Community > Posts By > lily38

lily38's photo
Sat 12/29/07 06:38 PM
I am a severe asthmatic. I have emphasema in my left lung. I have never been a smoker, yet my exposure to pollutants in the air and lung infections caused permanent damage to my lung. I can feel it in my chest the moment I breathe in someones 2nd hand smoke...the tightening, the pain....and I can hear the wheezing and crackling as I exhale. When I was younger, people smoking around me sometimes thought it was funny to blow smoke right in my face and see what happened. They didn't realize their amusement could cause my death. Smokers have a choice whether to smoke or not; people with lung disease have to breathe in whatever air is available to them. I am sorry you feel persecuted for not being able to smoke in some public places in some states, yet I am able to breathe cleanly and clearly while dining, working, attending meetings, etc. for the first time in my life. My children are also asthmatic, and they will hopefully grow up in a world where they are given the opportunity to breathe air that is at least a little less hazardous to their health. They won't have to sit on the sidelines and tolerate ridicule as their mother once did. You have no idea how precious a gift it is to be able to fully inhale and exhale freely, to not be taken to emergency rooms and pumped full of epinephrine and prednisone due to coming into contact with a major trigger like cigarrette smoke. You don't know how troubling it is to be diagnosed as having emphasema, despite the fact you have never smoked. I do. I am not asking any of you to quit for any reason; not for me, yourselves or your families. No, smoke if you must.....just please understand one side of the issue of non-smoking in public places. In my case and that of others like me, it really is a quality AND quanity issue of life.

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:03 PM
In my opinion, Gig, I honestly think you may be exhibiting some signs of schizophrenia. Have you been to a medical professional and discussed these issues with them? I think that would be a positive step for you. There is nothing wrong with having a mental illness; what's wrong is not getting treatment. You can have a happier more normal life with the proper treatment.

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 09:17 PM
Okay....I get it....this thread is really an attempt at one very bad joke, right? Or someone in need of some attention, even if that means you end up looking like an imbecile?....I mean, this CAN NOT be a 23 year old,college educated woman posting this nonsense. It is not possible this thread is legitimate. This is one of those "Hey! Look at me! Look at me!" threads.....huh

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 09:08 PM
Prayers to you and your family, my dear friend. flowerforyou :heart:

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:56 AM
Oh, don't sweat it, JT. It'll only last a couple hours....always has that same effect when I eat canned dog food....laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:33 AM
You got that right, brotha!

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:32 AM
I am pretty certain God already has your number, hon.....

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:30 AM
Just a little fetish thing I used to have, Jace....I go to three P.A.A. meetings a week now and I think I am getting better....(Pets Ass Anonymous)............let's just keep this between you and me, okay?
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:26 AM
Hey, all! drinker
I am sick of snow already. I have been sick of snow since LAST winter!!UUuuugghhhhhhh........C'mon Spring!bigsmile

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:22 AM
I like to post real pics of fake people....huh

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:16 AM
My cats' breath smells like my dogs butt.....huh noway noway noway huh

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:14 AM
Good to know, JT! Yeah, Jace it is supposed to hang here a couple days then move that way. Damn! I hope it won't be another winter like last year. All those damned back-to-back blizzards. sick
I am feeling better, Jess. The whole town got hit with some damned virus...passed it around to each other, of course!

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:08 AM
It's snowing here, too, Jace....AGAIN!! I hate Winter.......(so I live in Colorado).........We are currently in a severe winter storm watch / warning........Crap-ola!!

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:06 AM
Ahhh, yes, the knees, JT! Point taken.....wasn't aware of the arm pits. Is death possible because of the brachial artery?

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 02:02 AM
Hey, JT! drinker
No, Jace, my Xmas was previous commentary was something I like to call "a great night out with friends".....:wink:
I was sick through Xmas, Jess. I am ready for Spring! bigsmile

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:59 AM
Knives can be turned back on you waaayyy too quickly. If it's a dude, or dudes, go for the ball sack and kick, punch, bite, pinch.......punch them in the adams' apple......put your fingers in their eye sockets and attempt to remove the eyeball.....hit or kick or HEAD BUTT them on the bridge of their nose. Main thing is, inflict a stinging injury first to take them off guard then another to inflict pain.....then fight to this point you can use your knife.

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:54 AM
Hello, Jess and Jace, my friends! drinker drinker

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:52 AM
Well, if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen....if it's your destiny. Just bend over and kiss your azz goodbye.
I fight pretty damned well myself.

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:48 AM
Wow!! All by yourself....could be anyone or anything out there....(or even inside).......
This time of the night, the only ones awake are JSH diehards and God. There is no way we will make it to you in time......
I trust you have all your legal affairs in order?
Perhaps murder is not what they have in mind.......what else could possibly be worse??huh

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:39 AM
Well, I know I didn't come here looking for salvation from anyone on this thread. I just welcome the opportunity to state my faith in God.

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