Community > Posts By > lily38

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:34 AM
Well, to each his own. I have seen in life to justify my belief in God and the Afterlife. If I am wrong, guess I'll find out the hard way. No skin off your nose, so don't sweat it. Let us believers be.

lily38's photo
Fri 12/21/07 12:52 AM
That's the best idea I have heard all week!drinker

lily38's photo
Fri 12/21/07 12:40 AM
Well, Catch, at least you were responding to someone who WAS there! You outta be here and listen to some of the conversations I am having.....all by myself.......noway laugh

lily38's photo
Fri 12/21/07 12:36 AM
If it makes you feel any better, Kater, I am just a couple months away from the big "40". My kids are 13 and 11. Time really flies the older we get, it seems.........drinker

lily38's photo
Thu 12/20/07 02:14 AM
Welcome, all!!

lily38's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:10 PM
I would like to put my very simplistic spin on this topic; perhaps not all women are evil, money hungry, etc., rather they become accustomed to the "finer things in life" thanks to insecure fellows who put their best credit card forward in order to "get the girl"................Just say no, boys....You'll weed out the good, the bad and the ugly. We have to do it with men.......

lily38's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:04 PM
BEAUTIFULLY STATED, KEN!!drinker drinker

lily38's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:00 PM
I totally agree with the folks who advised you to chill out. I never make plans to date a guy I have just met through the internet....doesn't matter if we talked 24 hours a dayl for a week. 3 days, 1 day.....whatever the case may be, you are portraying yourself as desperate and bitter. This girl didn't owe you anything. For all you know she could have been a guy PRETENDING to be a girl. What would that do for your love life? She was straight up with you, (early on), and told you she wasn't seeing it you come here and fly into a tyrrade of insults and incessant girl bashing? You are offensive. If the girl spoke with you that little amount of time, then decided it wasn't going to work....there is a good chance it was something you said or did. Maybe you came off as "needy" and "clingy", which are BIG turn-offs for women.
She DID NOT owe you a THING! NADA, ZILCH, ZIP.......get over it before you totally embarrass yourself further.

lily38's photo
Sat 12/15/07 10:01 PM
Well, Klugman, I think the Holidays seriously add to the feelings of lonliness, as others have stated. However, if I had a nice bike like that, I'd be happy as all hell!

lily38's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:07 PM
{{{{HIGGIES, DENISE}}}} love you, too, my friend. :heart:

Hey, azrae, good to see you here! flowerforyou

lily38's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:49 PM
Hateful f***ing monsters!! That poor, poor little baby girl. I can't imagine doing that to a child, or allowing it to happen, much less dumping her tiny little body. They ought to turn the two of them loose on a street filled with angry Americans. Let the public choose their punishment.

lily38's photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:42 PM
Is anyone else besides me sick of winter yet??

lily38's photo
Sun 12/09/07 05:50 PM
Amen, Jess! drinker

lily38's photo
Sun 12/09/07 05:28 PM
It really is such a cruel disease. I am so sorry, Lilly.:heart:

lily38's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:36 PM
Well said, JT......drinker drinker drinker drinker

lily38's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:32 PM
Wow! I am worried about you, are putting yourself at a health risk........flowerforyou

lily38's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:24 PM
Knox, calm down, man......have a drink...relax....drinker We are all entitled to expression and rebuttal. The problem is in dishing it out, but not being able to handle the residuals.....

lily38's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:16 PM
Why are there so many posts lately about people "giving up" on the opposite sex, or love, dating, etc. If that is your attitude, then dating or relationships are not the answer for you anyhow. I look at it like this; I don't need to have a significant other. I am not desperate to "have someone". I am something even if I am single.
No one else should be able to make or break you. It doesn't work. Thinking that a girlfriend will make everything great is not true. Relationships come with problems....they don't solve the existing problem. You need to be comfortable with being one with yourself before you enter a relationship. It took me a lot of heartache to learn this.

lily38's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:03 PM
I am one-of-a-kind....not one of them, one of those, one with them, them + 1....etc., etc. Nope, I am one-of-a-kind......drinker

lily38's photo
Sun 12/09/07 03:44 PM
Well Italian, have you considered the possiblity that maybe your ex was a bull dyke who just didn't want to dissapoint her family and come out of the proverbial closet? Or perhaps you ex was transgender and just kept it from you? Maybe you were dating a once beautiful man whose looks began to fade while his interest in sports center peaked?........See, I have to wonder if maybe the problem isn't with the significant other, but rather the problem is you.....drinker smokin

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