Community > Posts By > BillingsDreamer
sabbath day
The Bible says all have fell short of the glory of God and whoever says they haven,t is a liar. I think one of the worst sins is that as self rightousness Yes, we all agree. All have fallen short of the glory of God. However, what are you really saying? By this statement are you saying that because we fall short of God's glory, we should not strive to keep His commandments? This is the main argument of many Protestants. They say we can't keep the commandments perfectly, like God, therefore, there is no need for us to try. On another level, are you sure that you understand self righteousness? It is not self righteousness to boldly state what God says. It is not self righteousness to defend the truth that is written in the Bible. Most people do not understand what righteousness is. It is keeping the commandments: Psa 119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness. When any of us choose to do something other than what God commands, then it is us deciding for our self what is righteous. Thus, it is doing something other than what God said to do that is self righteousness. Many people make this mistake. They think that the Pharisees kept God's law too strictly. This is not the case. The truth is they were self righteous. They put their own tradition before God's commandment, and that is what is self righteous--deciding for the self what is right. Mar 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Mar 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. Mar 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. Worship on Sunday is a tradition of man. Worship on Sabbath is the commandment of God. Self righteousness is keeping Sunday, and the scriptures say that this kind of worship is in vain. God says to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. That is not vain. On another level, do you see how being self righteous breaks the other commandments too? It puts us before the true God. We make ourselves the idol, and we take God's name in vain, if we call ourselves Christians and don't do what He said. The wages of sin is death, and so by making up our own religion, we sin, and thus commit murder. We dishonor our spiritual parent God the Father, and we steal from Him what is His, and we participate in a lie. We covet what does not belong to us by worshiping contrary to God's commandments. Some will be noble. They will go further than to get angry and name call. They will think about the point, not the author. Art |
sabbath day
Well I rest every Sunday but church going is not my thing.I do pray,read the bible now and again,and talk to God daily.I believe in Jesus and hope to make Heavens list but if I don't I have only myself to blame.. Why not rest on the Sabbath, and thus obey God's commandment? There is an interesting point that you may want to know. It is this. If we want to understand the Bible, we need to do what it says. Thus, in the N.T. Christ says to continue in His word (continue doing it) and you will know the truth. He also states that whoever will do His will, they will know of the doctrine. Finally, the psalmist writes: Psa 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever. So, if you begin to keep the Sabbath, your understanding of the Bible will grow enormously. Why not give it three months and see? Art |
The Golden Rule
This comment is more direct & you might think it is interesting adjunct to consider about the golden rule.
In all the Bible's law, its histories, and writings, there is a kind of duality running through things. There is the physical that is the symbol and the spiritual. For example, a man is physical and made in the image of the spiritual God. There was physical Israel and there is a spiritual Israel--the Church. There is the first Adam, and the last Adam--Christ. So, without going on and on, I am hoping we can see a principle. In a like manner, while there is a physical application of the law that is valid and good, there is a spiritual intent that must take precedence. For example, one the Sabbath no work is to be done. This is a physical law. However, should life or limb be threatened, like an ox in a ditch, then a higher spiritual law takes over. In this case, the spirit of the Sabbath is freedom from slavery and bondage (Deut 5). Thus, it is a must that we work to save the life. Then it is clear how all of this, sits under the greater umbrella of spiritual love. With this as a backdrop, lets look at the golden rule. Physically it says that we should never do something to others we would not want then to do to us. It is the essence of empathy. What then would be the spiritual application? Realize that we are all different. Therefore, a man does not want from a women what she wants from a man. Therefore, we men can give our women everything they really don't want. The real truth is that we don't often think of the other. We don't esteem others better. We are only concerned with ourself and how we see things. But, what if we applied the golden rule in its spiritual intent? Then we would have people who were striving to understand the needs of others, and not just looking at their own needs. We have a spiritual golden rule: We should strive to do unto others what THEY WANT us to do unto them. Does anyone see the beauty of that? Art |
The Golden Rule
I have a tangential comment on the golden rule.
The golden rule is actually the summation of the last six commandments. The ten commandments are God's law of love, and that law is broken into two categories, love to God and love to man. Thus, the first four commands show us how to love God, and the last six, the way to love man. In that context, it is interesting to me, that this is exactly the great difference in the religion of the Bible and all the other religions. All religions seem to agree on how to love man. They all teach to love others like we love ourselves. They all teach to honor our parents, not to murder, commit adultery, don't lie and steal. Don't desire to take what your neighbor has. These last of the 6 commandments are found everywhere that people worship, what ever it is that they worship. However, only God's religion tells us how we are to love God. Only the God of the Bible requires that you have no other god's--none! Only He requires that we never denigrate Him by making any image to remind ourselves of Him. Only He requires that we not take His name in vain. Only He requires that we keep a certain day holy as a sign of our loyalty to Him. There is a difference in the religions, and the difference is that all these different religions are about man and they were created for man. They have nothing to do with a real God. They have nothing to do with a God who lives and loves, who hates evil, and who wants us to understand Him for what He is, and love Him with all of our might, strength, and mind in these ways. Art |
sabbath day
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Sat 01/05/08 09:03 PM
R-bill this is to you- I'm afraid that I read it over many times. I do not see the answer to the basic question. If the powers of this world changed the calender so that Wed was now the 1st day of the week when would YOU celebrate the Sabbath? I have no idea why this is of any value to you. Perhaps I will see it after I answer. The answer is that I will stick with the 7th day. So, if the the powers that be order us to keep the first day, I will keep the 7th day. If they change the calendar so that Wednesday is the first day of the week, I will observe Tuesday as the true Sabbath. If they threaten to kill, torture, force us to keep their day, I would count it an honor to be joined in suffering with those before me who were loyal to God's commandments. What about you? Is there anything you would die for? Art Thank you very much that is very clear to me I was hoping with all my being that you would tell me why it would matter to you. I just wondered and wondered and wondered. So, I have all kinds of scenarios in my mind, and I question if I even came close to the truth. So, of course you would have to tell me the truth, but I am sincerely interested in you telling me your honest and true reason for wanting to know. I also would like your answer to my question, "is there anything you would give your life for? By the way, if you post it too me personally, I promise you before all the forum members that I will not ever ever ever publish your answer here or anywhere. I will thank you for it on this thread, and not say one single word more about the subject. To me, it is only fair you answer, because I did answer you. What do you think? Art |
sabbath day
its really quite simple math if you care to do the homework on it. sundown friday till sundown saturday. written in stone. the bible says observe it so i do..... intermittently. lol. its actually quite difficult to observe a saturday sabbath in our culture. i fail often but i try. Why don't you simply make the decision that there is no alternative? You don't say that I like to eat, but sometimes it is difficult. You have no alternative. You must eat. The truth is that we must obey God. Why say it is difficult to keep the Sabbath. It is easy to do. Sometimes it is hard to face employers, but then if we can't face them, how will we face our executioner some day? Are we playing at being religious? Or are we serious about God? I want to remind you of something. Why do you think the heroes of faith were willing to die for their belief? Do you think it was simply because they were good? I don't. God says this: Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Eternal life is a free gift to us. However, we are rewarded according to our works. Do you think you can ever imagine the enormity of the reward God offers us? The disciples fled, and even denied Christ until after they saw Him in the resurrection and He taught them things pertaining to the kingdom. They saw what they will be like in the resurrection. They came to understand the truth about what they were to inherit in the Kingdom to come. It changed them. They did not care if they were tortured or died. Give it some thought my friend. Just say no. Tell em no! I can't work that day. Then, work every day that you do work for Christ and not for them. Art |
sabbath day
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Sat 01/05/08 07:10 AM
im thiss crowd, art, its hard to say actually which god they serve. There is so much disinformation on this, and much of it comes from the churches, which i find to be a big fat clue as to thier real motives. Then there are the so called new testament christians... lets throw out 3/4 of the bible since it doesent fit into our lifestyle/ comfort zone. To me, most churches cannot be trusted. Even if they start off well, they end up protecting themselves and their purpose eventually becomes reversed. Instead of the church existing to serve God and His people, they end up serving themselves. But it is not hard to tell who they serve. If they keep christmas, they serve the god Saturn, and Mithra. It is their holiday. If you celebrate Easter, you serve Ishtar goddess of fertility don't you? If you keep halloween, you serve Samhain. If you teach and believe that the commandments are done away, you serve the gods of the Mystery religions--or perhaps just yourself. If you keep the Sabbath, God's ten commandments, and His holy days, you serve Him. Doesn't that make sense? Art |
sabbath day
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Sat 01/05/08 06:59 AM
R-bill this is to you- I'm afraid that I read it over many times. I do not see the answer to the basic question. If the powers of this world changed the calender so that Wed was now the 1st day of the week when would YOU celebrate the Sabbath? I have no idea why this is of any value to you. Perhaps I will see it after I answer. The answer is that I will stick with the 7th day. So, if the the powers that be order us to keep the first day, I will keep the 7th day. If they change the calendar so that Wednesday is the first day of the week, I will observe Tuesday as the true Sabbath. If they threaten to kill, torture, force us to keep their day, I would count it an honor to be joined in suffering with those before me who were loyal to God's commandments. What about you? Is there anything you would die for? Art |
sabbath day
The creator God is holy. He is pure, absolutely clean and free of selfishness and He has perfect righteous character.
Well you certainly can’t be talking about the biblical God then. The biblical God is admittedly a jealous God by his own decree. You seem to think that it is wrong to be Jealous. The covenant with God was a marriage agreement. When the people served other Gods it was spiritual adultery and God was Jealous. Would not you be jealous if your wife went after other men? That is not wrong. It is admirable. He’s extremely egotistical and his behavior in the Bible has been far from righteous. You think He is egotistical, but God is actually understated. He never brags. He does not show off. God simply says what really is. He is the Almighty one. He is holy, and righteous. He decides what is right and wrong. He has the power and the right. That is not egotistical when in fact it is true. What is interesting to me, is the incredible irony of your statements. You say God is egotistical, but it is you who are. You think your righteousnesses exceeds His, and you tout it. You think you are superior to the God of the Bible. Like God says, where were you when all this was created? You were not on the board of directors. You did not help make any of the decisions about how long a blade of grass was to be. You have to forgive me, but from my perspective you talk big, but you have no power. You can't change anything about the life He created. It is so silly to hear you criticize God. On the contrary he’s been playing games with men’s souls ever since the beginning.
Again, you really don't understand the scriptures when you say something like this. The god you speak of is the devil. He is the one that controls the world you and I live in today. It is by our choice. The true God will come, take over the earth and heal the sickness, eliminate war, change the nature of animals so they don't harm people, bring truth and prosperity to humanity. He is not playing. He is simply letting mankind go his own way and experience the consequences of it. It is the devil who toys with man. He has influenced millions in this society, and you are one of his subjects. He has tricked you into thinking that you have control and are free because you have freedom of choice. But, look where our choices have led us. We have destroyed the environment, and brought nothing but war, famine and disease on mankind. It is all because we have been sold on this very lie that we know better than God. Nope, you can’t be talking about the biblical God. That God is far from being either perfect or righteous. But that is according to your standards. God punishes the wicked. I suppose you like so many others, would not. God has rules. But you might not like them. He destroyed people who were sacrificing their children in the fire. You think He should not do that. So what??? What does your opinion have to do with the truth? It is just your opinion. God's opinion carries the weight of Him being the creator and sustainer of life. You don't have to believe in Him, on Him, or obey Him, and He lets you live and sends rain on your land anyway. I really don't see you doing better than Him. You can criticize, but what can you really do to better mankind? I know you do see yourself as better than He is, but you have been hurt by others in this life, but it is not because they followed God, but because they did not follow Him. Look. Lots of us think we are good and kind, and we don't see the bloody messes we leave behind us. You are no different than the rest of us, and certainly are in no position to judge the God of the Bible. You don't know what that book really says, you don't know God it speaks of, you are just angry. In your state, you may think you see straight, but you really are in no position to really judge it. But, maybe I am wrong. Perhaps you have perfect knowledge and judgment and have decided what you have, knowing all the facts. Fine, make your judgment, but again, can't you see the irony of all this. You are posting about the Sabbath, a subject you know nothing about. Why is it the seventh day? What is its purpose? What does it picture symbolically? You get my point? You don't know any of this. Why post? Is it just because you are mad that life is not how it should be? It is the way it is because we reject God, not because we accept Him. Think! You know that the religious people, the professing Christians, are not following the God of the Bible. Don't judge Him by them. Art |
Told You Si
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Thu 01/03/08 03:36 PM
I repented of what I first said,
Art |
What is the Truth
I am guessing that you are trying to take people down a path that will lead them to see that Jesus kept God's law. If that is the case, then, you will not be able to do it (Rom 8:7) Art |
sabbath day
Patch up and sew up the holies ya made on the seventh day, silly, so ya can start all over again......... Here is an example of brilliant thinking, at least in the wenches mind. Where is substance? Where is the respect you want others to have of your beliefs? Are you certain this is the kind of posts you want to make? Thanks for considering the question, Art |
sabbath day
Are you one that will follow the Tuesday Sabbath? Or will you be one that does not vary? Could you possibly read the post again. I think you misunderstood. Thanks, Art |
sabbath day
What does it mean to keep a day holy? If we are supposed to keep the Sabbath day holy then what are we supposed to do on the other six days? Be unholy???? People who make these religions up aren’t even thinking with their heads screwed on straight. This one is my game Abra. I am an expert in the Sabbath issues. If you really want to laugh, have a look at what you are actually saying. You think that you have your head screwed on straight because you don't know the difference between that which is holy and that which is profane. And you laugh--that is so ironic. You mock those who do know the difference, and take enormous pride in fact that you don't know. Great going my friend! To answer your question, on the other week days, we do our secular work. These days are filled with taking care of our physical needs and our desires. Just so you know, those physical needs and desire are not holy. The Sabbath was created so that we would take time from those secular and physical activities and turn our focus to that which is holy, eternal, and the reason we were created. The creator God is holy. He is pure, absolutely clean and free of selfishness and He has perfect righteous character. He does not vary from His values and standards. He is not tainted by temptation to do otherwise, and He cannot be. Of course you know nothing of the goodness, magnitude, majesty, and power of this Being, and therefore you simply mock. But, you admit that you mock what you don't know. Isn't that funny? Art |
sabbath day
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Fri 12/28/07 01:43 PM
B-dreamer here is the question I need answered. If today they decided to change the whole calender and Call Wednesday the 1st day of the week. What day would you celebrate the sabbath on? I wonder why you think you need this answered. Is it going to make a difference for you? Besides that, you should already know the answer if you just think on a larger scale. The society is already moving in this direction. For example, Honeywell time clocks have Sunday as the 7th day. In Europe there is a move to make the leap year day a free day and start over. If and when that happens, in time Wednesday will be declared the first day by the calendar, and millions of people around the world will keep Tuesday as the day to worship because it is the seventh day according to the God of the Bible. Trust me, more than a few have given their lives over this. There are millions of Jews who will not vary. There are millions of Adventists who will not vary. There are thousands of Church of God who will not vary on this. You are not speaking to one single person here, you speak of millions of people who keep God's Sabbath. Art |
do i believe
i used to but with everything wrong in my life and in the world how can anyone believe. i used to go to church and pray but there is no point. i was just waking up extra early to go listen to a bunch of holier than thou hypocrites and give money to support my preachers love of extensive cars. and i was wearing out my knees to kneel down and talk to myself. nothing has ever changed. except my belief i am not sure if i do now People want to believe in a God who is a magic genie. They want to pray to Him and get what they want. If they don't get it, then God is not worth pursuing. I believe that many of us have it backwards. We need to come to see ourselves for what we are, to see God for what He is, and then reject our own selfish ways of life and seek to live God's way whether it feels good or not. Further, few understand what God is doing. They think He is just saving people. He is not. He has a plan in which it is important for each of us to experience what everyone else does. Therefore, speaking of the devil, we are told: 1Pe 5:9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. So, believers don't just get a golden brick road to the kingdom. They don't have a free pass to the problems and difficulties in life. Those things that happen to us teach us lessons and build compassion in us. They are for our good. There is an enormous purpose for us, and an awesome destiny. Life is the way it is, not because God is not real or not good. Life is screwy because mankind left God and determined that we would decide right and wrong. We left God and the devil now controls this world. 2Co 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Blame the devil. Blame ourselves, but don't blame God for what we, corrupt church leaders, or others do in life. Learn to not follow their example. But, I believe we should stick with the morals and values of the Bible. Anything else eventually leads to kickbacks, suffering, and more pain. Art |
jesus real god all univars
Jesus died upon a pole to save your ego from your soul and now you think he’ll find for you a woman to extol But where’s it written in his laws that he’ll succumb to help your cause? Why do people flap their jaws claiming Jesus as Santa Claus? It doesn't get much better than that. Put music to it. Art |
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Tue 12/25/07 08:35 PM
A few random thoughts:
Try to consider the personal belief you selected above vis-a-vis the need it satisfies in you. How would you feel if it was disproved? Anyone who finds the truth must first ask this very question. We must see that up to this point in our lives, it has been all about us and how we "feel." Then, in order to ever really find the truth, we must confront this reality and reject it. We must accept the truth even if it goes against everything we believe and everything we desire--even if it requires sacrifice from us. Only then can we really find the truth. But, here is the beautiful side to it. If you do face & accept the truth and live by it, then you will understand the truth. You won't have billions of conflicting ideas and myths and theories that out of courtesy you feel that you must acknowledge have equal value. As Jesus said: Prove me herewith you will know the truth The Spirit will lead you into all truth As Paul said: The mind that is spiritual discerns all things As the Pslamist states: We must obey that truth that we find in order to understand more. A good understanding have all they that do His commandments All my point this far is saying is that it is not impossible to know the truth. We can do it if we don't follow the way that everyone does without thinking. As a friend once quoted someone else saying. During a life time, many of us come in contact with the truth. We stumble over it. Pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and we go on as if nothing happened. The reason? We don't want anything to change our life or take away what we believe is our control over it. We want to determine what is right and wrong. We want it to be our decision, thus we all tend to seek a belief system that fits within the parameters of what we personally need or want at the time. Little Sally just knows that God spirit is moving her to see that Bobby should marry her. Bobby is just certain God's spirit wants him to buy that red sports car. We just make God's will to be our will. Try to entertain an idea which contradicts that belief. It is nearly impossible to do because belief, especially deeply held ones, satisfies a need. This is what occurs in everyone's life to some degree. We find that some of the beliefs we had were false. But, again, once we see that, and admit it, and then accept what is true, then we can come to see more and more until we have a pretty clear picture of life and the truth regarding what God is doing with us. If nothing else, a belief puts closure on all that lies beyond what we know – the timeless void of the unknown and perhaps unknowable. But, we can know, what we can know. God designed life so that we can't figure it all out. Pro 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. He has designed it so that we must come to the point where by what we learn in life we will come to the spot where we see that His way is really best, and we obey Him. By this, I mean we will do what we know is right. We will do what we know to be right if we get what we want or not. Belief is a final resting place for thought. Yes! You are so right in so many cases, but it should be the end of thought. It should be just the beginning. True belief is based on what we can prove I Thess 5:21. Yes, park your brain here because what you are finding may disrupt your life. This is true in vast numbers of cases. And, it must be understood that it is true for atheist and born again alike. Further, there is an opposite view presented in Allen's Bloom's award winning book, the Closing of the American Mind. His awesome description of the change going on in America's institutions of higher learning is a must read. Further, I am convinced that his conclusion must be thought through carefully in order to really understand his point. Many different religions in America are now being accepting as legitimate. For example, in India, some drink cow urine and put dung on their head. There are cults who cut themselves and bleed all over one another. There are voodoo practices, and the lesser form of it in witchcraft today. In that context Bloom writes that by opening the mind to the point where we value all religions, beliefs and cultures as being equal in value to the our Judaic-Christian ethic, we automatically close our mind to ever finding the actual truth. Some beliefs are superior to others. This absolutely needs to be understood before any one starts thinking about their beliefs. They are not all the same, don't all have the same values, and they are not all legitimate. The psychological and emotional dependance you have on what you believe to be true, biases you to that perspective. The greater the dependence, the less you will be able to conceive of alternate models. Indeed, your mind tends to filter out what goes against your bias and only lets through what supports it. Belief conveys a strong sense of emotional security by giving you a stable world-view. Belief and the visceral need for emotional security form a closed loop, each supports the other. But, this is true for everyone, every belief, and every soft addiction. The atheist is just as secure by the belief he choses. Further, he reads books, listens to tapes, and surrounds himself with others who lend emotional support to what he already believes. This is human. We all do it. But, if we really want to know the truth, then we must be willing to not defend things because of how we feel, but we must seek the truth. The unintended consequences of belief As we saw above, the first step in the belief process is categorizing experiences. Words are the foundation of this categorizing process. Placing things experienced into words makes language possible and allows us to think it over . . . and over and over. By pigeon holing experience, language permits us to manage it. A definite survival advantage we have over non-thinking (language-using) species. But this comes at a price. Belief works like the blinders they put on a horse to keep it from spooking. This can be true, but it must be understood that it is not ever the case when we base our belief on provable truth. Belief in the laws of physics is what enabled us to fly to the moon, walk on it, and return. Belief gives us courage when it is based on what we have proven to be true. Then it is a light to enable us to go forward. We know the path to take and the way to live. But it must belief in that which is proven, not that which is just felt in our heart of hearts or that which we chose out of expedience. Belief makes reality less spooky for us, which affords us a degree of emotional and psychological comfort. However, believing that things are a certain way has the unintended consequence of preventing us from seeing them as they might really be. Again, there are cases in which this can be true, but for others it can be an enormous deception. If we have deceived ourselves, we need to think about this. However if we have proven the truth, then to open our minds to more of other people's ideas? It is a waste of time and it is polluting the mind. The wicked men lured Pinocchio into their trap by lies. The devil wanted Eve to see it other that the way--not how it really was. In other words, he wants people to think like he got Eve to think. To be suspicious of God. Can you really trust God? Is it the way He says? Or is He keeping something from us? Have we been misled by Him? For those who can see it, God's command not to eat of the other tree was keeping the hellish way of life we now live, which is filled with war, famine, family disintegration, suffering and disease--from ever having to be. By us not believing Him, we have suffered almost 6,000 years now. The reason? We thought we would do it our way. Our way is best. We can choose for ourselves. You understand my point in this post. There is a way that life really is. There is a way that works and one that does not. Hard work pays off, and laziness doesn't. There are rules. There are consequences for actions, and when we learn what works and what does not work, then we are an a profound advantage. We can succeed in the end, However, when we create our own belief system that is one chosen and designed by ourselves, well, it gives us the freedom to do what ever we want. That is heady, and it feels good, but we suffer the terrible kick backs that sin and going against the law of God automatically returns us. Of course, our brain, language and thought is what makes us human. While not a problem, per se, too much of a good thing can become problematic: beliefs hamper us from seeing any more of the whole which lies outside our particular belief. For example, either believing that God exists, or does not exist, will hinder considering the opposite fairly or any other alternative possibility. If this seems plausible, we might wonder how to liberate ourselves from some of the shackles of thought and belief. Are you really suggesting here that the atheists reject the shackles of their thought and belief? Again, you speak as if there is no truth. If there is none, then we can just open ourselves and fill our minds with any and every kind of nonsense, filth, and vile thoughts. But, why do such a stupid thing? Why subject ourselves to trash, to false teaching, an endless trail of thought that leads to nowhere? Instead go with the urine and dung. Are you sure there is not some kind of personal motive on your part here? Look, just think for a moment. Think independently of your chosen belief. This is an amazing truth. Go ahead and let yourself consider it as a possibility. The truth I speak of is this: All roads do not lead to the same place. There is not one person that would believe that this could happen in my city or yours. The right road leads to the right place. Any map will tell you this amazing truth. A ship without a rudder can not end up in the port because the the crew wishes it to end up there. They won't be there because they just believed that they would. They can't positive think the ship in to the port they want. They can't justify themselves enough to be in the port that they are really not in. Such a thought is really stupid. No parent would tell his child that they should open their mind to every concept his friends have at school. No, they lay down the law. No drugs, no girls overnight. You know, the rules that help them not make a horrible mistake, not rules that imprison them in a cell of parental laws. There is always a place where we must anchor. We must anchor on what we have proved to be true. The more emotionally addicted to a particular belief, the less able we are to consider anything else. Sometimes that is tragic. But, I ask you to think. Other times it is salvation. The only way to know when to do this, is to follow the path to the truth. I don't believe for a minute that the author has no prejudice here. I am convinced by this statement that he is doing exactly what he is accusing others of doing. He wants you to think like he does. Of course, we easily recognize such obsessive blind-spots in those whose beliefs are false. Remarkably, we are unable to see how this parallels our own true beliefs. Why? Emotional dependance is profoundly blind. Dependance has this same effect, whether it is an addiction to alcohol, love, food, drugs or beliefs. Indeed, beliefs may be the strongest of all addictions. Are you taking this personally, yourself, or just teaching it to others? We all have addictive personalities. We are prone to it. In fact, God says that at the end, our time, we would all be drunk on the fornication (spiritual adulrty) of the whore, mystery Babylon. That is where most people's beliefs have their origin. But, I say this: Why not dump here, and become addicted to the truth? Find it. Question everything. Figure it out. Look at both sides if you want. Is there a God? Is the Bible true? Is obedience to God the best decision we could make, or do we want to worship a god of our own understanding? Which is really best for us? Don't however, open your mind and fill it with the empty ideas of men. As King David said, not me: Psa 14:1 A Psalm of David.> The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Of course they don't want a real God to exist. It cramps their style. Of course God exists. The creation is winding down. All energy flows from a high point to a low point. Eventually the entire universe will flat line. Something somewhere started this up. The creation demands a Creator. The laws we live with whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, are immutable. You cannot break them without them breaking you. That means this: There is a law giver. Life is designed. There is enormous design in every flower, and the eye of a human being, and in the beauty of a man with a woman. magnificent design requires that there must be a magnificent designer. Life only comes from other life. Given the right circumstance and right elements, life does not spontaneously generate. Instead, when your grandmother or grandfather died in their bed, all the elements and conditions for life were there. Entropy is at work, the person dies, they don't spontaneously burst into more life. Then there is fulfilled prophecy and answered prayer. Don't you see that there are things we have always believed that we should not throw out. We should throw out the garbage, but don't toss the baby out with the bathwater. Start with God exists and go from there. Art |
lets debate this
The video is typical atheist propaganda. I don't think that ALL those things about Horus are actually true. I would like to see the truth about that--I mean the entire list. Perhaps someone can document it.
That aside, there is no question that there have been many false messiahs and that they taken the form of Christ's life and death. But, the atheist does not believe in God and thus does not believe in the devil. The Scriptures show that there is a devil, and he has deceived the entire world. If there is such a devil and he has deceived mankind, don't you think he would plant some fakes before the real one occurred? Look at what he clearly has done. This is proof that there is a devil. He has people professing Christ and worshiping Santa Klaus--the god Saturn. He has them bowing down before images which we are commanded not to do. He has professing Christians rolling eggs with their nose for Jesus. And all the while it is actually the the fertility goddess Ishtar--easter. He has them worshiping the sun on easter Sunday, and worship on the day of the sun, the first day of the week (check your calendar). He has them bowing before crosses which were the instrument of Christ's death. It is like us bowing before a gun today. Do you not think the devil, who is smart enough to get people to do this kind of nonsense and think that they are doing it for Jesus. Do you really think he is not smart enough to cloud the issue with false messianic gods before Christ came. Of course. The video proves nothing except how gullible we are. It is true that people today are worship Horus or his counter parts with other names. It is true that we worship the sun god thinking it is Jesus, but none of that discredits the fact of Christ's reality, and the truth He taught, and the hope of a resurrection through Him. All the false stuff is false. I wish with all my being that those who profess Christianity would jettison all that false stuff instead of justifying it and continuing false worship in the name of Jesus. If we dumped all that trash that is false, we could know the truth, and these atheists could not bring such accusations against us. Keep yourself from that which is false. And, God gives a way to to do that: Deu 13:1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, Deu 13:2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Deu 13:3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Deu 13:4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. I know people don't like to hear it, but if you want to not be associated with these false messiahs, then keep God's commandments, and you will not be misled. Art |
sabbath day
I'm confused. When the Ten Commandments came down there was a calender in place. This is what the sabbath is based off of. If someone thinks it is one the important rules of God not to be changed. Then that person would need to figure out when the Sabbath falls in regards to the calender used when God gave the order. Other wise you should just be able to use any day. You are confused. God told Moses that the Abib 1 was to be the beginning of the year, spring, not the in the dead of winter. Exo 12:1 This was months before He gave the commandments. Then, before He gave the commandments, in Exodus 16, He told them that He was going to run an experiment. He would test them on the Sabbath to see if they would keep His law or not. That is why the Sabbath even today is a test. Will you obey God or not. The Sabbath is the sign. It tells Him if you will obey it. If you will keep the sabbath, then, you won't have other Gods, you won't have images, you won't lie and steal. So, in this test He had them gather manna for 6 days, and on the seventh day there would be none. God made certain they knew which day was the seventh day before He gave them the ten commandments. Next, He gave them the ten commandments, probably on Pentecost of that year, and He said: Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Does the tone of God here look like He means that we can forget the Sabbath and not keep it holy and God is ok with that? Does it seem like this is a temporary law to be done away with later? Or does it seem like it is tied directly to creation, and that God made this time holy and tells us to keep it that way. Does keeping Sunday fit this command? Why keep a day that God has said has not been made holy by Him. Who are we trying to kid? It is His day. He made it holy, and He commands us to keep it holy. But, we say, it doesn't matter. God loves us anyway. Sure He loves ya, but you don't get to be in the first resurrection. You don't get to rule with Christ if you won't be ruled. This is far more important than people think. Art |