Community > Posts By > jonlaw

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 10:02 AM
the only miracle is you making up your mind to do it ..unless you need someone to kidnap you and force you to ..even that may not work eventually have to take responsibility for oneself

agreed. and addictions are not diseases, saying that only makes someone sound weak.

a disease is something you have no control over.

There is alot of Doctors who would disagree with you one being Dr. Ammes a expert in the field of diease. The American journal of medicine classes addiction as a disease. You get your information from where???

thanks for your input

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 09:32 AM
Thanks Turlepoet

I am off to a few appointment will be back on later on. Have yourself a good day and I feel as I have made a new friend today. " Keep your Faith' and your " Faith will keep You'. Later.:smile:

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 09:09 AM

I suggest the rest of us just ignore him,

how rude ..

now I know how Glenn Close felt in the movie "Fatal Attraction" ..well that movie title does kind of explains this thread

as usual a christian tries to think for everyone and tell them to ignore someonme just because that people disagree with their belief ..this is a forum where issues are discuss and debated ..isn't that how you stayed in an addiction because you didn't think you should listen to anything or anyone but your addiction you're still being closed minded

Wow I never expected this, as this was suppose to a helping and sharing thread and it still going to be. Funches why do you insist on spreading negativity I mean look at all your entries its all about you. There is something I am close minded about and thats the way I choose to recover. This thread is not all about Christians or anyones spiritual beliefs ,its about people helping people. I fail to see where you have tried to help anyone but yourself and selfishnes is what addicts and alcoholics try and avoid.

Please try and keep this thread positive as a human being.

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 08:47 AM
If you go to Timothy it reads a thousand years is as a day to God maybe look on it on them terms.

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 08:36 AM


The trouble with us alcoholics was this; We demanded that the world give us happiness and peace of mind in just the paticular order we wanted to get it-- by the alcohol route. And we wern,t successful. But when we take time to find out some of the spiritual laws, and familiarize ourselves with them and put them into practice ,then we do get happiness and peace of mind...There seem to be some rules that we have to follow,but happiness and peace of mind are always here, open and free to anyone.

" Dr Bob and the goodoldtimers p. 308

The simplicity of the AA program teaches me that happiness isn,t something I can demand. It comes upon me quietly, while I serve others. In offering a hand to the newcommer or to someone who has relapsed, I find that my own sobriety has been recharged with indescribable gratitude and happiness.

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 08:02 AM
Funches, your lack of education in NA is very obvious. First off, once an addict always an addict, the differance is abstinence from the substance. And the saying in NA is nothing about "never feeling bad again", the philosophy is actualy that it gets harder without our crutch aka problem drug, which is one of the reasons peer support is so important.

Praise God for sending my PO to lock me up, my addiction would have killed me otherwise;^]

That about sums it up I 2 was locked up ,but have ben out since 1986 up to that I had did close to 12 years in and out I call it life on the layaway plan lol. My last was 5and a half years. I have been in and out of the program ever since but they always said "keep comming back" and here I am I will share more of my story as this thread evolves. I just love alcoholics and addicts once we clean up there is a bond that only God could create. Again thak-you for being here my friend.

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 07:40 AM
Been clean & sober a little over 5 years here, nov. 7th 2002 marks the beggining of my clean time. I'm lucky enough that after a few months clean I was able to continue on my own. Unfortunatly most addicts or alchohalics cannot do so. People who try to beat addiction on their own usualy fail for lack of peer support and lack of tools for maintaining sobreighty, as the saying goes, insanity is doing the same thing over & over while expecting differant results. Of course, people who've never experianced severe addictions will never understand fully because they can't comprehend how our addictions made our choices for us. In the new season of the wire (on HBO), on the second episode it began with a scene of an NA meeting and the lady speaker of that scene summed it up well. She said she told herself she'd never trick, then after she was tricking she made new rules which she then implied went out the window as well. Followed up by saying setting these rules is only making a list of things you will do once your inner addict tells you to. And that's the reality of addiction and in my using days I too broke every rule I put in front of myself. God by my side I'll be sober again today, my name is Timothy and I AM an addict;^]

Wonderful share and congrats on your clean time. Ya I always had standards also just when I drank or drugged I would lower them thats all lol.

I hope you will keep dropping in even if its just to say hi. I don,t know where this thread is going,but I feel it can be useful to the still suffering addict/alcoholic or whatever addictions one might have.

There is even non addicts offering to help others and that is so cool. Anyway nice to meet you Timoth my name is Brian and I to am a addict.

Your Brother in Recovery. Brian:smile:

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:32 AM
Hey Holland,
You've taken the first step to recovery; admission. GOOD for you. Do you want to be well? Email me & we can talk. I practice Life Coaching. Give it some thought. I'll be there for you or anyone else.
T:tongue: mie

Hi Tomie nice to see you again my friend. Hope you are having a good day. Thank-you so much for offering your time. Its wonderful to see people helping people its people like you that make this world just a little better place to live.

Take Care and please keep returninghappy

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:23 AM
Working on my 25th year of being clean and sober but all I got is today. But what a beautiful day. It is so much restful to go to sleep and wake up than to pass out and come to. Got to go to a great meeting in Harrison, Arkansas called the AWOL group. We have new NA meetings springing up all over Arkansas thanks to Drug Court.

Hi my friend yes you are so right we only have today and what a wonderful day it is.Thank you for stopping by to share a little of yourself. Hope you have a wonderful day it seems you are off to a good start. Hope to see you soon.

Your brother in Recovery. :smile:

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:01 AM
Hi jonlaw.

Formally possessed myself. Still an addict; just not active.
Twenty plus years. First alcohol...then pot....then meth...coke....then alcohol...then back again...over and over and over again.

I have been clean for many years now. I do not count the years, because it became something that made me think about it too much. Since I quit thinking about the months and years; I had an easier time of it.

Not everyone can do what I do; but I can drink wine without wanting to do it again the next day. I partake very rarely. But, if I were to drink hard liquor, I would be in trouble.

Then I would be right back out there doing all of it all over again.

Stay healthy man. Never try and do it alone. I was very fortunate to have a firm support system in place.

I also helped counsel and held meetings in my own home for quite some time. Then worked very hard at getting a house for our meetings which grew beyond my expectations. Took meetings to prisons, halfway houses, treatment centers, and traveled all over the tri state area taking people with me. It was a blast.


Thank-you so much for sharing your story it means alot to me and its nice to see someone else helping others. Yes I remember the meth and coke lost it all a few times. It like the people on this thread that help me also just by sharing their stories and hopes. Again thank-you so much for sharing it has made my day so far.

( A brother in recovery):smile:

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:55 AM
Good thread, jonlaw. I'm glad you started it. flowerforyou

Big ol honkin hug, feral (quick b'fore the aliens spot us again)

Thank-you I admire the people s honesty and I do hope we can keep this going it might be the thing that keeps a person clean and sober one more day. I hope you have a wonderful day and hope to hear from you again.:smile:

jonlaw's photo
Thu 01/17/08 05:48 AM
im addicted to masturbation
and sex
and alcohol
and girls
and it would probably be best to name sex again

Welcome my friend. Now that you have admitted your problem I hope you are willing to do something about it. Remember when we stop using we have to stop using, people,places, and things.

I notice you are a soldier and you have good qualities. I wish you all the best and help is here if you want it.

Hope to hear from you again. happy

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:34 PM

Hi: I would like to talk about addiction be it alcoholic ao drugs.

I myself grew up in a aloholic home and by the age of 2 I was hospitalized because of a skipping rope beating from my mother who was a alcoholic,she died by the age of 58.

I stuck the first needle in my arm at age 15 and became alcoholic by the age of 19. I continued to do drugs and alcohol off and on til about a little over 2 months ago and this time I really want to continue with my sobriety.

The book says "that probably no human power could have relieved my alcoholism but God could and would if He were sought.

This is why for me there is a God because I have seen many miracles along the way. I ended up getting my social work degree and have worked in detox and before that I volunteered there cleaning rooms and socializing with other drunks.

So I would like to hear from anyone who wishes to post something with your views on this subject.


I've lived through three ODs (obviously :tongue:)

I have friends and family members that are addicts, several have ODed and have passed away.


Thanks for posting on this subject and I admire your honesty. Anytime your ready to quit feel free to e-mail me and just talk I care man.

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:22 PM
Friend of Bill W. Anyone ever needs to talk email me.

Thank-you and I am another friend of Bill. W. There is this common bond that I can not explain. I am glad you are here my friend.

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:18 PM
Shalom Jonlaw.

yahweh does things in his timing. You or we do not know that Yahweh allowed what happened to you for a greater good. It sounds you found it in your heart to help others.. it reminds me of Romans 8:28

Rom 8:28-30

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

May Your Work Continue To Glorify Yahweh....Blessings..Miles


Thank you so much you are right anything good God is doing it and you sound alot like what I believe in I would love to talk to you about that if I may

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 04:58 PM

I am going through this right now. My brother is an alcoholic and I moved him from San Diego in October. This last Monday his landlady called the police as he was so drunk and out of control. I tried to get him to go to detox and into a 12-step.....and he said no....And as anyone who has gone through this knows.....It has to be a decision the addict cannot make it for them. Now this is Wednesday and He is in a hotel drunk. I finally went over their and told him...ok I see you have made your choice....and left.

I will not have anything to do with hard as that is.....

I found my father dead on his living room drunk he had fallen on a lamp and bled out.....and died.

My sister died at 18 in an accident, where she to was drunk. And my mom at this is something I am not only very familiar with....but also have broken the cycle as far as my family by the grace of God.....


I must say your post has touched my heart, and yes you sure are not a stranger to this disease hun.

I do not know weather you know that there is help for people that this disease has touched from others drinking.

If there is anything I can do or say please e-mail me and again thank-you so mush for sharing it surley means the world to me.

thank you very much.....I teach and help others also....which truly helps me also. And I might just take you up on the e-mail. I know the Lord will never give me more then I can handle, and that it's not up to me for my brother to break this......I told him as I was leaving that his only hope is to get on his knees and give it to God.....thats all I can do at this point...And pray pray pray and then just when I think I can't do it anymore.....pray pray pray

Thanks jon.....I feel I have met a kindred spirit.

Oh I am so proud of you to keep your faith in such tradgedy and to help others God is sure using you as a instrument of His peace.

You desrve to be happy and I hope you will find it. For me God works through people and today I feel He has worked through you to help me so thank- you very much:smile:

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 04:05 PM
I am going through this right now. My brother is an alcoholic and I moved him from San Diego in October. This last Monday his landlady called the police as he was so drunk and out of control. I tried to get him to go to detox and into a 12-step.....and he said no....And as anyone who has gone through this knows.....It has to be a decision the addict cannot make it for them. Now this is Wednesday and He is in a hotel drunk. I finally went over their and told him...ok I see you have made your choice....and left.

I will not have anything to do with hard as that is.....

I found my father dead on his living room drunk he had fallen on a lamp and bled out.....and died.

My sister died at 18 in an accident, where she to was drunk. And my mom at this is something I am not only very familiar with....but also have broken the cycle as far as my family by the grace of God.....


I must say your post has touched my heart, and yes you sure are not a stranger to this disease hun.

I do not know weather you know that there is help for people that this disease has touched from others drinking.

If there is anything I can do or say please e-mail me and again thank-you so mush for sharing it surley means the world to me.

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 12:29 PM
the first and only step should be to stop using it


I am not going to tell you how you do or if,however there is more to addiction than just the using its a inside job my friend and a person has got to deal with that.

Its also about helping others giving away freely what was freely given to me.

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:38 AM
There is the 12-step way and the cognitive therapy way. Whatever works!

I totally agree with you.

jonlaw's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:38 AM

The book says "that probably no human power could have relieved my alcoholism but God could and would if He were sought.

the only huiman that has that power to relieve your alcoholism is yourself

Afaid I have to disagree with you there Iv,e seen the miracles heard the insanity laugh out of about 2-3 million people worldwide all can not be wrong and you the only one right sorry my friend