The disease of Addiction.
Step One.
WE addmitted we were powerless over our addictions--that our lives had become unmanageable. For me this step is twofold, It means total surrender yes I am licked and accepting that. The other means that my life is a total mess I had gone so far down the ladder that a snakes butt looked like a star. I would like if others shared their views on this step in hoes maybe others will be helped by seeing something that might help them. I will post a step a day till the 12 steps are posted thanks. |
The disease of Addiction.
Would a Drink/Drug Help? Jan.18/2008
By going back in our old drinking/drugging histories,we could show that years before we realized it were out of control,that our drinking/drugging even then was no mere habit,that it was indeed the beginning of a fatal progression. ( Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions p.23) When I was drinking/drugging I could,nt respond to any of lifes situations the way other,more healthy people could.The smallest incident triggered a state of mind that believed I have to have a drink/or drug to numb my feeling. But the numbing didn,t improve the situation, so I sought further escape in the bottle/drug. Today I must be aware of my alcoholism/addiction. I cannot afford to believe that I have gained control of my drinking/drugging---- or again I will think I have gained control over my life.Such a feeling of control is fatalto my recovery. ( From Daily Reflections p26) |
The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head & spoke: "Lord bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen." wow God can even make bears talk but amazingly can't give an amputee their limb back ....a talking bear? ..must have been yogi the bear and booboo was yogi and boo boo...speaking of miracles.... the doctors were gonna take half of my mother's stomach due to cancer ... and on the sixth day of looking at this growth in her stomach , her doctor emerged from his lab and told her that there was no sign of cancer and that he could not understand it~ ![]() there was "nothing " medically to substantiate the missing cancerous growth Praise the Lord ~ ![]() Thanks for your unmoveable faith Rapunzel you have been an inspiration to me the way you handle adversity. With people like you the world is just that much better off for it.:flowerforyou |
i believe so strongly Abra that if you were so happy and so free ~ and so secure in your existence & your convictions ~ Abra ~ truly ~
it would not even matter to you ~ one smidgeon ~ what any one of us who profess Christianity says or does ~ thinks or doesn't think Do you think that just because I’m happy I should be content to sit back and watch cancer consume others? To me, Christianity is cancer of the spirit. It’s seriously harmful and detrimental to humanity in general. It has a terrible historical record of driving mankind in the wrong directions. Do you realize that it was Christians who came to America and ran the natives here off their land calling them savages? Do you realize that it was Christians who went to church to be saved by Jesus whilst their African slaves picked cotton in their field. Yes, Christianity, the supposedly ‘godly’ religion. It’s bigotry gone wild, is what it is. Someday humanity will finally be rid of this terrible spiritual disease. until the Lord returns, there will always be people who misuse the name of Christ that does not mean that He is any less important or magnificent {{{ you are so hung up on what people have done by misappropriating the Name & Power of Jesus that you fail to see Jesus for who He really is }}} and no matter what anyone says.... ![]() & no matter how you hate to hear it ![]() The Birth ~ Life ~ Death and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ has had the most monumental significance in all of history ![]() Does not the bible read " many will come in my name saying I am He" (saying yes Jesus is Lord) and will decieve many" |
The disease of Addiction.
Good Morning:
Sure is a nice morning to be clean and sober and have have a personal relationship with a power greater than ourselves.I know for me to use again is to die. When I was 19 I use to share needles and contacted Hep.B. and still continued to drink and it really damaged my liver. Then somewhere along the way about 15 years ago I contacted Hep. C. and still I would drink and drug. Right now my liver is really damaged where my platelets which stops bleeding and is produced by the liver is really low. A normal count is 450 and mine are at 39, but I am positive with being clean and sober I will heal. I do not feel sick other than the normal road to recovery stuff . I would like to thank all for bing here this is not my thread it is ours because without you guys I am just a back alley dope fiend/ alcoholic |
The disease of Addiction.
One of the things we do at our meetings is to give a good hand clap even for the one day or surrender chips. It is helpful to remember that even that first successful day without alcohol or mind altering chemicals was a major milestone in recovery. Thinking back even a successful hour was really something. I remember when I first really accepted that my problem was the disease was after that first relapse. When in my mind that it wasn't anything but the disease and I could actually identify the problem. It was like I had a name for it and I wasn't just insane. It was then that I had my first spiritual experience which was different than my first religious experience which was not to make light of either one of them. But at that point it was like I had a conscious contact rather than just a contact. I hope I will always remember that moment of clarity because I was so deep in the fog but for a moment the fog had lifted. It was like so much of my life was a blackout that to try to remember just separate blackouts took much later to realize. Of course, I tried to share it with others but realized that I needed saving worse than anyone else and it helped me to realize the difference of salvation and recovery. As long as I could make the meetings I didn't have to lose contact with my higher power. Hey nice to see you this morning rainbow yes I sure know what you mean about when a person realizes that addiction is a disease,it was like my God I am human after all. When I first went to N.A. boy I was sure shy of the hugs I would stiffen up tighter than a drum lol. Anyway thank-you so much for dropping by and hope to see you again soon. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
I can recite those 12 steps and traditions by heart. I did it all the time in meetings. As did many of us. It was a game of sorts to be able to do it. Have a good night jon. Kat Goodnight still haven,t gone to bed. I am looking forward to your input tomorrow you have so much to give some of us need to hear what you have to say. Nite have a good rest ![]() |
also "the truth will set you free" Hey my friend in which part of the bible does it say "looking for a intimate encounter ,come and get it. You cant have it both ways. I read your profile because your posts were right on,but was dissappointed when I saw that. Are you not also seveing your fleshy desires. ![]() |
The Laws the Law
In the courts does it not say "In God WE Trust" ? The flip side in all of this is if people do not want God then eventually they will loose His protection.I feel this is happening already.
The disease of Addiction.
Hi Everyone.
Thank you all for your experiece, strength, and hope I feel like I know alot of you personally this means alot to me. I feel most of us agree that addiction is a disease a few naysayers but most agree. This disease destroys our whole being.the physical,emotional, mental, and the spiritual. The physical is our health,emotional is how we feel, mental is how we think and spiritual is our connection to God as we understand Him. These are all interconnected ie if we are sound mentally then we will feel good (emotional)if we feel good emotionally then we are feeling good spiritually all of this equals a balanced life. I forgot to add is the primary disease of addiction leads to alot of secondary diseases ie liver disease,kidney failure heart disease,pancrious, korsacoffs disease(wet brain).And on it goes. Now I would like to introduce one step a day and see the input of eachothers views on what it means to them and by the 12th day lets see how we feel. And please fel free to share on anything else. Went to a meeting tonight and am tired so good nite and hope to see all tomorrow. Love ya,s ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Just stopping by to give Jon a huge hug......Thanks for the vent yesterday it did a world of good......It amazes me how the Lord knows exactly when you need something and in your path it goes. Thanks Thank -you we all helped eachother and I repect your story and value your input I will remember your brother in my prayers. Everyone one here has helped me remain clean and sober one more day. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Isn't it amazing what can come from jail? THE LIFE This is the life, if you don't say "nope" and you've dedicated you're life to dope. Whether you snort, slam or smoke a glass dic. You've sold you're soul to something really SICK. You don't notice, but you're life will change. You'll become scarey, and something strange. People offer you food, thinking of you're condition. They see you all torn up from malnutrition. Once again you pass the food on the table, and go to another issue, for now you are able. You spin around town thinking you are cool. Puck what they think, you're nobody's fool. But one by one, people leave you alone. Their starting to see the monster you've grown. First it's you're friends, you're kids, you're husband or wife............ you're convinced you don't need them trashing you're life. Then one day you realize they are all part of a conspiracy. You shake that thought and do another blast. Thinking and wondering, how long will this last? What once was days now have no length. You're habits roll on growing in strength. Now you get a brainstorm and think you should deal. Now---------The Sheit just took a turn. You've jumped into the fire and started to burn. At first you're shaken and taken, and treated like a lame. But before long you're hip to the game. First thing you realize and this is a must. Is that you are the only only one that you can trust. Now all you're time is spent making rounds. First quarters, grams, then ounces and pounds. Now on to the last chapter of the book. Ha! You decide you're gonna be a cook. You know in you're heart it's gonna be trouble. Sitting in the lab watching the bubble. Now things in the life are too freaking intense. You think what happened? It doesnt make sense. Then one night you're sitting and minding the store. When 16 punk cops come crashing through the door! They slam you down with their feet in you're chest. And say "Hello stupid" You're under arrest! You know it's all over when you get to court. There's 15 informants on you're report. While you walk the yard you have time to reflect, on how your life has become so wrecked. Then suddenly you have flashes like a neon sign..........hey there brother, want another line? Suddenly you realize in a world of strife. The price is heavy for living " the life" Kat Wow that is powerfull I just do not know what to say it speaks for itself. Thank You for the privledge of your experince. |
The disease of Addiction.
ha, you telling me to stfu? lol STFU???? shut the .... up That was lame |
The disease of Addiction.
listen... i'm not at all trying to lessen you lot's victory over addiction. if anything, my way of thinking is better imo. you were responsible for your addictions and your actions just as you are now. you have beaten something that's hard. you yourself and noone else. you've shown that you have the strength to overcome. don't cheapen it by saying it was anything but you Fact is we are not responsible for our diease, however we are responsible for our own recovery. |
The disease of Addiction.
cancer is a disease, are you all seriously telling me that alcoholism and drug addiction are on the same field as cancer? in my eyes, and the eyes of many, you are hurting your own cause by speaking as if it were. I can not see that in the eyes of many do you actually believe your own bull**** ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Addiction can take many forms.. Some are even addicted to self. Nice point, doc. jonlaw, keep it rollin, this thread is depicting reality. You all are maintaining equilibrium, quite inspiring y'all! thank you for being here and your support that means alot ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Define death differently from either and then maybe we'll talk...... lemme just go to the hospital and get those cancer patients in a self help program ![]() I don,t know anything about your story other than what you post here and from this post well ...I,m stuck for words ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Concur; my actions in the beginning were absolutely my own. In the middle and the end....not so much. My true self would never commit armed robbery. I would never hit someone with my car. I would never kidnap and tape and tie another. In my own mind I would never hire someone to injure another. In my own mind, I would never try and kill myself. Under the influence of drugs.....anything can happen. And usually does. As I have story is long and shameful. And a mind that hasn't been deadened...will never place themselves in predicaments that I have. The drugs will and do kill our humanity. So much so...that I did not recognize myself. Kat Kat Oh the things we done while in our disease is not who we are its just the things we did. I am grateful for people like you who share their stories in order to contribute thanks ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
godbless you all and stay strong there might be a long road ahead but be confident and you will be able to conqure anything Thank you hope you stick around and share. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
"i am weak" is all i read You have to look further than your ego my friend |