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Topic: Why?
Jayboy666's photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:47 AM
I do hate to refer to this topic to much, yet i can not excape it.
My belief is, those who believe in god are ****ing scared of dying and oh how it would be to releive you of your fears and let you see death for the nothingness that it will hold.

My favorite part is those of you who read this, the religous multitude. you will become angry, because you couldn't survive this life without your hallow beliefs, you will become angry and down talk to me about my beliefs because i do not conform to your standards and the standards of the mindless followers that you keep company. I am free in everyway you will never be, and it scares the **** out of you.


Jtevans's photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:52 AM

no photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:52 AM
I feel free after a good bong hit!!!!!laugh

I do hate to refer to this topic to much, yet i can not excape it.
My belief is, those who believe in god are ****ing scared of dying and oh how it would be to releive you of your fears and let you see death for the nothingness that it will hold.

My favorite part is those of you who read this, the religous multitude. you will become angry, because you couldn't survive this life without your hallow beliefs, you will become angry and down talk to me about my beliefs because i do not conform to your standards and the standards of the mindless followers that you keep company. I am free in everyway you will never be, and it scares the **** out of you.


lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:53 AM
hey jay read my post "do i believe" i feel ya

Jayboy666's photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:55 AM
Justkev, I wish I could smoke a fatty bowl of kron with ya, man.

Jtevans's photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:56 AM
besides you posted this in the WRONG'll probably be moved

TheShadow's photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:57 AM
I would think there is another forum for this but my opinion on this is. Everyone has there on be beliefs and have a right to it and no of us have the right to try change that in anyway. just like how we share our own opinions on any topic.

no photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:58 AM

I would think there is another forum for this but my opinion on this is. Everyone has there on be beliefs and have a right to it and no of us have the right to try change that in anyway. just like how we share our own opinions on any topic.

Jtevans's photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:58 AM

I would think there is another forum for this but my opinion on this is. Everyone has there on be beliefs and have a right to it and no of us have the right to try change that in anyway. just like how we share our own opinions on any topic.

agree drinker

lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:00 AM


I would think there is another forum for this but my opinion on this is. Everyone has there on be beliefs and have a right to it and no of us have the right to try change that in anyway. just like how we share our own opinions on any topic.


no photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:00 AM

I do hate to refer to this topic to much, yet i can not excape it.
My belief is, those who believe in god are ****ing scared of dying and oh how it would be to releive you of your fears and let you see death for the nothingness that it will hold.

My favorite part is those of you who read this, the religous multitude. you will become angry, because you couldn't survive this life without your hallow beliefs, you will become angry and down talk to me about my beliefs because i do not conform to your standards and the standards of the mindless followers that you keep company. I am free in everyway you will never be, and it scares the **** out of you.

Ok Im not religious but Ive read many books on the subject of death, the afterlife, and books on ppl who have died and came back to life.....most were children and have had almost the exact same visions of what "heaven" or passing over can only make me wonder....

Jayboy666's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:04 AM
that is very possible, but so is every person wanting attention throughout life.

no photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:13 AM
ok that made no sense......

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:34 AM
Well, to each his own. I have seen in life to justify my belief in God and the Afterlife. If I am wrong, guess I'll find out the hard way. No skin off your nose, so don't sweat it. Let us believers be.

lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:35 AM
as long as they let the non believers be

Jayboy666's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:35 AM
thats cool

JaceKnows's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:37 AM
Heaven is a 72 hole championship golf course with a Hooters for a clubhouse and cigar and rum girls at every hole. As long as Heaven isn't New Jersey. Then I'm gonna be ticked.

Jayboy666's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:38 AM
From what i hear about new jersey , it will probably be hell

lily38's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:39 AM
Well, I know I didn't come here looking for salvation from anyone on this thread. I just welcome the opportunity to state my faith in God.

JaceKnows's photo
Thu 12/27/07 01:40 AM
If I want salvation, there's a whole army I can turn to!

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