why the sun comes out and disappears leaving the planet cold...making the flowers wilt in......making everyone insecure as they listen to odd noises of wild animals. They then created the sun god of Ra and the dark god of Set. They didn't have technology for scientific evidences about how our planet worked let alone nature. They thought since there isn't a reasonable explanation a supernatural must have done it. Today we know better!

so from there it was history........

and religions evolved adding to the stories for more miracles.

Even the stories of Jesus are not new as they have been repeated often as far back as 6000 years ago. Of course they used different names then and perhaps the story shifted a little here and there...but the premises are the same. Don't believe me do some research on Egyptian religions! They even had a pharoah that started the monotheism worshiping only the god of Ra. It only lasted I think 5 years. It was a lazy way to not have to worship so many gods. Just imagine how much time that took out of a person each day to go to various shrines to worship the many gods. Why not put it all in one!

So don't believe the Jews were the first to worship one god okay!

Today we can say that the world is round...oval or however you want to say it...that we don't fall off somewhere in the absences. We can say a great deal of things we couldn't back then. We know that the earth wasn't created in 4000BC like many claim. We can also say that the Earth isn't the center of the universe either.

We have moved far yet unfortunately many cling onto the mediterrenean mythologies (torah, koran, bible) when it should be stored in the mythology vault like the other religions people use to believe in.

Now to the hard questions Peccy was asking about if their is a higher intelligence that created humans or if life started with a stroke of a hand...well we can probably create ideas from our imagination like.....

Perhaps meteorites hit our planet that had one celled life on them. Is it possible that it had all of the essential elements to keep one celled life alive on them?

Aliens that are highly advanced in technology used DNA connections to create a subspecies for slave labor??? I have heard of it since the Pyramid constructions cannot be repeated due to their precise architectural structures.

What else could there be??

Yes one can use the imagination of scribes and historians 2 to 10,000 years ago....but to find a logical conclusion to it all...will take time. Maybe we will find it and maybe not.

So that is why I stick to the answer I had above earlier. Those are hard questions, yet one thing we can get from asking such questions is we have plenty of imagination to find different answers. Hopefully we can find more facts in the future to understand it all.

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Tue 05/03/11 03:36 PM
What are the chances that Jesus was gay? I felt I needed to ask this since the poster is specifically trying to open a church for gays and lesbians. I mean I am sure it is irrelevant, but I am wondering out of curiousity?

Wait ....does it first say anything about condemning gays in the bible? Who has this information? Maybe this will answer this for us.