Community > Posts By > checkinout42

checkinout42's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:19 PM
Ok adding my disasters:

#1 at 48 decided he still wanted kids after we dated for 9 months, and I cant have anymore (forgetting the fact I had a 12 year old boy who would have loved a male figure in his life)

#2 PLAYER, he had a Fiance, couple girlfriends and me..

#3 Decided since I didn't come over to see him for a couple weeks I wasn't interested anymore.. (Hello road works both ways).... and he found another girlfriend....

But I am still looking.... I seem to end up with the real winners.....

checkinout42's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:09 PM
I check caller ID and if I don't recongnize the number I let the answering machine get it. Some guy has left a message every day about some vacation package... you would think he would give up....

checkinout42's photo
Wed 04/16/08 05:19 PM
I cry, get mad, sometimes loose weight, sometimes start smoking again..... and move on......

checkinout42's photo
Wed 04/16/08 05:13 PM
I can't believe with a investigation that Dept. of Social services hasn't removed her from the house.... out of the cituation..... until they investigate it. What if it happens again?

I pray that it all works out... poor little girl, and you are beside yourself....

checkinout42's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:32 PM
Hello Everyone,

Just a quick stop to say God Bless the troops and keep them safe....flowerforyou

checkinout42's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:19 PM
I had 2 boys one when I was 21 and the other when I was 29, and it I wouldn't have had #2 by the time I was 30 I was giving up trying.... The oldest is now almost 20 (still lives at home, went to trade school for a year and now has a job THANK THE LORD).... Youngest is almost 14..... still a ways to go with him....

checkinout42's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:11 PM
There are some things I just wont settle for, others can be worked out....

checkinout42's photo
Mon 04/14/08 08:16 PM
Hey Vanessa,

Thanks to you and everyone who writes or finds the awsome poems and the words of hope and encouragement.

God Bless the troops and their families....

checkinout42's photo
Sun 04/13/08 11:51 AM
I have been cheated on and it does not feel good... I forgave the husband one time and it happened again, so he is now the ex....

checkinout42's photo
Sun 04/13/08 11:41 AM
Hey Vanessa

Hope you are having a good day!
Yep, thankfully I didn't have to go to Iraq. (My mother was thankful too otherwise she would have had to come live at my house and watch my 2 boys)

Love and Prayers for all soldiers, active, inactive, retired...... and their families that support them....flowerforyou :heart:

checkinout42's photo
Sun 04/13/08 11:32 AM
I was active duty, and in the guards for a total of 15 years and I still to this day really miss it. I joined the family support group of the national guard unit I was in. We are not as active as when their husbands/wives/children/friends were in Iraq. But it is a really nice group of woman who keep involved with the unit. And it's a nice time to meet and chat about planning family activities in the future... If they do get called to go back, we are in place to help families..

checkinout42's photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:02 AM
You will do great, you will love the switch. Kids are fun to work with....

checkinout42's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:49 AM
I am so sorry. I'm glad you are being a involved father who wants to see his son. My ex never wanted to see the boys unless it was convenient for him. She does not sound like she is following visitation days like in the divorce decree. And taking her back to court would just be a mess....

checkinout42's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:58 PM
Hey Wiccan, glad you are coming home soon....

Prayers for all the soldiers to come home soon too.flowerforyou

checkinout42's photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:35 AM

I pray for the soldiers, and their families, for their loved ones to come home safe...flowerforyou

checkinout42's photo
Fri 04/11/08 07:41 PM
I try to avoid all those fake sugars... I have found something in a health food store called stevia... not to bad either

checkinout42's photo
Fri 04/11/08 07:37 PM
I forgave my (now) ex-husband for cheating, but I never forgot only to have him cheat again.... no 2nd chances.... I pretty much believe the once a cheater always a cheater....

checkinout42's photo
Fri 04/11/08 07:23 PM
Glad you found out now instead of later. I've been played by the best on here... he was a dam god liar..... and I fell for it hook line and sinker. Even ignored the little voice that told me something wasn't right....

checkinout42's photo
Fri 04/11/08 04:48 PM
My last relationship ended when I found out my supposed boyfriend had a fiance, and another girlfriend. Man he was a good liar.... worked a lot.... (Yeah right)....

checkinout42's photo
Fri 04/11/08 04:39 PM
I too think that divorce is a easy way out now. If there is abuse, addiction or bad stuff going on and the other person will not get help or change then get out. I ended up getting a divorce after I tried to work on it for many years.

And dating now sucks.... it is so hard to find someone who can be honest and faithful.

I just keep trying....