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Where did they get this idea? Isn't it from some of the Christian teaching, just sign the tract saying you accept Jesus and you go to heaven? Now don't go out and buy this you guys. (ha ha0 Worried that your good deeds on Earth won't guarantee you a place in heaven? Fear no more. A Seattle-based company is offering to hold a spot for you at the pearly gates, and it will even throw in a money-back guarantee. sells "travel kits"— complete with boarding passes, certificates and "Heaven 101" booklets — that offer the "chance to enjoy your sin-filled life" without consequence while lowering the "risk of eternal damnation." The kits are intended to be gag gifts, but some critics don't think there's anything funny about getting into heaven. The reservation packages have been a big hit this holiday season and sales have been brisk in the month since the company launched, according to the creators. The number of visitors to the site has gone from 80 the first day to a few thousand daily, they said. "We don't want people to take it seriously. It's more of just a fun idea we came up with that we thought we'd turn into a novelty gift," said Edgar Kim, 22, a retailer by day who started the business with his childhood friend Nate Davis, a 23-year-old product designer. "We're not trying to offend anyone or anything like that." |
I remember the pope apologizing for the church performinmg all those type of crimes against humanity Art let me hear what you have to say about all the people the church help torture and murder and the sex scandals that's taking place today .. Thanks for the question Funches, God's church never tortured or murdered anyone. God's church was tortured and murdered by the same organization that killed others in the name of Christ. Jesus foretold this in the book of Revelation. There He spoke of a white horse. He said: Rev 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. This horse and its rider are not Christ. They are set among four horsemen who are all banes on the world. Further, this rider has a man made weapon of war, not the sword of God's word in His mouth. This is a false Christianity that would appear white, or pure, and it would conquer the earth using man made weapons of war. In the Olivet prophecy, Jesus reiterated the six seals in plain language. The white horse of false Christianity he described this way: Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Thus, people would come in His name. They would say that Jesus was the Christ and they would deceive ---not the few--but the many. He said that this false religion would actually kill people thinking they were doing it for him. Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. This is the religion that you speak of, not the true religion of God spoken of in the Scriptures. An entire chapter of the Bible is dedicated to this church. Can you guess who it is? Rev 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: Rev 17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Rev 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Rev 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Rev 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. Rev 17:7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. Rev 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Rev 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. Rev 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. Rev 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Rev 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. Rev 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. Rev 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Rev 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. Rev 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Rev 17:17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. And she will reign again in the future, Art |
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Wed 12/12/07 01:53 PM
1. So what about all the gods that came before him? All the greek gods and so forth. You're saying we should disreguard all of them, why? What about all the Chinese gods? What makes yours any better? "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -- Stephen Roberts What makes the God of the Bible better? He is holy, moral, and ethical. Further, He is a historical fact. In addition, He asks you to prove Him. Here is his answer to you: Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: God tells us what He will do, and then He does it. The scriptures are filled with prophesies that have come to pass, are coming to pass, and will come to pass. None of this is true for the other gods. 2. Do you go to church? Do you own a cross? Do you have pictures of jesus? Do you hear testiment from a pastor/preacher? Do you have a stupid bumper sticker on your car? Do you need any of those according to your bible? No you don't. Your religion is a cash cow. I don't do any of this stuff except the the church part which you are wrong on. It is in the Bible. They called it the synogogue in those days, and the scriptures state: Heb 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Act 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day. 3. What's your definition of vain? Besides, who are you or anyone else to tell me what context i'm using words. That seems pretty presumptious to me. I am not telling you how to use words. God is telling you not to misuse His name. To me, it is you who are presumptuous in that you think you know better than God Himself. The word God uses for vain is this: H7723 shâv' from the same as H7722 in the sense of desolating; evil (as destructive), literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as false, subjectively), uselessness (as deceptive, objectively; also adverbially in vain): - false (-ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity. 4. Some of us have jobs and a life. To sit for days and pray to something that can't even prove it's own existance seems perposterous. Of course God can be proved. In the context of realizing that you can't prove anything to someone who wants to reject it, here is some evidence. If you really wanted proof, just use normal deductive reasoning. 1. The universe exists. Nothing comes from nothing so it must have had a creator 2. The Universe is experiencing entropy. Everything is winding down. Eventually all will flat-line. Something had to wind it up in the beginning. That would be God. 3. There are laws in the universe. We cannot break them. If we live by them, we can fly to the moon and back. If we try to break them, we crash and burn. There are laws regarding every aspect of life. There are laws of physics, there are laws of emotions, and psychology. There are laws that work for society, and the study of those laws is called sociology. There are laws for true religion. Therefore there must be a law giver 4. The universe is sustained. The electrons fly around the neutron at millions of miles per hour. There is no physical force strong enough to cause the electrons to not fly off into space. The force that holds the universe together is God's word. 5. There is fulfilled prophecy. Ironically, while you doubt God, it was prophesied that you and others would doubt Him. God predicted the exact year Jesus would come on the scene. He spoke of nations and empires that would come and go. He spoke of the empire that is next to appear on the scene. Only God can do that. 6. There is answered prayer. God answers the prayer of those who obey Him, not those who think they know better than Him. 5. Respect is earned not given. If your parents beat you or tried to kill you why should you honor them? This is a ridiculous comment. God gave His commandments in a society that was to keep His law. Today parents don't treat their children properly, and children don't treat their parents properly. Under God's law, if parents tried to murder their children, then they would be tried, and executed. They had to treat their children well. Regarding murder: 6. No, but do we need a book to tell us this? Do people do it, yes. However, anyone with common sense knows this is not acceptable. We don't need a book to tell us this. So, if I am hearing you correctly, you agree with God on this one, but you don't think it was necessary for Him to write it down. But, if we don't need a book to tell us this, then why are we still doing it? What about in third world countries like Somalia? They need to have God's law instituted and applied there. Some day they will, but until then, you should look at the fact that we have murders, 5 a day in Los Angeles that are reported, and I think you should rethink this. It seems like we need to be told. I suggest that many of the murders don't think God's word is important or needed--just like you, and that is why this particular crime continues unabated. 7. We are the only species of animal on the planet that stays with one mate. In a essence it's against our biology because spreading the seed around and keeping the species going is our role. That's why at some point in their lives woman will want to bear a child. So in essence, the bible is telling us to go against our nature that is hard wired into us. No we are not the only ones. other animals are faithful to their mates. Yes, you might want to scr-w every woman you see, and you might not want to marry her and support her. That is our human male nature in spades. But, God says that this is a destructive way to live, and there is yet a higher reason for what He says in marriage. Consider: Why marriage? Why fidelity? Why protect and provide for your mate? It is because we are here to learn lessons. Christ is going to marry His church. He requires fidelity. It is one of the highest attributes of moral and ethical behavior to be loyal to a person through thick and thin. God is loyal to us, and He protects and provides for those who accept His proposal of marriage. We must learn to be faithful to Him, and we do this by learning to be faithful to the one we promised. I hope no one ever marries you if you continue to think like you do. You cannot be trusted to be faithful, and your reason? Well I am an animal, and other animals are not faithful. Be sure and tell that to every lady you date. Thanks 8. Do most of us (Americans) have to steal? No/ Go to a third world country where people will do anything for clean water and tell them this. How dare you make assumptions on behalf of a book when stealing means you either eat or die. I do dare. How dare you to think that you have a right to steal what belongs to others? You think you can make the rules, and that the rules can change when the circumstance change. I would suggest to all your family, all your friends, and all your associates--never trust you. If you think like this, you cannot be trusted. Besides this, you think that God only works in America? If those starving people who can't get water to drink actually turned to the true God and worshiped Him the way He says, then, He would provide the water. Psa 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. 9. IF by false witness you mean turning a blind eye to other humans by following the creed of a book then i guess a lot of you people do. You are showing ignorance here in in the worst way. A false witness is one who lies in court to convict an innocent person for free the guilty. --- you know just like we see in America's justice system today--and which we complain about. 10. In a time in our history Rosa Parks took a seat that was supposed to be taken by a white man. It was "wrong" for her to take that seat at the time. But because she did look at where we are now in civil rights. Is it perfect? No but it's going in the right direction. So if you want to oppress people and take away their rights then keep preaching. All I can think of is that you are too emotional to see straight. You accuse me of taking away rights because I say we should not steal, lie, commit adultery, and covet what belongs to others? God's law insures our rights. Your emotion blinds you to the truth. The truth is that the seat was always hers to take in God's law. The people who denied that seat to her were coveting what was not theirs. They believed a lie, and they stole her rightful place in society from her. In order to do this, they made themselves their own god -- you know, kinda like you do. You obviously want to twist things to make them seem like God and His way is wrong. But, it is you who are wrong. Your logic is biased, it is self serving, and shows that you don't care about truth, you just want to prove your point. Which I guess is that God's way is wrong, and that your way is better, you are smarter, and more loving. I don't buy it! You have a long way to go to even understand God. "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus You do err not knowing the Scriptures. God cut mankind off from Him at the garden of Eden. Now He is letting man go his own way. He is letting us devise our own religions, our own governments, and economy. He is not involved in the world at large. It is the devil's world 2 Cor 4:4, and you look at the devil's world, and think it is God's. God has given man a certain number of years and then He will return and will establish His government on earth. He will establish His religion. He will eliminate war, disease, famine, and ignorance that masquerades today as intellect. The nature of the animals will be changed so that they do not fight and tear at one another. It will be a beautiful peaceful world with cooperation among all peoples and not competition. Art |
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Wed 12/12/07 08:49 AM
art....Do we have to have another God before Him? funches ...apparently since christian now worhship Jesus as God I think this one is ok. God is a family eph 3:15. Elohim is plural. John 10:35 art...Do we have to worship using idols funches....that's how it's done praying to cross or one that jesus is nailed to Yes, this is not true Christianity. It is man made art...Do we have to take His name in vain funches...everytime someone prays to Jesus and not God See # 1. But, you make a point, Christ said to pray to the Father and do it in His name art...How hard is it to keep the Sabbath--free vacation funches...just say three hail marys You say em funches, God condemns it all. This breaks the first, second, and third commandment doesn't it? uk 11:27 And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. Luk 11:28 But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. art....Do we have to dishonor our parents? funches....if you do then it's God's law that you must be put to death ..(now do you understand what I meant by having to be a psychopathic serial killer in order to follow all the laws and rule set forth by God) No I don't understand! It was for a society, and today, because sentence is not executed speedily, the people are fully set to do evil. This that God commanded happens one time in any city, and word spreads, and no one is cussing out their parents or beating them any more. You see the out of control gangs today. You see the kids beating parents today. The elder abuse. This would be stopped immediately by following God's command. To me you have to be a psychopathic killer not to keep God's law. But you, like many others think that you have more love than God. So you would let all this carnage continue, and worsen, until kids today go "wilding" hurting anyone who gets in their way. I think it is foolish reasoning. art...Do we have to murder? murder is the only way you can feeds on the death and murder Funches, you are not supposed to eat people. That is for Jeff Dommer, not us. If you think animals are equal to men. But, they are not. They are made for our food. They don't build cities and libraries and fly to the moon and back. While their brain might be bigger than ours, we have a spirit element in us that gives us intellect, creative powers, and abilities far beyond theirs. We are made in God's image. They are not. art.....Do we have to commit adultery? funches...maybe fornication.. In your mind you have to do this, but how many women have you hurt? Do ever even think about this? Do you ever wonder how many would have loved you, but you only used them. They never made themselves vulnerable by telling you how much you hurt them. But, you did. Are you proud of that fornication? art.....Do we have to steal? funches..if you want and need something then to obtain it you must steal in some shape form or fashion No Funches. We can work to provide for ourselves and to have enough to give to others who have less. It is a better way. art...Do we have to be false witnesses funches....I get assume falsely in this forum all the time It means in a trial Funches. You you have to give false witness to railroad someone for a crime they did not commit? art....Do we have to desire what wrong for us to take? funches...take is the same as need and greed ...that all are "want" Coventing is not wanting. It is wanting what belongs to the other. It is what leads to stealing, lying, and murder. It is illegal desire, not natural desire. art...If you think about it, these are practical and not particularly demanding to keep. funches...apparently they are I guess they are to you. You have to worship before a cross, you have to be your own god. You have to abuse Gods name and your parents, murder, steal, lie in court, and covet. I guess you will just continue on, after all, you have to Art |
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Wed 12/12/07 08:21 AM
You mock Einstein’s’ words as being “childish, foolish, and not thought out. It is bunk, silly immature, selfish thinking.” But, didn't I give evidence why that statement was true? Where is the evidence wrong? But then you side-step the real question: Is the only thing that keeps you in-line the carrot of reward or the threat of punishment? No of course not. Once a person is converted to Christianity, they receive the spirit of God. That spirit enables the person to understand the mind of God. Once a person understands God's thinking, then they are convicted, like He is, that His way is the best way to live--reward or not. Besides that, the punishment you think of like burning for eternity is not really what the Bible teaches. Notice what you accuse me of: If it weren’t for this deterrent or potential prize, then your real desire would be to go out and rape, pillage, and murder? I don't know why you would accuse me of such things. But, this is not true. All you seem to be saying is that if you didn’t have your religion you would be a horrible person? And I guess you’re stuck with that stance since you are indeed claiming that the religion is necessary for good moral values. Without the religion you’d be a horrible person, this necessarily must be your stance, because if you could be a good person without your religion then your argument that it’s necessary for good moral values would fall on its face. I am not saying that a person must have my religion. I am saying that the religion of the God of the Bible is superior to all others. Further, I am not saying that there is no good in man. I am saying that we are a mixture of some good and some evil. I am saying that the natural mind is hostile to God's law. It is selfish, and will tend to make decisions based on self interest. That does change when a person is converted and receives God's spirit. Just look at the world you live in today is filled with abuse. The young doctor starts out with visions of helping mankind, and ends up aborting babies or performing breast implants because there is more money in it. He starts doing research to find a cure for cancer, but then it ends up that he seeks the awards and recognition, and it becomes those things that motivate him. The rich have taken from us and they want to keep us in the position of feeding them. Thus, there is planned obsolescence. The rich corporate leaders are not satisfied with being well off they try to rip us off. Corporate scandal is at an all time high. The leaders of the nations do what is in their best interests, not ours. For example, we prosecuted the border control officers that shot the drug runner to send a message. Don't mess with our drug dealers. We don't need a fence to stop illegal immigration. If we simply prosecuted anyone who was found hiring illegals. If we took away benefits for those illegals born here, they all leave. No jobs no benefits -- and they leave. We don't do it because it benefits us. If you look around and are honest, I think you will find that the problem with the world today is that we do not live by God's rule. "Do unto others as you would have them to unto you." True religion can make us better people. False religion--man made religion--can make us brutal beasts. We can torture and kill others in the name of God. How does that happen? It is not what God said to do. It is the dark side of mankind unrestrained by the law of God. Seems to me that you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have to admit that your real desire is to be a horrible person. Anything less would blow away your very own argument that your religion is necessary for good morals. Good luck with that approach Art. Actually I am not between any rock and hard place. You are in this place. I admit that God's law is superior to my humanity. You can make up your own morals if you like. You can think that they are superior to God's way. But, by doing so, I predict you will end up hurting yourself and others in time. I suggest you look back over your life, and see what damage people have done to you, and you will have to admit that the reason they did it to you was that they were self serving. Then, look over your life and see what you have done to others. Was it for the same reason? Do you think that you are inherently good? I think if you do such a thing, really look, and really see yourself, you will not like it, and will justify what you have done. You will rationalize it and continue on as before. If you don't rationalize your own behavior, and you see it for what it really is, you will have to admit that the reason you hurt others was because you were not following God's rule of love toward neighbor. If humanity was capable of following their own moral code and by doing so, live a good and ethical life, then life on earth would continue to improve. However, life is not improving. Our technical and military might improves every generation, but how to use our power must be learned by painful mistakes that result in war, poverty, disease, and famine on the earth. If we all accepted God's way, none of this would have to be. We would not have to learn by the tragedies we create. We could prevent them. The question was, where do you think Christianity is headed in America? Art |
since only a psychotic sociaopathic serial killer can ever follow all the rules and laws handed down by God..Christianity is moving into the realm of "New Age" in which you can dump the religion but keep the God Here lies the two sides of Funches. The first statement, from the angry, turned off cynic that really makes no sense. He picked this up from others, however. Millions believe they cannot keep God's law. They make it seem like it is impossible to obey God, then their conclusion is--why try? Consider how hard it is to keep God's law: Do we have to have another God before Him? Do we have to worship using idols Do we have to take His name in vain How hard is it to keep the Sabbath--free vacation Do we have to dishonor our parents? Do we have to murder? Do we have to commit adultery? Do we have to steal? Do we have to be false witnesses Do we have to desire what wrong for us to take? If you think about it, these are practical and not particularly demanding to keep. To me the other side of Funches is brilliant. In one statement I believe he has said exactly where Christianity is headed. It is becoming new age. God is how the individual perceives Him not the way He states that He is. The rules we follow are the rules we set for ourselves according to how we feel, and not according to what God says. Art |
Yes he did (so the authors claim) And those SAME authors also claim that Jesus said that this would all come to pass within THEIR generation. Well, this is 2000 years later and it didn’t happen. So what should we do now – keep waiting???? Where does it say that? On a side note, did you know that repeating a false claim doesn't make it true? Jesus said that the generation that saw these things happen and who would have the power to erase all life on the planet, that generation would see his return. mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Mat 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. . . . Jesus then describes events leading to the end, Then he says this: Mat 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: Mat 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Thus, we are to watch and when we see these things occur then we will know His return in close. In that context, He says: Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. The generation is the one that sees these things, not the generation He lived in. He told them that the temple would be destroyed just has it was. He told them of world events leading down to the great tribulation which is yet to come, the heavenly signs, trumpet plagues and then His return. He did not think it was His generation. Art |
I enjoyed that article. I thought it was well written. It seems the pendulum has to swing in an extreme opposite direction at times before society is willing to let loose of old rigid thought patterns. Its not necessarily bad. Maybe chaotic and uncomfortable for a while but growth is never bad. It'll come back to center eventually with a more expanded view. Me too Bliss, but here is the actual question. Where will the change take us? What do you think? What would you like to see for the change? What don't you want to see for the change? Art |
About those 'gaps'... Creationists often state categorically that "there are no transitional fossils". This is simply not true.There are abundant transitional fossils of both the "chain of genera" type and the "species-to-species transition" type. There are documented speciations that cross genus lines and family lines. The interpretation of that fact I leave up to you. You might disagree with my conclusions, and you can choose the one you think is best, (or even develop another one). I don't agree. But, at this point, I think they are look alike fossils. That is there were some creatures that looked a certain way, and then some other creatures that looked like them but looked like others too. There is no real links between dissimilar creatures. But, I know that I don't know everything. I can learn, so, I am agreeable to you showing us some pictures of lizards that have links to birds. Thanks, Art |
as you can see by the double signing of my name, I am beside myself!
Supposed to be funny, Art |
If change is a constant, why can't things evolve? Why does it HAVE to be so absolute with some? Does anyone have a definate answer, or just what they believe? I believe my house was built in 1909 from some "evidence" I've found under the floorboards, the walls and up in the rafters. Will I ever know for sure? Who cares! I also believe it's late enough in the day to have a beer! The reason it matters is if we evolved and were not the result of a creator God, then there is no purpose or plan for life. It is meaningless. Further, if we evolved and no God created us, then there is no authority for any morality. We can do what ever we like. Then there is no difference between the teachings of Christ and Saddam Hussein. This is of great danger to society. What is so sad, is that evolution is not proven to be a fact. It is based on the fact that mutations can occur, but it losses all credibility when it comes to the details of how this might work in reality, and there are no links. They claim birds came from lizards but there is no link. Imagine the first time a lizard developed an appendage. I would not be a wing, not be positioned in the right place, and not be of any benefit to the lizard. He would be at a disadvantage in any fight with another lizard because he would have to drag around his appendage. Thus, if evolution were true, it would tend to evolve the appendage away. Without the vision and insight that would be necessary to conceive of a bird with wings and tail feathers to steer, blind evolution would simply eliminate anything new. It all has to be there at once. Even a full fledged bird that evolved from a lizard would have to know how to fly. Those that migrate would need maps. It is all silly confused thinking of men who fear the idea of a creator God. Art Art |
Just like 'teenage' acne, the 'bible-inerrancy-presuppositionalist-apologetic-fundies' ... keep 'popping-up' with their obsessive-compulsive 'in their face' pimples !!! No one can get rid of teenage acne, it's a fact of the chemical change reality of growing up. You can't say that. Evolution can get rid of them. If evolution doesn't like them, they can evolve away. But you know,I rather think not. If evolution is true, then pimples evolved! Perhaps they are the next step in man's evolution. Eventually we will all become giant pimples. Grief! Art |
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Tue 12/11/07 02:05 PM
If evolution were true, there would be links but there are no links.
If the theory of evolution were only that organisms came from other organisms then it would be fact. This is true. The original creation existed, and it appears to be upgraded from time to time through the ages. This does not conflict with the Bible. The Scriptures show that there was a world before the age of man and that it was ruled by the devil a great dragon. That world was destroyed by a war in heaven and the next one is made warm blooded. There is no evolution between the cold blooded world that was, and ours today. Further, there is development and atrophy in all creatures. But there is no evolution to become another kind of creature. As the Bible and science agree. Kind reproduces with its own kind. Consider: The Monarch butterfly. The caterpillar eats poison. The first time it tried to do this, it died. No more evolution. It had to be created able to eat this poisonous milkweed that protects it from birds later in life when it would be able to fly. The caterpillar is blind and breathes through is pores. It eats several times its own weight until a certain point. Then it attaches itself to a branch and creates a cocoon. Inside the caterpillar dies, and a separate set of cells feed off the dying caterpillar. Those cells turn into a beautiful butterfly that breathes has wings flies above all the rest of the animals and now fertilizes the plants instead of eating them. This could never evolve. The extra cells would be necessary before a cocoon ever existed. They would die with the first caterpillar. The first time the caterpillar came out of the cocoon, it would have to be complete. It would have to have wings that could fly. It would have to have a trachea to deal with the oxygen it would now need. It all has to work at one time. It cannot have pieces of wings that don't work, part of a breathing device. If evolution were true, then each time an aspect of the process occurred, if it were not complete, then it would not serve the creature. For example, if a wing began to form it would only inhibit the creature from fully functioning, and thus would be be eliminated --that is if evolution were really true. Pick any creature. The wood pecker, without the bone structure and insulation in his head, the first time he pecked at a tree would have a world class headache and never do it again. But the special head gear he has would never develop is he did not peck at trees. So, it all has to be there at once or it doesn't work. These things are from the Creator. The Butterfly pictures God's plan for man. We are blind, have no air (spirit), we are greedy, and selfish. We attach ourselves to the branch, Jesus Christ, and then we die and lie in our graves. We are raised from the grave, and we are new creatures that no longer take from others, but give to others. We will be able to live above the rest, fly as it were, and have keen insight. This Monarch is not a product of evolution, but is the fulfillment of Romans Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Art |
Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! ..But He loves you. -- George Carlin Hey Skot, I believe that Carlin is correct in his evaluation, but none of that stuff is in the Bible. None of it. Religion did this. But where is America going when it comes to Christianity is the thread. Could you address that? Art |
Consider this, 33% of angels fell from the grace of heaven! Makes earth sound like the superior place to be huh? Angels were on the earth and rose to attack God in heaven. They were cast back down, and those evil angels are on this earth today. In part that is why the nations war and tear at each other over the land like it was a bone or something. Oh while I'm at statistics, let me add that there isn't any significant differences in crimes, accidents, wars, and even divorce rates between religious people and non-religious people.
I am no fan of organized religion per se, but I am not certain that this is true. I think the Mormon community does not fit this mold. Further, there would be some who follow their religion more than others. I don't think it is valid to say something like this across the board. Art |
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Tue 12/11/07 01:23 PM
Well i ask how did we get as far off as making "Atheist" a religion? This was recently when i found out what that actually meant? How did we get that far. That requires a lot of proof would you think to say "theres no God"? But then again i look and realize that "man" are who they are, and we will eventually be the destruction of our own race, yet we have the ability to think for ourselves huh? Yes, we got off track regarding what the Bible says because we thought we knew better than God. We thought we could interpret what He said to suit ourselves. He said: 2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. Then, Christianity by interpreting God's Word and not living it, has offended people so much, that they are angry, and want to dump it and choose for themselves. But choosing for ourselves was the first mistake of mankind in the Garden. Choosing for ourselves is why true Christianity has never been tried by most people. Choosing for ourselves has already, and will result in the destruction of the human race. Art |
Where did all these atheists come from? If a list were to be provided of every individual with theistic beliefs down to atheism – atheist would not even be close to the median. Yes, there are fewer atheists, but they are more vocal, and most of the media tends to be on that side. Thus, they have a greater voice today. I don’t believe those who had the greatest influence in drafting the constitution ever meant for this government to be inclusive of any particular religious belief within its foundations. They were, themselves, a diverse group with regards to belief. For that reason, and because they understood the persecution that existed surrounding beliefs, did they create an environment to allow every person freedom of choice and the right to exercise that choice without persecution. Yes, they had diverse beliefs in the God of the Bible, but they mostly believed in God. They outlawed any religion being able to influence government or take it over. we must teach evolution, and can't teach creationism. We are pushing God out of the country and the thoughts and minds of its citizens. This has been discussed in several previous threads. The purpose of public education is to produce adults, capable of critical thinking, with the ability to research, theorize, verify, validate and so on. The field of science requires those involved to meet the challenges of that course of study, with an open mind, without bias, and with flexibility to change. These are not qualities creation science has to offer. This would not be a likely course of study to produce the most effective scientists. I can't disagree with you more. I am not saying to teach creation, but rather to show both sides. You are saying that we should not show both sides because we want young people to learn to be critical thinkers? It is crazy. Evolution has been shown to only be a theory. Further, it has evolved itself. Now it is thought that because there are no links that it was punctuated gradualism. Eons went by with no evolution, then it was wiped away and something new and improved existed. It is just a theory. The theory of creation shows that there was a beginning, a big bang. It offers an explanation of why there is no life on other planets. It offers understanding of why species can't interchange with others. Why we can't create life. For example, scientists sometimes must ignore the clear obvious truth to support their theory. They say that given the right environment for life, all the elements necessary for life, and the conditions are just right, life will spontaneously generate. However, what great grandma Johnston lay on her bed, she had all the elements for life. There were all the conditions for life, and the right environment, but she does not spontaneously generate into life. It goes just the opposite. She dies. Life must come from other life. Further, the universe operates according to strict laws that we cannot break. There is a law giver. The universe is winding down. Entropy is at work. Something acted on the universe to give it energy. Eventually everything in the universe will flat line. There must be a creator to wind things up. To me these are decent arguments to consider for young people. They are not anti science, they are scientific. In fact the scientist say that the complexity of the world is too vast to have come together by accident. They admit this. So why not teach the full truth? Why not be open? To me both sides are prejudiced. It is my experience that belief in a higher power is the norm; it is only the restrictive nature of the fundamentalist view that is being denied; not the belief. You have have a balanced view. It even seems tender. I don't agree with your conclusion. I see the movement as anti God, and growing. Read the post from the guy who shot the people in Colorado. He hates all Christians. And of course it is because he was rejected, but none the less, he is not alone. This was like columbine. There is a growing animosity for Christianity and the God of the Bible in the music and minds and hearts of many young people. I am watching it grow. Art Art |
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Authorities believe the man who killed four people at a church and missionary training center posted an anti-Christian diatribe online that closely repeated a rant by one of the Columbine killers, a newspaper reported Tuesday. Matthew Murray, who was kicked out of a missionary training center where the first shooting occurred, is believed to have posted the message on a Web site for people who have left evangelical religious groups. His most recent post was Sunday morning in the hours between his attacks in Arvada and Colorado Springs, according to KUSA-TV in Denver, which first reported on the writings. "You Christians brought this on yourselves," Murray wrote, according to the station, which did not identify the site. "All I want to do is kill and injure as many of you ... as I can especially Christians who are to blame for most of the problems in the world." Art |
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Tue 12/11/07 12:30 PM
As I read your post, I realized that there will be no answers that will satisfy you. You have set up your own criteria for how the answers must conform. So, it is pointless for you. But, I'll answer for the forum's sake.
I already feel that I have higher morals than taught in the Bible. This is often also true for everyone who commits horrible crimes. They are above the Bible. You have to define your commandments for anyone to be able to judge. [quote However, I don’t claim to abide by them as a saint. Having moral values, and living up to them are two entirely different things. But at least I have the value system in place. If I stray from it I pay, and usually that payment is deliver in this life either through actual physical retribution brought about by my complacently, or via emotional retribution, even if that only amounts to the fact that I have remorse that I have failed to honor my own values. {/quote] Think this one through. If life gives you a kickback for breaking your code, then that means that your code is in some way in harmony with the creator's code. God's law is there to help us not suffer the kickbacks from life. Further, if you feel remorse, it is because of the fact that God made a conscience in each of us. I will give you a quote by Albert Einstein on this one, and I totally agree with it. I never felt a need to turn to religion for moral guidance. “A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.” - Albert Einstein This is quote is bunk! It comes from a man who did not live in the ghetto. He lived among highly educated people, the top rung of society. He had no idea of real life on the street. For example. Should our morals come from sympathy? What about those who don't feel sympathetic? What about the guy who just just killed Christians in Colorado. He had hate not sympathy. How can a person feel sympathy, if they are taught not to feel it, like the hardened ....I can't think of the name now, Indians who showed no pain. Sociopaths don't feel it and can't make the right judgment. If we don't teach moral values, people will become sociopaths. You were raised in a wonderful environment, and your values are like those you were taught. You don't think you should murder, steal or lie. Thousands believe that they should. We cannot rely on our own moral compass. It will deceive us and without an external moral code, we will always choose to do what is in our best interests. There must be a code that is taught people of right and wrong before they can understand sympathy How about education? Don't you understand that you can educate the conscience to the point that it thinks it is good to do evil? Those who built the troughs to drain the blood from the holocaust victims believed they were doing the best thing for the state and that was good. But, it was evil. Education can teach people to do wrong. This is what Hitler did with it in training the youth in Germany. There must be a code that stands higher than our own by which we can judge good and evil. What about social ties and needs? There you go, the social ties in Nazi Germany caused many to murder others. It was socially acceptable. Further, it came from their needs. They were not thinking of the needs of the Jews, just the needs of themselves. They wanted to get ahead, so instead of opposing societies values, they joined for their own benefit. To believe Einsteins Quote is childish, foolish, and not thought out. You can use it to think that you are superior, and we don't need the morals of the Bible. It is bunk, silly immature, selfish thinking. If I knew with absolute certainty that there is not God that wouldn’t change my moral values one iota. In fact, if I knew with certainty that there is a God that wouldn’t change my moral values either because my moral values are already compatible with what God requests. But again, I remind you that this doesn’t mean that I necessarily live up to them like a saint. This makes my point. Your values were programed into you growing up. They are those in the Bible already. If you did not have that exposure, you might have an altogether different set of values. Like for instance, if you grew up in Harlem you might have a values system like this: do it to them before they do it to you. Let me take this a step further as well,… Let’s consider the original Ten Commandments vs. and then teachings of Christ. Ten Commandments: I won’t go into all ten, no need to, let me just consider one of them. *Honor thy mother and father. This is certainly a good thing to do, but where’s the reverse? In California their code of law is 1200 pages long. God's commandments are the basic umbrella for a society. God's law is love. It is further broken down into two categories. Love toward God and love toward man. These two are further broken down into 10 categories, four of which speak of how to love God, and six (the number of man) that show us how to love man. Thus the single commandment that children respect and honor their parents is for the sake of the society, not the individual. When children respect parents, then the family is strong, and the society is strong. Hence, Paul writes: Eph 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Eph 6:2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) Eph 6:3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. But, remember the ten commandments are only an umbrella, under which all the rest of God's law of love hangs. Thus, all the law regarding parents and children fall under this category of God's law. Doesn't it stand to reason, that if the family is important, that parents are to love and nurture their children? If they don't, they do injury to their kids, and break the commandment about of the spirit of murder. If they don't nurture their children, they steal from them what they need. If they don't love their kids, they live a lie. If they don't give what their children need, it is because they are selfish, and are coveting their time and love. Because of this, they dishonor their physical parent, and their spiritual parent God. You get the point, you break one, you break them all. Thus in the very next verse, Paul expands on the fifth commandment. He says: Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. You don't understand the Bible. You should not teach it. If you think about it, this command fits in quite well with the idea of a man-made religion where the idea is to keep the population under control. It’s a top-down strategy. The idea of kids respecting their parents is not for population control. We may need that now, they did not need it then. What in the world are you thinking? Are you just grabbing at straws to find something wrong with the commandments. This is beneath you. But would the real creator of our universe be thinking like this? Probably not.
Good point, so why bring it up? I think I do know why. Because the issue really is that you have resentment inside. You have anger, and you are just striking out. I am going to say that your parents cared more about their religion than they did you. This pissed you off. I understand that, but it is not God's fault. It is the fact that the church is not God's church, and men run it and make the church out to be most important. You understand that they were not following God's law. They followed the church and the men who ran it. Although it makes sense to tell people to honor their mother and father what makes much more sense is to command the parents to respect their children, nurture them, and raise them properly. This is quite obviously missing from the religion. Not to imply that is isn’t in there somewhere, but an all-wise God would have known that his would have fallen to the wayside and therefore would have made it one of the major commandments. It’s oblivious (to me anyway) that charging parents with responsibility of nurturing their children in positive ways is vastly more important than making a commandment to tell children to honor their mothers and fathers. To me this single commandment is a telltale sign that these things were written by men who were interested in control over others and instilling the idea of respecting the ‘elders’. I think you are biased. This one single commandment is for the sake of the society in general. To think that God did care about the children is ridiculous. The truth is that it was Jesus who gave the ten commandments. No one has ever seen or heard the father. It was him--Christ, and yet, he has the kids crawling all over him. It was the adults who tried to shoo them away, and He said no. This what the kingdom is like. It is not filled with critics, and self righteous judges of others. God is a family. Eph 3:14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Eph 3:15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, He is a father, and Christ is His son. Do you think that the Father does not show love to Christ and He simply obeyed Him for fear? You are so far off. You really don't know the Bible. You are reacting to something inside you that caused resentment toward religion. It causes you to completely miss the boat on this stuff. In modern day language. you set things up in your mind as a straw man. Then you can attack the straw man. Easy to do, but you can't confront the truth. You can dismiss it, and make up your own arguments to satisfy keeping your anger, but it is made up in your mind, it is not real. Now let’s move onto Jesus. As far as I can tell Jesus never taught a single moral value that can’t also be found in most other religions or even in man made philosophies. Not need to elaborate on that. There simply isn’t anything at all in the New Testament that I don’t personally view as common sense. Well, there you go again. You are smarter than the Bible. But, let me ask you a question. What was Jesus teaching? You don't even know. There are lots of things He taught that are simply common sense, but those things usually arose because the people were not doing it. They were doing the opposite. So, they put on a show of being righteous, but did not keep God's commandments. They did not have common sense, and so Christ laid it out for them. However, when you make this statement you miss is the entire message of Jesus Christ. You never even saw it. But, you will never find His message anywhere else in the world. His gospel was not about himself. He preached a gospel of the coming kingdom of God in which He would rule this world, and all of its nations by His law. He gave prophecies of exactly what would happen. There would come people preaching in His name, they would deceive others--like your Methodist friends. There would be wars, famines, disease, then it would culminate in the great tribulation, heavenly signs, 7 trumpet plagues, and a resurrection from the dead of all the faithful down through the ages. This is not preached by anyone else. Where were you when your read the Bible? Obvioulsy this may not be true for others. But it’s certainly true for me and so why should I be excluded from a religion that is from my creator? I almost feel like I’m being left out when I read the New Testament because I keep shaking my head saying “yes” and then wondering if they will ever get around to telling me something I don’t already know. This is hilarious. You don't know so much about the bible. This could only be true because you were never listening. In your head, the thoughts were rolling around about how smart you are. Of course you could not get anything from the Bible. You are. You are so smart that you can mock the Bible, but sound so foolish to anyone who does know it. If you are so smart, and the bible doesn't tell you anything you don't know, then tell me, who are the 144,000? Tell me how to count Pentecost. Tell us what the Holy days mean. Tell us what the purpose of life is and what mankind's destiny is. Christ reveals all this in the new testament, and you read over it, and yet you have no clue. You ought to start all over my friend. Art wrote:
They don't know that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, those of the flood and so on will live again, and get a chance to do it right. So you believe the Bible says these people will be reincarnated? May I ask where it states this? You tell me that you have read the bible and you think that it says reincarnated? The Bible speaks of resurrections, not reincarnations. The Bible shows that all the generations will be raised and they will be judged according to how they live once they know the truth. Christ said that those in the first resurrection at His return will rule with Him. The rest of the dead will be raised 1000 years later: rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Rev 20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. God has blinded Israel for now, but will raise them to a physical resurrection at the end of the thousand years: Ezek 37 entire chapter. God will eventually, in the future, save all Israel: Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: The generations of old will be alive with the generations in Christ's time Mat 12:41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. Mat 12:42 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. So, give me a question I can't answer, so I can do down the path you went.
Well, you may be satisfied by answers that I do not find satisfying but I’ll give it a shot. Jesus died for our sins. Why? Why was this necessary? It was necessary because it is the law. You can't understand this because you don't know God and you don't know what God is doing. He is creating a kingdom of sons and daughters--those who will be royalty and live the way that God lives. The Almighty is creating beings who will be greater than angels. They will have enormous power. Once resurrected, they will be like Jesus Christ is now. I John 3:2. God is not going to have billions of people living in His kingdom who are criminals, law breakers, who have power beyond human comprehension. Thus, His law states that breaking His commandments results in death. In this way, those who do not want to abide by His laws, who think that they know better than Him, can simply be put out of their misery--exist no more. However, that would mean we all die, therefore, there must be a means to save those who want to live God's way, but might because of being human err. Thus there was to be a substitutionary sacrifice for those individuals. There is only one life that is worth all the combined lives of humanity. That is the life the the creator. That creator is Jesus Christ. Col 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. By virtue of being our creator, His life is worth all of ours, and His sacrifice can cover ours. Further, this means of atonement, like so many aspect of God's plan is multifaceted. For example, those who accept that sacrifice will alway feel a great debt of gratitude for it, and by it our creator showed how much He loves us, and How far He is willing to go to save us. He who will ultimately judge us learned what it like to be human, and thus, He is a faithful high priest and judge for us. And more to the point, who was “paid” by this act? Keep in mind here, I’m not asking who supposedly ‘benefited’ from it. I’m asking who was being ‘paid’ for the sins of man? The Devil? Be careful how you answer, because if it was the devil who was being ‘paid’ that opens up a whole other can of worms that can become extremely messy. On the other hand, if it wasn’t the devil who was being ‘paid’ the who the hell was being ‘paid’? It certainly wasn’t mankind himself. Who does that leave? God? Why would God need to pay himself to forgive the sins of man? That makes absolutely no sense at all. The debt was to the law. Col 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; This was not the ten commandments that Christ took away. If you look up the words, it is the note of debt. The debt was owed to the law. The law requires it. If you don't respect God's law, then how can you understand. Christ could have just written it off, forgiven everyone. He didn't. And He didn't for a reason, few can understand. God would rather die than break the law. As Paul writes: Rom 7:12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. God Himself is not above the law. Neither were the kings of Israel. Without the law, there is chaos. Therefore, God does exactly what He says. He tells us to swear to our own hurt. To fulfill what we say, even if it hurts us. If we live by the law, we can live forever. If we don't live by His law, we will become like Satan the devil. He thought he knew better than God, and it leads to rebellion and destruction. We cannot in any society live without laws. God's laws are the laws of the Kingdom of God, and those who will live in that Kingdom will keep those laws. The most common suggesting to answer this problem is that God was just showing that he can play by his own rules. But once again, that just opens up a whole other can of worms that has an endless bottom of even more unanswered questions. You may find an answer that suits you, but I’m 58 years old, and I’ve been asking this question quite sincerely since my teens and I have not found a satisfactory answer yet. All of which shows to me that you are not looking for answers, but already think you have them, and not only that, your answers are superior to God's. Finally, along these same lines, there is often a mention of Christ having been the ‘sacrificial lamb’ of God to men. But this is absurd. The idea of ‘sacrificial lambs’ was popular in many man made religions and folklore even many that were far removed from any knowledge of Christianity. This notion of ‘sacrificial lambs’ to appease the angry gods is quite popular in all forms of mythologies and religions. However, even if it is a valid notion for appeasing gods. How it would work the other way around? God needs to make a sacrificial lamb to man to ‘appease him’ for his sins? This doesn’t even make any sense. So the idea of a God giving a ‘sacrificial lamb’ to appease men is totally nonsensical. Edited to add: Just for the record, talk about death being the 'wages of sin' is just mumbo jumbo and addresses nothing. That's just a wordy way to try to avoid the real question. Because the bottom line is that God can supposedly forgive sins and wash them away. The idea that there are 'wages' associated with sins that are 'beyond' God's control is also a nonsensical idea (at least to me it is and I'm the one who isn't buying these kinds of answer. ) There you have it again. God is nonsensical, but you make sense at least in your mind. The devil knew about the sacrifice of Christ and the analogy He would make with an innocent lamb. Do you not think the devil who has led us to enthusiastically celebrate the saturnalia and Ishtar would not have led these others to have similar sacrifices and similar gods? Of course he did. He is the author of confusion. He certainly has you confused by all this. The lamb as a substitutionary sacrifice as a learning tool for mankind. God does not need the lambs, oxen, goats, or doves. These Levitical sacrifices were put in place after the people sinned. It was not His original intention. Jer 7:22 For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: These were added as a schoolmaster to teach a vital lesson. That lesson is this. There is a terrible cost for sin. We take it lightly today. But when you see that it leads to a bloody death, you might think twice. Finally on the same thesis: If sin is nothing more than disobeying God, and sins can be washed away by nothing more than God’s forgiveness, then why couldn’t God have just forgiven man for all sins and just leave it at that. What with the ‘payment’ of dying on a cross. Who was paid? Who was the ‘sacrifice’ made to appease? This is central to Christianity, if you can’t answer this question with a clear and unambiguous answer you may as well toss the whole rest of the book away because this is the climax of the whole story. Who was being ‘paid’ for the sins of man? Why couldn’t God simply forgive those transgressions? Why all the blood and guts? Just for drama? God's law is absolutely vital to the stability of His Kingdom, it cannot be broken with impunity. Thus the law states that if we sin, we will die. This was made clear to Adam and Eve, and the theme runs throughout the bible. Look at the words you use. "Nothing more than disobeying God." You act like God's law is chump change. It is unimportant. I say to you today that there is nothing more important to God and there should be nothing more important to you. If Christ did not die for us and pay the debt to the law, then we could never trust God ever again. If He changed every time something did not go His way, then He would not be any different than us. He could not be trusted, and we would not want to live with a being that is as powerful as He is and who changes the rules at every whim. As smart as you are, I don't understand why you don't get it. Oh yeah, I forgot, you really don't want to get it. It is a choice you made long ago. As far as I'm concerned there is no answer in the Bible that makes sense. That's my stance and like I say, I've been at this for over 40 years now. It's highly unlikely that anyone on these forums is going to tell me something I haven't already heard a million times before. You have not heard what I have said, you can't answer the questions I posed to you. Your talk is filled with arrogance and braggadocio. You can't imagine how silly it all looks to the great God. Art |
televangelists just do it for the money.....why do you think they sit there and say "call this number and give me money and god will heal you!"....granted, yes, we can't stop them because it more than likely does fall into the freedom off religion category, but come on......does anybody honestly believe giving some crazy old man on tv a hundred dollars is gonna make god notice you? It is amazing how many people fall for it all. Shocking. Anyway, I suggest that the government is no different that the televangelists. They both want your money, so I predict that this will eventually lead to the churches losing their tax exempt status. The Government will want a piece of this part of the economy. Art |