The disease of Addiction.
The bottom line is that we make our own choices. There comes a time when you just have to let go of the idea that you can solve their problem or help them if they no longer want your help and are not willing to help themselves. I hope a cure for addiction of all kind is found. To do that, they need to discover what causes addiction in the first place. Does an alcoholic appreciate a person who is trying to help them? Ultimately, not. If anything they get angry at you if you try to come between them and their addiction. I understand this. Nobody likes to be judged or told what to do. I was asked by my brother and by his children for help. That was the only reason I went to Al-anon when he started going to AA. I don't like getting into other people's lives but they were living with me so it was not easy to be out of their lives. Their lives directly affected mine. People create their own lives. That includes alcoholics. Other people, like me, can choose to be involved in that life or not. You can't divorce your brother true enough. (You can divorce your husband.) You have a choice. You can spend your life watching someone you love destroy themselves and everyone around them, or you can choose not to have them in your life. This too is a choice. I would not let him come back into my life or live here again if he is still drinking. I realize I cannot help him. That is not denial. Jeannie Hi Jeannie yes I know its hard to watch someone kill themselves and feeling helpless and your right you cannot help them but you can help yourself hun. His addiction seems to be making you very angry see the thing is nobody could have made me quit that was my desision. If I choose to relapse that to is my choice weird thing this disease. Alanon is all about you and what the disease is doing to you and steps that you take for your happiness. Anyway Jeannie take care |
If 'God' came first...
If 'God' was before everything, if 'God' was the only thing before any type of creation(material existance), then wouldn't all things have come from 'God'? but... who created toilet paper? God did he made the trees toiletpaper is made of ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Good morning just thought I would drop in and say hi before I went out and faced the day and a cold one it is. Its with the wind -39 celcius.
We have a roundup here at the end of the month feb.22,23,24 should be a blast the keynote speaker is someone from the states. I have been not too bad as of late at least having a drink or drug has not crossed my mind. I have my family friends who are sober and just about to start a new job( getting away from construction) which is pretty slippery for me and starting to get back into social work. This thread means alot to me and the feedback has been terrific and its my wish it does continue. Anyway heres to a new day easy does it everyone and talk to you later. |
If 'God' came first...
Willy: ![]() Jonlaw: ![]() Bry: ![]() teresita: ![]() rabbit: ![]() toastedoranges: ![]() feral: ![]() Lordling: ![]() ![]() James: The understanding of 'God' by many is contained within the interpretation of the Bible reharding 'Gods' emotions, which you realize that I believe are indeed... misplaced and human ones. Hiya wench... ![]() wouldee: Hello my friend... ![]() I realize your conviction(s) concerning 'God', Jesus, and spirit. Sometimes your delivery puzzles me... for instance, you posted: the Father only speaks through the Son.
Clear enough of a message for many to understand, I suppose, until later in the same post, when you also claimed something that seemed quite different: God speaks to all, not all listen.
Those two different viewpoints are at odds with each other, are they not? Perhaps it is I who have misunderstood you here? All that cannot understand this are all that will not study personally the accuracy of the revelation of God and the Creator and how this is relevant to nature and the created world.
That statement seems a little presumptious my friend, most unlike most of what I have read from you. ![]() "This is the oddity. That Christ is somehow opposed to the awareness of God by the individual, apart from Him. When in truth, He is embraced by all that truly worship God in spirit and in truth as being in step with the same.
I have understood many of the parables which are reported to have been Jesus' words refer directly to what is within one... The kingdom of 'God'... So, actually I believe that it is Christianity which has made the separation not Jesus. "
Would it not be fair to say that sin is the true seperation,and only through the blood of the sinnless christ that we are even capable of talking with God. In God their is no sin But carnal interpretations of the image of the church in truth have eroded the simplicity of God's presence and care over all of our lives. Agreed!!! ![]() No one hears from or communiccates directly with the Father,
Again, wouldee?... This is a different perspective than you have already given once, while at the same time being the same perspective that you also have already given once. God either does or does not speak to an individual. I wonder which you believe to be true? In or out, we all must face life with the knowledge that we are all being governed the same, and that our choices dictate the path of our experiences.
Ahhhh.... so much obvious truth in this statement, however do all understand it as I? Moving forward while looking back on lessons does not bring truth any closer to our hearts, but rather limits truth to being an opinion or an observation: both of which are delusional and not even an illusion created by a lucid thought, but rather a indiscernable myth and postulate unique unto their respective embrace.
This would all depend on what one is movings towards and/or away from, would it not? Delusional? ![]() ![]() anoasis: I don't know. I suppose it depends on how extensive your "everything" is...
When speaking of a monotheistic 'God' which must be prior to all other things, 'God' was everything, before anything else. Polytheism would not be supported with this concept... ![]() For all I know we could be part of an art contest or science experiment. I choose to believe that there is a creator. And I think of the creator as being outside that creation. But it doesn't upset me to think that I might be a teeny tiny piece of a part of a scrap of a canvas of an amature artist... .
I do not believe in the notion of intentional creation by reason of a 'God' which was everything, thereby could not have been able to distinguish anything from nothing... after all 'God' was everything before anything else. In this thread, I earlier explained this conclusion, so it is not necessary not go into it all in detail once again... ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
hello all, it's been awhile since I posted. I have a friend who violated his parole (DWI) and has spent the last 5 mo. finishing jail time. I met him this summer at a small town celebration. He was drinking and I didn't know he was a recovering alcoholic. He slipped off the wagon and ended up in detox and failed to make it to his parole officer's weekly meeting. I had three weeks to get to know him and we were hitting it off until everything happened. I'm scared to death, cuz he gets out next Mon. and wants to know if we can see each other. I'm wondering if I should not start anything w/ him, cuz he may need rehab (he doesn't think so). I want him to NOT WANT TO DRINK, FOR HIMSELF... NOT CUZ I WANT HIM TO STOP. Is that a smart thing??? Hi again and nice to see you again. Yes its not only the smart thing to do its probably the only way he is going to quit. Alcohol is more powerful than even love to a alcoholic just ask anyone who is in Alanon. my prayers will be with the both of you and please keep comming . |
If 'God' came first...
thats the beautiful thing about North America if we do not like something especially as adults we usally do not go. In a religous fourm what did you think they were going to talk about. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Hey Everyone thanks for the valuable feedback and yes I really need to focus on myself for awhile. We have ended this relationship and I have deleted this person from my contacts. I actually feel relieved because deep down I knew I was headed to disaster and so I talked with my niece who has been sober for 11 years now and made the decision after talking to the lady in my relationship. I am not going to get into detail about why this occurred as I do not have a right to feel better at anothers expense. Anyway thank you all and will check in later.
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Could anyone help ???
At the end of it all you will have gained more strength. Good luck my friend
The disease of Addiction.
Yes it is good to see this still going as sometimes I just come here and read the posts and am reminded I am not alone.
I have met someone here and that has complicated things a little in my life and I am still not sure if its to the better or not. my family is concerned because they really do not want me to get hurt or relapsed but I,m a big boy and whatever happens I know I have friend right here I can turn to for advice or even experience so again thanks for being here each and everyone of you. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Hi Trout, I read this in the big book: We have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness. This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our lifetime. Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them. We discuss them with someone immediately and make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help. Love and tolerance of others is our code. A friend O' Bill's ![]() So true because if we let those things creep in again we get sick all over and became in danger of active relapse. I really appreciate your posts I have been busy lately not really knowing if it is to the best or not but in least I try I will never no. I know one thing though whatever the outcome I won,t have to pick up. Thanks again for your input |
The disease of Addiction.
Good morning everyone hope everyone is having a great day. I will be on and off all day so will make some posts a little later. Been having a bit of a rough time these last few days but they great thing about it I know longer have to pick up. Anyway talk with you all later.
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The disease of Addiction.
Step. Three. Made a decision to turn our will, and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. This is I need a power greater than myself to basically live my life. Because left up to my own devices I am a back alley dope fiend and a low bottom drunk. ![]() My late husband was the first person I ever heard call his higher power a door knob? He quit doing that however after some time. No...I had nothing to do with that. It was however where I got a better understanding of God for me. We used to tell guests to use whatever they felt worked for them in place of God, if that was what they needed. Kat Yes there was this guy here who put the number 2 bus as his higher power because it had the power to pass right my the Barry Hotel where he did not. ( Hey whatever works) lol ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Step. Three.
Made a decision to turn our will, and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. This is I need a power greater than myself to basically live my life. Because left up to my own devices I am a back alley dope fiend and a low bottom drunk. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
My sponsor, also, said "Longevity is a beautiful thing. The hours turn into days, the days turn into weeks, the weeks turm into months, the months turn into years. We read the book, talk to one another, take the steps, and we grow in our spirituality, but all we really have is today." That is how it began for me. I had to take it one day a time, because my mind could not wrap itself around the idea that I could not have a drink forever. Here I am 20 years later, "One Day At A Time". Anonymous Not You are so right all we got is today. Some people just put a few more 24 hours together ,but it really starts with a decision. Thank -you so much for shareing and giveing me hope to last another 24 hours ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
addiction i say congradulations to all who have overcome the battle.i have seen many lifes cut short and although i never had that problem i can say that nomatter what drug of choice it is it is not easy it is a disease and people think that you just stop well it is in no way that easy.i smoked for 20 years and the withdraw just from cigarettes was i can only imagine what it must be like to overcome something much day at a time and get a sponsor if you are ever having a bad day call your sponsor.good luck and best wishes continue to win the war. Thank-you candy for your kind words. And congrats in quitting smoking that really is a hard on to overcome and my hat off to you. Well have to go to my meeting soon so take care and please come back |
The disease of Addiction.
Hi all how is everyone doing today? Its a great day to be alive and clean and sober. Will write more later on tonight.
The disease of Addiction.
kuddos to those struggling day to day to stay safe and sane. much for the spirit of anonimity and attraction rather than promotion. Sigh,,,whatever happened to the Traditions? Hi and welcome. I notice in your profile that you said you drink on ocassion I do not know weather you have a problem or not thats your call but when you talk of the traditions I feel you have had some exposioure to some 12 step program. Again if you ever want to talk there is alot of people here willing to help. Hope you have a nice day ![]() Thanks J Having recovered from the seemingly hopless state of mind and body, thanks to Bill, Bob and the rest of the gang. I no longer frequent meetings. Still practice my program. I've had many years of exposure, and have been able to give back a little of what was given to me. But I don't believe once an alcoholic always an alcoholic. People who disappear from meetings don't always go back to their old ways, they just quietly live life on life's terms. ![]() Hi again and thanks. I tried going back lots of times only to get worse so now I have surrendered to the fact that for me to drink is to die. But if you can do it then my hats off to you I would like to thank you for being honest and please come back if you wish. Hope you have a great day ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
kuddos to those struggling day to day to stay safe and sane. much for the spirit of anonimity and attraction rather than promotion. Sigh,,,whatever happened to the Traditions? Hi and welcome. I notice in your profile that you said you drink on ocassion I do not know weather you have a problem or not thats your call but when you talk of the traditions I feel you have had some exposioure to some 12 step program. Again if you ever want to talk there is alot of people here willing to help. Hope you have a nice day ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
This sounds eerily like my Miss Chrystal. Oddly enough this young lady is from the same county and town I was, when it was written. She is also a friend of one of my sons. She was a meth user as well as a drinker. She was very young. They found this poem(letter)after her death in a dresser drawer. ========================================================= Meet Mr. and Mrs. Crystal Meth. I'LL destroy homes – I'll tear families apart. I'll take your children and that's just a start. I'm more valued than diamonds, more precious than gold. The sorrow I'll bring is a sight to behold. If you need me, remember, I'm easily found. I live all around you, in school and in town. I live with the rich, I live with the poor. I live just down the street and maybe next door. I'm made in a lab, but not one like you think. I can be made under the kitchen sink, I'm in your child's closet, and even out in the woods. If this scares you to death, then it certainly should. I have many names. But there's one you'll know best. I'm sure you've heard of me, my name is Crystal Meth. My power is awesome, try me, you'll see. But if you do, you may never break free. Just try me once and I might let you go. But if you try me twice, then I'll own your soul. When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie. You'll do what you have to do, just to get high. The crimes you commit for my narcotic charms, Will be worth the pleasures you feel in my arms. You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad. When you see their tears, you must feel sad. Just forget your morals and how you were raised. I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways. I'll take kids from their parents; I'll take parents from their kids. I'll turn people from God, I'll separate friends. I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride. I'll be with you always, right by your side. You'll give up everything, your family, your home. Your money, your true friend, then you'll be alone. I'll take and take till you have no more to give. When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live. If you try me, be warned, this is not a game. If I'm given the chance, I'll drive you insane. I'll ravage your body; I'll control your mind. I'll own you completely; your soul will be mine. The nightmares I'll give you when you're lying in bed, And the voices you'll hear from inside your head. The sweats, the shakes, and the visions from me. I want you to know these things are gifts from me. But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart That you are now mine and we shall not part. You'll regret that you tried me (they always do). But you came to me, not I to you. You knew this would happen. Many times you've been told. But you challenged my power, You chose to be bold. You could have said no and then walked away. If you could live that day over now, what would you say? My power is awesome, as I told you before. I can take your life and make it so damned and sore. I'll be your master and you'll be my slave. I'll even go with you when you go to your grave. Now that you've met me, what will you do? Will you try me or not? It's all up to you. I can show you more misery than words can tell. Come take my hand, let me lead you to HELL. Wow that was powerful and want to thank-you from the bottom of my heart. Thats what this thread is all about ( Sharing) Again thank-you and hope you keep comming ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Hi everybody, I say, to know me is to love me! You really don't know me from this Online dating site, unless we have a long term relationship either by email or by phone. I ain't no saint, but I know that by shring my experience, strength and hope, I may help someone else. i just try to carry the message. Sorry if I broke the rules..... Anonymous v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v NOT!!!! Hi my friend sorry I haven,t been able to get back soon pesky work thing lol any I think the traditions apply to press, radio and film and when I look up and down this thread everyone has a user name so I feel comfortable with what we are doing. ![]() |